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I’m so proud that you chose to invest in yourself. I promise you
that this will be one of the best decisions you have ever made.
On this page, what is needed from you is very simple: I just
need you to commit to following the steps outlined in this
eBook. Something brought you here that intrigued you and I can
promise you that everything happens for a reason. It is no
coincidence that you are right here right now in this moment, so
take heed to it and take it very seriously. THE ONLY WAY
say this out loud right now: “I will not quit until I succeed.”
Now that it’s said, I expect you to be a man/woman of your
word and stand on that unless you are the type of person who
lies to themself, which I hope isn’t the case. But enough of the
motivational talk, screenshot this page, post it on your Instagram
story and sign it to dedicate to yourself and me that you will
finish this eBook and see your success through to the end:

Signature: X_______________________________________




Hi! I bet you’re wondering, “Who is this attractive young man
and why is he qualified to teach me how to start and scale my
Shopify business?!” Don’t worry, I would be thinking the same
thing too if I were you!

Well hey, my name is Justin Phillips (@ihoenation on IG) and I

co-own a lifestyle/clothing brand called Support Black
Colleges (@supportblackcollege on IG) which I was able to
scale to multiple seven figures within only two years. Before
going all-in on e-commerce, I owned and operated an Instagram
growth business that serviced 200+ clients, one of who, among
many noteworthy individuals and businesses, was Tyler Perry
Studios. I specialize in social media growth/strategy and paid
advertising. In the early days of growing my business, I spent
hundreds of thousands of dollars running ads and generated
millions from it. I am now consistently generating hundreds
of thousands of dollars per month and am on track to scale my
business to eight figures within the next year… But it didn’t
start off this sweet!

I won’t take too long here because I know you all came for
value and I promise there will be plenty of actionable, strategic
items that others would never share in this eBook. But I think
it’s important to know where I started from so it doesn’t seem
like I’m some genius marketing guru that knew everything from
the beginning because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I
started out by drop-shipping various trendy items from a
general store.

General store: a store that sells a wide variety of different items

like kitchen supplies, pet items, etc. (for example,

Niche store: a store that sells products that service a specific

niche like fishing, basketball, etc. (for example, my brand,

I was working one of the 3 jobs I’ve ever had at the

time. I’d work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and then come home and work
on my store from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. I spent multiple weeks
building the store and even longer learning how to market it.


My mindset was so scarce at the time—I gave myself a $15
budget for ad spend and if that didn’t pan out then I was done
with that business model because “it didn’t work.” You can
imagine what happened next: I started the ads and relentlessly
checked my business manager every hour for three days and was
greeted with a grand total of ZERO SALES. Needless to say,
the business ended shortly after that, and I resorted to some very
negative activity that I am so grateful to say that I have escaped
since then. Only after my current business partner contacted me
about moving to Atlanta from my hometown of Houston, Texas
did ideas of getting back into e-commerce resurface. My
business partner, Corey Arvinger (@MrArvinger on IG), called
me and told me he wanted to pick up Support Black Colleges
(SBC) again because he hadn’t been putting his all into it for the
past 4 years. I toyed with the idea of moving to Atlanta but I
ended up not going until six months after he invited me. I had
hit rock bottom in my life and as humans, we are only motivated
by two things: inspiration or desperation…and I was desperate
for change. I packed everything I had that could fit in my Grey
Nissan Altima and drove straight to Atlanta, making only one
stop on the way (Houston to Atlanta is a twelve-hour drive,


Instead, look towards the positive in life and be pulled by it
from a place of abundance. Don’t wait until you are backed in a
corner to act. You must know in your mind that the corner is
there waiting on you and be inspired to do what is necessary in
the moment to progress your life right now!

I told my partner multiple times that SBC could be making

100K a month based on the knowledge I had of what paid
advertising could do, so a month after I moved to Atlanta, we
began to take the business seriously. Corey had 20K worth of
inventory already on hand so we came to the agreement that I
would send him 10K to pay for half and we would become
50/50 business partners from there on out. I had saved a little
money from the job I had before I moved but this was my bank
account after sending him the money: (See next page)




I literally had 2 pennies left to my name and I didn’t know how I
was going to eat that day, let alone pay rent. But thank God I
had 2 pennies because it was just enough for me to rub together
and make something happen! I had also sublet my apartment in
Houston to move to Atlanta and the person leasing it didn’t pay
the rent so I had two cents in my account and two rents to pay as
well. I will probably go more in-depth on this area of my life in
a separate book but I mention all this to say that I was just like
you may be right now. Nervous, scared, anxious, confused, and
financially broke. BUT I always kept in my mind that my
current circumstances are not who I am and that just because I
was broke in terms of money, that didn’t mean that I was broke
mentally! I had to go deep inside to find the hunger to change
myself from the inside out— remember, your current life is only
a reflection of who you are on the inside. Change the inside and
watch the outside follow. I say all this to reiterate to you that I
am no different from you and if you follow the blueprint
outlined in this book, you can create the life you want for
yourself too. It won’t happen overnight but if you stay dedicated
and change your habits, it will happen eventually. I’ve included
a list of a few books I recommend reading (in the order listed) if
you are just beginning your entrepreneurial/self-development

(Read these in order)
No Excuses by Brian Tracy
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenza

And here is a list of habits that I adopted the

first month I started training my mind that I highly recommend
you try out (See next page):


1.Read for an hour a day immediately after waking up. You
have to become thirsty for knowledge. The more you learn, the
more you earn. I kept telling myself this because the only thing
separating you and I from the extremely wealthy is knowledge.
Once you take that in and sit with it you start to want to learn all
the time because you know that it just takes that one piece of
information to change everything for you.

2.Write down my massive life goals every day. This keeps

your “why” in mind at the beginning of the day and fuels you to
keep going even when you don’t want to.

3.Write down 10 things I’m grateful for every day. This

allows you to focus on the positive in your life and also trains
your mind to always look for the bright side in any situation.
This is powerful because life is hard but if your mind searches
for the good, you will find it. Life is about perspective and if
you are reading this eBook I can almost guarantee that you are
not living in a third world country under dictatorship, that you
have one or both or your parents and that you live in the USA,
which in itself alone is a blessing. Focus your mind on these
items rather than the negative because it could be a lot more
difficult out here.


