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Cold Calling Script


Me: Hello! Good Morning! How's your day?

I'm looking to speak with the owner is he or she around?

If respond with yes

Hey my name is Marwan, I was wondering If you're open to hearing about an alternative way to
get new clients?

If they seem skeptical already: I know you get thousands of calls like this don't worry I'm not
going to pitch you like everyone else I'm just doing this to lead with value

If they say no: no worries, it'll take me 20 seconds to tell you what it's all about, if it makes no
sense you can totally just hang up.

If respond with yes

Fantastic I’d love to give you a new AI process for free that will bring you more than 20 booked
appointments with qualified potential clients every month guaranteed

If you are interested in checking out my Ai process, the next step would be to schedule a quick
30-minute demo call over Zoom not now we can do it sometime today or tomorrow,

where I can actually walk you through the process and show you everything that we do, that
way you can make the best decision for you, your family, and your business.

Sounds fair enough?

If respond with yes

Great, would tomorrow or the following day work better for you?

Great, just so I don't mess this up, remind what time zone are you in?
as im putting it the calendar now?

What’s your mobile to send you the invitation?


Me: Hello! Good Morning! How's your day?

Cool, what is the best way for me to reach the professor?

Ex. Email, phone, DM

Could I ask for a favor?

She: yes!!!

Me: Do you know when he or she taking lunch?”

If they say yes… Write it down and say to the front desk...

Me: Awesome, can you tell them I will be calling at _____?

“Great thank you so much!!”

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