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Good afternoon my fellow Grade 11 classmates and my beloved teacher Miss Jusmine May
Enano, please allow me to share the topic that you’ve assigned THE IMPORTANT OF KNOWING
ONESELF TO SUCCESFULLY RELATE WITH OTHERS. So why do we need to know oneself to
successfully relate with others? Being able to relate to oneself properly is ultimately the key to
being able to relate to others, and being aware of this will help you better comprehend others.
A solid understanding of oneself is the foundation on which we can build satisfying
relationships and achieve success as we navigate the complex web of connections that make up
our personal and professional domains. This is because in order to relate to others successfully,
we need to understand their perspective and give them the chance to speak about what they
want to say or what they want to be deliver for us we need to understand them and to realize
them that we or I am here to listen to give advice to their want to say and this is the one of the
ways to communicate with other people so we need to understand what they want to say and
Knowing oneself better will help you comprehend others more fully.
In conclusion, it's important to stress the role that self-awareness plays in developing good
relationships with others. For strong and fulfilling partnerships, self-awareness is the essential
cornerstone. It gives us the capacity to interact with others effectively, build relationships,
handle conflict, and lead by example. It's important to keep in mind that the path to success and
fulfilling relationships begins with self-discovery as we advance in our linked world. If you
embrace self-awareness, you’ll discover that you are better able to successfully navigate the
complex web of interpersonal interactions on your own

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