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Start your project here

1. If you have not created a free Google account, you will need
to do that before beginning your project. Each student will
need their own Google accounts as well.

2. Click on the link that is on the next page.

3. The link will take you to a Google Form. Do NOT open it.
Instead, right click on it and select "make a copy". Your copy
will go into your Google Drive.
Go to your Google Drive and find your copy. It should start
with"Copy of...". Use this new copy to send to your students.
Below is the link to the product you purchased.

Digital Escape Room - Freebie

4th Grade Review
Movie Theme

Below are other escape rooms you might be

interested in.
ADDING FILE TO YOUR DRIVE – Teacher Directions
1. Click on one of the links.

2. The Folder will be in SHARED WITH ME.

3. Open the folder and

select each file.
ADDING FILE TO YOUR DRIVE – Teacher Directions
4. With the files selected, click the three dots to make copies.

5. All of the copies will be added to MY DRIVE.

6. At this point you can create a folder and move all of the files
to your folder. This will help with organization. To create a folder
you will click the plus sign and the new folder icon. You will name
the folder and then hit create.
ADDING FILE TO YOUR DRIVE – Teacher Directions
7. Highlight all of the files and click the three dots.

8. Click MOVE TO. Select the new folder that you just created.
Now you are ready to assign to your own class.
GOOGLE CLASSROOM – Teacher Directions
1. Click on CLASSWORK.

2. Create an ASSIGNMENT.

3. Give the assignment a name, instructions, and a due date.

Add the file from your Google Drive.
TpT Store
Mathematicians’ Blog
End-of-the-Year Digital Escape Room
4th Grade Review - Freebie
Credits/Terms of Use:

Thank you for

your purchase!

All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by

the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one
teacher or classroom, or for an entire department, school,
or school system is prohibited. This product may not be
distributed or displayed digitally for public view, uploaded to
school or district websites, distributed via email, or
submitted to file sharing sites. Failure to comply is a
copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital
Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Intended for single
classroom and personal use only. If you would like to
purchase additional licenses, you may do so. They are 10%
off the original price.

Fonts: KG fonts, MJ fonts,

Clip Art – Bricks and border,

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