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Raw Score: _________

Timeliness: _________
Total Score: ________


Quarter 2 – Module 2 Lesson 1: Conceptualize Contemporary Art Based on Techniques and Performance Practices

Name: ________________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________

Name of Parent/Guardian: ____________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________
Date of Signing: _______________
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on the space before each number. Erasures mean
________1. It is an art made on, with, or consisting of the human body.
a. digital art b. graffiti art c. body art d. video art
________2. It is an art form which relies on moving pictures in a visual and audio medium.
a. digital art b. graffiti art c. body art d. video art
________3. It is a basic form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the precise pattern and
color, or in which conflicting patters emerge and overlap.
a. kinetic art b. digital art c. feminist art d. op art
________4. It describes movements in various forms of arts and design especially visual art and music
where the work is set out to expose the essence, essentials, or identity of a subject through
eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts.
a. feminism c. minimalism
b. abstract expressionism d. modernism
________5. These are arts for ritual purposes or for everyday use.
a. traditional art b. modern art c. islamic art d. ethnic art
________6. It is a movement refers to the efforts and accomplishments of feminists internationally to
produce art that reflects women’s lives and experiences, as well as to change the foundation for the
production and reception of contemporary art.
a. kinetic art b. digital art c. feminist art d. op art
________7. It is commonly refers to decorative imagery applied by paint or other means to buildings, public
transport or other property.
a. digital art b. graffiti art c. body art d. video art
________8. It is a range of artistic practices encompassing both historical approaches to nature in art and
more recent ecological and politically motivated types of works.
a. environment art b. fishery art c. civic art d. agricultural art
________9. It is characterized by geometric designs and patterns eliciting focus from the believers.
a. traditional art b. modern art c. islamic art d. ethnic art
________10. This is a post-World War 2 art movement in American painting.
a. feminism c. minimalism
b. abstract expressionism d. modernism
________11. It is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative
or presentation process.
a. kinetic art b. digital art c. feminist art d. op art
________12. These are things made from heated and hardened clay.
a. ceramics b. pottery c. jar d. glass
________13. These are things such as pots and dishes made from baked clay.
a. ceramics b. pottery c. jar d. glass
________14. This refers mostly to household arts such as flower arrangement, interior decoration,
dressmaking, home-making, embroidery, cooking and others.
a. bamboo craft c. civic art
b. applied/household art d. industrial art
________15. These are primarily aesthetic enjoyment through the senses, especially visual and auditory.
a. fine or aesthetic arts c. Contemporary arts
b. practical or utilitarian arts d. commercial arts
Raw Score: _________
Timeliness: _________
Total Score: ________


Quarter 2 – Module 2 Lesson 1: Conceptualize Contemporary Art Based on Techniques and Performance Practices

Name: ________________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________

Name of Parent/Guardian: ____________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________
Date of Signing: _______________
Directions: Inside the box below, create your own OP ART. See examples as guide.

CRITERIA: Creativity – 60%; Originality – 25%; Visual impact - 15%

Quarter 2 – Module 2 Lesson 1: Conceptualize Contemporary Art Based on Techniques and Performance Practices

Name: ________________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________

Name of Parent/Guardian: ____________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________
Date of Signing: _______________
TEST I. Identification: Identify what is referred to in the following statements. Write your answer on
the space before each number.
_____________________1. It is an art made on, with, or consisting of the human body.
_____________________2. It is an art form which relies on moving pictures in a visual and audio medium.
_____________________3. It is a basic form of abstract art that gives the illusion of movement by the
precise pattern and color, or in which conflicting patterns emerge and overlap.
_____________________4. It describes movements in various forms of arts and design, especially visual
art and music where the work is set out to expose the essence, essentials, or identity of a subject through
eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts.
_____________________5. It is a movement refers to the efforts and accomplishments of feminists
internationally to produce art that reflects women’s lives and experiences, as well as to change the
foundation for the production and reception of contemporary art.
_____________________6. It is commonly referring to decorative imagery applied by paint or other means
to buildings, public transport or other property.
_____________________7. It is a range of artistic practices encompassing both historical approaches to
nature in art and more recent ecological and politically motivated types of works.
_____________________8. This is a post-World War 2 art movement in American painting.
_____________________9. It is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an essential part
of the creative or presentation process.
_____________________ 10. This is a form of art in which artists use their voices and/or their bodies,
often in relation to other objects, to convey artistic expression.

TEST II. Write what kind of art is the following pictures.

11. ________________________ 16. _______________________

12. ________________________ 17. _______________________
13. ________________________ 18. _______________________
14. ________________________ 19. _______________________
15. ________________________ 20. _______________________

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