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1. Combine as colunas com base no significado das palavras:

( 1 ) do ( ) coisa, coisas
( 2 ) engaging (engage) ( ) culto (religioso), de culto
( 3 ) launching (launch) ( ) envolver
( 4 ) other ( ) fazer, faça
( 5 ) place ( ) há
( 6 ) read ( ) lançando
( 7 ) there are (there is) ( ) leia, ler
( 8 ) thing, things ( ) lugar
( 9 ) thinkers ( ) outro, outra, outros, outras
( 10 ) worship ( ) pensadores

Reescreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa. O verbo principal está entre parênteses.
2. We went to the movies last weekend. (to go – went – gone)
3. She traveled by plane last year. (to travel – traveled – traveled)
4. I did the exercises last class. (to do - did - done)

5. Marque a opção com a forma negativa da seguinte frase: “You went to the disco a week ago.”
a) You went to the disco a week ago?
b) Did you go to the disco a week ago?
c) Did You went to the disco a week ago?
d) Do you go to the disco a week ago?
Leia o texto abaixo e responda:
Do one thing for diversity and inclusion
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is launching a campaign aimed at engaging people around the
world to Do One Thing to support Cultural Diversity and Inclusion. Every one of us can do ONE thing for diversity
and inclusion; even one very little thing can become a global action if we all take part in it. Simple things YOU can
do to celebrate the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development on May 21: 1.Visit an art
exhibit or a museum dedicated to other cultures. 2. Read about the great thinkers of other cultures. 3. Visit a place
of worship different than yours and participate in the celebration. 4. Spread your own culture around the world
and learn about other cultures. 5. Explore music of a different culture. There are thousands of things that you can
do, are you taking part in it? UNITED NATIONS ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS.
Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 fev. 2013 (adaptado).

6. De acordo com o texto anterior. Marque V (verdadeiro) e F (Falso):

a. ( ) Trata-se de uma campanha da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura.
b. ( ) Para participar da campanha, você deve, por exemplo, ler sobre os grandes pensadores da cultura de outros
c. ( ) You must listen to music of other cultures to take part in the campaign.
d. ( ) There is only one thing that you can do to take part in the campaign.

7. Quais locais, por exemplo, você pode visitar para participar da campanha? (EM PORTUGUÊS)
8. What is the UNAOC launching? (EM INGLÊS) RESPOSTA NO TEXTO
Encontre no caça palavras abaixo, os seguintes verbos no simple past: brush, cook, like, relax, walk, wash e work.
As palavras deste caça palavras estão escondidas na horizontal e vertical, sem palavras ao contrário.

10. Escreva o passado dos verbos abaixo e complete a cruzadinha com os verbos no passado.

1. OPEN 4. WANT 7. COME 10. GO 13. FIND

2. SEE 5. VISIT 8. SLEEP 11. TELL 14. WASH

3. SELL 6. DO 9. PLAY 12. CLEAN 15. GIVE

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