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MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh


Stt Word Family Từ Loại Nghĩa Ví Dụ

high-speed internet access has become a
access noun /verb sự tiếp cận, sự đến gần
the building has limited wheelchair
1 accessibility noun sự có thể đến gần
he wants his music to be accessible to
accessible adjective có thể tiếp cận
accommodate verb cung cấp tiện nghi, chỗ ở the ballroom can accommodate 400 people
accommodation noun chỗ ở, tiện nghi the price includes meals and accommodations
accommodating most of the hotel staffs were very
adjective sẵn lòng giúp đỡ
= accommodative accommodating
achieve verb có được, đạt được Frances achieved very good exam results
achievable adjective có thể đạt được profits of $20m look achievable

3 we try to celebrate the achievements of our

achievement noun thành tích, thành tựu
as an achiever in the field of sports, he has
achiever noun người thành đạt
won numerous championships and accolades.
admire verb ngưỡng mộ, hâm mộ i admire her for her dedication and hard work.
admiration noun sự ngưỡng mộ Daniel gazed at her in admiration
4 the police did an admirable job in keeping the
admirable adjective đáng ngưỡng mộ
fans calm
admirably adverb một cách ngưỡng mộ Joe coped admirably with a difficult situation
he advertises his services on the company
advertise verb quảng cáo
notice board
advertisement noun mục quảng cáo she saw an advertisement for a ski vacation

5 the company hired a team of advertisers to

nhà quảng cáo, người làm
advertiser noun develop a comprehensive marketing
công việc quảng cáo
both candidates are spending millions on
advertising noun sự quảng cáo
television advertising
advise verb khuyên bảo she needed someone to advise her
advice noun lời khuyên you should have followed my advice
adviser noun người khuyên, cố vấn co., which is acting as an adviser to airtours

6 đáng khuyến nghị, đáng

advisable adjective regular medical check-ups are advisable
lưu ý
they agreed on the advisability of travelling by
advisability noun mức độ hợp lý, tính khả thi
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

advisedly adverb thân trọng, suy nghĩ kỹ did you buy this micro-computer advisedly?
sự ảnh hưởng/ ảnh hưởng
affect verb your opinion will not affect my decision.
tình yêu thương, sự yêu
affection noun children need lots of love and affection
7 làm xúc động, gây ra cảm the movie had an affecting ending that left the
affective= affecting adjective
giác buồn, hối tiếc audience in tears.
she enjoys wearing elaborate costumes to
affectation noun sự giả tạo, giả vờ
create an affectation of nobility.
affected adjective bị ảnh hưởng, bị thay đổi we were all deeply affected by her death
sự đồng ý, sự tán thành,
agree verb i agree that he should be invited
sự đồng thuận
Haydon came to an agreement with his
agreement noun sự đồng ý
he is agreeable to the proposed changes in
agreeable adjective sẵn sàng đồng ý
the schedule.
một cách dễ chịu, vui vẻ,
agreeably adverb we were agreeably surprised by the price
thích thú
it still amazes me how much she has
amaze verb làm ngạc nhiên
amazement noun sự ngạc nhiên to my amazement, he ate the whole pie
amazing adjective ngạc nhiên the market has an amazing variety of fish.
the little girl was amazed when she saw a
amazed adjective ngạc nhiên
real-life unicorn at the circus.
the technology has advanced amazingly in the
amazingly adverb thật đáng ngạc nhiên
last decade.
she finally received an apology from the
apology noun lời xin lỗi
10 apologize verb xin lỗi i apologize for losing my temper
người biện hộ, người bào the politician hired an apologist to defend his
apologist noun
chữa controversial statements in the media.
đăng ký, nộp đơn, ứng we need to apply for planning permission to
apply verb
tuyển build a garage
he was one of 30 applicants for the manager’s
applicant noun ứng viên, người xin việc
the university welcomes applications from
application noun đơn, đơn xin, đơn đăng ký
overseas students
the safety standards are applicable to all
applicable adjective có liên quan, có ảnh hưởng
manufacturing processes.
argue verb biện luận, tranh luận let’s not argue about/over small details

