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Created o n 10 /19 /20 11 via

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We are pleased t o inform you t hat your child's art work will be on display at Woodmere Art Museum in a program called Kids Care. This program has been running for 18 years and is a collaborat ion bet ween Woodmere Art Museum and WXPN's Kid's Corner (88.5 FM), , area schools and St . Christ opher's Children's Hospit al. The t heme t his year is: Into The Atmosphere and will be on display from November 6 t hru December 18, 2011 at Woodmere. At t he close of t he exhibit , t he art work/gift s will be given t o t he children who are in t he hospit al. Please join Woodmere and WXPN at t he opening recept ion abounding wit h cookies and punch on Sat urday, November 12, 2-4pm. There will be a brief ceremony honoring t he children and schools who are part icipat ing in t his program at 2pm. We hope t o see you t here!!!

Upcoming Event s Highlight ed

NOVEMBER 2 We d ne s d ay Ad min Me e ting 7p m 12 Saturd ay O PEN HO USE 10 :30 12:30 p m 16 We d ne s d ay To wn Me e ting 7:30 p m 21-22 Mo n/Tue Co nfe re nc e s /No Sc ho o l/Child c are 23- 25 We d- T hurs SCHO O L CLO SED T hanksgiving DECEMBER 5 Saturd ay Saturd ay Art 10 -No o n 7 We d ne s d ay Ad min Me e ting 7p m 12 Saturd ay Saturd ay Co o king 10 -No o n 19-30 SCHOOL CLOSED WINTER BREAK




JANUARY 1-2 SCHOOL CLOSED WINTER BREAK 3 Tue s d ay Sc ho o l Re s ume s 8 :30 am 4 We d ne s d ay Ad min Me e ting 7p m 16 Monday SCHOOL CLOSED MLK Holiday 18 We d ne s d ay To wn Me e ting 7:30 p m



Dear PL Families, As a st af f we made a quick decision t o cancel t he apple picking t rip t his past Wednesday due t o t he weat her. We not if ied t he communit y by email. Please accept our apology if you did not get t he email. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BULB ORDERS ARE DUE OCT OBER 25 , 20 11 Just after Hallo ween is the perfect CLEANING SCHEDULE time to plant bulbs in o ur area. Order so me to day to suppo rt Pro ject Learn. Send the link alo ng to yo ur TEAM 2 friends and family so they can suppo rt us to o . Saturday They will get beautiful bulbs to plant in their October 21, 2011 yards delivered directly fro m the co mpany. We will get 50 % o f the sale. SO....send alo ng the link to day! yo u are also welco me to take o rders o n the o rder fo rm. just Staci Johnson get tho se back to the o ffice by Octo ber 25th so I can get that o rder in to the co mpany in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time.

Team Leaders

Box Tops for Education

thank yo u fo r yo ur help in making this fundraising effo rt wo rk fo r all o f us.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted Box Tops for Education in the fishbowl at school! Just in the first month we have collected $40.00 worth! Keep them http://www.flo werpo m/i/t/226 8 8 0 coming in. There is a deadline approaching on November 1st to have another/pc3Lz79 11wkk Please mention it to your extended family members and collect from submission. them as well. Also, if you get those printed "coupons" which indicate you have earned extra box tops, submit those too. There is a computer code printed on questio ns, co mments, need me them which I can enter into our on-line Herman to earn the extra points. Anna account

Anna Herman fo o dwo rk@ao m We are no longer collecting Acme m/ receipts. Acme has discontinued that program.

Regards, Linda Pollack-Johnson Box Tops Coordinator

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Check out the Chestnut Hill local's kids edition the week and next f or f abulous art and writting f rom Project Learn School students.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
P ro je ct Le a rn Scho o l, 6 525 G e rm a nt o wn Ave ., P hilide lphia , PA 19 119 215- 4 38 - 36 23

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