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The Dreaming Priest CHAPTER

About the Chapter

LearnandFun In this chapter we shall learn that only
dream does not give us success. We
ldentify the given pictures. should have determination.

Think and Discuss

Hard work is the key of success.

Long time ago, there lived a priest. He was

very lazy and poor. He did not want
to do any hard work but used to
dream of being rich one day.
He got his food by begging
for alms. One morning he
got a pot of milk as a part of
the alms. He was extremely
delighted and went home
with the pot of milk. He
boiled the milk, drank some
of it and put the remaining
milk in a pot. He added a
small amount of curd in the
pot for converting the milk into
curd. He then lay down to sleep.
5 Moral Scence (Values and Lfe Sksdls) 4
Soon he started imagining about the pot of curd while he lay asleep. He
dreamed that if he could become rich somehow, all his miseries would be
gone. His thoughts turned to the
pot of milk he had set to
form curd. He dreamed on;
"By morning the pot of
milk would set, it would
be converted into curd. I
would churn the curd and
make butter from it. I would heat
the butter and make ghee out of
it. I will then go to the
market and sell that
ghee, and make
some money.
With that
money, Iwill
buy a hen. The
hen will lay many
eggs which will hatch and there will be many chickens. These chickens will
in turn lay hundreds of eggs and Iwill soon have a poultry farm of my
own." He kept on imagining.
"I will sell all the hens of my poultry and buy some cows, and open a milk
dairy. All the town people will buy milk from me. Iwill be very rich and
soon, I shall buy jewels. The king will buy all the jewels from me. I will be
so rich that I willbe able to marry an exceptionally beautiful girl from a
rich family. Soon I will have a handsome son. If he does any mischief, I will
be very angry and to teach him a lesson, Iwill hit him with a big stick."
During this dream, he involuntarily picked up the stick next to his bed
and thinking that he was beating his son, raised the stick and hit the pot.
The pot of milk broke and he awoke from his daydream.

MoRAL There is no substitute for hard work. Dreams cannot be futfilled without
hard work.

Moral Science (Values and Life Skslls)

poultry farm: domestic fowl in general, e.g. chickens, ducks, raised for meat or
WISE eggs; exceptionally: outstanding; involuntarily: unwillingly

A. Tick the correct answer: (MCQs)
1. A priest was very and poor.
a. idle b. active c. lazy d. indifferent
2. The priest got his by begging for alms.
a. milk b. fruits Dc. curd d. food
3. The priest was extremely and went home with the pot of milk.
a. sad b. delighted C. angry d. afraid
4. The pot of milk and the priest awoke from his daydream.
a. boiled b. flew c. broke d. cracked
5. The priest added a smallamount of curd in the pot for converting the milk into
a. cheese b. butter Dc ghee d. curd

B. Fillin the blanks with the correct option:

1. One morning the got a pot of milk as a part of the alms.
2. The priest was extremely and went home with the pot of
milk. [mourned/ delighted]
3. The priest started imagining about the pot of while he lay
asleep. [milk/ curd]
4. "Iwill soon have a of my own," thought the priest.
[stable/ poultry farm]
5. The pot of milk and the priest awoke from his daydream.

7 Moral Scoence (Values and Lfe Skls) 4

C. Answer the following questions based on your imagination:
1. What do you think building castles in air is a good thing?
2. How can you escape from the daydreaming?
3. How would you react if someone teaches you to build castles in air?
4. Hard work is the key of success. Explain it.
D. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was the priest lazy and poor?

2. What alms did the priest get one morning?

3. Whom did the priest want to marry?

4. What happened to the pot of milk?

Diseussion Time
E. Answer the folowing questions orally:
1. What did the priest add to the milk?
2. What did the priest pick involuntarily?

Actirity Corner
Write some lines on: 'The person who builds castle in air always

Morgl Science (Volues and Life Skslls)4

Section 2 Specific Word Groups Name:

Date: Class:
Opposite Gender
Fill in each blank with the masculine or feminine form of the given

COW Co lion boar uncle

niece nun baroness hind
man master bride postman


1 bridegroom

3 nephew

4 aunt

5 buck

6 mistress

7 monk

8 lioness


10 Woman
Section 2 Specific Word GroupS Name:

EXERCISE 14 Date: Class:

Animals and Their Motion

Fill in each blank with the correct motion of each animal.

gallops leaps climbs flies

glides lumbers swims prowls
SCampers waddles charges ambles


1 mouse

2 fish

3 horse

4 bird

5 frog
6 snake

7 duck


9 bear

10 monkey
Section 2 Specific Word Groups Name:

Date: Class:
Words with Similar Meanings
Replace the underlined word or words with another of SIMILAR
meaning and write its number in the box.
1 Please select the dress you like.
(1) buy (3) wear
(2) choOse (4) keep

2 The old man injured his foot when he fell down the stairs.
(1) stepped (3) lost
(2) saved (4) hurt

3 Where did you purchase this pair of shoes?

(1) buy (3) steal
(2) sell (4) borrow

4 My father is acautious driver.

(1) helpful (3) Useful
(2) careful (4) playful

5 The principal wants to see you straightaway.

(1) later (3) soon
(2) noW (4) early
6 Elephants are enormous.
(1) slow (3) huge
(2) fierce (4) timid

7 You must complete your homework on time.

(1) start (3) continue
(2) begin (4) finish

8 The boys were exhausted when they reached the top of the
(1) frightened (3) tired
(2) sleepy (4) active
9 The room was empty except for a circular table.
(1) round (3) rectangular
(2) squUare (4) oval

10 The sumit of the mountain is covered with snow.

(1) side (3) foot
(2) top (4) centre

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