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- Introductions - such as names, who’s here etc.

- Discussing about what we’ll go over

- Expectation of 50 MR/HR+

- Going by every rank

- If they get demoted, why they were demoted

- How to Improve, activity, checking for new Helper VIPs, Keeping

the shout updated.

- Talking about activity at the cafe

- Talking about requirements and how higher ranks should do

more stuff besides requirements only,, such as leading. Mod

calls, checking for helper VIP, checking up on the group

wall/public channels on our discord

- Talking about the activity hub and Inactivity notices, how long

they should last max

- Drama in social, representing group in a good way, acting

mature in social and being responsible for your own actions.

- Touch on how Representatives may sometimes be besreading the

ch Make our point clear,

- Everyone have been slacking , hrs especially admins haven’t

been doing what they’re supposed to besides a select few.

Promote 3 Admins

Promote 4 Supervisor

Promote 5 Managers

Promote 8 Assistant Managers

Promote 10-12 Experienced Helpers

Made by kao alisha and your homegirl zari

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