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Another common fear that many people experience is the fear of heights, known as acrophobia. This
fear involves an intense apprehension of being at elevated places or in situations where there is a
significant drop below, such as tall buildings, bridges, or mountains.

Individuals with a fear of heights often experience anxiety, dizziness, sweating, trembling, and a rapid
heartbeat when exposed to elevated environments. The fear may vary in intensity, from mild
discomfort to severe panic attacks. This fear can be linked to a natural instinct for self-preservation,
as falling from heights can result in serious injury or death.

Overcoming the fear of heights often involves gradual exposure therapy, where individuals face their
fear in a controlled and supportive environment. Seeking professional guidance from psychologists
specializing in anxiety disorders can provide effective strategies to cope with and overcome this
common fear. Addressing the fear of heights can contribute to increased confidence because it opens
up opportunities for individuals to move elevated spaces without excessive anxiety


An essential element of the ecosystem is water. But currently, the water environment is seriously

The most common cause of water pollution is the direct disposal of industrial into the surface water.
Waste from factories when released into lakes, rivers and seas poisons animals and plants, which
then destroys ecosystems.

Another cause of water pollution is human waste. Human waste discharged into lakes, rivers and
seas is the main cause of water pollution Saltwater fishes may die because of the depletion of oxygen
in seawater caused by ocean dumping.

The oil spill is leaked from a petroleum tanker, is also a reason of sea pollution. Most of the marine
animals cannot digest oil or cleanse the spilling oil on their feathers. Therefore, they will die soon
unless there are human interventions. The spill also adversely affect seawater, which damages the
tourist industry of coastal regions.

To summarize, water pollution severely affects the environment and subsequently the life of animals
and human.

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