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It is a common belief that technological benefits have a

negative impact on the environment. Some people

contend that a technology has the potential to make the
environment better. This essay will discuss both of these
trends before presenting my stance on environmentally
friendly technology, this essay will address both the
positive and negative impacts of technology on the
On the one hand, technological surroundings offer
various positive effects. Firstly The enviroment
monitoring allows for monitoring and tracking of
environmental factors such as: quality, water quality,
climate change. Moreover, the technology maybe
anticipated the climate, temperature and natural
disasters. For instance, Big Founder's AI technology has
been instrumental in monitoring deforestation patterns
in the Amazon rainforest, enabling conservationists to
identify areas at risk and implement targeted protection
measures. One of the most significant contributions of
technology to environmental protection is its role in
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For example, the
development of renewable energy sources such as solar
and wind power has enabled us to transition away from
fossil fuels, leading to a reduction in carbon emissions.
For example, technology can make water desalinated to
help individuals create clear water. Solar energy and wild
energy were crate by technology very useful because
using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
power to produce electricity, reduce dependence on
fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
There is no denying that there is an abundance of
technology for the environment, but technology has
huge drawbacks for the environment such as air
pollution, water pollution and e-waste. The first is
drawbacks pollution, Air and water pollution: Technology
contributes to the generation of emissions and wastes
that pollute air and water. For example, the burning of
fossil fuels in factories, vehicles and other energy sources
produces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.
The second is electronic waste, technology consumes
many electronic devices, and when they are broken or
obsolete, they become electronic waste. Proper disposal
of electronic waste is a major challenge and can pollute
the environment. The improper disposal of electronic
devices, such as mobile phones and laptops, contributes
to e-waste, which takes hundreds of years to decompose
and releases toxic substances into the environment.
These electronic devices take many years to decompose,
so they create large amounts of environmental pollution.
In conclusion, I think there might be more negative
environmental effects of technology than positive ones.

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