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English IGSCE Reading Notes (Exercise 3)

Reading has 4 texts:

Exercise 3:

Note-making | 10 minutes | 7 marks (previously 8) | Answers may or may not follow an order

Solving Technique:
Skim & Scan

How to Skim & Scan (Exercise 3 Version):

1. Set the time
2. Read all Questions
3. Skim (Read quickly)
4. Scan (Read carefully)
5. Answer questions simultaneously
6. Each detail on a line
Tips of Exercise 1:

 Keyword can come as antonyms in text

 And/or: may be different meaning, may be similar meaning
 Conjunctions of sequence  different detail:
 Firstly,
 Secondly,
 Moreover,
 Even more,
 In addition,
 Additionally,
 Furthermore,
 What’s next,
 What’s more,
 Similarly,
 As well as,
 Besides,
 Also,
 Plus,
 Then,
 After,
 Finally,
 Sometimes, to spot bait (numerous in listening)  Conjunctions of Opposition:
 But,
 However,
 Nevertheless,
 Though,
 Even Though,
 Although,
 In spite of,
 Despite of,
 In (Where?) & (When?) Questions  Answer must contain preposition
 (When?) Question can be  Time or location
 In (How much?) & (How many?) Questions  unit must come after quantity

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