Adopt these habits and watch your life change! An easy way to
make sure you really internalize your new habits is to get a
calendar and mark a big red “X” on each day you complete your
habits. Once you do them, tell yourself “Just don’t break the
chain!” I’ve found that it is very motivating to cross an “X" out
every day. Psychologically we really hate
to see patterns like this break, so the longer you go, the more
engrained the habit becomes. Another reason this is powerful is
because even if you miss a day, you can tell yourself “Just don’t
miss twice!” This is extraordinary because even if you fell off of
your habits every other day, you would still be doing them 50%
of the year which is leaps and bounds above what the average
person is doing anyways. Here is a video that helped motivate
me to instill more positive habits in my life:

Now, it’s time to get your mind right before hopping into the
tactics (I know, what a drag! But I promise you it’s necessary.)

First things first, we have to get you to stop overthinking and just DO.
Procrastination is the killer of all dreams and doing is the only way
you can gather data so that you can get better in the future!
Remember, the solider that doesn’t fight in the war receives no
nobility. There are only three types of people in this world: people
who make things happen, people who watch things happen, and
people who don’t know what happened. I would hope you aren’t one
of the latter two options. I personally am a doer but I have also been
affected by analysis paralysis. When I first started my business, I
knew Facebook/IG ads were what I should be doing, but I was so
scared to lose money that I sat around “studying” YouTubers all day,
telling myself the bullshit excuse that I was trying learn as much as
possible before I started so that I didn’t “waste money.” Does this
sound familiar? I continued to do this until one day a random thought
came to my head and it was as follows: “If you don’t press start on
your Facebooks ads today, you will never do it,” and I am so glad that
thought came to me. That day, I decided that I am going to choose one
person on YouTube who seems to be doing what I want to be doing,
vet them to make sure their results are real and then follow their
blueprint EXACTLY but skew it to fit my business. I am that person
for you. It’s time to stop lying to yourself and get started. I don’t care
where you’re from, what you’ve been through or what you think you
can’t do, if you follow the tactics in this eBook, you will see some
type of results. So let’s get started!

First, you need to come up with a concept. These days, people are attracted to four
things when it comes to brands:

1. Great messaging or cause. An example of this would be our business. People

can relate to our cause and there are always high school students going to college,
current high school students and alumni, which gives us a lucrative market to

2. Low price points. An example of this would be God is Dope (@godisdope).

They sell their items for extremely cheap but make money by selling high volume.

3. High quality goods/lifestyle. An example of this would be Retrovert.

(@retrovert). They have higher quality items, which allows them to charge a
higher price point that resonates with a particular audience.

4. Scalable niche. When thinking about niche you want to think of demographics
that aren’t constantly getting targeted. For instance, we noticed that in our niche
there were no clothing brands that were offering gear that was cooler than what the
HBCU bookstores had to offer so we decided to create it ourselves. There are
plenty of niches out there like this that are underserved but have huge audiences,
find one and start raking in the cash! The more points your store can hit out of
these four, the better. Obviously, some of these can’t be paired but you get what
I’m saying!

I personally suggest starting with a niche store because it allows you to get very
targeted when you market, and also gives you room to scale because there is less
competition compared to when trying to market to broad audiences like pet
products and etc.
• is a good place to start to get a cheap
logo design. Simply search “logo design” in the search bar and
you will be greeted with many different freelancers and their
portfolios to choose from with all different price points.

• – I like 99designs because it lets 99

really great designers submit their logo design to your contest
based on criteria you set for them to follow.

• – This site is a bit different

because it allows you to create a job and let freelancers bid on
it and set the price they are willing to accept.

• – Similar to Fiverr, this site operates very

similar but it tends to have more high quality freelancers.

• – Depending on your plan on this site,

you get a certain amount of designs per month.

At the bottom of this page, I’ve included a really good tutorial
on how to create an aesthetically pleasing Shopify store with
just one product. I recommend not getting so caught up in
trying to make a super robust store for your first time. Doing
that can be a major time waster because it will take way
longer to add multiple products to your store and will create
more friction points for you to get frustrated and possibly not
finish. To be honest, what is the point of adding more products
to the store if you can’t even prove the concept with just one?!
Start with one to three products, prove the concept, and THEN
scale your product line and advertising.

Here’s the link to see how to create a great Shopify
store in just 25 minutes:

A lot of brands are becoming wildly successful from
selling items for extremely cheap. I’ll admit that I didn’t
understand the concept at first but when I finally understood it,
it unlocked a whole new world for me. I’m sure we have all
seen an online store that sells t-shirts for $25–$30 and we all
think that is regular pricing, naturally. But lately there has been
stores that are crazy successful, profitably selling t-shirts for
$6–$10. So how are they doing it? You’ll learn later in this
eBook how to get t-shirts made in many different ways but if
you use a screen print company and you provide the shirts to
them (shirts cost $2), usually you can get a one to two color
design done for $1–$1.50 which makes you all-in on the shirt
at $3–$3.50. So, if I’m selling the t-shirts for $6, I am already
doubling my money, but most people don’t realize that you
also make money off shipping. So, if I make $3 on the shirt
and $3 on shipping, I am making $6 per t-shirt sold. Now this
may not seem like a lot but now you have to think about the
human psychology behind making a purchase. If I present a
shirt for $25 that is nice and I present a shirt for $6 that is
equally as nice or better, we as humans are going for the $6
shirt every single time.



Not to mention when people are making purchases from seeing

Facebook/IG ads, they are more than likely impulse purchases.
It is very easy to justify spending $6 versus spending $25. This
now makes your return on ad spend to new heights because
many more people will be taking action from your
advertisements, not to mention purchasing way more than just
one shirt since they’re only $6. But most importantly, think
about what this does from a data standpoint! If I sell 5K shirts
in one month at a $25 price point, I gain 5K emails and 5K
phone numbers, which is pretty solid. But if I sell 100K shirts
in one month because they are $6, I have just gained 100K
emails and phone numbers, which will help me tremendously,
by boosting the reach of my next t-shirt launch. It then
becomes a numbers game: How many good designs can I put
out at the lowest cost and how many emails/numbers can I get
to supercharge my next release? This tactic is still relatively
new, but I think it’s something very interesting to look into.


Also, just to be transparent, there are a few cons to this model.
If your content/ad creative doesn’t convert well you could lose
money because your price to acquire a customer will be higher
than your profit margin. And also, if you do end up selling
100K shirts in a month, that’s a lot of work! Haha. I’m not
telling you to switch your business model or anything, but I’m
just putting all the options in front of you.

