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College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan bpsucnm_2007@yahoo.

Academic Portfolio
Fundamentals of Nursing

Submitted by :
Valmeo, Hanna Allysa Q.

Submitted to:
Arcelo, J. Rosily
Morales, G. Jeanette
Rubia, R. Evelyn

Date of Submission
College of Nursing and Midwifery
City of Balanga, 2100 Bataan bpsucnm_2007@yahoo.

Subject Fundamentals of Nursing (Lab) Date March 7, 2024

College Bataan Peninsula State University Day 1st – 10th Day

Topic Discussed: ASEPSIS

I. Objectives
● Define and differentiate between medical and surgical asepsis.
● Identify and demonstrate various aseptic techniques.
● Recognize potential infection sources and understand their management.

II. Learning experience

I remember this was the day our clinical instructors discussed asepsis. But before that, they
introduced themselves, and they were actually chief nurses, which left me in awe. Our clinical
instructors were very nice, kind, and welcoming. I think it was their first time handling us, and
they were very careful with everything. They even asked us if we had any problems or difficulties
with the lessons, assuring us that we could just approach them, which made me feel thankful. Our
first topic was about asepsis. Actually, asepsis had already been discussed back in the first
semester, and it was also the first topic they taught us. So, we were already familiar with this topic
and knew how to wash our hands properly.

III. Insights from the experience

Our clinical instructors taught us the first lecture, which was about asepsis. As I mentioned,
we had already learned about asepsis, but we needed to review it to refresh our memories in case
we had forgotten what it was and how to do proper handwashing. I, myself, am confident with
hand washing because I've been practicing proper handwashing ever since it was taught to us.
Every time I wash my hands at home or anywhere else, I always do it properly because it bothers
me to think that there might still be bacteria on my hands. So, I practice proper hand washing every
day. Our clinical instructors kindly taught us about asepsis, emphasizing the importance of
understanding the differences between clean and sterile techniques. They also guided us on how
to properly wash our hands. After teaching us the procedure for handwashing, they proceeded to
teach and help us with properly putting on a mask, cap, gown, and gloves. When we did the return
demonstration, I was confidently nervous because I was afraid of making a mistake, which I did.
I removed the mask and cap before the gown, which was incorrect. However, that was the only
mistake I made, and I still managed to get a high score on my return demonstration. I am thankful
to the clinical instructor for teaching us.

IV. Evaluation
With the help of our clinical instructors, we learned a lot and gained valuable knowledge.
They guided us through engaging discussions and provided us with insightful explanations. Our
clinical instructors expertise and dedication to teaching made the learning experience enjoyable
and meaningful. We were able to ask questions, share our thoughts, and deepen our understanding
of the topics.


I. Objectives
 Identity basic medical abbreviations selected from a standard list
 Define prefixes, suffixes, selected from a list of words
 Spell and pronounce medical terms correctly

II. Learning experience

This is the second topic that we have learned, which is about prefixes, suffixes, and medical
abbreviations. Our clinical instructors handed us handouts for us to read and understand the lists
written on them. When we saw how many prefixes, suffixes, and medical abbreviations there were,
it reminded us that we would have to memorize all of them. We actually took two days to finish
discussing this lecture because there were a lot of abbreviations.

III. Insights from the experience

Learning about prefixes, suffixes, and medical abbreviations made me realize that we will
be using them in our future careers. When we enter a hospital, we can hear doctors and nurses
using abbreviations, and now that I understand what they mean, I can comprehend their
communication. Our clinical instructors taught us that while we will use some of these
abbreviations in the future, it doesn't mean we need to use all of them. Only certain common
abbreviations are used, while most of them are not. I have learned a lot from the instructors who
taught us about prefixes, suffixes, and medical abbreviations.

IV. Evaluation
This topic provided both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making it a
comprehensive and valuable part of our learning. I believe that I have gained a lot of knowledge
about this topic and have met all of my objectives. I gained knowledge because of the handouts
and, of course, with the help of the clinical instructors.



I. Objectives
 Define mobility and the range of motion exercise (ROM)
 Develop skills in assessing and maintaining patient positioning
 Learn and practice proper patient transfer and lifting
II. Learning experience
Just like asepsis, we had already learned about mobility, including range of motion and
positioning. However, we hadn't discussed body mechanics and transferring in the first semester.
We were already familiar with the meaning of mobility, range of motion, and positioning since we
had already done the return demonstration for these topics. But, we still learned them again.

