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GE 2-Final Examination (Mini Documentary)


-You are tasked to create a “Mini-Documentray” as your final examination.

-You are given a 3-10 minute timeframe.

-Submission will be made via Google Drive. The link will be sent to your GC. Just transfer the
file or paste the file into Google Drive.

-This activity is worth 100 points.


1. Impactful Storytelling:

 A mini-documentary should have a clear and impactful narrative. Focus on a

central theme or message that can resonate with your audience. Craft a
compelling story that captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. Use
storytelling techniques to evoke emotions and create a connection with the

2. Visual Engagement:

 Visual appeal is crucial in a mini-documentary. Utilize high-quality footage,

images, and graphics to enhance the storytelling. Incorporate visually interesting
elements such as B-roll footage, animations, or infographics to keep the
audience engaged. Effective visuals can help convey information and evoke
emotions more powerfully.

3. Effective Editing:

 The editing process plays a critical role in shaping the final product. Ensure a
smooth and coherent flow by carefully selecting and arranging scenes. Trim
unnecessary content to maintain a concise and focused documentary. Pay
attention to pacing, transitions, and the overall rhythm of the storytelling to keep
viewers captivated.

4. Compelling Interviews or Testimonials:

 If applicable, include interviews or testimonials from individuals who bring depth

and authenticity to the narrative. Well-selected interviews can provide unique
perspectives, personal stories, or expert insights that enhance the overall impact
of the documentary. Choose interviewees who can articulate the subject matter
effectively and contribute to the emotional resonance of the story.
5. Clear and Concise Communication:

 Keep the documentary concise and to the point. Every scene, piece of
information, or interview should contribute to the overall narrative and objective.
Avoid unnecessary details that may distract from the main message. Ensure that
the script is well-written, and the narration is clear, making the content accessible
to a wide audience. Clarity in communication is essential for the documentary's

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