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Investigator kit checklist

Item Purpose

Explosion Used on scene where there is the presence of combustible

proof flashlight flammable materials

Protractor To measure angles

Scissors To cut small articles

Pliers To bend, shape or cut articles

Pocket knife To bend, cut, unscrew, tighten or open articles

Magnifying glass To enlarge small objects for visual identification purposes

Dental mirrors To see around corners or obscure angles

To secure and tie down objects. Nylon is the preferred material as it is

Nylon rope weather proof
tape To cordon off and secure the scene
To take measurements of evidence in relation to their position/location
Measuring tape against that of a fixed object

To tie down and secure evidence. Also be used to take

String measurements of obscure and cylindrical objects

To place evidence inside; can also be used to cover or secure the evidence,
e.g. covering bodily fluids outside. Only sterile bags may be used (so as not
Plastic bags
to contaminate evidence)

Field workbook To make rough sketches, map the scene and take notes

To take notes, record witness details or any other important information

Note pad whilst on scene

Clipboard To provide a flat, hard surface for leaning on while taking down notes

Graph paper To be used for precise drawing, mapping and sketching of the scene

Incident report To capture vital information on scene and to begin recording and
form documenting evidence

statement form To record and document witness accounts

Felt tip markers To mark uneven surfaces and label evidence bags, etc.

Ball-point pens To write reports, take statements, etc.

Yellow or
other colour To mark rough surfaces, e.g. on a concrete or tar road
Effective Date
Revision Date

Spray paint To mark surfaces, such as on the soil or grass, and to mark vertical surfaces,
(yellow or red) e.g. marking a point on a vertical concrete pillar

To secure evidence, to write information on, and to stick on objects

Masking tape for identification purposes
PPE: hard
Spare PPE to enter the scene of the incident where there is a
hats, gloves,
mandatory requirement to wear the respective PPE
Digital camera To capture photographic evidence via pictures and/or videos

Digital Dictaphone To record verbal accounts from witnesses and victim(s)

Sound level meter To measure decibel ratings in the workplace

To measure any harmful airborne contaminants, e.g. carbon dioxide levels
in a confined space
meter and probe To identify changes in oxygen levels

Multimeter To identify, measure and record electrical voltage, current and resistance
Vernier (inside
To take an accurate measurement reading between two graduation
and outside
markings on a linear scale
To assist administering immediate response care to a victim and to protect
the first responders/first aiders from secondary incidents while administering
First aid equipment
first aid

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