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How To Develop Empathy Interview Plot & Video Recording

Maria Angélica Guillen Alvarado

Joimer Morales Martinez

David Santiago Barrero Molina


Institución Universitaria Digital De Antioquia


Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we have the honor of having

renowned psychology professor, Jamil Zaki, with us. Welcome, Jamil.

Jamil Zaki: Thank you! It’s a pleasure to be here.

Host: Let’s start by discussing empathy. Why do you think we’re experiencing an

empathy shortage in today’s society?

Jamil Zaki: Well, being a psychologist who studies empathy today is a bit like

being a climatologist studying polar ice caps. Empathy, that ability to put ourselves in

others’ shoes and understand their emotions, is declining. We live in an increasingly

individualistic world where technology connects us virtually but often disconnects us

emotionally. Empathy is crucial for our mental health and for building meaningful


Host: What are the advantages of cultivating empathy?

Jamil Zaki: Empathy has multiple benefits. Firstly, it helps us better understand

others and respond more compassionately. It also strengthens our interpersonal

relationships and makes us more resilient to stress. Moreover, empathy is essential for

addressing global challenges like climate change or social inequality. When we care about

others, we’re more willing to take action to improve the world.

Host: And what are the disadvantages or challenges associated with empathy?

Jamil Zaki: Empathy can be emotionally draining. Feeling others’ emotions can be

overwhelming, especially when dealing with painful or traumatic situations. Additionally,

there’s a risk of “empathy fatigue,” where we become desensitized due to constant overload

from feeling affected by others’ issues. Therefore, it’s essential to find a balance and take

care of our emotional well-being while practicing empathy.

Host: How can we develop or implement empathy in our daily lives?

Jamil Zaki: There are several strategies. First, we must practice active listening.

Genuinely pay attention to others and try to understand their perspectives. We can also read

literature that helps us see the world from different viewpoints. Additionally, empathy

grows when we engage in volunteer activities or assist those in need. Ultimately, it’s about

remembering that we all share this human experience, and our emotional connections are

what make us truly human.

Host: Thank you, Jamil, for sharing your insights on empathy with us. We hope this

conversation inspires our viewers to cultivate empathy in their lives.

Jamil Zaki: It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for having me!


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