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Water by chef jem


Water by chef jem .....

What a person really needs to get healthy again.

Date: 3/17/2020 11:41:15 AM ( 4 y ago)

May 30, 2023 - Water Fluoridation -

"The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to
domination and control and loss of liberty..."[4]*

November 11, 2022 - Can Be Medicinal When Hot! -

"When you catch a chill, instead of first swallowing all kinds of medication, drink several cups
of very hot water and also take the hottest footbath possible so as to sweat and eliminate the
toxins. This is how you will get better. Especially because when you take a hot footbath, you
affect your solar plexus – which is linked to the feet – and that will in turn act on your whole
body. ..."[3]

November 5, 2020 - Increase Our Water Intake

"In stressful times like these, when anxiety and fear increase, we should increase our water
intake to mitigate the damaging effects of our emotions on our bodies. Water is our most
basic medicine, but doctors do not pay enough attention to hydration levels in their patients,
which gets them into troublesome lawsuits, especially in pediatrics. Thus for ourselves and
our children, it pays to self-diagnose, and that is easy by paying attention to your urine color.
The darker it is, the more dehydrated one is. Dehydration alters the conformation of proteins
and removes water layers around proteins essential for maintaining the original protein

Comment: The idea of increasing one's "water intake" may be dismissed in the minds of
some people for countless "reasons" even though this just may be their very best
"medicine"! This Blog-writer can most certainly understand if there's an aversion to drinking
water (especially tap water) and if that's the case then there are many ways to resolve that
aversion. Try other water (purified, spring, and/or "treated" in innumerable ways)! Try
coconut water which is known to be most hydrating. Drink whey (the water-based separation
that occurs in natural yogurts, kefirs and clabbers). This writer often combines whey and
coconut water to make a very refreshing and thirst-satisfying drink. Hydrating your body can
be a delicious experience!

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March 17, 2020 - Dear Fellow Body of Water,

We received the following email this morning and realized we have to say "yes."

Subject: Asking a favor 🙏

Dear Staff at Hydration Summit,

I know that March 15th was officially the last day of the summit but I was wondering if it
would be at all possible to extend the deadline in light of the current coronavirus crisis?

So many of us have been overwhelmed and stressed to the max to the point that we had no
time to finish watching the hydration summit and/or could barely focus on the videos
because we were so distracted by all the drama in the news. I fully planned on watching the
entire summit but barely got halfway through it because of all the emergency events,
restrictions, school closings, etc

I would so greatly appreciate it if you could make allowances, maybe for an extra replay
weekend, etc. I absolutely love this summit and how beautifully it has been put together.

With much gratitude,

Rachel A.

These are unprecedented times calling for a coherent community response. We have a
great opportunity to unwind from the stress of our normal daily routines and tune into subtle
energies that can guide and sustain us.

At the Hydration Foundation we stand for getting back to basics and healing ourselves and
our planet from the inside out. Hydration affects every process in our bodies including our
immune system, our thoughts and emotions. As such, it is vital that we consider our
relationship with water and hydration in these times of stress.

Living water with its negative ion charge supports strong immune function. Hydration
supports steady emotion. Steady emotions and strong bodies support us to move with a little
bit more grace and ease.

So, the Hydration Solution Summit is extended!

At this time, we are not planning a closing date. As long as the majority of students are out
of schools and parents are called home to support their families we are going to leave the
Summit open so you have the opportunity to absorb the Hydration Solution Summit

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Please dive into the Summit now and immerse yourself in the wisdom of the world's top
medical doctors, water scientists and thinkers. Many people are going to be away from their
usual busy routines for at least a few weeks and the important information about water and
hydration found in the Summit may be just the thing to help them feel a little bit better about
their life and our world. Please share the following with everyone you know so we can
respond as a community to the events we are facing:

... For now, donations of ALL sizes will receive permanent access to the Hydration Solution


Water Blessings,

Gina Bria



Plus - Hydration Foundation Interview with Dr. Kirsten Deutschlander -

Gina: The Hydration Foundation is here to support physicians who would like to share their
message about how hydration has impacted their own practice and their protocols. And I’d
like to introduce to our listeners and our audience someone very special, Dr. Kirsten
Deutschlander. I met her at the Bulgarian international conference on the physics, chemistry
and biology of water in October 2018. There were over 200 scientists and physicians. It’s a
very specialized and beautiful conference right in the middle of all these Bulgarian mineral
spas. And her message in particular really struck us at the Hydration Foundation as
something we wanted to share with the world.

So, Dr. Deutschlander, the Hydration Foundation, welcomes you. We can’t believe we made
this a reality having met you at that very special conference and joining our forces together.
And we’d love to get a little bit about your training and your interest in water and how that all
came about.

