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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt

Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666



Các bạn thân mến,
Hiện nay, chắc hẳn các bạn đều nhận ra được tầm quan trọng và cấp thiết của tiếng Anh
trong học tập và cuộc sống hàng ngày. Với vốn tiếng Anh tốt, đặc biệt là nắm trong tay
chứng chỉ IELTS, các bạn sẽ có cơ hội tiếp cận nhiều hơn với các nền tri thức của nhân loại,
trau dồi vốn sống của bản thân cũng như nâng cao khả năng tìm được công việc tốt trong
tương lai.

Nhận thức được tầm quan trọng trong việc giúp các bạn củng cố kiến thức tiếng Anh nền
tảng nhằm bước đầu làm quen với bài thi IELTS, đội ngũ học thuật của IELTS Fighter đã biên
soạn cuốn sách IELTS Preparation Vocabulary. Cuốn sách này bám sát theo các chủ đề từ
vựng phổ biến, vừa xuất hiện trong chương trình học mới của Bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo, vừa là
những chủ đề rất hay gặp trong bài thi IELTS. Thông qua đó, các bạn sẽ có cơ hội ôn tập,
củng cố lại những kiến thức vừa học trên lớp, và vận dụng được nguồn từ vựng này vào các
dạng bài cơ bản trong IELTS.

IELTS Fighter mong rằng cuốn sách các bạn đang cầm trên tay sẽ đóng vai trò như viên gạch
đầu tiên giúp các bạn nắm được cấu trúc bài thi IELTS, xây dựng lượng từ vựng cần thiết,
vừa phục vụ cho quá trình học tại trường, vừa tạo tiền đề cho quá trình ôn luyện IELTS để
đạt được mức điểm các bạn đề ra trong tương lai.
Các bạn truy cập file nghe tại link:

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Chúc các bạn học tốt và luôn nỗ lực hết mình trên chặng đường chinh phục IELTS của bản

Thân ái,
Đội ngũ học thuật IELTS Fighter
IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Table of Contents
Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS 5

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Listening 7

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Reading 11

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Speaking 15

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Writing 17

Unit 1. Appearance & Personality 21

Unit 2. Leisure activities 31

Unit 3. Food and drinks 40

Unit 4. Education 49

Unit 5. Jobs 58

Unit 6. Traffic 66

Unit 7. Society 73

Unit 8. Environment 82

Unit 9. Our Vietnam 91

Unit 10. Around the world 100

IELTS Preparation Vocabulary| 4

IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS

1. Giới thiệu về bài thi IELTS
IELTS là viết tắt của từ International English Language Testing System (tạm dịch: Hệ thống
kiểm tra tiếng Anh quốc tế) được sáng lập bởi 3 tổ chức ESOL thuộc Đại học Cambridge, Hội
đồng Anh và tổ chức giáo dục IDP (Úc) vào năm 1989.
Theo thống kê, IELTS đã có mặt ở 140 quốc gia với hơn 1.200 trung tâm tổ chức thi. Và,
10.000 trường đại học, cao đẳng, cơ quan, các tổ chức khác sử dụng điểm số IELTS để đánh
giá năng lực tiếng Anh chính thức trong đó có Úc, Anh, Canada và New Zealand…
Bài thi IELTS được chia thành 2 loại là: Academic (Học thuật) hoặc General training module
(Đào tạo chung):
● Academic l
à loại hình dành cho những ai muốn đăng kí học tại các trường đại học và các
chương trình đào tạo sau đại học.
● General là
loại hình dành cho những ai muốn học nghề, xin việc hay định cư tại các quốc gia nói
tiếng Anh.
Đối với 2 loại hình Academic và General sẽ thi chung 2 phần là nghe và nói trong khi phần
đọc và viết sẽ có cấu trúc bài thi khác nhau tùy thuộc vào loại hình mà thí sinh dự thi.
Một bài thi IELTS gồm 4 phần Listening, Reading, Writing và Speaking.
Kĩ năng Cấu trúc Thời gian
Listening 4 phần 40 phút
Reading 3 đoạn 60 phút
Writing 2 bài viết 60 phút
Speaking 3 phần Khoảng 15 phút

