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Luis Felipe Marques

Language Arts
All About Polar Molecules

Many different molecules and atoms exist all around us, but the polar molecules are very
unique compared to the other common molecules. Throughout the long list of different versions
of molecules and their bonds, polar molecules remain different from the others. Polar molecules
are a special type of molecule that has a partial negative charge on one of its side while its
opposite side is positively charged.
The polar molecules are made of two atoms joined together by a covalent bond. Covalent
bonds occur when two atoms share a specific number of valence electrons with each other in
order to have a stable electron configuration. Polar molecules are different because of their
polarity. Sometimes, an atom from the molecule has more protons than its accomplice.
Consequently, it attracts the shared electrons to itself, and the electrons are dragged to one side
of the molecule. As a result, the molecule has an imbalance in the distribution of electrons; the
electrons stay more time with the more positive atom. This imbalance causes the difference in
charges within one molecule. Therefore, polar molecules are formed.
Polar molecules are meaningful to the understanding of many properties of many materials.
Due to the polarity caused by polar molecules, materials that are made of these molecules have
interesting properties. For example, water is a polar molecule, and it has some peculiarities.
Water’s solubility is caused by its polarity. The charged sides of a water molecule attract ions
from na ionic compound, like salt. This attraction breaks the ions from its ionic compond, and
they attract to water, instead. Without its polarity, water would never be able to dissolve many
ionic compounds.

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