So, Dr. Kirsten Deutschlander, we welcome you to this interview with the Hydration

Dr. Kristen: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Yes, I came to this water research because I was so frustrated with the treatment results of

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conventional medicine. I studied medicine and I wanted to help the people, I wanted to know
what does a person really need to get healthy again. So I was so frustrated. And I didn’t
want to release the symptoms by prescribing medications or by operation or anything else.
And so I started to look for alternatives. I studied various healing systems, for example, the
traditional Chinese medicine or the natural medicine, the homeopathy, acupuncture I really
love, phytotherapy. And then I realized without a healthy mind and a healthy psyche there is
no cure. And I did a training in psychotherapy. I did a training in trauma therapy, I learned
EMDR, and over time I came to spiritual healing but always something was missing. And so
I began to change my perspective. I thought about what is the basis of all these methods
and what connects all these methods. And so I came to the conclusion, it must be the water
because if you are not supplied with good water or if the supply in the body is not enough,
you can’t heal with any method. And that’s the reason I came to the water research.

Gina: And how long did that take? How long was that process for you? You had training in
western medicine, right?

Dr. Kristen: Yes, I did the training in Western medicine. And it needs, I can tell you, 20 years.
It needs 20 years to come to that point where I was really aware that it must be the water.
And I think that’s a shame. You study years and years and no one tells you that water is
really so important for the health. And yes, it needs 20 years.

Gina: Wow! Tell us about what you discovered like what is the story, how did you get to
looking at just water?

Dr. Kristen: Well, at that point I thought “I have to change my perspective and I have to
explore how water works.” I tested it first by myself and I thought nature is the best guide.
And so, I began to drink only spring water. I live here in a surrounding where I have a holy
spring and I can go there and put the water in a glass bottle and make a little walk in the
woods and then I go to the source and get my water by hand. And so I started to drink only
this water and I observed what happens in my body. And so I saw I first got accustomed to
this very fresh taste and I loved to drink it. And I didn’t want to drink water from the water
pipe any longer. And then I realized that I felt incredibly powerful. And so I decided I want to
test these effects with my patients. And at that time, my partner and some friends, and me
founded this association as sources of life and in this association we wanted to find out how
the healing power of water really works. And so they enabled me to carry out this pilot study
with my patients.

Gina: So this is the [inaudible @ 07:18] Water Association?

Dr. Kristen: Yes, yes, yes.

Gina: And you’re in the chief position for that but tell us a little bit about the association. I
love it so much as I think we’re doing parallel work with the Hydration Foundation, the same
science-based physician-supported but tell us how that came about and who your
collaborators there are?

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Dr. Kristen: Yes, we had some friends who were really interested in the water research,
researchers, but also normal people who are interested in the water theme. And we watched
that there is no independent research at all. There’s no independent water research hub,
there’s no independent water research and hardly no industry independent research at all.
And this was the first reason we thought we had to support independent research.

Gina: In other words, not supported by a water company that had a vested interest. This is a
strictly nonprofit independent inquiry from people with expertise that would have the ability to
really do the testing as you’ve done, which is so exciting and why we’re so happy because
what you’re going to report on to all of us is what is so amazing but we’d like to know a little
bit more about your colleagues in this organization.

Dr. Kristen: Yes, we wanted to work interdisciplinary and international and we want to carry
out independent research but we also want to educate, we want to improve the health,
education of health awareness of the population.

Gina: You’re speaking my language, yes. What good is it doing the science community if it
doesn’t come out and have an impact on our very grave health conditions now? So, yes, we
love that, we love education, water education. That’s the whole point of these YouTube
interviews we’re doing called Doctors Talk to not only alert doctors, to other doctors who are
doing this research and offering you as the resource to other physicians around the world
but also anyone can listen in on these conversations and discover.

Dr. Kristen: Yeah, it’s really important. And we want to combine or to connect the scientists,
the older and wiser scientists with the knowledge, with the use, and we want to give
something back to the younger generations. And our motto is together for healthy water,
together for a healthy world. And I think that’s the same spirit.

Gina: Yes. On your collegial board you have a medical journalist Walter Ohler.

Dr. Kristen: Yes. This is my partner also.

Gina: Wonderful, wonderful. And you have an attorney. I love that that you are actually trying
to protect and care from the legal side of use. Nadine Olthoff, water researcher that is
involved. What is his particular role?

Dr. Kristen: His particular role right now is to support us with his knowledge. He’s a very
practical man and he carries different devices and he tries to construct a device to reduce
the emissions from the cars. That’s his work. And so we are looking for these creative hats.

Gina: The innovators, the inventors who come with a practical support because while we
have the spring water coming naturally out of the earth, we’re going to need support from
many different dimensions including prevention through devices or products. Yeah, we also
try to vet at the Hydration Foundation things that actually work and provide information on
that. Also another very important of that practice decal work of education, not just drink more
water, drink more water but here are the …

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Dr. Kristen: No, there’s so much more in water research. There are new technologies, the
energy supply and so much worthwhile work with water to be found.

Gina: Yes. While I have you on the sort of looking over your colleagues, there’s someone I
especially wanted to talk to you about which is Dr. Walter Medinger, a chemist and a
biophysicist, extremely revered, I mean, the science that he’s holding on biophysics. And I
would love to have you say a few words about him and his work and his contribution to

Dr. Kristen: He examines several water sources. You can give him each water and he makes
an examination of a very new kind with a method he has developed. It’s called the spectral
… the frequency … I don’t really … I can’t describe it. It’s a difficult explanation. So, in our
association he is the specialist who can explain to us how the physics behind works. ...[1]






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