● Lệ phí thi:
● Thời hạn
bằng: 2 năm
Lợi ích của việc học IELTS:

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

● Đáp ứng
yêu cầu đi du học, định cư nước ngoài
● Miễn thi
môn Ngoại ngữ trong xét công nhận tốt nghiệp THPT (với chứng chỉ IELTS 4.0)
● Đáp ứng
tiêu chí để được xét tuyển thẳng vào các trường đại học top đầu trong nước với
chứng chỉ IELTS 5.5 - 6.5 trở lên như Trường Đại học Ngoại thương, Đại học Kinh tế
Quốc dân, Khối Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội…
● Đáp ứng
điều kiện để tốt nghiệp đại học trong nước
● Cơ hội việc
làm tại các tổ chức quốc tế, các doanh nghiệp lớn và các công ty đa quốc gia

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Listening

1. Cấu trúc đề thi

● Thời gian
thi: 40 phút
● Cấu trúc
bài thi: Bạn sẽ được nghe 4 đoạn hội thoại ghi âm gồm có: độc thoại, đàm thoại giữa
một số người bản xứ (Có thể 2 hoặc nhiều người có giọng phát âm khác nhau của nhiều
quốc gia khác). Các đoạn hội thoại sẽ có độ khó tăng dần.

Phần Nội dung

Cuộc đàm thoại giữa hai người với chủ đề xoay quanh tình huống trong cuộc
Phần 1 sống. Ví dụ: Cuộc nói chuyện giữa người bán hàng và mua hàng tại một siêu
thị nhỏ.

Đoạn độc thoại trong ngữ cảnh thường ngày, đó có thể là các tình huống
Phần 2
hướng dẫn và giới thiệu một chủ đề quen thuộc như du lịch, trường học...

Cuộc đàm thoại giữa ba người hoặc bốn người chủ đề xoay quanh giáo dục.
Phần 3
Ví dụ: Thảo luận về bài tập trên lớp.

Đoạn độc thoại từ một người bản xứ có thể đang giảng bài hay thuyết trình
Phần 4
về vấn đề mang tính học thuật cao.

● Số lượng
câu hỏi là 40 câu chia đều cho 4 phần (10
câu/phần). Mỗi câu hỏi đúng được 1 điểm và
được quy ra theo bảng quy đổi sau

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

2. Các dạng bài chính

2.1. Form/Note/Table completion (Điền từ vào đoạn, phiếu, bảng biểu)
Write THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer
Travel Safe
Department: Motor Insurance

Client details:
Name: Elisabeth 1 ....................
Date of birth: 8.10.1975
Address: 2 .................... (street)
Callington (town)
Policy number: 3 ....................

2.2. Sentence completion (Điền từ để hoàn thành câu)

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

1. Prince Harry came home with three .................... ......................... people.
2. Prince Harry thinks that to him we are all the same and the people he worked with
know him as ......................... ................................... not just as a prince.
3. They want an ................................. to ............................... to themselves that they are
the same people.
4. Prince Harry wants to make sure that the mood is ........................................... and that
everyone .................................. it.

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

2.3. Map labelling (Định vị địa điểm trên bản đồ)

Label the map below. Write the correct letters, A-H, next to questions 1 – 6

1. bank ............
2. restaurant ............
3. chemist ............
4. library ............
5. service station ............
6. town hall ............

2.4. Flowchart/Diagram completion (Điền từ vào biểu đồ quy trình)

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each

2.5. List selection (Điền đáp án từ danh sách đã cho)

Which company website has the following features?
A Hills Cycles website B Wheels Unlimited website C both websites
Write the correct letter A, B, or C next to questions 21–26.
21. bicycle catalogue ....................

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

22. price list ....................

23. bicycle accessories ....................
24. company history ....................
25. online ordering ....................
26. moving graphics ....................