Next, we will talk about marketing your store

because no matter how good your store is; you have to be able
to get eyes on it to make potential sales. I will be talking about
my favorite ways to market, which include Facebook/IG ads,
Google ads, YouTube ads, Twitter, SEO, influencer marketing,
grassroots marketing, and building an Instagram page that
is a hub for your community.

Facebook/IG Ads
Facebook/IG ads are by far the best way to promote your
business in my opinion. I always tell people that if they want to
get their first sale, then their best bet is either going to an event
that has their target audience and setting up a pop-up shop, or
using Facebook ads. Facebooks ads is much easier, trust me.
Facebook has the most robust ad product and you can get
insanely targeted (very specific) which helps immensely for
niche businesses. For instance, I can target Howard University
students and Alumni but I can get even more targeted by
layering my audiences and targeting people who like the show
A Different World who are also Black who also went to a
HBCU. You can only imagine how well this converts for our
business. You can target certain zip codes or even target
certain behaviors that customers have. The possibilities are
endless with Facebook. The most important piece to
understand though is that you have to have three items
polished for Facebook ads to work, otherwise you will run ads
and blame me/Facebook for not working. These three items are
creative, copy, and targeting. Get any of these wrong and you
could easily be spinning your wheels here.

Facebook/IG Ads
You have to say the right emotion-evoking sentences in your
copy, paired with a stellar creative matched with targeting that
makes sense. Make the best creative ever with the best
copywriter and put it in front of the wrong audience and you’re
toast. Write a beautiful story in your copy and target the right
people but the ad creative is terrible, guess what? Toast again.
It is very important that you get these three things right and
test multiple variations of them all. Here is the exact course I
took when I first started running Facebook ads. I don’t
remember how much this cost me but you can have it for free
(this alone is hundreds of dollars worth of value for free!!!):

Also, here is an example of some of my ads so you can

understand what doing these 3 things correctly looks like:

Facebook/IG Ads
If you want some other examples of great advertisements,
Google "Facebook Ads Library and click the first option. After
that click "search all" on the page it brings you to.

Now you can type in the name of any brand that and see
exactly what ads they are currently running. This tool is
amazing for scouting competition, checking to see what big
businesses are doing currently and etc. I personally use this
tool to get ideas for ad creative and to check on see if my ad
copy is on par with the big boys in the industry. It's amazing
that you can use this tool and see the exact ads huge companies
like Nike are running. And if that wasn't enough, you can even
see how much money they are spending on each ad, how many
impressions the ad has and the size of the audience they are
targeting. I highly suggest using this tool to see what your
competition is doing and making sure your ad creative, ad
copy and targeting is on par with the other players in your
particular space. If you aren't using this tool, you are missing
out for sure.

Google Ads
Google ads are amazing because they are search-based
which means the buyer has to have real intent when searching
for your product or service on Google. Google is also a pay per
click model so that means that you only pay when someone
physically clicks on your ad and goes to your website. That is
powerful because you are building brand awareness even if
someone sees your ads but doesn't click them. I recommend
doing paid search ads and shopping ads. These have performed
the best for me personally. But anyways, here is the Skype of
the freelancer that I use to run the Google ads for my business.
Contact him and tell him that Justin from Support Black
Colleges sent you. His pricing is very affordable since is his
from overseas!

skype: vijendarsem

Google Ads
I also suggest using to do
your keyword research. For instance, you can search “dog
collars” and see how many people per month are searching for
that term on Google as well as the cost per click and other
valuable data. This tool will also suggest keyword ideas for
you to tell your freelancer to use, which I highly recommend.
Here’s a little taste of what the power of Google ads can do for
you especially in a niche based business like ours: We spent
$135k this year to generate just under $800k! That’s a 584%
return on investment! If that doesn’t make you believe in
Google, then I’m not sure what will haha!

Youtube Ads
YouTube ads are very similar to Google ads since Google
owns YouTube. I love YouTube ads because, in my eyes, it’s
essentially free brand awareness. Since you only pay for the view
on your ad if someone watches it for 30 seconds, it is simply
foolish for people to not have a 30 second or better ad running on
YouTube, even if it is only to get the free views for everyone
who watches 29 seconds or less of your content. YouTube is also
great because it creates omnipresence. Since Google owns
YouTube, you can show your video ads to people who searched
for certain keywords on Google and follow them to YouTube.
It’s kinda scary, but makes sense why you might look for a mop
on Google and then see an ad for one when you go to watch a
video on the tube. You can also pick exact videos to show your
ads in front of as well. So, if you sell a cleaning product, you can
choose a video of someone organizing their room and place your
ads in front of it since those two things go hand in hand. You can
also target people in a certain area, city, state and etc. Moral of
the story: YouTube is powerful and it is a great way to
supplement what you are doing on Google. I highly recommend
using it but it isn’t necessary to start with right away. The same
freelancer I use for Google does my Youtube ads.

I have a love-hate relationship with SEO. I love it because I
know it works and that it’s something that is needed for every
business, but I hate it because I have no clue how to do it myself
lol. I tried to figure it out but I simply didn’t have the mental
capacity to do so. As an entrepreneur there will be many tasks
that beckon you call but it is your job to use your discernment in
choosing which tasks are most important for you to do. CEO's
should be operating at a high level once they build and create the
systems for other people to operate. I quickly realized that my
time wasn't best spent learning about SEO, so I educated myself
on it and hired an expert to handle it. But, what I do know abouy
SEO is that it is the process of getting your website to rank
organically on a Google search for certain keywords. It is
extremely powerful for those of you with local businesses as well
as service businesses. I recommend every business outsource
someone to do your SEO but do not expect much of a response
until at least three to six months after you start. Here is the
freelancer that I use for my SEO. Feel free to ask him any
questions you have and tell him that Justin from Support Black
Colleges sent you: skype: yogindersem

Grassroots/Event Marketing
consuming ways to build your audience. My definition of
grassroots marketing is anything that you do for promotion that
involves you getting in the streets and putting feet to pavement.
This can include passing out flyers or doing pop-up shops, etc.
Marketing this way is very effective because it puts a face to the
brand and gives people something or someone to attach
themselves to. For example, whenever we go to college
campuses for our events, we print 5–10K flyers with our
information on them to distribute to anyone who makes a
purchase or, honestly, to anyone who even looks in our direction.
We even go the extra mile and hire students to slide a flyer under
every single dorm room door on campus and put a flyer on every
single car window whenever we go to a school for an event. This
brings crazy brand awareness! We also test to see how well this
performs by putting an exclusive promo code on these flyers to
see if they actually get used, and they do! I recommend doing a
Google search for any events going on in your niche that will
have 1k+ attendees coming and applying to be a vendor.
Remember, one of the best/easiest ways to get your first sale
is to do a pop-up shop at an event that your target demographic
will be at!

