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READING COMPREHENSION “An Australian exchange”

First reading : Read the document through and find the English equivalents

French English
- Banlieue - Suburbia
- Un echange étudiant - A student exchange
- A travers le monde - Across the word
- Un conseiller pédagogique - A school consellor
- Une bourse d’étude - A scholarship
- La scolarité - Schooling
- Faire marche arrière - To back off
- L’école que je fréquentais - The school I attended

Activity 1 - Answer the questions by making sentences

0. Where is this girl from? What’s her name ? Where did she want to go ? What for ?

1. How old was she when she went abroad as an exchange student?

2. How long did she spend abroad ?

3. What did she do to convince her parents?

4. How did they find a recognized school ?

5. How much did her parents pay ?

6. Was the host family friendly ?

7. How was the school ? And the people there ?

8. How did she feel on her first day of school ?

9. What did she like best ?

10. Was it hard to leave and come back ?

Activity 2 - Put the sentences in the order of the story.

___Eventually, she went back home but the transition was difficult. She says that if one day you have the
chance to go abroad, you should do it.

___She decided to plan her trip very carefully to convince her parents and they said yes.

___It was hard for her to leave but it was a memorable experience.

___She liked best travelling around Australia for 3 weeks with the other students.

___Thanks to her school’s counselor, they chose the best organization that best suited Chelsea and paid for
half of the program.
___At the end of her stay, she travelled around Australia with 41 students. She says she had a great time.

___Chelsea is a 15-year-old girl who grew up in the US. She wanted to spend 6 months in Australia as an
exchange student.

___She stayed in a host family. The school was quite strict and she was intimidated. However, everything
went smoothly and everybody was friendly.
Activity 3 : Find the words in the text.

Verbs Nouns Other

Grandir un défi Combien (prix)
Passer un fait Combien de temps
Convaincre la moitié pour /dans le but de
Envoyer retour en arrière surtout
Planifier tout
Chercher sans difficulté
convenir à pendant
Payer Encore/toujours
faire face à
Adjectives Linking words
différent de ensuite
autorisé à finalement
intimidé pendant tout ce temps
inoubliable bien que
bourré de donc
rempli de

Activity 4 - Translate into English.

1. Chelsea a toujours voulu aller à l’étranger.

2. Elle a eu la chance d’étudier en Australie quand elle était encore au lycée.

3. Pour convaincre ses parents, elle a planifié son voyage avec soin.

4. Malgré ses peurs, tout s’est bien passé dans sa nouvelle école.

5. Elle s’est bien amusée avec les autres étudiants de l’échange.

6. Elle a dit à sa famille qu’elle avait eu le mal du pays.

7. Enfin Chelsea encourage les autres étudiants d’aller dans un pays étranger également.

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