2.6. Multiple choice question (Chọn đáp án đúng)

1. The September Celebration day is held ………………………………..
A. five times a year to honour the city
B. on the park’s important birthday
C. to remember the history of the park
2. The park was first built in ………………………………….
A. 1955
B. 1979
C. the 1990s

3. Cách thức làm bài

Người thi sẽ có thời gian nghe là 30 phút và các em chỉ được nghe 1 lần duy nhất. Tuy nhiên
trước đó thí sinh có khoảng thời gian ngắn để đọc câu hỏi, suy đoán câu trả lời. Kết thúc 4
phần nghe các em sẽ có 10 phút để điền lại đáp án vào phiếu trả lời.

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Reading

1. Cấu trúc đề thi
● Thời gian
thi: Bài đọc có thời gian trong vòng 60 phút.
● Cấu trúc
bài thi: Bao gồm 3 đoạn IELTS Reading Passage, 40 câu hỏi. Nội dung bài Đọc của dạng
Academic khác biệt so với dạng General nhưng dạng câu hỏi thì tương đối giống nhau.
40 câu hỏi trong một bài thi đọc ở mỗi đề sẽ thuộc các dạng riêng, không đầy đủ tất cả
các dạng nhưng sẽ được xen kẽ nhau vì thế khi ôn tập, thí sinh phải ôn đủ các dạng của
bài thi.
3 đoạn văn sẽ được phân chia theo độ dài khoảng 700-800 chữ, tương ứng với các câu
hỏi khác nhau. Những câu hỏi không được chia đều theo mỗi đoạn mà có sự căn chỉnh
● Số lượng
đáp án đúng sẽ được phân chia theo band điểm như bảng dưới

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

2. Các dạng bài chính

2.1. Note/Table completion
a. Table completion (Điền từ vào bảng biểu)
Complete the table below using information from the reading passage. Write NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
City Negative aspects Positive aspects % of help received

▪ People don't have so

▪ Friendly inhabitants
much money
Rio de Janeiro ▪ More (2) …………… (3)…………….%
▪ Has a reputation for
(1) …………
Amsterdam ▪ have little time
richer (5)…………..%
and New York ▪ don't pay attention to
New York : 44%

b. Note completion (Điền từ vào đoạn văn)

Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text, complete the following notes:
Method of determining where the ancestors of turtles and tortoises come from
Step 1: 71 species of living turtles and tortoises were examined and a total of (1) ................
were taken from the bones of their forelimbs.
Step 2: The data was recorded on a (2) ................... (necessary for comparing the
information). Outcome: Land tortoises were represented by a dense (3) .................. of
points towards the top. Sea turtles were grouped together in the bottom part.

2.2. Short answer (Viết câu trả lời ngắn)

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Historically, textile dyes were made from such natural sources as plants and animal
Indeed, the purple colour extracted from a snail was once so costly that in society at the
time only the rich could afford it. Furthermore, natural dyes tended to be muddy in hue and
fade quickly. It was against this backdrop that Perkin’s discovery was made.

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IELTS Fighter – Tiên phong phổ cập IELTS cho người Việt
Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

(1). Before Perkin’s discovery, who could afford the purple color?
(2). What potential did Perkin immediately understand that his new dye had?

2.3. Multiple choice question (Chọn đáp án đúng)


‘Rainbows are often seen when the sun comes out after or during a rainstorm. Rainbows are
caused when sunlight shines through drops of water in the sky at specific angles.’

Rainbows are often seen _________________
A. after the sun sets at night
B. when it snows
C. before a rainstorm
D. after a rainstorm

2.4. Matching (Nối đáp án)

Match the sentence endings
1. Weight issues are created when
2. Having a job where you are sitting for long periods of time or no exercise in your regular
routine can
3. The situation around you can affect your
A. the number of calories burned are not the same as the calories that have been eaten
B. health and the lifestyle that you have
C. a person consumes too much fast food
D. lead to weight gain, because of less movement
E. make a person gain weight and go out less
F. outlook on life, which affects your daily diet and exercise routine

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

2.5. Yes/No/Not Given, True/False/Not given (Câu hỏi Yes/No/Not given, True/False/Not

TRUE - if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE - if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this

1. The growth of the elderly population is going to make it extremely difficult to provide
adequate social service provision.
2. Approximately thirty percent of the population are over 60 years old.
3. Developed countries are much better prepared than developing countries for 2050.

