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6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

La meva pàgina inicial / Els meus cursos / Llengua estrangera Anglès II / Unit 1

/ L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary)

Començat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 21:52

Estat Acabat
Completat el dilluns, 6 de febrer 2023, 21:57
Temps emprat 4 minuts 24 segons
Punts 17,00/17,00
Qualificació 10,00 sobre 10,00 (100%) 1/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

1 Puntuació 8,00 sobre 8,00


You will hear a news report from CNN about Salman Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy.
Before you listen to the news report, look at the following definitions and match them to the expressions below.

Definition Expression

1 in the physical presence of another person face to face 

2 a well paid job a lucrative career 

3 to work in an office to have a desk job 

4 the movement of money that comes in and goes out of an office cash flow 

5 100 % correct a perfect score 

6 a group that uses speculative investments to make money a hedge fund 

7 to have victory over something or someone to conquer 

8 to fill an empty space to fill a gap 

Your answer is correct.

La resposta correcta és:
You will hear a news report from CNN about Salman Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy.
Before you listen to the news report, look at the following definitions and match them to the expressions below.

Definition Expression

1 in the physical presence of another person [face to face]

2 a well paid job [a lucrative career]

3 to work in an office [to have a desk job]

4 the movement of money that comes in and goes out of an office [cash flow]

5 100 % correct [a perfect score]

6 a group that uses speculative investments to make money [a hedge fund] 2/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

7 to have victory over something or someone [to conquer]

8 to fill an empty space [to fill a gap] 3/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

Listening (1)
Watch the video and decide if the sentences are true or false.

Salman Khan on CNN

DS = Dan Simon SK = Salman Khan SS = Sara Shadid

DS: Sal Khan lives in California outside of San Francisco. Sara Shadid halfway around the globe in Dubai. Their lives are
interconnected but Khan doesn't know it. This is a story about how one man is helping to educate the world, but has never seen
any of his students, face to face.
DS: Where does this passion come from?
SK: You know I think I've always enjoyed teaching.
DS: It's about a man who gave up a lucrative career in Silicon Valley for what might look like a boring desk job.
SK: Right now I'm, I'm cash flow negative.
DS: But it was never about money, and with his drive and education Khan could've made millions. He was valedictorian of his
high school with a perfect math score on the SAT. Then came MIT, Bill Clinton handing him his diploma. Next Harvard business
school, he was lured into hedge funds and did well. But Khan, who has a wife and son to support, gave it up.
SK: A lot of people thought I was kinda crazy. Obviously, you know, when every waking hour you have you would sneak into a
room, make math videos and put them on YouTube. People kinda question, you know, what's up?
DS: Here's what's up. Khan's YouTube videos.
SK: Let's do a couple more examples and I think you might get it.
DS: They've been clicked on more than 9 million times from users around the world. The topics range from math to chemistry
to economics.
SS: From every curriculum you can use the videos. He's really helpful.
DS: One of his users 19-year-old college sophomore Sara Shadid in Dubai. She says the videos made all the difference in
helping her conquer calculus.
SS: Before each and every exam, I take two days checking all of his videos, and understanding the small details he explains.
DS: This gigantic virtual school originates from the smallest of places, from a tiny converted closet inside Sal's master bedroom.
This is where he is able to reach an estimated 80,000 knowledge-seeking users a month.
It all started a few years ago when a cousin wanted some online math tutoring. Pretty soon other relatives started asking for
similar help. Suddenly people he didn't know started watching. People must have put in math terms and suddenly they find you.
SK: Yeah, I think it's just completely, it's that small subset of people who go to YouTube and do a web search for "greatest
common divisor".
DS: People did it and it caught on. It's now called The Khan Academy. The videos are short and simply produced, only his voice.
SK: So that's your slope of....
DS: With a simple black background and graphics.
SK: There are a lot of people who need help with, with their math, science whatever and I think they find these YouTube videos
as kind of the ideal nuggets to fill in their gaps.
DS: These mini classes filled in Sarah Shadid's gaps who says she and her friends refer to Khan as the man with the coloured
fonts. Whatever you call him or his teachings the success of his site has validated that decision to walk away from hedge funds.
Dan Simon, CNN, San Francisco. 4/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

2 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Salman Khan has met his student Sara Shadid.

Trieu-ne una:

Fals 

La resposta correcta és 'Fals'.

3 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


He left an unexciting office job in order to become a teacher.

Trieu-ne una:

Fals 

La resposta correcta és 'Fals'.

4 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


In the beginning lots of people couldn’t understand why he left his well-paid job.

Trieu-ne una:
Vertader 


La resposta correcta és 'Vertader'. 5/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

5 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Sara Shadid uses Khan’s videos after every math class.

Trieu-ne una:

Fals 

La resposta correcta és 'Fals'.

6 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Khan makes his videos in his kitchen.

Trieu-ne una:

Fals 

La resposta correcta és 'Fals'.

7 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Originally Khan began making videos to help a member of his family.

Trieu-ne una:
Vertader 


La resposta correcta és 'Vertader'. 6/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent

8 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Khan’s video production is very complex.

Trieu-ne una:

Fals 

La resposta correcta és 'Fals'.

9 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Khan’s videos do not show his face.

Trieu-ne una:
Vertader 


La resposta correcta és 'Vertader'.

10 Puntuació 1,00 sobre 1,00


Khan makes very short video lessons.

Trieu-ne una:
Vertader 


La resposta correcta és 'Vertader'.


Salta a... 7/8
6/2/23, 21:57 L1AP3_Studying online (Listening&Vocabulary): Revisió de l'intent


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