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Hi, im Nelson castro, my ID is 1002306901, im studying software analisys and

developed technology at SENA , file 2834896 my teacher´s Luz Cuellar, this is

evidence the audio product
my point of view on the growth of new technologies; we must adapt and be flexible, If
we do it, we wont have any problems in the future.
to acquire my knowledge related to my career at SENA, i need to learn more about the
new technologies, If I prepared, I wouldn't have problems in my career.
in terms of work experience, we have to be responsible and flexible, because as time
progress, the technologies also advance, For this reason, I must adapt to new
technologies, if I learn, I have knowledge in my work. And at work we must adapt,
if we dont want to be fired or replaced by better trained personnel.

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