3. Cách thức làm bài

Khác với bài thi IELTS Listening, bài thi IELTS Reading sẽ không cho thí sinh 10 phút để điền
đáp án vào phiếu, bởi vậy các em cần phân bổ thời gian làm bài hợp lí để đảm bảo mình
điền đủ tất cả mọi đáp án trong thời gian thi cho phép.

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Speaking

1. Cấu trúc đề thi

Phần Thời gian Nội dung

Phần 1: Giới thiệu 4-5 phút Giám khảo giới thiệu và yêu cầu thí sinh giới thiệu
và phỏng vấn bản thân và xác nhận danh tính. Sau đó, giám
khảo sẽ hỏi về các chủ đề quen thuộc trong cuộc
sống như gia đình, bạn bè, việc làm, sở thích,…
Phần 2: Độc thoại 3-4 phút Thí sinh được trao một mẩu giấy và cây bút và
được yêu cầu nói về một chủ đề cụ thể trong vòng
tối đa 2 phút. Trước khi nói các em sẽ có 1 phút
để chuẩn bị, sau đó giám khảo sẽ hỏi thêm 1 số
câu hỏi về chủ đề này và kết thúc chuyển sang
Part 3.
Phần 3: Thảo luận 4-5 phút Thí sinh sẽ được hỏi thêm một số câu hỏi có thể
liên quan đến chủ đề phần 2 hoặc không. Ngoài
ra, các em cần phải thảo luận nhiều hơn với giám
khảo so với phần 1.

2. Các chủ đề thường gặp

Part 1 (Phần 1)
- Study - Daily routine - Neighbours
- Work - Daily activities - Newspapers
- Hometown/Living place - Food/Cooking - Pets
- Home/Accommodation - Going out - Reading
- Family - Hobbies - Music
- Friends - Internet - Shopping
- Clothes - Leisure time - Sport
- Gifts

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Part 2
Có rất nhiều chủ đề được đưa ra trong đề thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, tuy nhiên đều thuộc
một trong sáu chủ đề lớn dưới đây:
● Describe an object: miêu tả một đồ vật (món quà, đồ vật bạn từng sử dụng, …)
● Describe a person: miêu tả người (một người bạn ngưỡng mộ, thành viên trong gia
đình, …)
● Describe an event: miêu tả một sự kiện (lễ hội, ngày kỉ niệm, …)
● Describe an activity: miêu tả hoạt động (sở thích, …)
● Describe a place: miêu tả một địa điểm (nơi bạn từng đến, địa điểm du lịch, …)
● Describe your favourite: miêu tả sở thích (cuốn sách, bộ phim bạn yêu thích, …)

Part 3

Trong Part 3, giám khảo sẽ đưa ra những câu hỏi có liên quan với Part 2, vì thế chủ đề của
Part 3 sẽ giống với Part 2. Bảy dạng câu hỏi thường gặp trong Part 3 bao gồm:
● Opinion – Nêu ý kiến của bạn về một vấn đề gì đó
● Evaluate – Suy nghĩ của bạn về một ý kiến nào đó
● Future – Theo bạn điều gì sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
● Cause and Effect – Nguyên nhân và tác động của một việc gì đó
● Hypothetical – Nói về những tình huống không có thật
● Compare and Contrast – So sánh, nói về sự giống nhau và khác nhau
● Past – Thực trạng trong quá khứ và đến ngày nay đã thay đổi như thế nào?

