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To start, we must first define what a Gen-Z kid is; It's an individual from the

generation born between the mid-1990s and the early 2010s. They are the youngest
generation right now, and are also known as "Zoomers" or "Cotton Wool Kids" due to
their introverted nature and how "sheltered" they are.
Nonetheless, Gen-Z, like other generations, have their positive side; which
includes their extreme aptitude for social media and everything tech which is
particularly good because society as we know it is slowly inching towards a more
internet/technology oriented future, and most of all their adaptability, because
metaphorically living between two worlds; the digital world and the real world,
naturally gives you significant flexibility work-wise, gen-Z are quick to embrace
change and can easily adjust to new environments and technologies, a skill which is
particularly valued within any work force.

Gen-Z tend to stray from conventional teaching methods and opt for more modernized
approaches, such as courses on the internet etc.. It's a well known fact that
information is at the touch of our fingertips in this digital era, and gen Z are
the best at exploiting this fact, using the internet as a tool and a means for
learning, self-discipline and other necessary functions.

Artificial intelligence, or AI is a form of machine learning where a bot or

specialized code processes information and adapts to certain conditions in order to
provide the needed output. AI has the potential to improve our lives in various
ways. For example, it can help automate repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing us
to focus on more important and creative endeavors. AI can also be used in areas
such as healthcare, security, and research to aid in disease detection and
prevention, enhance safety, and accelerate scientific discoveries. However, t's
important to note that AI cannot completely replace humans, and that interaction on
the internet cannot replace human-to-human interaction. Certain skills such as
creativity, empathy, and ethical decision-making remain crucial in many fields, and
remain unique to human beings. AI is designed to complement and support humans, not
replace them.

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