Instagram Influencers
I love IG influencers! I love them because they are a good place
to find a large number of targeted followers to promote to very
quickly. The only con to influencer marketing is that it takes a lot
of testing and can burn a lot of money if it isn’t done right. You
have to be very careful to vet the people you use because a lot of
people have fake followers and engagement. (You can check out
potential influencer partners’ engagement here:
bot-checker-free/). You want to look for an engagement rate of
1% or better and make sure to see that their followers, likes, and
comments are real. Influencers are people, so it is very tough for
them to price themselves because no one wants to charge too
little and feel played or charge too much and not get booked. The
best strategy here is to find someone in your niche, vet them, and
then send them a cold DM to see if they are ready to partner. I
usually say something very simple along the lines of, “Hey, I
would love to get you some gear! Let me know if you are
offering any paid promotion opportunities. Thanks!” This shows
them that you know they are going to charge and that you are
serious about doing business.

After you find one influencer that fits your brand, use the
similar accounts button to find multiple accounts that are like
theirs and continue reaching out.

If you don’t have money for influencers, then the alternative would
be giving your gear to them for free in exchange for a post/tag. A
lot of people would argue that giving away their products isn’t
profitable, but I would argue that even if you gave away hundreds
of dollars in free gear, if just one big influencer liked your brand
enough to post/tag you for free, you could make thousands of
dollars from just that one post. We could then argue that it makes
more sense to just sit in your bed all day and DM influencers. I
DM 10-15 people per hour and have alarms set to do this. I say
something along the lines of “Hey, what’s your address to send
some free gear to and what’s your size?” Once they respond I say
something like, “Thank you so much for letting me send you our
stuff! We are a super small business and every dollar spent in
clothing means a lot to us. The only thing I ask is that when you
post a picture wearing our gear is that you tag us. It would mean
the world to us!” This pulls at their heart strings, tells them the
truth that the money you are spending to supply them with gear
really matters and gives you a better chance of getting the tag you
want. Moral of the story is that there are many ways to be
successful with IG influencers and just getting one person to post
you could substantially change your business so stay relentless
with reaching out. Some of the best relationships I have built with
influencers were off the strength of a cold DM. This could be you
For Twitter the strategy is super simple:

1. Find a product with viral potential or use your own product in a

way that showcases its utility/attributes in a non-spammy way.

2. Get an influencer to post your content.

3. Get other influencers in your niche to retweet the content.

4. Watch the sales roll in.

Here are two videos from YouTube that I followed to

implement these Twitter tactics that will give you step-by-step
directions as well!

Good luck!

Hub Building
What is hub building, you ask? Well I think that it is important to
use your social media as a place where your customers and
community can gather to find information that is useful to them—
essentially, becoming a hub of content that pertains directly to your
audience. This is important because it takes away the sales aspect
of social media and turns your page into a platform for
information. This is powerful because we can agree that you would
much rather follow a page that is providing useful information
rather than a page that is trying to sell to you all day long. Posting
shareable, relevant content in your niche is by far the fastest way to
grow your social accounts. The goal should be to get as much
attention as possible and then start selling to your audience (of
course you can sell to them from the beginning but you should be
thinking of your business as a media company that is trying to get
as much attention as possible first, then selling to the audience).
The key is knowing what your audience wants to see, breaking it
first, and engaging with your community multiple times daily.
Respond to every comment and DM. And if you don’t have
comments or DMs yet, create conversation with people to get it
started. Use GaryVee’s $1.80 strategy if you don’t have much
interaction on your page:

Hub Building
Also, don’t marry yourself to the lie that every piece of content has
to be original because that is just an excuse to not execute. You
can create your own original content but there is nothing wrong
with repurposing other good content from others in your space.
The best way to do this is to turn on the notifications of other
brands that post similar information to you and watch everything
that they post. If they post a video or picture that you like,
download the IG videos with or screenshot the photo
and post it yourself (just be sure to write a different caption). You
can also post tweets, Tik Toks, etc. to get the job done. There
is no excuse to not be posting content daily. Create it! And if you
can’t create it, hire someone from Fiverr who can or just curate it
yourself. A good way to find content to curate on all these social
media apps is to search relevant hashtags that your audience use
and scour through them. If you spend a hour or two a day
searching hasthtags on all these social media platforms, you will
find plenty of content you can post! If you are looking for other
ways to post massive amounts of content daily, check out this PDF
that will teach you how to do so. (See next page)

Hub Building

Now we can talk about the Must-Have Shopify apps that are going
to take your store to the next level as well as automate many of the
processes in your business. This helps tremendously by freeing up
time for you to do more high-level tasks that actually push your
business forward. Remember, you never want to find yourself doing
MWA's as a leader in your space. And if you don't know what
MWA's are, they are Minimum Wage Activities. Now I'm not
saying to think of yourself as above people or to not get in the
trenches with the team when they need you, but I am saying that on
the daily basis you should be doing the things that make your
company the most money. The difference between the big players
and the smaller players isn't always what they do, sometimes it's
what they don't do as well. If you are unsure of what to do currently
to expand your business, try saying no to everything except for the
top 3 tasks that make you money. Just watch how quickly things


PRO TIP: I understand that a lot of people think that they need to
have some sort of social proof on their Instagram for people to feel
like they already have something going on. They think that folks
don’t want to support people who don’t already have some traction
going and I can agree to some extent, so here are a few pro tips to
create social proof for your brand. You can use sites like to buy followers and likes. The pro tip here though is
making your engagement look real by purchasing a small amount of
followers like 5k and buying likes for your photos in a way to make
it seem like only 10% of your audience is engaging (In this
example, that would be 500 likes per photo since 10% of 5k is 500).
But the real tip/hack here is to make your comments look organic as
well. You do this by using services like to buy custom
comments for your photos along with the likes and followers (you
can literally type in exactly what you want the comments to say).
This service is powerful because you can use it in many ways.
Some ways I have used it are as followed: (See next page)


1. To vouch for myself on a service based business profile – I
commented on pictures that showcased a service I provided and
said “I vouch for this service,” and things of that nature to make
random people feel more comfortable with purchasing my

2. To hype of product releases or restocks, I would comment

things such as “Can’t wait for this to release” and etc.

