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Safety Measures

.Read the radio script and do the activities that follow

Preparing for earthquakes involves learning what should be done before, during, and after
Before an Earthquake, you had better identify safe places in your work area to ‘Drop, Cover
and Hold On.’ Look for at least two ways to exit the building safely after an earthquake. Then, you
had better stock up on emergency supplies. Keep the basics: flashlight, first-aid kit, whistle, gloves,
goggles, blankets and sturdy shoes. After that, coordinate supplies with your work group or
During an Earthquake, you’d better not panic and remain calm as the quake occurs. If you are
indoors when the shaking occurs, you’d better stay there. Move away from windows and unsecured
tall furniture. Drop, cover and hold on under a desk, or a table. Protect your head, neck and face. If
you are outdoors, you’d better move to an open area away from falling hazards such as trees, power
lines, and buildings.
After an Earthquake, You’d better remain calm and reassuring. Then, check yourself and others for
injuries. You’d better not move injured people unless they are in danger. Use your training to provide
first aid. Be ready to act without electricity or lights thus you will know how to move around your
work area and how to exit in the dark. You’d better not re-enter damaged buildings until an all-clear
is given. Use telephones only to report a life-threatening emergency.

.Write the following sentences under the correct column 1

a. Stay away from windows and buildings.
b. Look for a safe place which is near to the exit doors.
c. Check for injuries.
d. Stay calm and don’t panic when the quake occurs.
e. Crouch under a desk or a table.
f. Use the telephone for emergencies only.

Before an earthquake During an earthquake After an earthquake

2 Listen again to the script then choose the right answer:

1 The script is about: 3 If you are outdoors, you’d better:
a natural disaster. a. run away.
b. earthquake safety precautions. b. move to a close area.
c. Man-made disasters. c. move to an open area.
2 If you are indoors, you’d better: 4 Check yourself and others for injuries:
a. stay there. a. before the quake occurs.
b. call someone. b. during the quake.
c. move away. c. after the quake.

Teacher: D. Mourad 2022/2023 1

Pre writing task
Are you prepared for a natural disaster? What safety measures should you take before, during
and after the disaster?

Exercise 1: Follow these simple rules and be safe.

If you’re indoors,
 get under a desk , table or other ___________________.
 stay away from glass, ___________________ and doors.
 if you’re in an office building, don’t use the __________________.

If you’re outside,
 keep away from 4 __________________, trees or electrical wires which can fall on you.

If you’re driving,
 don’t stop near or under 5__________________.
 turn on your radio for __________________ and information.
Remember DON’T PANIC!


If you are in class, you should__________________________ and stay there till______________
You mustn't _________________________________________.As soon as the vibration stops,
. you should_____________________________________________________________________
If you are at home, you should______________________________________________________
You mustn't____________________________________________________________________
You can come out________________________________________________________________
but you must____________________________________________________________________
You should__________________________________ and shouldn't_________________________
If you are in the street, don't________________________________________________________
and try to_______________________________________________________________________

Teacher: D. Mourad 2022/2023 2

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