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M. K. Lina St., Lipa City

SUBJECT: Science 7
TIME: 8:00-9:10 AM

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
1. Analyze and differentiate between the various types of
waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, including
their properties, wavelengths, and applications,
through a written or oral presentation.
2. Demonstrate the ability to construct and manipulate
a simple model or diagram representing the
electromagnetic spectrum.
3. Appreciate the importance of understanding the
electromagnetic spectrum’s role in human vision and
color perception by participating actively in a group
discussion or debate about the impact of different
wavelengths on everyday life and technology.



B. Reference/s

Ryan Noel A. Dona, Jamaika Joy O. Espinosa, Rica Angela

O. Rosas, Enrique F. Coralejo, Ed,D . Science in Everyday
Living 7. Novaliches Quezon City: Brilliant Creations
Publishing Inc.

Learning Across Curriculum:

1) Mathematics: Students will calculate the frequencies and wavelengths of
different waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
2) Technology and Livelihood Education: Students will design and create a poster
showcasing the different types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum and their

Review Motivation:
[Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes]
[Instructional Materials:]
1) Interactive quiz software
2) Whiteboard or projector

Activity 1: Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

[Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning]
- Electromagnetic spectrum chart
- Colored markers
- Chart papers
Significance: This activity will enable students to visually analyze and differentiate
between the different types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
1) Divide students into small groups.
2) Provide each group with an electromagnetic spectrum chart, colored markers,
and chart papers.
3) Instruct students to work together to identify and color-code the different types
of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum on the chart papers.
4) Each group will then present their charts to the class, explaining the properties,
wavelengths, and applications of each type of wave.
- Accuracy of identification and color-coding: 20 pts.
- Presentation and explanation: 20 pts.
Assessment Questions:
1) What is the relationship between wavelength and frequency in the
electromagnetic spectrum?
2) Give an example of an application for each type of wave in the electromagnetic
3) How do the properties of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum differ from each

Activity 2: Model Making

[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]
- Assorted craft materials (e.g., colored paper, scissors, glue)
- Rulers or measuring tapes
- Markers
Significance: This activity will allow students to construct and manipulate a model
or diagram representing the electromagnetic spectrum, enhancing their
understanding of the topic.
1) Instruct students to work individually or in pairs.
2) Provide each student/pair with the necessary craft materials, rulers or
measuring tapes, and markers.
3) Students will create a model or diagram representing the electromagnetic
spectrum, accurately depicting the types of waves, their properties, and
4) Students will present their models/diagrams to the class, explaining their design
choices and the significance of each element.
- Accuracy and completeness of the model/diagram: 25 pts.
Assessment Questions:
1) Describe the different types of waves represented in your model/diagram and
their respective properties.
3) Discuss the significance of understanding the electromagnetic spectrum in
relation to your model/diagram.

Activity 3: Real-Life Applications

[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]
- Case study scenarios related to the applications of waves in the electromagnetic
- Paper and pens for note-taking
Significance: This activity will enable students to analyze real-life scenarios and
identify the applications of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
1) Divide students into small groups.
2) Each group will present their analysis to the class, discussing the significance
and impact of the electromagnetic spectrum in the given scenario.

- Presentation and
Assessment Questions:
1) How did you identify the types of waves involved in the given case study
2) Discuss the significance and impact of the electromagnetic spectrum in the given
3) Can you think of any other real-life scenarios where the understanding of the
electromagnetic spectrum is crucial?

Activity 1 - Students successfully identified and differentiated between the different
types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. They demonstrated a clear
understanding of the properties, wavelengths, and applications of each wave.
Activity 2 - Students effectively constructed and manipulated models or diagrams
representing the electromagnetic spectrum. Their presentations showcased their
understanding of the topic and their ability to explain their design choices.
Activity 3 - Students analyzed real-life scenarios and accurately identified the types
of waves involved and their applications. They demonstrated an understanding of
the significance and impact of the electromagnetic spectrum in various situations.

By analyzing and differentiating between the various types of waves in the
electromagnetic spectrum, including their properties, wavelengths, and
applications, students develop an appreciation for the importance of understanding
the electromagnetic spectrum. They also recognize potential rules and patterns that
deepen their understanding of the topic.

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]
Task 1 - Students will research and present a case study on a specific application
of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum, highlighting its impact on society and
the environment.
Task 2 - Students will design and conduct a simple experiment to investigate the
effects of different wavelengths of light on plant growth.

[Teaching Strategy: Discussion]
[Instructional Materials:]
Question 1 - How does understanding the electromagnetic spectrum contribute to
advancements in technology and communication?
Question 2
Question 3 - Discuss the potential dangers and risks associated with exposure to
certain types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.

[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]
Assignment 1 - Write a short story or create a comic strip that showcases the
applications of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum in a fictional scenario.
Assignment 2 - Research and write a report on the historical development and
discoveries related to the electromagnetic spectrum, highlighting key scientists and
their contributions.

Subject Teacher

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