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Identifying and Managing

Environmental Hazards in Outdoor

1. Relevant Hazards in Candoni

- Poisonous Plants (e.g., poison oak, ivy, sumac)

- Snake Bites

- Drowning in Water

2. Characteristics and Potential Dangers:

Poisonous Plants: Native plants like poison oak and ivy may exist in Candoni and can trigger
serious allergic reactions when touched. These plants can cause severe itching, blisters, and
rashes when touched or brushed against; if left untreated, these side effects could worsen.

Snake Bite: A variety of snake species, some of which may be poisonous, may be present in
Candoni's native habitat. If appropriate medical care is not received right once, symptoms from
snake bites can range from pain and swelling to more serious reactions including paralysis or
even death.
Drowning in Water: It is probable that the municipality of Candonia contains water features like
lakes, ponds, or rivers. Unintentional drowning is a serious risk, particularly to individuals with
weak swimming abilities and during periods of sudden floods. Swimmers may be caught off
guard by water currents, invisible underwater obstructions, or abrupt changes in depth, which
could have fatal results.

3. Steps to Manage and Mitigate Each Hazard:

Poisonous plants:
-Enlighten locals and tourists on how to recognize and stay away from toxic plants by using
community outreach initiatives, instructional brochures, and signage.
- Promote the wearing of gloves and long sleeves as protective gear when visiting regions where
these plants are common.
- Provide easily accessible facilities where skin exposed to toxic plant oils can be quickly washed
with soap and water.
Snake Bites:
- Hold frequent awareness campaigns to inform the public about local snake species, their
habitats, and what to do in the event of a snake encounter.
- Ensure that medical facilities and emergency response units have antivenom and first aid
materials on hand.
- To reduce snake encounters and habitats, promote the removal of overgrown vegetation and
debris from the vicinity of residential areas.

Drowning in Water:
- Post warning signs around water bodies to alert people to potential dangers including strong
currents, precipitous drops, or underwater impediments.
Encourage the development of swimming instruction and water safety awareness campaigns,
with a focus on educating kids and those who live close to bodies of water.
- Maintain water recreation sites on a regular basis, and provide lifeguard services during busy

4. Reflection

Being aware of these risks gives people the ability to spot any threats and steer clear of them
when they're having fun in the great outdoors in Candoni.
- The community creates a culture of safety and readiness by putting proactive measures into
place and sharing pertinent information, which lowers the risk of mishaps and injuries.
- Raising awareness reduces dangers to one's health and well-being while encouraging
responsible conduct from both locals and tourists, fostering a harmonious coexistence with the

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