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Rubric Formal Assessment Lesson 8 – Write a dairy page after reading initial letter.

Criteria Exceptional Above level On level Room for

Content + Can illustrate Provides a very Provides a Provides an unclear
very clear clear dairy page. clear enough diary page. The flow
emotions and Includes diary page. of the story going
thought process multiple creative The flow of forward is not clear.
in the dairy page. ideas for the the story
story flow going going
forward, forward is
alongside clear enough.
actions and
relevant to the

Vocabulary + Uses all words Uses all words Uses at least Uses no or few words
from the lesson from the lesson 5 words from used in the lesson.
multiple times at least once and the lesson in Context around them
and includes in the correct the correct is done incorrectly.
additional context. context.
Structure + Foreshadows a + Includes a Includes a Lacks a proper
series of events very clear proper structure and flow of
that could separation introduction, events. Moment of
indicate how the between flow of receiving, reaction
story ends. moments of the events and from letter, and actions
diary. ending. being taken are not
Meets included. Does not
minimum include a proper
word count. introduction and
ending. Does not meet
minimum word count.
Understanding + Includes All characters At least two Does not include any
of characters characters from from the play are additional additional characters
the video “Henry included and characters are from the play /
VIII – mentioned in the mentioned portrays them very
Oversimplified”. right context and portrayed differently.
(Wolsey, Queen in the correct
Katherine, Anne fashion.
Bullen, etc.)

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