3. To ask myself the frequently asked questions I get for the

business and answer them in the comment section, which is a
very public place. For example, if I know that people are going
to ask me what a product is made of, what time it’s going to
release, how do they get a refund and etc, I will use the custom
comments to ask myself these questions and answer them
myself in the comment section so that people can see the
answers and hopefully get a better understanding of the product
or service I am offering without asking redundant questions.

• Abandonment Protector. I use this app to do my
abandoned cart sequence. A quick tip is to use GIFs to make
your emails friendlier and to always brand your emails to match
your store aesthetic. If you bought the Abandon Cart Mastery
Add-on, you will have access to the exact emails and
frequencies I send them out in my business currently.
• Back In Stock. Back In Stock creates a box for your
customers to insert their email address to be notified when the
product they want is going to be back in stock. This helps a lot
because it is all automated for you so it can build hype, gather
emails, and promote releases all without
really doing anything. Once a product goes out of stock, it
begins collecting emails and once you make stock available for
the product again, it automatically sends out emails to the
inquiring customers letting them know the item they want has
• Bulk Discount & Sales Manager. I use this for big holidays
that have huge sales. This app allows you to schedule discounts
for certain times rather than staying up until midnight on Black
Friday and manually adjusting your prices like a madman. You
can discount single products, full collections and etc.


• Conjured Referrals. This app allows people to submit

themselves as “brand ambassadors” and give discounts out to
their friends that are new customers via email. This is great for
you because it is free promotion that is getting you new
customers for a fraction of the price you would normally get
them for.
• Free Shipping Bar. I offer free shipping on orders
over $100 to convince customers to buy multiple items. I
recommend you do the same. This app just shows customers
how close they are to getting free shipping on the top of your
• Frequently Bought Together. This is another one of those
set it and forget it type apps. You add this app and it will
display this below your product page


• Google. These are only necessary if you are doing Google ads.
Your freelancer will be able to set this up for you.
• Google Ads Conversion Tracking. These are only necessary if
you are doing Google ads. Your freelancer will be able to set this up
for you.
• Happy Birthday Email. This app gathers your customer’s
birthday after they make a purchase and gives them yearly discounts
on their birthday. This is just something nice to offer that will make
you a little extra money and make your customers feel special. It’s
not a must have but it’s cool to do if you want to enhance customer
• HelpCenter. I use this app as a FAQ page. Check out this link to
show you the questions that I have, the answers for them, and how I
compartmentalize them. The app will display it for you with a sleek
design as
• In Cart Upsell. This app is a seamless way to integrate upsells
into your customer’s buying experience. It will generate a pop down
menu to upsell an item of your choosing like so: (See next page)


You can choose exactly which items you want to show and it’s
super cool because you can base the item that is shown on what is
or isn’t currently in the customer’s cart. For instance, I only have a
t-shirt in my cart on the above screenshot, so the upsell is reminding
me to cover my head and get a hat with a discount that is only valid
if they add it right now.

• Kiwi Size Chart. This is an app for clothing stores.
It is a super clean size-chart that is very user friendly.
• Klaviyo. Klaviyo is a must have. It’s a step above
other email apps because it can do certain tasks like segmenting
(making lists of customers that perform certain actions) and
suppressing non-active emails so you aren’t wasting money
marketing to them. You can also maximize your email flows by
doing more than just abandoned cart flows. You can do post-
purchase, customer win-back, etc. Email should account for 30% of
your monthly revenue and it should almost all be automated besides
new drops, big updates and etc. You can use the same freelancer I
use to set up my email flows by contacting Pam here (Tell her
Justin from Support Black Colleges sent you):

• Multi-Currency. Multicurrency is a free app with one

purpose: it converts whatever your store’s native currency is into
the currency of the country of origin that the customer uses. It’s just
something that is good to have so that just in case someone from
another country visits your store, they won’t leave immediately
because they can’t understand your prices.


• NoFraud. NoFraud is used to screen all orders and

let you know which ones are fraudulent or not. They will also
protect you if you send an order out that they deem not fraudulent if
it ends up being fraudulent. This is a good way to protect yourself
from getting hefty chargebacks.
• OrderMetrics. OrderMetrics is a good app to use if
you are like me and want to know exactly how much money you are
making (down to a science). It allows you to put in all your
expenses, product costs, etc. and will show you the exact margin
you are making after paying all your expenses. It’s not a must have
but it does help, especially when you start making a decent amount
and want to track every dollar.
• Original Wheelio Spin Pop-Ups. Wheelio is by far one of my
favorite apps. It is a gamified way for you to get your customers
email or phone number without displaying a pop-up that either gets
exited out of or ignored because the customer doesn’t care about the
10% discount most people provide when they first start
eCommerce. Instead, it showcases a wheel like so with different
prizes that the customers can win: (See next page)


• Original Wheelio Spin Pop-Ups Continued. The customer must
then submit their email or phone number to get a chance to win the
prize. They will be enticed to do so because you will have prizes such
as “one free item” or “90% off” but the customer will never win these
because you can program the wheel to land on whatever prices you
want. The best part about this is that after they win the prize you want,
they are then greeted with a 15-minute countdown timer that tells them
they can only use this discount if they complete a purchase within the
next 15 minutes. This provides both scarcity and urgency, which is
exactly what you want customers to feel when shopping. I cannot tell
you how much revenue in sales this app has brought me, let alone all
the data that has been collected as well. You must get this app!
• PushOwl. PushOwl is an app that sends push
notifications to your customers if they opt in to receive them. I use this
app to build omnipresence. This is just another place to pop-up when
releasing products, giving promotions, etc.
• RetargetApp. I use this app as a supplement to the
manual re-targeting I do in Facebook Business Manager. In my text
copy for my retargeting ads, I say, “Get your _____ gear before you
size runs out!” Very simple and to the point. It is working well for me
so I imagine it can work well for you and be restructured to fit the
nature of your business. The goal is to let the customer know that what
they had in their cart won’t be there for long so they need to purchase


• SMS Bump Marketing & Automation. This is a must-have app.

