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Role Play

Policy Maker: Jomari

Teachers: Allen & Sherry

Administrator: Mary

Policy Maker: Good morning everyone! I have called you all for a crucial announcement

Teachers & Administrator: (Talking/Confused)

Policy Maker: Because there is a change, and we want to equalize our standard internationally, there will be a change in
the education system in all schools.

Teacher ( Sherry): What specific kind of change sir?

Policy Maker: We all know that our world is innovating, you as a teacher should be adaptive. So we decided to
implement the K to 12 Curriculum.

Administrator: Sir, it means that the traditional way of teaching will be disregarded? And won't it be difficult for the
children to adapt to the new environment and the new education system?

Policy Maker: The traditional way of teaching won't be ignored, this curriculum aims to improve the way of teaching
strategies. So basically, we're going to add two more years to high school for the curriculum

Teachers & Administrator: (Shock). 2 MORE YEARS?!!!

*(Everyone freezes)

Narrator: And there was an intense discussion between teachers, administrators, and the policy maker.

Policy Maker: Yes, is there anything wrong with that?

Teachers (Allen): Sir, some so many possible problems and struggles that will happen if we are going to implement this
Administrator: I agree, we need to consider the students and their parents. Not all students are in the same state in life,
some parents are poor and struggling to provide for their children. If their studies are extended to extended years, there
is a possibility that they will find it difficult to support the needs of their children.

Teacher (Sherry): Not only in students and parents. We do not have enough equipment and tools here in our school to
keep up with and effectively implement that new curriculum. Even our teachers will have a hard time because we are not
yet familiar with the use of new tools such as technology.

Policy Maker: But that is the ordinance, we can't change it. All we need to do is to follow and promote advancement in
the new curriculum among students.

Narrator: The discussion between the teacher, administrator, and policymaker has ended. On the faces of the teachers,
we can see the fear and apprehension towards the new curriculum that was introduced. Teachers had problems and
struggled during the first few weeks and months after the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum. We can observe
that one teacher is having a hard time using the new tools and technology teaching that she will use in her lesson.
Another teacher is disappointed in himself because his old teaching methods are not effective for his students. They also
noticed that their students are struggling to meet the new expectations and standards. Generally, teachers do not have
access to the necessary textbooks, materials, or technology to effectively implement the new curriculum.

*After one week of struggles, the teachers and the administrator had a meeting.*

Administrator: I know that you are experiencing a hard time because of the new curriculum, but we have to continue
and strategize

Teacher 1 ( ): Yes, I noticed that our old teaching method is not effective in the learning process of the students,
so we need to strategize other methods to engage our students to learn

Teacher 2 ( ): It's our responsibility to impart knowledge to them, so we shouldn't stop trying and also learning.
Let's do it together, using collaboration we can survive this hindrance.

Narrator: The teachers, administrator, and the school itself collaborate using training by using technologies in the field of
teaching, and to make their teaching methods become more engaging to the students. They also come up with new
strategies and methods in the learning process of the students. And after a month, they observe that the students
become more active and engaged with the new curriculum. They become more adaptive and flexible when it comes to
learning. In conclusion, the implementation of the K to 12 curriculum represents a significant educational reform
initiative. While challenges exist, curriculum reform has the potential to enhance the quality and relevance of education,
improve students' readiness for higher education and the workforce, and address skills.

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