III. Insights from the experience

I learned about mobility, range of motion, positioning, body mechanics, and transferring
with the help of our clinical instructors. During the range of motion exercises, our clinical
instructors were teaching us, but there were some moves they made mistakes on. Since we were
already familiar with the movements, we helped correct our clinical instructors, and it was actually
kind of funny. I remember back in the first semester when we did the return demonstration for
range of motion, almost all of us got a perfect score because it was easy to memorize. In addition
to the range of motion exercises, we also learned about positioning. Although we didn't physically
perform the positions, we read about them in the handouts and became familiar with them. We
then proceeded to learn about proper body mechanics, safe lifting, hazards, and safety measures in
transferring clients. We did a return demonstration for this transfer as a group, and with the help
of our clinical instructors and the Philippine Red Cross, we successfully completed the
demonstration. I forgot to mention that the Philippine Red Cross was present during our learning
of the transfer. With their demonstration and assistance, we were able to fulfill our demonstration.
IV. Evaluation
This topic has been a comprehensive and valuable part of our learning, as it has provided
us with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Throughout our studies, I believe that I
have acquired a significant amount of knowledge regarding this topic and have successfully
achieved all of my learning objectives.


I. Objectives
 Understand the purpose and procedure of NGT insertion
 Demonstrate competency in NGT feeding
 Understand the signs of readiness for removal

II. Learning experience

In this lecture, our clinical instructors demonstrated the procedure for nasogastric tube
insertion, feeding, and removal. We were joined by another section, 1-G, so it was convenient for
them to teach us all in one session. They provided the necessary equipment and used a medical
mannequin to show us the demonstration

III. Insights from the experience

Our clinical instructors taught us the proper way to insert, feed, and remove an NGT. They
emphasized the importance of handwashing, which was part of the demonstration to ensure our
hands were clean before inserting the NGT. They taught us the steps of NGT insertion and
provided us with the necessary equipment for our return demonstration. I was shocked to see how
deep our clinical instructor inserted the NGT into the client's nostril. Also, I have learned that
proper positioning of the client is crucial during NGT insertion to ensure comfort and ease of
insertion. Our clinical instructors emphasized the need for gentle and slow insertion, taking care
to avoid any force or resistance. They also taught us about the importance of confirming the correct
placement of the NGT through various methods. Our clinical instructors guided us through the
steps, emphasizing the need for caution and gentle removal to minimize discomfort and potential
injury to the client. The demonstration provided by our clinical instructors has equipped us with
the necessary knowledge and skills to safely and effectively handle NGT procedures.

IV. Evaluation
I believe that I have gained a significant amount of knowledge about the topic of ngt
insertion, feeing, and removal. The knowledge and skills I have acquired will undoubtedly benefit
me in my future nursing practice.

Topic Discussed: OXYGENATION

I. Objectives
 Understand the importance of oxygenation for maintaining health and wellbeing
 Identify and respond to oxygenation needs and complication
 Demonstrate competency in oxygen administration

II. Learning experience

Despite the limitations imposed by the heat, which prevented the clinical instructors from
teaching this topic in an onsite setting, the online class provided an alternative for us to continue
our learning in oxygenation which is our last lecture for midterms in fundamentals in nursing

III. Insights from the experience

During the lecture, I learned about the significance of oxygen supplementation treating
hypoxia and relieving dyspnea, which are common challenges faced by patients. I realized the
importance of precise oxygen delivery, ensuring the prescribed rate and percentage are maintained
to avoid complications. Over-oxygenation can have adverse effects, especially for individuals with
chronic lung disease or infants at risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Also, I learned that
precautions such as preventing smoking near oxygen equipment and that it is crucial to post
warning signs indicating “OXYGEN - NO SMOKING” in patient rooms as well as avoiding use
of oil to prevent ignition were crucial safety measures. I learned about the need to monitor the
functioning of the oxygen delivery system to ensure a consistent oxygen concentration for patients.
So, this can help maintain their oxygenation levels and their wellbeing. Then, we proceed on
learning about suctioning which is a procedure performed to remove secretions or mucus from the
airway when a patient is unable to clear it themselves. I learned that proper hand hygiene and
wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) are essential during suctioning to minimize the risk
of infection, considering that bacteria are present everywhere. Also, I would like to express my
gratitude to all our clinical instructors who taught and supported us throughout this lectures. Their
guidance and assistance have been invaluable.

IV. Evaluation
I believe I have gained knowledge about the topic of oxygenation and have achieved all of
the objectives. I learned and understood oxygenation with the assistance of our instructor and the
handouts provided to us.

V. Documentation

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