12 argument noun sự tranh luận she had a big argument with her husband
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

thích tranh cãi, hay muốn he has a reputation for being argumentative
argumentative adjective
tranh cãi and difficult to work with.
he produced very clever argumentation in
argumentation noun cuộc tranh luận
support of the proposal
Senna was arguably the greatest racing driver
arguably adverb có thể cho rằng, có lẽ
of all time
arrive verb đến what time does the plane arrive in new york?
13 the arrival of the train was delayed due to
arrival noun sự đến, tới
heavy snowfall.
associate verb liên tưởng, liên kết i don’t associate him with energetic sports
this event was organized in association with a
association noun sự liên tưởng, liên kết
14 local school
thuộc về liên tưởng, liên the book applies associative learning
associative adjective
kết techniques to help improve memory retention.
attend verb tham dự, có mặt please let us know if you are unable to attend
pool attendants kept a constant watch on the
attendant noun người phục vụ
15 swimmers
teachers must keep a record of students'
attendance noun sự tham dự, có mặt
i never had the benefit of a university
benefit noun lợi ích
benefit verb được lợi i’m sure you’ll benefit greatly from the visit
16 alcohol taken in moderation can be beneficial
beneficial adjective có lợi ích
to health
regular exercise can beneficially impact your
beneficially adverb một cách có ích
overall health and well-being.
believe verb tin tưởng you shouldn’t believe everything you read
when you get something wrong, it can shake
belief noun niềm tin
your belief in yourself
the scientist presented a believable
đáng tin cậy, có thể tin
believable adjective hypothesis supported by strong evidence and
logical reasoning.
burn verb đốt, cháy, thiêu hủy i burnt all his old letters
he suffered second-degree burns on his arms
burn noun vết bỏng
and face after the explosion.
all burners have automatic ignition and
burner noun đầu đốt, bộ phận cháy
burning adjective đang cháy, nóng bỏng claudia put her hands to her burning face
i'm trying to calculate how long the project will
calculate verb tính toán
take to complete
the mathematician used calculative
calculative adjective liên quan đến tính toán techniques to solve the complex mathematical
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

Dee looked at the bill and made some rapid

calculation noun sự tính toán
máy tính bỏ túi (dùng để you need to use your calculator for
calculator noun
tính toán) mathematics.
in the film she's depicted as a very cold and
calculating adjective thận trọng, có tính toán
calculating character
celebrate verb tổ chức lễ how do you usually celebrate new year?
we’re having a small celebration for dad’s
celebration noun
lễ kỷ niệm birthday
when we heard she'd got the job, we all went
20 celebratory adjective
mang tính kỷ niệm off for a celebratory drink
the retirement party was a grand event, with
noun người tổ chức bữa tiệc, the celebrant being honored for their years of
celebrant chủ tiệc dedicated service.
change verb thay đổi how often do you change cars?
change noun sự thay đổi i find it hard to cope with changes
21 changeable adjective có thể thay đổi the british weather is very changeable
the changeful nature of the stock market
changeful adjective
hay thay đổi makes it a risky investment.
choose verb chọn lựa it took us ages to choose a new carpet
voters have a choice between three main
choice noun sự chọn lựa
22 political parties
she's very choosy about what she eats and
choosy adjective hay kén chọn
climb noun /verb leo trèo, sự leo trèo Harry climbed the stairs
23 the climbers who can be dangerous are
climber noun người leo núi
always ego-driven
the internet allows you to compare prices from
compare verb so sánh
a variety of companies.
they made a comparison of different countries'
comparison noun sự so sánh
eating habits
tương đương, có thể so these two laptops are comparable in terms of
comparable adjective
24 sánh performance and price.
một cách tương tự hoặc ở the two teams played comparably throughout
comparably adverb
mức tương tự the match, resulting in a draw.
the comparative analysis of the two products
comparative adjective so sánh, tương đối
helped us determine the better option.
comparatively adverb một cách tương đối crime on the island is comparatively rare
many athletes from different countries
compete verb canh tranh, thi đấu
compete in the olympic games.
25 two of the competitors failed to turn up for the
competitor noun người tranh tài
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

competition noun cuộc thi đâu, sự ganh đua competition for the job was intense
the hotel offers a high standard of service at
competitive adjective tính cạnh tranh, đua tranh
competitive rates
the regulations encourage market operators to
competitively adverb một cách đầy cạnh tranh
behave competitively
adjective bắt buộc, cưỡng chế car insurance is compulsory
you are under no compulsion to pay
26 compulsion noun sự bắt buộc
the law will compel employers to provide
compel verb ép buộc
health insurance
we are conducting a survey of consumer
conduct verb dẫn dắt, dẫn nhiệt
attitudes towards organic food
the conduction of heat in metals is much
conduction noun sự dẫn, truyền nhiệt
higher compared to non-metallic materials.
conductive adjective có tính truyền dẫn nhiệt copper is a very conductive metal

