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In 2021 during the protests in Colombia. I was aware of the in equality in my country
but I wasn`t agree with the vandalism way of protesting. Because I was sure that
would not change my country at all.


In the pandemic of Covid-19, I was confident that things were going to get better
because I always had my faith in God. I was aware that the situation was very difficult
I was also a little worried about my parents because they are older adults but I never
stopped believing in God.


During the attacks on the twin towers in 2001, I was in a very small coffee shop in a
health center in the city of Neiva, because my mother was undergoing medical
check-ups for surgery. And although not only have many memories of my childhood I
remember that day very well, I was 9 years old and in the coffee shop there was a
television on the wall. All of us who were there loocked towards that television. The
news was showing a tower on fire, there was a lot of confusion and no one knew
what was happening. 🔊
1. When I was a child, I fought with my peers, especially when I was in preschool. I
teased my classmates with my pencil, I was also very talkative in class, I had
many friends, that was a very exciting time, if I were still there I'm sure I would be
a better classmate.

2. I don't remember my first day of school. Maybe it wasn't very exciting, but there
is one memory that I keep in mind, that memory is from when I was in second
grade. I had a boyfriend and his mother always went to school for him, I remember that he was very cute, we always said goodbye sending kisses from a distance
with our little hands. Now that I remember it, that was very funny. If I were back in
that time, I would surely ask my parents for a diary as a gift to write down all the
special moments of my childhood so I could remember them all today.

3. In my first job I was 16 years old. I was scared but excited. It was a challenge
for me, since in my adolescence I was very shy and in this job I had to provide
attention to people, telling them which wardrobe was appropriate for them. It was a
great challenge because it was a job in a very prestigious boutique in my city. My
bosses were the best, they taught me many things, if my boss Jenny were in front
of me today she would thank her for everything she taught me.

4. My vacation wasn't very exciting. In my family we didn't have the resources to all
go on vacation. But my parents were always the best, on some occasions they
sent me on vacation to my sister Olga, who was very little and they sent me alone
because my sister lived in a city close to mine. And my sister was the most special
to me. She always made plans especially designed for me. It wasn't the vacation I was dreaming of but I was very happy. If I were back in that time, I would be more
considerate of my sister and tell her how proud I am of her.



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