This is the app that I use to send out text messages to all our SMS
subscribers whenever we have releases. Text messages are by far my
favorite form of marketing because customers are just now opening
their messages to marketers at scale. The tricky part with texts is that
people can and will opt out if you aren’t providing them with enough
value, which is why I only use texts for new releases and major
discounts. But SMS is how I get thousands of people on the site within
seconds. I also use texts for abandoned carts, which a lot of people are
missing out on. This is yet another way to hit your customers in yet
another place so that they can convert. Currently, about 90%–98% of
all text messages are opened and I am converting right under 50% of
the people that open the texts. This makes for an insane ROI especially
since texts are just pennies to send out. I highly recommend you add
this app to your site and start collecting phone numbers now. Here is a
screenshot of the verbiage I use to gather numbers with the pop-up on
my site: (See next page)


• Spently Email Templates. This is another must-have app. I didn’t quite

believe in this app until the development team set everything up for me during
my free trial. Essentially all this app does is send your customer branded
receipts after their purchase but offers a discount at the bottom and links to
products that the customer might like. This is genius because it is monetizing a
part of the buying process that people usually would never think to extract
revenue from. This app alone has generated tens of thousands of dollars for me
while I do absolutely nothing. The team there will set everything up for you
and all you have to do is sit back and watch the sales roll in. If it makes enough
sales to justify the price after the trial period, then keep it. If it doesn’t, then
don’t. I was skeptical at first but I have a feeling you’ll be keeping it as well.

• Sticky Cart by Qikify. This app makes your checkout
a lot more seamless. It provides a cart button on the side of your site
so that the customer can continuously add products to their cart
without being forwarded to the cart every single time they add a
new item. It also will produce a sticky add to cart button on your
customer’s browser while they are on the product page. This does
wonders, because the last thing a customer wants to do after reading
an in-depth product description is scroll all the way back up to add
it to cart.
• Zipify OneClickUpsell. This is a must-have app. Zipify Upsell
is the mother ship of all upsell apps. It essentially creates a
personalized sales funnel for each and every product on your store if
you choose to do so. It incorporates upsells, cross sells, and
downsells all into one app. The best part about this is that it doesn’t
initiate until after the customer makes a purchase so there is no
disruption in the customer’s buying experience. Here is a screenshot
of how I structure all of my up/downsells: (See next page)


Breakdown: Upsell #1 offers them the same product they already

bought at a cheaper price because why wouldn’t I want the same of what I just
got for less right?! Then if they decline that offer they are showed the same
product at an even deeper discount. If at any point they accept one of those
offers, they are then shown another upsell that is a complimentary product to
the initial product. If they accept the offer, then they are taken to a thank you
page and if they don’t, then they are shown the same product at a deeper
discount. Setting this up is an easy way to monetize the check out process on
autopilot. As you can see from the screenshot below, I have made just under
$30k of revenue I would have otherwise not seen at all just by implementing
this strategy.

Developing Your Product

Developing your product can be both easy and hard. It’s
easy because you can use resources like or to find vendors, but it is hard because it is
difficult to know who is trustworthy. On the two sites
mentioned above, it’s a bit easier to find the good vendors
because you can look at the amount of orders the vendor
receives as well as their star rating to get an idea of how
well they do business. Luckily for you, I am going to cut a
lot of the hard parts out here by giving you a list of the
vendors I personally use for my business. So, aspiring
clothing brand owners, it’s time to get hype! For people
who want to offer products that aren’t clothing it is a very
good tactic to still contact these vendors and ask them if
they know any vendors that manufacture the products you
would like to produce. Most of these people are from
overseas and can easily point you in the direction of a
manufacturer of any type, so get resourceful!

• Hoodies/T-Shirts - AlphaBroder is my best
friend. I order all my blank hoodies and t-shirts from here. I love
AlphaBroder because if you order before cut-off time during the
day which is usually 5pm EST, then the garments you ordered will
come in the very next day! This is extremely important because it
allows you to make and ship your garments out quickly so that you
can offer great shipping times. I personally use these hoodie and t-
shirt style numbers below:

Hoodies: Gildan g185, Jerseys 996, Hanes p170

T-shirts: Gildan g500/g200/g800/g640 (You can use
other brands like Jerzees and Hanes for these too but I usually can
find what I need with Gildan.)

• Stickers - I use the custom die cut

option here and put one in all of my packages:

• Socks -

• Shipping Supplies - I use Uline for

boxes, poly mailers, and anything else office-related.

• Cut/Sew. All my cut and sew items come from overseas. Here
are a few screenshots of the contact information of vendors I have
personally used. I can’t promise that everything will go smoothly
when dealing with people overseas, but what I can tell you is that
they are always down to negotiate prices and you can play them
against each other to get the lowest price possible. I like using
overseas vendors because you can get one sample made to see if
you like the product, but on the other hand it will usually take them
a few weeks to get your sample (and bulk orders) to you, so
just be mindful and remember to plan early when dealing with
them. Most of them use WhatsApp to communicate, so be sure to
download before starting this process. (See the next page)




• Patches - This vendor
creates all types of patches (chenille, embroidery, sim stitch, etc).

• Pins, Coins, Wristbands, Buttons and Much More - Check out their website to see if they offer
anything else you may want.

• Dog gear - This is an

American-based company that specializes only in dog gear.
Sometimes it is easier to speak to Americans that are middlemen to
Chinese manufacturers, but just stay alert that you will pay a
premium for not doing the sourcing yourself. That goes for any
company that operates this way.

• Finding other overseas vendors. The most popular way to

find vendors to make custom products is to use
You can also look in the course I attached earlier to teach you
Facebook ads and watch the videos on how to find reliable suppliers

• Side note: Do me a huge favor and for anyone you

reach out to and use, please just tell them Justin from Support Black
Colleges sent you.

3 Different Ways to Make/Sell Your Garments
• Print on Demand (POD). This is the process where you
sell items from your site but a big print shop makes the product and
ships it to your customers for you. Pros: You do nothing but
marketing and customer service. Cons: You don’t have power over
the quality control and it is the most expensive method to use. If
you are interested in this method, I recommend checking out, as they are the industry standard in this field. Example
• Screen Printers. This process is where you get a screen print
company to make the shirts for you, and then you fold, bag, and
ship them yourself. Pros: You have a little more control over the
quality and the pricing is right in the middle of the other two
options. Cons: You have to hire staff and handle the distribution
yourself. One thing to note is that it is very important that you
always provide the t-shirts or hoodies for the screen-printing
companies to print on. Do not let them order the hoodies for you
because they will get them from AlphaBroder just like you but will
charge you a hefty fee per garment to order, which takes only
seconds to do! PRO TIP! (Also, if you are in Atlanta, I use a
company called Danger Press. If you want to go this route, contact
them and ask for Jordan. Tell him that Justin from Support Black
Colleges sent you and he will take good care of you!)
(See next page for 3rd option)

• DIY. This process is where you literally do
everything yourself. In this case you would order your shirts
from a vendor like AlphaBroder and then heat press your
branding onto the garments with screen print transfers, vinyl,
etc. I recommend using screen print transfers because they
look the most like an actual screen-printed shirt and always
have the best quality. The companies that make these transfers
are and Pros: You have full control
over the quality of your garments from start to finish, and this
is by far the cheapest way to execute making your products.
(Screen print transfers can be less than $1 each
for one color prints, which would mean you’re around $3 all-
in on a fully-completed shirt!) Cons: You have to do this
yourself or hire staff to make the products, and you have to
control distribution. Also, the purchasing of machinery will be
necessary but you can get cheap heat presses from eBay,
Facebook Marketplace, or any online marketplace. You can
also purchase them brand new from sites like or (I personally have all
hotronix heat presses).


