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Name: Angie Lyn R. Rarang Email:

Section: MASSED LQ 4

Scientific research methods that use numerical methods to analyze data are known as
quantitative research. Through measurement and quantification of a given population's or
phenomenon's characteristics, this kind of research seeks to provide answers to questions
about the world we live in. When we think of quantitative methods, we will likely be thinking
of statistics, numbers, and all these thoughts capture some of the essences of quantitative
methods. According to Aliaga and Gunderson (2000), quantitative research is "Explaining
phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematically based
methods (in particular statistics). Since quantitative research has many advantages, such as
objectivity, precision, and the capacity to produce statistically significant results, teachers in
public schools should engage in it. Because researchers will be able to rigorously test
hypotheses and account for confounding factors. It can better understand the way the world
functions and make predictions about the future using quantitative research. Furthermore, it
is a highly effective method of data collection. The analysis of large amounts of data can be
done quickly and precisely by researchers using numerical methods. And it is also very
trustworthy and unbiased. Researchers can produce results that are unbiased and free of
personal opinion by using quantifiable data. In turn, this increases the credibility and
dependability of the quantitative research findings. Students can learn how the world
functions and how to make wiser decisions by engaging in quantitative research. They can
use it to evaluate the efficacy of interventions. In general, quantitative research is a potent
tool that can be used to address issues regarding the environment we live in. It has many
benefits that make it an important component of scientific research.

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