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Oscar Loeza-Gonzalez


English 4

30 Nov 2023

Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In School

Cell phones create a big distraction in school. Cell phone usage in schools is a very big

argumentative debate between students and the school. Students believe that cell phones help but

teachers believe that they are used for cheating and other bad things. What would you do if you

were told you could no longer bring your phone to school ? Would you comply or argue towards

it? Phones usage creates lots of distractions for students for example, Many students fail to turn

in their assignments on time. Students tend to get upset with teachers when the teacher takes

away their phones for being off task and not doing work. Many teachers complain that students

use their phones as a tool for cheating. Students experience cyberbullying in school as early as

the 4th grade and it leads to many other problems like depression and anxiety which also lead to

suicidal thougts and some studets do commit suicide. Many reports of kids commiting suicide

because of cyber bullying . That is why the use of cellphones in class should not be permitted by

any means. The use of cellphones in school has created a lot of chaos in the education field and

that is not okay because it affects students mentally and physically.

Using phones during class makes students get unfocused and distracted which causes the lack

of educating themselves on the material being taught and also failing classes. Numerous

distractions on phones might divert students' attention from their school work. Scrolling through

social media or playing games might take student attention away from doing their work or
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participating in class discussions ( As a present student in the twelfth

grade I can agree that using my phones during class diverts my attention from class and

sometimes even makes me fail my assignments because I wasn’t paying good attention to what

the teacher was talking about.The fear of missing out and staying up to date of the outside life of

others may make students want to use their phones more and make them get off task

( A lot of students have the fear of not being up tp date on the “tea” as

they like to say meaning the gossip or the rumors going on around them so they feel the need to

use their phones to want to catch up and either text they're friends or scroll through social media

and go on a whole hunt on trying to find out what is going on.Students often use their phones to

play video games wanting to finish a level. They keep trying thinking that once they finish they

go back to work but once they know class is going to finish and they get nothing done

( This has happened to me and others that I know numerous times. I

played a game and boom before I knew it class was over and I got nothing done and my time in

class went to waste. With lots of charts and surveys from students admitting phones are number

one tools for getting off task and with personal experience it is safe to say phones in school

should not be allowed or there should be stricter policies.

Cell phones can make students get upset and into arguments and debates with their

teachers. Middlebroughstv states that if a student has a significant other they can be in an

argument and it can cause them to be mad and simply be in a bad mood with others which can

also lead to fist fights or threatening. Many students have either a girlfriend or boyfriend and

they can get into an argument and that can cause them to get mad and also cause them to get

unfocused from class. The teachers can feel disrespected from the students using their phones in
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class which can cause the teacher to discipline them and take their phone away and lead to an

argument with a student if they are in a bad mood or just want to choose fights. Most teachers in

school discipline students by taking away their phones but sometimes it doesn't go as planned

and they can get into an argument. Students who rely too much on their phones can often feel

irritated and inpatient when unable to use their phones ( not

being able to use my phone in class can cause me to become impatient, frustrated, and sometimes

even stressed and it is all caused by relying too much on my phone too much. Therefore with so

many reports of students claiming they feel frustrated and lost without their phone it is safe to

say phones have not only caused a crucial problem in the outside world but also in school.

Cell phones can be used as a source of cheating on tests and also giving assignments to their

friends. Students can cheat by texting each other the answers or by simply even looking them up

online and getting the answer key ( I've personally seen many students

cheat with their phones. I've personally done it myself but that is not something I am proud

of.The ability to even bring their phone to school is a big problem because it gives them the

option to cheat but that is also a problem the school has to look more into because it is more their

fault for even allowing that so they cant come and whine about it but yet they are not taking

action and they are still allowing it. Personally bringing my phone to school gives me the

motivation to even want to bring it out and cheat or use it when I'm not supposed to but I think

that is most of the schools fault. Along with wasting time being off phones, Phones can lead to

students wanting to browse through websites that are irrelevant to school and cause them to get

off task and just not participate in class and fall behind. Most times students use their phones to

browse through tik tok and other social media which causes them to get off task and fall behind
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on their school work. Phones should not be allowed at school or phone usage should be

minimized because it is causing distractions and opportunities to cheat.

Cyber bullying and gang activity in schools is mainly caused by the usage of phones in

school. Some kids exhibit such immaturity that they prioritize bullying other kids on social

media and that is not okay ( Personally I have seen this a lot in school and

I believe the ability to even be able to take your phone to school is a big factor. Students can

easily send hurtful messages, post embarrassing pictures, or spread rumors through various social

media platforms ( Cell phones at school create various problems like

cyberbullying and gang activity. Without the teachers' awareness students can send inappropriate

messages and be planning gang activity and plan dangerous activities that they plan to do in

school and that can be bad ( I strongly agree that letting students use

phones in school can lead to gang activity or even worse. Many school fights are started by text

alterations and many gang activities are communicated through cell phones without the teacher's

awareness and all that leads to bad things happening in school.

In conclusion of all this I Strongly stand by My opinion and phones should not be allowed

by any means in school.The usage of phones in school has created lots of bad mental health for

students. Many students fall into depression due to cyberbullying at school caused by phones.

While others are falling into gang activities feeling pressured by others or trying to act “cool”.

Many students till this day have trouble passing classes and Staying on task because of their

phones. students often get into alterations or vocal arguments because of phone consequences.

Many students cheat using their phones and cyberbullying is a big problem and it is caused by
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phone usage in school.Cell phone usage in school has to come to an end now. ”Cell phones have

created a bad environment for students and school. The reality is that cell phones in classrooms

are here to stay so it's up to teachers and administration to make it work for disengaged

students”-gotta catch ‘em all

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Work cited

“5 Reasons Phones Should Not Be Allowed In Schools.” Save Our Schools March, 2 Nov. 2023, Accessed
15 Nov. 2023.

Middleborough Educational Television, 7 Dec. 2018, Accessed
15 Nov. 2023. “Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed In School.” Essays, Research Papers, Term Papers, 4 Mar.
2020, Accessed 02 Dec.

Fasiha Taha, et al. Fasiha Taha, 12 June 2022,
m/. Accessed 15 Nov. 2023.

“Why Should Students Not Use Cellphones in Class? - 1120 Words: Essay Example.” IvyPanda,
Accessed 15 Nov. 2023.

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