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Video 1

The Note
Video 1:
1. Practice pronunciation features on the teacher slides --> provide feedback (if
needed - in this video - its quite often)
2. Follow the curriculum have been given --> speaking part 2 --> practice (let
them give a speech) --> If allowed, delve a little deeper into the students'
scenario --> tighten the relationship --> giving feedback (based on the 4 marking
criteria) --> praise their positive side (idea development, vocabulary/ collocation)
--> deliver the possible improvements
3. Practice the list of question on the Facebook group. Ask guiding question (or
question that delve deeper into the list of the question or information in the given

Overall tip:
- Try to keep a positive or comfortable environment between TA and students

Video 2
The Note
Video 2:
1. Review video (5m)
- Ask the learner whether they watch it or not
- Ask guiding questions -> to assess the learner's understanding of the video +
delve deeper into the topic -> encourage the learner to think more
2. Gramamr (15m)
- Let the student complete the task
- Provide them the "option" question (which one do you think is right, A or B)
- Provide how to effectively tackle the task
- After the tast, the TA will require the learner to match the definitions on the right
side to the definition of past simple or past continuous on the left side -> then
give detailed explanation on each defintions on the 2 tenses
- Practice time: let the learner use those tenses in their talks (30-45s) by
themselves --> provide feedback
3. Vocabulary (10m)
- Describe the following words/phrases --> let the learner do it first --> TA will
clarify the definition of the word --> can require the learner to make a sentence
after the clarification
4. SP2 (15m)
- Ways to start and end your answer -> Start by paraphrasing the topic, end
- Idea development skill

- 3m to prepare then 2m to speak

- If the TA doesnt have time, the TA will record the feedback and send it back to
the learner

Lỗi bài này

- Chưa xác định objective của lesson
- Long teacher talking time --> should engage or let the learners do tasks and
learn from those tasks -->

Overtall tip:
- If they keep failing at what you explain to them, let them discover it at home
(offer them some ways to do it) + say that "if you met any hindrance, text me" -->
check again on the next day

The Note
Video 3:
1. Review the lesson
- Let the students to briefly summarize the content of the last online classes ->
assess their' understanding/ concentration in classes/ speaking/ summarizing
- If they miss one of those, ask they to explain more about the missed concept

2. Do the given work on classes (SP1)

- Applying PEECO to develop ideas
- You can possibly relate to your personalized story
3. SP2
- 1m to prepare, 2m to speak

4. Feedback
- Based on the 4 criteria, lets the student assess their performance first --> TA
identify the problems (detailed explanation with older learners) -> TA suggest
improvements (and maybe some ways to do it)
- Share the feedback file with the student

5. The given video

- Let the learner briefly summarize the video
- The TA can ask more specific/various questions to guide the learner to new
perspective/ a new way to assessing the video

6. Wrap-up
- Praise the student' positive sides

Overall tip:
- Feel very natural to talk to a friend
- TA' pronunciation is quite good

Suggested improvements on the lesson:

- Clarify the objective
- Haven't applied PEECO to the student' talks
- Remind the student if there are any coursework are given/ the next 1-1 session
- Briefly summarize what we have learnt today

The Note
Video 4:
1. Greetings
2. Reviewing WT1
- L16: what to included in intro + overview, body, conclusion in the process type of essay

3. WT1
- Tra từ vựng đặt câu
- Phân tích bài của Thầy

4. Recall the video's knowledge

- The use of guiding questions (5W1H) to guide students into exploring deeper insights about
the video
- If they forget, recall it with them

5. SP2
- 1m to prepare, 2m to speak
- TA take note for the feedback based on the 4 marking criteria
- Praise their positive side first -> suggest possible improvements

6. SP3
- Ask -> Active listening -> Suggest possible improvements (often vocabulary/ length of the
- The use of guiding questions (5W1H) to guide students into expanding their answer
thoughtfully and logically

7. Another SP2 (this part maybe is designed specifically with the learner' weakness)
- 1m to prepare, 2m to speak
- Ask -> Active listening -> Suggest possible improvements (often vocabulary/ length of the

8. Another SP2 (this part maybe is designed specifically with the learner' weakness)
- 1m to prepare, 2m to speak

9. The limit of the meeting time preventing me from know more about the conclusion of the

The note
Video 5:
1/ Revise part
- Pickerwheel -> One of many pieces of vocabulary -> give the definition in English (also can
give the definition in Vietnamese if the learner struggle) -> TA will clarify once more -> get the
confirmation between TA and the learner
+ Tip: introduce possible a collocation (if needed)
2/ Activity 1
- Share a crime story + a requirement (e.g in this video, the TA require the learner to use at
least 1 conditional sentence - If...,...)
- 1m to prepare, 2m to speak -> TA active listen + take note to prepare for the feedback ->
praise the positive side -> acknowledge mistakes -> give possible ways to tackle the
weaknesses effectively

3/ SP3 (right after SP2)

4/ Activity 2
- Share an image -> describe every details in the picture

5/ SP!
- Asking more SP1 question -> relate to personal experience + providing feedback for the leaner
to further improve their answers

Overall comment
- TA really know how to create a comfortable environment

Possible improvement for the lesson

- Can introduce the other word type of the selecteed vocabulary on the wheel (to utilize the word

The note
Video 6:
1/ Activity 1
- 1p30 để mọi người cùng lên outline -> sau đó dừng bút -> tập trung nghe các bạn nói -> retell
câu chuyện của người khác bằng Tiếng Anh
- Volunteer +10 điểm
- TA active listen + take note for all the speechs at once -> let a student (maybe choose the one
who is distracted) to retell the story of another one -> let the student grasp the main ideas of the
story -> providing feedback

2/ Providing feedback
- Đưa ra các dạng crimes -> các loại crimes -> Giải thích chi tiết về các loại (in Vietnamese), có
thể delegate for the learners -> giao HW
- Tìm ra 3 loại crime khác với những từ trong ánh (1), và tìm ra 10 từ vựng liên quan đến crimes
(2), sau đó tìm ra 1 bài passage liên quan đến crimes (3). Tất cả HV gửi vào file doc cho TA
- TA thực hiện ví dụ cho HV xem -> ICQ to check students' comprehension
2/ Activity 2 - SP2
-1m to prepare, 1-2m to talk. Then each of the students will talk + others listen carefully (their
tasks is to retell the previous story, and list the main ideas) - that is a loop that is built by the TA
- If learners' talks too short, ask follow-up questions

The note
Video 7:
1/ Greeting + small talks
2/ Revision (3m)
- Writing: overall task 1 -> let HV briefly summarize what they have learnt in the
previous lesson
- Speaking: last 1-1 lesson + improve fluency and C&C -> let HV briefly
summarize what they have learnt in the previous lesson. If HV occasionally forget
about the knowledge -> TA would use guiding questions

3/ Video (10m)
- Feelings?
- Questions?
- Have you been crushing on someone? If yes, share, if not, why?

- Based on the 4 marking criterias -> praise their positive side first -> construct
your feedback (grammar/ vocabulary)
- Provide the essential vocabulary/ collocation in the video -> let HV explain the
definition of the selected vocabulary -> TA clarify if needed

4/ SP1
- TA ask -> HV answer -> TA feedback (positive first, negative later)

5/ SP2
- 1m to prepare, 2m to talk
- In L2, HV will first approach P2 in Speaking -> TA will help HV with the
brainstorming stage (5W1H) -> HV will start their P2 -> TA active listening + take
note -> TA feedback

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