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VOL. 1
Hey Freedom Babe!

I get it.

You want the business & lifestyle freedom.

+ the freedom to work for yourself full time without having a boss to report

+ the freedom travel the world without a budget, staying at the chicest

+ the freedom to go shopping for new clothes at your favourite boutiques

without having to look at the price tags.

+ the freedom to work from home, your first class pod, or poolside with a
trusty glass of rosé by your side (instead of your crusty cubicle).

I've been there too, and I get it. What I want you to know is this: the life
you're dreaming of is so possible for you and it's available to you now. If it
wasn't, you wouldn't have the ability to dream these dreams.

Here's the thing. Money isn't everything, but it does give us choices. And in
my world, choices mean freedom. 

If you're ready to manifest that business success & lifestyle freedom you can't
stop dreaming about, you're in the right place.

In this ebook I'm sharing 5

powerful steps to manifest $10K
months, plus there will are journal
prompts and exercises to help you

These are the same steps I

implemented in my own life to
make $10K months standard..

If I can do it, so can you! Let's dive


XOXO Kelly
Your OG Freedom Babe



A lot of the time I hear women say

things like, "I want financial freedom" or
"I want to make $10K months!" Which is
amazing, and I fully support that.

However, one of the biggest reasons

why some women achieve it while
others don't comes down to clarity.

If you want to have your first $10K

month or make them consistently, you
need to get clear on a few things:

+ Who
+ Why
+ What
+ When

Read the descriptions below and then answer the questions to help you create
major clarity around your $10K months.

+ WHO. Who is the $10K month version of you? How would you describe her?
What's her energy like? What is she wearing? How does she carry herself?
What's different about this version of you compared to the current version of
you? What do others notice about her? Get super specific!

Ex: The $10K month version of me is confident, magnetic, trusting, radiant and happy. Others are drawn
to her because she is so authentically herself. She has beautiful skin, long hair with loose curls, and always
looks super chic. She loves her life and is fully present to her life. Her work is incredible and making a huge
impact on the collective. Her clients are always thanking her for how much she's changed their lives!

+ WHY. Why do you want $10K months? Why does this reallllly matter to you?
What's the deeper meaning? What purpose is it serving you and others? How
does the collective benefit from you earning $10K months? Why is this non-

Ex: $10K months are non-negotiable to me because by allowing myself to have what I know I deserve and
am capable of, I am stepping into my full potential. And when I step into my full potential, I inspire others
to do the same. $10K months allow me to feel supported and safe, which then allows me to show up for
my community and clients and serve them even better. $10K months not only serves me, but the


+ WHAT. What will your $10K months be used for? Wanting them is great, but if
you want $10K months just for the money to hang around in your bank account,
it's probably going to light a fire under your booty to make it happen. Think
about the monthly expenses the $10K version of you has, what she's doing for
fun, and how she's spending, saving, and investing it. Make sure it feel EXCITING
or it's not going to be motivating to go after.

Ex: My $10K month self spends $4000 on her monthly living expenses (actually map these out!), saves
$1500 for a home down payment, invests $1500 into herself and her business, invests $500 on new items
for her wardrobe, invests $1000 into self-care (massages, blowouts, nails, facials, etc), and then has $1500
left over for flex money & overflow vibes!

+ WHEN. This is kind of a trick question. We don't need to worry about when it's
going to happen, and obsessing over it will only slow you down. However I want
you to make a decision that it IS possible for you now. And get into a practice of
feeling the feelings of having it now. This tells The Universe "hey, $10k months
are here, they're my standard" and The Universe brings you more of what you
are/what you put out!


Your Turn!
Answer these questions below or in your notebook.

+ Who is the $10K month version of you? Describe her below.

+ What is your 'why' behind your $10K months? Really go on a rampage! Bonus
points if your why makes you emotional!!

+ What will the money from your $10K month be used for?

+ Imagine you just had a $10K month right now or received $10K in your bank
account? How are you feeling? Get clear on the emotions, write them down, and
practice feeling them daily.



To manifest your $10K months it is so important to take inventory of limiting

beliefs, doubts, and stories, and RELEASE what's no longer serving you and feel
anything that wants to be felt. If you're tempted to skip this step, DON'T. You'd
only be holding yourself back.

Think about the excuses, fears, stories, doubts and limiting beliefs that come up
around $10K months or what comes with that next level. The $10K version of
you is NOT sitting at the pool drinking rosé thinking, "I don't deserve $10K
months" as she checks her bank account. Those fears and beliefs don't exist in
her world because she's released them.

Let's get clear on the inner chatter that's going so we can release and move

Make a list of all the excuses, fears, stories, doubts and limiting beliefs you are
telling yourself around making $10K months. Be super honest with yourself and
don't stop writing until they're all in front of you!