How to Release a Product Using the Least Amount of Money

1. Get samples made whether you do it yourself, get printful to
make them (they will allow you to design and ship samples to
yourself for a discounted price) or get them from overseas.
2. Do product mockups and a promotional video.

Mockup example:

Promo video example:


Freelancers from Fiverr, Upwork, or can create both

of these.

3. Promote the product (email, text blast, social media, and ads).

(See next page for explanation)

How to Release a Product Using the Least Amount of Money
Using this method saves you from having to invest thousands in
inventory. It allows you to test the product to see if people are even
looking to buy it. And it also allows you to sell product and collect
money from your customers that you can then use to fund the order
of all the clothes they just purchased. Don’t fall into the trap of
thinking that you have to buy large amounts of inventory to have on
hand to do a release. It is not true! It’s much smarter and more cost-
effective to create a mockup, create a promotional video, market the
video, and use the income from the presale to fund the entire order
so that you keep your profit instantly! The only con to this method
is that you will have to let your customers know it is a presale item
and give them realistic dates on when they will ship based on the
relationship you have with whomever is creating the garments.

PRO TIP! Product Shots on a Budget
• A lot of people think that to have a clean website, you have to
pay thousands of dollars for product shots, a photo shoot, etc. This
couldn’t be further from the truth. Up until recently I did all the
product photography myself by going to my local Wal-Mart and
getting a white trifold board, placing the items on top of it, taking a
picture with my iPhone, and then using a stolen copy of Photoshop
to edit out the background. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it just has
to look nice haha! For those of you that have Photoshop, just drag
your photo into Photoshop, click “option, command and the letter r”
and change your properties to. After doing so, follow these steps:

Highlight the garment only and press enter. Simple right?!

You now have a perfect white background on your image that can
be used as a professional photo-shoot picture for your product shot.

(See next page for settings)


Customer Service/Freelancers
The sites below are websites where you can hire outsourced talent
to do all sorts of tasks for you for very cheap (as low as $3-4 a hour
on certain sites).
• Pros: Super cheap work with decent
quality. Cons: The quality isn’t always the best but when you find
someone good you can use them for everything.
• Pros: High quality services. Cons: Higher price
• Pros: You can create a project and
freelancers will bid on the project. You can then review their
portfolios and pick who you want to use from there. Cons: Most
freelancers are on this site are from overseas, so there can be a
language barrier at times. A good thing to note about freelancers,
especially ones from overseas, is that they are always open to
negotiate. This won’t sound good, but I don’t feel comfortable
offering them a price unless I cringe when I type it. I have rarely
ever paid full price on any of these platforms. This is a great way to
get good quality work for a fraction of the price. In most of these
countries, the US dollar goes a lot further than the native currency,
so even a small amount can mean so much more to these

PRO TIP! hack
• Vyper is a viral giveaway tool that can grow your
social media following insanely fast. I use this tool to
grow whichever social media platform I am focused on
at the time. The way I leverage this tool is by creating a
giveaway that has a high-perceived value but in reality,
it doesn’t cost much to do. (The giveaway will be
advertising, for example, we are giving away a prize of
$1000 in value but in reality, it may have only cost me
$100 to make all the items.) For example, when I launch
a new collection, I will do a giveaway that will gift the
full collection to one to three lucky winners. I will create
the page with high quality images of the products and
also incorporate a video showcasing the items and
telling the audience about the giveaway. Below is a
script that I use for my giveaway videos:

(See next page for script)

Vyper Giveaway Script

"Hey, it's ________ from Support Black Colleges and

we're doing a special giveaway for our new dropping
collection this Black Friday and we've given you a
chance to win them before everyone else gets them.

To enter just click the link in the description or the

signup button.

It only takes a few seconds, so click to enter today.

If you have a friend that would love

this giveaway bundle, then please pass this giveaway on
to them.

Again, just click the link in the description

or the signup button and you're all set."

After creating the giveaway, I run ads to it so that we
can get some traffic to the landing page. The good thing
about running paid ads to a giveaway is that it is very
easy to attract people that think they have a chance to get
something for free. With Vyper, people have to
complete certain actions in order to increase their
chances of winning the grand prize, such as: follow you
on IG, Twitter, subscribe to you on YouTube, provide
their email or phone number, etc. Here is an example of
a Vyper landing page I made for my brand:

After running your competition for however long you

choose (I usually do a minimum of two weeks,) you will
send an email/text to all of the participants telling them
who the winner was.

The email subject should read as follow:

(See next page for script)

Vyper Giveaway Script

“And the WINNER is…..”

In the email, you will tell everyone who the lucky winner
was, but you will not stop here. Since this email is
announcing a winner of a giveaway, you can imagine that
it will have extremely high open rates. Where most people
miss out is that they just announce the winner but don’t
monetize on all the other eyes that are on the email. So,
what I do is announce the winner but also say something
along the lines of, “Oh! But don’t worry, even if you didn’t
win the grand prize, EVERYONE is a winner today so
enjoy a 30% discount with code ______ for the next 24
hours.” This will explode sales for the new collection and
maximize your ad spend rather than leading people to an
email where they lose a giveaway and nothing else
happens. This strategy alone could easily make someone
10K per month without doing anything else.

Enjoy and good luck!

Pricing Your Items
When pricing my items, honestly, I just go with what feels right. I
ask myself what is the maximum I would personally pay for this
item with shipping included and I use that as my benchmark. A
more thoughtful way to do this is to take your product cost and
multiply it by 2.5.

