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Welcome to Ampthill Practice and Regents Park Practice

Thank you for joining Ampthill Practice and Regents Park Practice. To ensure that we have your current medical
and personal details, please complete this questionnaire. To complete the registration process you must bring in
proof of address and photo I.D. If you have previously registered with a GP Surgery in the U.K you must provide
your NHS Number. If you do not know this please contact your previous GP Surgery.

If you need assistance please ask for a member of staff

The information you give is confidential and is subject to the Data Protection Act

Title: (Mr/Mrs/Other) ………. Surname: …………………………... First name(s): ……………………...……….…………

Male / Female (please circle) NHS No ……………………….…….. Date of Birth: ……………………………...

Address Telephone & email Emergency Contact

Telephone…………………………… Name…………………………………
Mobile………………………….......... Number…………….………………..
Work…………………………………. What is your relationship to this
Postcode……………………………. person?
Email………………………………… ....................................................

Are you registered disabled? Yes/No If yes please give details of your disability:……………………………………………

Do you use a mobility aid? Yes/No Stick Frame Wheelchair (circle)

Are you housebound? Yes/No

…are people who are looking after a friend, relative, partner or neighbour who cannot manage on their own. The person
they are caring for or supporting may be elderly or ill, have a disability, have learning difficulties or a mental health
problem, or be a child with special needs.

(i) Are you a carer for someone? Yes/No If yes, are they registered at this practice? Yes/No
Name of the person you care for……………………………………………Their contact number…………………………….
(ii) Do you have a carer? Yes/No If yes, are they registered at this practice? Yes/No
Name of the person who cares for you…………………………………… Their contact number……………………………..
Allergies (Please list any allergies that you have to anything, including medications, giving details of reaction)

Past Medical History (Please list any illnesses, operations or other serious medical problems and the year of onset)

Details Year(s)

Current medication (Please state when started, dose of medication and how often taken per day

We offer confidential HIV screening and counselling. Please speak to a member of staff if you would like this service

Family History

Is there a family history of : ? Yes / No Relationship (only mother/father/brother/sister) Age when first diagnosed

Heart attack / bypass surgery Yes / No

High blood pressure Yes / No

CVA/Stroke Yes / No

Diabetes Yes / No

Asthma/COPD Yes /No

Cancer Yes / No
(esp bowel, breast or ovary)
If ‘yes’ please give details about the type of cancer

Other family history? eg muscular dystrophy, haemophilia, sickle cell, polycystic kidneys, other illnesses? Yes/No
Please give details

Alcohol Use: How many units of alcohol do you consume each week? Total............................................
1 unit of alcohol = 1 small pub measure (25 ml) of spirits / ½ pint ordinary strength beer, lager or cider
1 ½ units of alcohol = 1 small glass (125 ml) of ordinary strength wine
(Please circle your answers in Questions 1, 2 & 3 below; total the 3 scores; enter total in box below)

1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? *

Never Score (0) Monthly (1) 2-4 times a month ( 2) 2-3 times a week (3) 4 or more times a week (4)

2. How many standard drinks* containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

1-2 Score (0) 3 or 4 (1) 5 or 6 (2) 7 or 8 (3) 10 or more (4)

3. How often do you have 6 or more standard drinks* on one occasion?

Never Score (0) Less than monthly Monthly (2) Weekly (3) Daily or almost daily (4)
TOTAL SCORE for Qs 1,2&3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Ethnicity: This information will help us to ensure that our service is reaching everyone in our community
Tick Office use Tick Office use
British or mixed British 9i0 Pakistani/British 9i8
Irish 9i1 Bangladeshi/British 9i9
Other White..……………………….. 9i2 Other Asian……...………………… 9iA
White and black Caribbean 9i3 Caribbean 9iB
White and black African 9i4 African 9iC
White and Asian 9i5 Other black………………………… 9iD
Other mixed……...…………………. 9i6 Chinese 9iE
Indian/British Indian 9i7 Other Specify…………………… 9iF

Main language spoken ……………………………………………………….. Interpreter needed Yes / No (please circle)

Do you smoke? Yes / No (circle) If ‘No’ have you ever smoked Yes / No (please circle)
If ‘Yes’ how many per day: cigarettes………………… / cigars ………………… / pipe …………………
If you are an ex-smoker, what year did you give up?..................
Would you like support to quit smoking? Yes/No (please circle)
Exercise: How many sessions * do you do each week? (Enter below)

0  1 2  3  3+  (Tick)

* 1 session = 20 minutes of aerobic activity sufficient to raise your pulse and make you breathless

Women only


Last smear?

Last mammogram?

Have you ever had an abnormal smear? Yes / No

If yes please give details (date, place, treatment)………………………………………………………………………..

Have you had a hysterectomy? Yes / No

If Yes please give details (date, place, reason) ………………………………………………………………………….

What contraception are you using at present …………………………………………………………………………….

Have you ever had a blood test to check if you are immune to rubella (german measles)? Yes/No


One Stop New Patient Checks – over 16’s only

We need to know your height, weight, and blood pressure, to complete your registration. We appreciate that you may be
busy so we’ve tried to make it easy for you to supply this information yourself. Please complete the following steps and
hand in your form to reception. Please ask if you need assistance or advice.

Height………………….. cm or ………..Ft ……….inches

Weight……………………KG or ………..Stone ………… lbs

Blood Pressure
1. Sit on the chair in front of the monitor
2. Ensure your skin is exposed above your elbow before inserting your arm into the insert section
3. Insert arm as far as you can up to your armpit and relax with your palm facing upwards
4. Press the green start button
5. The cuff will inflate around your upper arm and the measurement takes a minute or so
6. When complete the cuff will automatically deflate
7. Record your reading

Systolic…………………..mmHg Diastolic…………………….mmHg

The practice has a PPG – Patient Participation Group – that meets a few times a year to discuss practice issues and to
share ideas about how to develop / improve the practice. We are also looking at a ‘virtual’ group for patients who are
unable to attend meetings but who wish to input to the group by email. If you would like to get involved please contact the
practice or complete the PPG form on the website.

Thank you for taking the time to complete your registration

We look forward to offering the services of our health care team to you and your family.


Recording Consent of New Patients for Data Sharing

Initiatives in Camden
For Camden patients I want to:
only Camden Integrated Digital Record
(CIDR), is a local initiative for Camden Opt in to CIDR.
residents, to enable your care providers
in Camden to view the relevant Opt out of CIDR.
information when treating you and so IF YOU OPT OUT YOU
give you the best possible care. MUST COMPLETE THE OPT
ADMIN – do not code opt
Summary Care If you have a summary care record your
Record I want to have a Summary
health care providers can view your
National Scheme care record.
medication, bad reactions to medications
and allergy information when treating
you in an emergency or when your
I do not want to have a
practice is closed.
Summary Care Record.

Please read the above text and make your selection by ticking the box or boxes next to the right statement. Then please fill out
the required information below, sign and date the form and return it to reception.

Date of Birth:

Signature: Date:

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