3. Tiêu chí chấm điểm

● Fluency and Coherence - Độ trôi chảy và mạch lạc
● Lexical Resource - Khả năng sử dụng vốn từ vựng
● Pronunciation - Phát âm
● Grammatical Range and Accuracy - Độ chính xác và sự đa dạng trong ngữ pháp

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Kiến thức tổng quan về IELTS Writing

1. Cấu trúc đề thi
Phần viết trong bài thi IELTS bao gồm 2 bài. Task 1 chủ yếu tập trung vào việc miêu tả biểu
đồ, số liệu và sự thay đổi qua thời gian. Dung lượng cần thiết cho bài viết task 1 là 150 từ và
task 2 là 250 từ. Tổng thời gian thi IELTS Writing là 60 phút. Do phần thi task 1 chỉ chiếm 1/3
tổng số điểm của phần thi Viết, thí sinh chỉ nên dành tối đa 20 phút cho phần này và 40 phút
còn lại nên sử dụng cho task 2.

2. Các dạng bài chính

2.1. IELTS Writing Task 1
Line graph (Biểu đồ đường) Bar chart (Biểu đồ cột)

Pie chart (Biểu đồ tròn) Table (Bảng biểu)

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Website: | Hotline: 0903 411 666

Process (Quy trình) Map (Bản đồ)

Mixed graph (Biểu đồ kết hợp)

Câu hỏi mẫu

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

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2.2. IELTS Writing Task 2

Discussion essay (Dạng bài thảo luận)
The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art
and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as
information technology. Do you agree or disagree?

Opinion essay (Dạng bài đưa ra ý kiến)

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as
painters and musicians. Others believe that creative artists should be funded by alternative
sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Advantage and Disadvantage essay (Dạng bài lợi ích và tác hại)
The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language
in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be
spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the

Problem and Solution essay (Dạng bài vấn đề và giải pháp)

Many young children have unsupervised access to the internet and are using the internet to
socialize with others. This can lead to a number of dangerous situations which can be
threatening for children.
What problems do children face when going online without parental supervision?
How can these problems be solved?

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2-part question essay (Dạng bài hai câu hỏi)

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an
important element of individual wellbeing.
What factors contribute to job satisfaction?
How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

3. Tiêu chí chấm điểm

● Task achievement - Bài viết hoàn thành được yêu cầu của đề bài, đưa ra được câu trả lời
cho những vấn đề được nói đến
● Coherence and cohesion - Bài viết có tính mạch lạc và liên kết giữa các câu, sử dụng các
từ nối phù hợp
● Lexical resource - Vốn từ phong phú, đa dạng và linh hoạt
● Grammatical range and accuracy - Sử dụng chính xác và kết hợp nhiều cấu trúc trong bài

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Unit 1. Appearance & Personality

Listen to two students talking about the teachers at their college and fill in the blank1.
(Track 1)
Jenny: How was your first day back at college, Philip?
Philip: Not bad. The teachers seem OK.
Jenny: Which teachers do you have?
Philip: Well, for Maths I have Mr… er… Oh, I can’t remember his name. Older guy. Gray
hair, (1) …………………….
Jenny: Mr. Willis?
Philip: No, not him. Mr. Willis doesn’t have a beard.
Jenny: He has a (2) …………………….
Philip: Yeah, but my Maths teacher has a beard and a mustache. What’s his name – oh yes
I know. Mr. Parker. That’s it.
Jenny: Oh right. I have Mr. Johnson for Maths.
Philip: Who’s he?
Jenny: He’s a youngish guy, with brown hair down to his shoulders. He has a bit of a beard
and a mustache too.
Philip: Oh, I think I remember seeing him around. I thought he was a student.
Jenny: Don’t be silly. He’s far too old to be a student. Who else do you have?
Philip: I have Mrs. Amos for Physics.
Jenny: Is that the tall black lady? Short-haired?
Philip: No, you’re thinking of Mrs. King. No, Mrs. Amos is… well, she’s got short auburn
hair, (3) ……………………. and quite long, and a round face.
Jenny: Oh yes. I know who you mean. Quite a (4) ……………………. woman. She seems nice.
And who do you have for Economics?

