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Choreography (30 points)

 Creativity: Originality and innovation in choreography.
 Variety: Range of movements, transitions, and formations used throughout the
 Musicality: Alignment of movements with the rhythm, beat, and mood of the music.
2. Execution (30 points)
 Technique: Precision, control, and proficiency in executing dance moves.
 Synchronization: Coordination and timing among team members.
 Energy: Level of enthusiasm, vigor, and expression displayed during the routine.
3. Presentation (20 points)
 Stage Presence: Confidence, charisma, and engagement with the audience.
 Costumes and Props: Appropriateness, creativity, and enhancement of the
 Facial Expressions: Expression and emotiveness conveyed through facial gestures.
4. Difficulty (15 points)
 Complexity: Complexity and difficulty level of movements and combinations.
 Skill Level: Demonstration of advanced skills and techniques.
5. Overall Impression (5 points)
 Impact: Overall impact and memorability of the routine.
 Cohesion: Cohesiveness and unity of the team's performance.

Each criterion is scored out of 100 points, and the total score is calculated by summing up the
scores from each category.

Certainly! Below is a rubric table for an aerobics dance competition:

Criteria Description Points

Choreography Originality and innovation in choreography. 30

Range of movements, tansitions, and formations used throughout the routine.

Alignment of movements with the rhythm, beat, and mood of the music.

Execution Precision, control, and proficiency in executing dance moves. 30

Coordination and timing among team members.

Criteria Description Points

Level of enthusiasm, vigor, and expression displayed during the routine.

Presentation Confidence, charisma, and engagement with the audience. 20

Appropriateness, creativity, and enhancement of the performance through

costumes and props.

Expression and emotiveness conveyed through facial gestures.

Difficulty Complexity and difficulty level of movements and combinations. 15

Demonstration of advanced skills and techniques.

Impression Overall impact and memorability of the routine. 5

Cohesiveness and unity of the team's performance.

Each criterion is scored out of 100 points, with a total possible score of 100 for each routine.

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