27 conductivity is a measure of the ability of

conductivity noun tính truyền dẫn nhiệt
water to pass an electrical current
người bán vé, vật đánh
conductor noun wood is a poor conductor.
conductress is a woman who collects money
conductress noun nhân viên bán vé xe (nữ) from passengers on a bus or checks their
congratulate verb chúc mừng i’d like to congratulate you on your new job
our team's congratulations go to sarah for
28 congratulation noun sự chúc mừng
winning the award.
congratulatory adjective để chúc mừng, khen ngợi he gives a congratulatory message
there are plans to construct a new road bridge
construct verb xây dựng
across the river
construction noun sự xây dựng the hotel is currently under construction
you should always welcome constructive
constructive adjective mang tính xây dựng
criticism of your work.
the teacher provided constructive feedback to
constructively adverb một cách có tính xây dựng
help the students improve their writing skills.
the constructor carefully plans and designs the
constructor noun kỹ sư xây dựng layout of a building before starting the
construction process.
the consumer has the right to receive safe and
consumer noun người tiêu dùng
high-quality products
consume verb tiêu thụ a smaller vehicle will consume less fuel
(cảm xúc, sở thích) mãnh her consuming passion for music led her to
consuming adjective
liệt practice for hours every day.
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

vigorous exercise increases oxygen

consumption noun sự thiêu thụ, tiêu dùng
fresh fruits and vegetables are consumable
consumable adjective có thể ăn được goods that provide essential nutrients for a
healthy diet.
(thường mang nghĩa tiêu
the consumptive habits of the population have
consumptive adjective cực) một cách hao phí, tiêu
put a strain on the country's limited resources.
tranh cử, tranh đấu, tranh anyone over 18 years old can enter the
contest verb
cãi contest
stone decided to hold a contest to see who
contest noun cuộc tranh tài, cuộc thi
could write the best song
contestants for the game show go through a
contestant noun thí sinh, người dự thi
tough selection process
her claims about the origin of the manuscript
contestable adjective có thể gây tranh cãi are highly contestable and require further
the contestation between the two political
sự tranh luận, cuộc tranh
contestation noun parties over economic policies became
intense during the election campaign.
continue verb làm tiếp, tiếp tục i felt too sick to continue
continuous adjective liên tục, liên tiếp CNN provided continuous coverage of the trial
the continuation of the rain for several days
continuation noun sự tiếp tục, liên tục
caused flooding in many low-lying areas.
the two groups agreed to cooperate with each
cooperate verb hợp tác, chung sức

33 cooperation noun sự cộng tác teamwork is cooperation.

the team members have a cooperative spirit

cooperative adjective có tính cộng tác
and work together to achieve their goals.

it’s the custom for the bride’s father to pay for

custom noun phong tục, thói quen
the wedding
thông thường, theo lệ in some cultures, it is customary for the bride
35 customary adjective
thường to wear white
you can customize links by displaying them as
customize verb tùy chỉnh
underlined and/or in a special color
the danger of a fire in the home increases
danger noun sự nguy hiểm
during the holidays
his parents won't let him play ice hockey
36 dangerous adjective nguy hiểm
because they think it's too dangerous
she was standing dangerously close to the
dangerously adverb một cách nguy hiểm
decide verb quyết định i can’t decide whether i like him or not
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