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Philip: Er… oh I can’t remember her name either. A young woman, blonde hair.
(5) ……………………..
Jenny: Miss Tully? She doesn’t do Economics. She teaches French.
Philip Not Ms. Tully. Ms. Tully’s hair isn’t that long. It only goes as far as her shoulders. My
Economics teacher’s hair goes right down her back. And she doesn’t wear glasses either.
What’s her name again?
Jenny: Oh – I know who you mean. Miss Wood!
Philip: That’s right. Miss Wood. And I have Mr. Joseph for English.
Jenny: Is that the bald black guy?
Philip: Yes, that’s right. He’s good. He’s funny. Who else do you have?
Jenny: Er… I have Mr. Chandler for Geography – do you know him? He has short brown
hair, he’s quite young. He’s really enthusiastic!
Philip: No, I don’t think I’ve seen him.
Jenny: And I have Mrs. Brighouse for Psychology. Do you know her? Older lady, with short
(6) ……………………. hair and glasses. She’s quite (7) ……………………., but her lessons are really
Philip: Oh yes, I’ve seen her around.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Beard N /bɪrd/ Râu quai nón
Người phụ nữ tóc
Blonde N, Adj /blɑːnd/ vàng hoe; vàng hoe
(thường dùng cho nữ)
Nhợt nhạt (da), vàng
Fair Adj /fer/
nhạt (tóc)
Mustache N /ˈmʌstæʃ/ ; /məˈstæʃ/ Râu mép, ria
Serious Adj /ˈsɪriəs/ Nghiêm nghị
Straight Adj /streɪt/ Thẳng (tóc)
Smiley Adj /ˈsmaɪli/ Hay cười
Wavy Adj /ˈweɪvi/ Tóc xoăn lọn sóng

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Use the words given in the box to fill in the blank.

positive unfriendly brilliant reliable
kind helpful creative thin

Rosie is one of my close friends. She is a (1) ……………………. girl with fair skin and long straight
hair. We first met at an art class 4 years ago and I was sitting next to her. At first, I thought
she was kind of (2) ……………………. since she was quiet and didn’t talk much. However, when
we started talking about favorite arts concepts, I realized that she was actually a
(3) ……………………. yet (4) ……………………. girl. As time goes by and we have gotten closer, I
found out that she is not only a (5) ……………………. girl who always looks on the bright side,
but also a (6) ……………………. friend who is always there whenever I need help. She is really
(7) ……………………. and (8) ……………………., too. Her ideas in her artworks always amaze me. I
guess her sense of arts has also made her a well-dressed teenager.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Brilliant Adj /ˈklevər/ Thông minh
Creative Adj /kriˈeɪtɪv/ Sáng tạo
Kind Adj /kaɪnd/ Tốt bụng
Helpful Adj /ˈhelpfl/ Hay giúp đỡ
Positive Adj /ˈpɑːzətɪv/ Tích cực
Reliable Adj /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ Đáng tin cậy
Talkative Adj /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ Hay nói
Thin Adj /θɪn/ Gầy
Unfriendly Adj /ʌnˈfrendli/ Không thân thiện

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Practice exercises
e 1.

1. relaxed, not worried 5. unhappy or angry because you want

2. giving people lots of time, money or gifts something that someone else has
in a kind way 6. intelligent
3. caring only about yourself and not other 7. believing that you are better or more
people important than other people
4. wanting to win and be more successful 8. always telling other people what to do
than other people

Exercise 2. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
get to know sparks fly go back years on the rocks

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get along tie the knot hit it off have a lot in common

1. Begin to know someone …………………………………..

2. Have a harmonious or friendly relationship …………………………………..
3. Share similar interests …………………………………..
4. Have known somebody for a long time
5. Get married …………………………………..
6. Have an argument …………………………………..
7. A relationship is experiencing a difficulties and is likely to fail …………………………………..
8. Be naturally friendly or well suited …………………………………..

Exercise 32. Read the text below and answer the questions
I’m blessed to have an extensive network of friends who are unbelievably helpful, positive
and very reliable. And I more than anyone, never take my friends for granted. This is why I
always make a special effort to keep in touch with my childhood friends, especially one in
particular, my friend Tom.
Tom and I first met in 5th grade. He sat next to me the whole year, and I knew right away
we would be best of friends. We used to spend all our time together. Tom was brilliant,
outgoing, and very smiley. Whenever the teacher asked for a volunteer, he was the first to
raise his hand. