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Ballado, Jastine

Labrador, Elisha

Sarzate, Bong Jeric


Lucas, manilyn


1.If you were given a chance to change one aspect of the Country’s education system,

What would it be and why?

If I had the power to change just one aspect of the nation’s educational system, I would aim to improve
the curriculum’s ability to incorporate real-world applications and practical skills into it. This strategic
focus seeks to provide students with practical competencies that are directly applicable to their future
professional endeavors, in addition to theoretical knowledge. Students would obtain a deep
understanding of how their education directly translates into practical skills necessary for navigating the
complexities of the workforce through the purposeful inclusion of hands-on learning experiences. This
paradigm shift in favor of practical learning helps to better match the educational system with the
changing needs of the labor market by producing a generation of workers who are both adaptable and
skilled in real-world situations.

We enable students to understand the direct consequences of their education on real-world scenarios by
incorporating concrete applications into the curriculum, which promotes a sense of efficacy and purpose.
This all-encompassing approach not only enhances their academic experience but also fully equips them
to face the diverse challenges that lie ahead in their careers. Moreover, this change in education serves
as a spark for the development of a generation of skilled and adaptable people who can work their way
through a variety of professional environments and contribute significantly to the advancement of

Fundamentally, this imagined evolution in education goes beyond the boundaries of conventional
learning paradigms, advancing students toward a future in which their knowledge is not just theoretical
but rather a potent toolkit that empowers them to flourish and innovate in a world that is constantly

This dynamic educational model ensures that our educational system becomes a strong foundation for
the development of individuals who are not only academically proficient but also adept at transforming
knowledge into meaningful contributions to society. It also seamlessly aligns with the demands of the
workforce of the twenty-first century.

2. Interview a teacher and ask them with their experiences and skills, what 3 roles of

Professor/teacher could you Best perform?

According to Mrs. Cordero

In our insightful interview with a committed educator, their proficiency was evident in three main
domains: providing mentorship, fostering a constructive learning atmosphere, and skillfully modifying
instructional strategies to accommodate varying learning preferences. Together, these competencies
help to create an environment in the classroom that is both deeply supportive of students’ learning and
engaging. Beyond academic advice, a teacher’s skill at mentoring students includes providing them with
individualized support to overcome personal obstacles and make well-informed decisions about their
future pursuits. This all-encompassing approach to mentoring ensures that students receive the support
they require for both academic and personal development by fostering a relationship that extends
beyond the classroom.

The teacher is excellent at creating a space where students feel encouraged and free to express
themselves when it comes to creating a positive learning environment. This supportive environment
stimulates motivation and encourages students to actively engage in the learning process. When
students feel valued, they are more likely to flourish, and a teacher’s ability to foster a positive
environment plays a major role in helping students feel valued and like they belong.

Moreover, the teacher’s ability to adapt teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles is a
testament to their commitment to inclusivity. By recognizing and addressing the unique needs of each
student, they ensure that every individual has the opportunity to succeed and reach their full potential.
This adaptability in teaching methods transcends a one-size-fits-all approach, acknowledging the
richness of diverse learning preferences and styles within the student body.

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