choosing a college is a big decision for

decision noun sự quyết định
students and their families.
the player's decisive goal in the final minutes
decisive adjective có tính quyết định
of the match secured the team's victory.
the coach decisively substituted the
decisively adverb một cách kiên quyết underperforming player to bring a positive
change to the team's performance.
sliced kiwi fruit may be used to decorate the
decorate verb trang trí
i bought some colorful balloons for the party
decoration noun sự trang trí
the decorative pillows on the couch added a
decorative adjective để trang trí, để làm cảnh
pop of color to the room.
as an interior decorator, Paula curry was a
decorator noun người trang trí
real professional
they set off to deliver supplies to an isolated
deliver verb giao hàng
deliverable adjective có thể giao hàng the orders were not in a deliverable state.
39 delivery noun sự chở, giao hàng most Indian restaurants offer free delivery
the firefighter bravely entered the burning
người cứu nguy, người giải
deliverer noun building and emerged as the deliverer of
trapped residents.
the study demonstrates the link between
demonstrate verb chứng minh
poverty and malnutrition
the scientist used a series of experiments as a
demonstration noun sự chứng minh
40 demonstration to support her hypothesis.
the demonstrator in the electronics store
demonstrator noun người thuyết minh explained the features and functions of the
new smartphones to the customers.
whether or not we go to mexico for our holiday
depend (on) verb phụ thuộc (vào)
depends on the cost
Jan’s mother was dependent on her for
dependent adjective có tính phụ thuộc
41 physical care
the plants in the garden grow dependently
dependently adverb một cách phụ thuộc
with proper sunlight and water.
dependence noun sự phụ thuộc drug dependence led to her early death
describe verb miêu tả he described the painting in detail
Berlin sounds fascinating from your
description noun sự mô tả
42 there are some interesting descriptive
descriptive adjective có tính chất miêu tả
passages in the novel.
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

the scientist presented her research findings

(miêu tả) một cách sinh
descriptively adverb descriptively, using charts, graphs, and visual
động, sống động
aids to illustrate her points.
different adjective khác biệt her jacket’s different to mine
the siblings have different personalities and
differently adverb một cách khác biệt
43 behave differently in social situations.
we try to teach the kids the difference between
difference noun sự khác biệt
right and wrong
difficult adjective khó khăn he’s finding it difficult to get a job
difficulty noun sự khó khăn if you have any difficulties, give me a call
milk is distributed to the local shops by
distribute verb phân phối
herald’s dairies
the distributor is responsible for delivering the
45 distributor noun nhà phân phối products to retailers and ensuring they are
available for customers to purchase.
the cost of packaging and distribution ranges
distribution noun sự phân phối
from $3 to $4 per videotape
scientists traditionally divide the oceans into
divide verb phân chia
we need to ensure a fair division of time and
division noun sự phân chia
46 resources
the office is a large, open-plan environment
divider noun bức bình phong, vách ngăn
with desks and dividers
divisible adjective có thể chia được plants are divisible into three main groups
despite her ordeal, she seems to have
effect noun sự tác động, sự ảnh hưởng
suffered no ill effects
it will take years to effect meaningful changes
effect verb tác động/ảnh hưởng
in the educational system
this cream is one of the most effective acne
47 effective adjective có hiệu quả
treatments you can find
most job interviews focus on the candidate's
effectively adverb một cách hiệu quả
ability to communicate effectively.
there are doubts about the effectiveness of the
effectiveness noun sự hiệu nghiệm, hiệu quả
new drug in treating the disease
it was an attempt to elevate football to a
elevate verb đề cao
subject worthy of serious study
cao hơn, cao cả, cao the elevated levels of pollution in the city have
elevated adjective
thượng become a major concern for public health.
sự nâng cao, đưa lên, his elevation to the position of ceo was the
elevation thăng chức result of his hard work and dedication.
it's on the fifth floor, so we'd better take the
noun thang máy
elevator elevator
MochiMochi - Học tiếng Anh

there is no need for them to emigrate to make

emigrate verb di cư
49 the emigration of young people from rural
emigration noun sự di cư areas to urban centers has led to depopulation
in many countryside regions.
my grandparents were italian emigrants who
emigrant noun dân di cư
settled in new york in the 1920s
phun (núi lửa), nổ ra (chiến
erupt verb
tranh...) the volcano could erupt at any time
around the year 600, the eruption of a nearby
eruption noun sự phun (núi lửa), sự nổ ra
volcano buried ceren's buildings

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