Part of releasing is practicing forgiveness. Just as you are releasing the
beliefs and stories that no longer serve you, make sure you also forgive:

1) Yourself. Forgive yourself for believing those stories you told yourself. At
the time you didn't know any better and were simply doing the best you

2) Anyone else involved with those beliefs. Our beliefs are usually passed
down by our parents, teachers, society, etc. Think about where those beliefs
came from and who else needs to be forgiven. This isn't to put blame or
shame on anyone that may have been involved. Remember that others
usually don't know any better either and are also doing the best they can.

+ Write a letter of forgiveness that includes how you're forgiving yourself

and anyone else involved. Write until you feel an energetic weight lifted.
*Note: you do not actually have to tell others you're forgiving them for this
to work! Although if it makes you feel even better, do whatcha gotta do

The final part of releasing is feeling your shit. I know this isn't always fun but
you will feel so much better & lighter after. Feelings will continue to
resurface if they're not processed. Take inventory of any feelings that are or
have been coming up that you're suppressing or not feeling. Then let
yourself feel what you need to feel. Frustration, sadness, disappointment,
whatever it is let it be released. I like to have a good cry session, scream into
or punch a pillow, or move my body to feel what's coming up.

Did anything come up for you when you felt what wanted to be felt? Let it



Out with the old, in with the new. New results require you to think in new
ways. Think back to the version of you who's rocking $10K months in her
business, what thoughts does she have? What does she believe about herself?
About money? How does she speak to herself? How does she handle a
moment where she is faced with fear or doubt?

You get to where you want to be by

thinking thoughts that are aligned
with that reality. In other words, you
have to align your thoughts with your
$10K month reality, before this reality
manifests. So it's normal if this exercise
feels like you're "playing." In fact, that's
a good thing!

Repetition of your new thoughts is key.

The more you remind yourself of these
thoughts, practice them, and feel the
feelings of them being true, the
quicker your reality will change.

TIP: Create affirmations out of your

new beliefs that you practice and
recite multiple times a day, journal
on your new thoughts and beliefs
everyday, write them out on post-it
notes and stick them around your
house so you're always reminded,
set alarms in your phone, etc.


Your Turn!
Create a list of 5-10 new thoughts and beliefs that are aligned with the $10K
version of yourself

Example: "$10K months are normal for me, I am worthy and deserving of the
abundance I receive daily, Money flows to me quickly and easily, love money
and money loves me, My dream clients are attracted to me effortlessly. They
love to work with me and pay me."



This step is my absolute favourite because A) it's so important, B) it's a lot of

fun, and C) it really speeds up the manifestation process.

Your energy and your vibes are f*cking everything. The thoughts you're
thinking will affect the emotions you feel, which will then create your energy
or vibration. So make sure you've done the work from step 3!

This is the question you can ask yourself everyday to align with the $10K
month vibration: "If $10K just landed in my bank account, how would I be
feeling?" OR "If I just had a $10K month, how would I be feeling?"

Take note of what comes up for you and how that compares to your current
energy/vibration. A lot of the time you might THINK you're an energetic
match for that $10K month, but when you ask yourself that question you'll
realize your energy could use some work. Your job is to close the gap and feel
how you would feel if $10k months were real in your experience right now.

Another thing to pay attention to is when you catch yourself saying "When I
have $10K months then I'll be/feel/do _______." I used to do this all the time. I'd
say things like "when I'm making $10K months I'll be more confident" or
"when I'm making $10K months I'll book that trip" or "when I'm making $10K
months I'll feel happier." Can you relate?

This is a TRAP!

If you're using statements like this

you're affirming what you don't have
(lack), and The Universe is going to
bring you more lack.

This is when you really have to practice

being/feeling/doing the thing you're
telling yourself you'll be/feel/do when
the $10K months are present.

Being in complete alignment with

your $10K month self is what allows
them to manifest. Energetic
alignment, baby!


If you take one thing from this let it be, FEEL THE FEELINGS OF ALREADY
HAVING IT! This has sped up my manifestations every single time I
continually practice it - continually being the key word! It's not enough to do
it once and expect everything to magically change. This is ongoing work.

Homework to help you feel your way to $10K:

+ Ask yourself this question, and write down what comes up for you: "If I
knew the $10K month was 100% happening this month, how would I be
thinking? How would I be feeling? How would I be showing up?"

+ If I just had a $10K month how would I be feeling in my body right now?

+ Where's the gap? How is that different than how you're currently thinking,
feeling and taking action?

+ What can you do to close the gap, and show up as the $10K version of you
now? How can you think the same way? How can you feel the same
emotions? How can you take the same action?

+ How can you prioritize the energy/higher self work every single day?



So far, most of these steps have been about the inner work. There's a reason
for that!. Without the inner work, the strategy doesn't matter.

Let me explain... Let's say you're doing all the strategy work and action to call
in that $10K month, but you're still telling yourself things like "It's never going
to happen for me," OR "It's really hard for me to make money."

This is a HUGE energetic block to

those freedom funds, babe! So
pleaseee make sure you aren't
skipping steps 1-4, because if you
skip those steps, the money is going
to skip you lol!

