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Angel Alexander


● Dirk, Kerry “Navigating Genres” [Posted to Blackboard]

For your first homework activity we want you to think about writing situations and
the forms of communication you use to achieve your goals within those situations.

First, identify three problems or situations that you might face on a daily or weekly
basis that require you to write something. Describe your goal or purpose within
those situations. For example, you might want to stay in touch with a high school
friend in another state, or communicate with classmates who are working with you on
an assigned group project, or let your employer know you need a night off, etc.

1. Taking notes in class, so that I can go back and study it later.
2. Charting for doctors at work, therefore when patients return, they know what
they need done and what has been completed.
3. Assignment due dates, so I will not forget when an assignment is supposed to
be turned in
Then, respond to the following questions. (Your responses should be at least one
hearty paragraph for each of the situations you described above!)

1.) Who is/are your reader(s) and what is your relationship to them? (Why are they
reading what you wrote?)
2.) What form of communication do you normally use to achieve this purpose?
3.) What does this form of communication usually look like? How did you learn or
become familiar with what it looks like? (E.g., who taught you or showed you how to
use or write it?)
4.) Are there other forms of communication that you *could* use? What are the
advantages/disadvantages of each? Which would you ultimately choose and why?

1. My reader is my favorite person of all time, Me! The relationship is that it is my self. I

am reading what I wrote to study for future tests. I use Cornell notes to achieve this

purpose. This form of communication usually looks like questions on one side of paper

with a line in between and answers on the other side. I learned this form of note taking in
a previous middle school class room. My teacher at the time gave me an assignment to

read a section and do Cornell notes and I find it highly effective. There are other forms of

communication that I could do such as making note cards. The disadvantage of that

would be trying to really learn from them because I am used to making Cornell notes.

However, an advantage would be learning a new way to study. I would choose Cornell

notes because it is more effective

2. The Reader for this situation would be my coworkers. My relationship with them is that

we work together. They are reading what I wrote so that when patients return, they

know what they need done and what has been completed in the past. I usually

use charting to accomplish this purpose. This form of communication usually

looks like numbers of teeth and letters for teeth surfaces, we write down what

already existing in black and what needs to be done in red. You become

familiar with this form of communication by working in a dental office. When

you go through training, they show you how to correctly do it. With this

situation there are few ways to do it another way that they chart is by writing

full sentences of what they did, a disadvantage of that is that it takes a while

and they have other patients to see and an advantage is that the charting is more

detailed. I would choose the original way of charting because it is the simplest

and quickest way.

3. My reader is myself. That is also my relationship. I am reading what I wrote so that I

have reminders for exams and assignment due dates. Marking my calendar is the form of

communication I use. You learn and become familiar with marking calendars on your
own as you become an adult. Another form of communication I could use is making

clock reminders on my phone or carrying a paper around with all the dates. An advantage

of using these methods would be having something notify me rather than having to look

at my calendar and always having a paper I can refer to. A disadvantage would again be

doing something I am not too familiar with and might fluster me a bit. Ultimately, I

would choose what I am most familiar with, The calendar.

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