Shopify Capital
• Shopify Capital loan is a lump sum (called the loan amount) that you
receive from Shopify Capital in return for a fixed borrowing cost. The loan
amount plus the fixed borrowing cost is called the total owed. So
essentially, you get access to capital that you need now in exchange for
paying a set amount in the future. This amount is paid in the form of
Shopify taking a percentage of your daily sales until it is paid back. This is
cool because the amount they give you is based on the sales you have
made in the recent past. Therefore, the more sales you make, the more
Shopify can trust you, which means the more money they will offer you.
Shopify Capital is a good way pay for things that are just out of reach for
you at the current time or for small risks that you believe can grow your
business exponentially. For instance, if you want to use a big influencer
marketing post that is charging more money than you have readily
available, you can use Shopify Capital to pay them because if you believe
the influencer can change your business in a huge way, it’s much less of a
risk to use someone else’s money to pay for it. And then even if it flops
you only pay a percentage of sales until the full payment is remitted. So
when you have slow days, they take less and when you have bigger days,
they take more. This is amazing because you don’t ever have to worry
about going out of business when you take these risks that can possibly
explode your business. Another good time to use Shopify Capital is for
times when you need more inventory for something like Black Friday or
Cyber Monday but you don’t have enough cash on hand. You can use the
money to buy more inventory before the big sale comes so that you can
make more money by being more prepared.


How To Do a Product Release Strategically

• Whenever I do a release, I try to promote at least two weeks in
advance. But that doesn’t always happen, if I’m being honest.
Ideally I would get product samples made and take a picture similar
to this and post it a week before the release: This
allows your customer to get a feel for the product and allows you to
get customer feedback so you can see if they even want it before
you release it. If they don’t, you can get an idea of what you need to
change about it. After teasing the product, if it is received well, you
can actually release it. I use graphics/videos like these to promote
drops and actually release products.

Product promo:

Product drop:

PRO TIP!: When you do a release, always record a video that

shows people live on your site purchasing so that it can incite
scarcity in your customer base and encourage them to purchase
now. Here is an example:

Taking Risks in Your Business
In business you are going to take risks and usually the bigger the
risk, the bigger the reward. But I wanted to take time to tell you
how I assess risk in this type of business. When money is being put
at risk, all I do is evaluate if the decision has potential to put me out
of business or not. If the reward is huge and can possibly explode
my business and I for sure won’t go out of business taking the risk,
I will go for it. This isn’t extremely important but it felt necessary to
add because I naturally doubt myself at times so I wanted to give
you a bit of motivation and reassurance. If it isn’t going to put you
out of business, go for it!

Shipping is a very important aspect of your e-commerce business. A few
tips I have for this section are as follows:
1. Use USPS. They have the best prices when using Shopify.
2. This is not the best advice to be giving from an integrity standpoint,
but you didn’t hear this from me lol. When you are first starting, the
mail services don’t really pay attention to the weights on the packages
because their main job is to sort the packages into those going in state
and out of state. So, when you are starting and doing low volume, you
can use the “USPS First Class Package” option and make the weight
anything less than four ounces. This will give you the cheapest shipping
price available and will save you thousands of dollars when you are just
starting, which is a big help. The only problem with this is that it doesn’t
last forever. Once you start to do some real volume, they will flag you
and make you pay the correct price from then on. I personally got away
with shipping over 40,000 orders before they noticed. This saved me
hundreds of thousands of dollars.
3. If you want to skip all the drama, the best bet is to weigh every
product you offer and add in the weight on the product. It will calculate
the correct shipping price for the actual weight of the item. I recommend
charging $10 for shipping and giving free shipping on orders over $100.
This gives your customers incentives to buy more! $10 is also a good
price point because it will cost you around $9 at most to ship to the
farthest states. This is cool because you will make money on shipping as
well as the sale of your product.

Increase Average Order Value (AOV) and Conversion Rate:
A lot of people get confused when thinking about the best way to scale
their business. Most people think, hey, I’m running ads and they are
converting well so logically all I need to do is pour more money into ads
and then I will see a direct correlation in money made. This can be true
in some cases, but there are other ways that will cost you no money to
increase your AOV and conversion rate. Most don’t understand that if
your conversion rate is at 1% (which is low for almost any industry),
that if you worked on the customer experience when checking out and
improved your conversion rate by just 1%, then you will double your
revenue by doing that alone. So, before you go out and start funneling
more money into ads, go through your site’s purchase process and see
where you can make adjustments. The adjustments can come in the form
of website speed, user friendliness of your checkout, or even from
offering a discount code at the end of your checkout like so:

Here is a video to show you how to do this. I cannot express

enough how important this small step is to increasing conversion rate.
This small tactic alone has made me hundreds of thousands of dollars:

Increasing Conversion Rate:
A good way to increase your average order value is to use tools
like OneClickUpsell, Sezzle, QuadPay, Afterpay, etc. (Sezzle,
QuadPay and Afterpay are apps that allow your customer to split
the payment of their item into 4 payments. This does a few
things. For one, it makes the customer feel as if they can afford to
buy more items since the initial payment is lower than expected.
Secondly, it influences them to complete their check out because
of similar reasons. The cool thing about Sezzle (which is the app
I personally use) is that they give you interest on the money you
let sit in their interest accounts. I absolutely love Sezzle and it is
a must have app in my eyes. If you think it would be helpful for
you, do me a favor and use this link to sign up when you want to
install it: or use SZMYWEA as your
referral code (I’ll make a little money but it’s the least you can do
for me giving you all this value. haha!)

Btw, the only difference between all the different apps

like Sezzle, etc., is that some let people finance more money than
others and
their background checks are less or more stringent.

You made it to the end! Congrats! Did you know that only about
7% of courses/eBooks sold are completed? Well guess what, you
are a part of that 7% and you should be very proud of yourself. All
I can do now is pray that you execute on the information you just
received. Execution is the most important part now that you have
the knowledge so please please please go get to work right now. If
you have any questions still after reading this, please feel free to
DM me on IG @ihoenation and ask me whatever you want. Start
the message by saying “I just finished your eBook and I was
wondering…..” and I promise you will get an answer from me if I
have the time to give it to you! I will continuously update
this book and post videos on my Youtube about the new tips, tricks,
tactics and hacks that I as I continue my journey. But for now, take
a brief moment to celebrate this accomplishment because you now
have all the knowledge you need to create a super successful
Shopify business. And right after you finish celebrating, get to
work! It’s time to take life to the next level. If you have suggestions
on anything to add to the eBook, please DM me on IG and if you
don’t, just shoot me a DM with your feedback and it will be greatly
appreciated. I wish you much success in your future endeavors and I
hope you will keep me updated on your progress.

Much love,

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