When it comes to action, inspired

action is KING. You have the
answers inside of you, you just have
to trust them and follow through.

What action do you feel inspired to

take? What action can you take that
feels aligned AND pushes you
outside of your comfort zone? What
action is your higher self taking or
DID she take to get there?

You don't need to know all the answers or what every single step is going to
look like, you just have to start.

Clarity comes from taking action. The more you keep taking action and
showing up for yourself, the more answers & ideas you'll receive.

Remember that with action, consistency is also so important. Don't do

something once then decide it doesn't work. Keep taking the action, talking
about your offers, providing value to your ideal clients, and KNOW that it is

It's important to be taking action that's backed with your aligned thoughts &
energies we mapped out in the last steps. This will help your strategy & action
work SO much better, easier and faster.


This doesn't mean you have to have the perfect mindset or always be
high vibe to manifest. It's not about perfection. It's about continuing to
align with your higher self, show up as her, and work through the stuff
that comes up along the way.

Your Turn!
Answer these questions to help you take action:

+ if you knew you couldn't fail, how would you be showing up & taking
action differently right now?

+ what action do you feel inspired to take in this moment?

+ what action can you take that feels aligned AND pushes you outside of
your comfort zone?

+ what action is your higher self taking or DID she take to $10K months?

+ what ideas and strategies do you feel called to explore?

+ how will you prioritize staying consistent with action?

+ how will you prioritize taking action that's backed by your new thoughts
& energy?




+ Trust is another big piece when it comes to manifesting $10K months. You
need to be able to believe and trust that it's happening even if it hasn't before,
and even when it may not look like it's going to happen. Practice building your
trust muscle every single day by feeling the feelings of already having it and
KNOWING it's on it's way.

+ Use tools to help with the trust factor. I like to implement a morning practice
I do everyday that involves meditation, journaling, and pulling an oracle card
or two. This always helps me trust that I'm on the right path and everything is
always working out for me.




+ It's one thing to do this alone, and

talk yourself through every meltdown,
pity-party, and ugly cry sesh. It's
another to have the support of a
mentor and amazing girl gang who
can pull you out of those not-so-
higher-self moments and get you back
on track toward those $10K months in
a day VS a week/month.

+ Having accountability through this

entire process is everything and will
help you fast-track your $10K month
reality. Having accountability from
people who are on the same path as
you, as well as someone who's already
there is a game changer. These people
will serve as expanders and help you
go further, faster.

+ This is exactly why I created Freedom

Business Babe and Biz Bestie. To give
you the accountability AND support
that will help you grow your business
and manifesting a reality where $10K
months are your standard.


Hey babe!
If we haven't met yet, I'm Kelly, your OG Freedom Babe.

I’ve created an online freedom business that gives me the time and financial
freedom to ENJOY my life and the means to make a huge impact in the world.
And now, I help other babes just like you, do the same!

Your business success and freedom lifestyle is a lot closer than you think. You
just need the right tools and support.

When I started my business I was afraid I might never get clients and that it
might not work. What I realized early on is that strategy & action were only part
of the equation.

Once I started to work on myself by releasing limiting beliefs that were holding
me back, and aligned my energy to match the results I desired… everything

The strategy in my business worked better because of who I was BEING. I

attracted clients and grew my business in ways that felt easy and flowy. I didn’t
have to hustle or burn myself out to get results anymore.

I began helping more people, making

more money, and had more TIME
freedom to actually enjoy my life. I had
a business that allowed me to make an
impact & an income while traveling the
world, sipping rosé by the pool, and
that brought me major fulfillment.

When I saw how much my life and

business changed by combining
mindset work, energetics and
strategy… I knew more women needed
in on this.

The women I work with are usually

either all strategy (too much masculine
energy) and burning themselves out
trying to grow their business, or
completely lost with strategy and
trying to journal their way to success
(too much feminine energy).


I help these women balance their
masculine & feminine energy in their
business, so they’re taking action that
feels fun & aligned, while showing up
as their highest selves. This has allowed
my clients to go from 0 clients to fully
booked, $1K months to $10K months,
and finally have full confidence in
themselves & their businesses.

Now it's your turn!

If you're ready to grow your business,

manifest $10K months, help more
people, and live the freedom lifestyle
you can't stop dreaming about, I'm
here to help.

Check out Freedom Business Babe and

Biz Bestie where I can support you

Freedom Business Babe is perfect if

you're looking to start an online
business or grow your existing business
to $10K months and need support with
your foundations, strategy and the
inner work.

Biz Bestie is awesome if you are feeling

pretty confident with where you're at,
and would love a space that gives you
access to a mentor to ask questions &
receive support when you need it, and
a community of women who inspire &
expand you.

I am more than happy to chat with you

about which option is best, just send
me a message on Instagram!

I hope these steps were helpful for you!

You've got this, celebrating you!


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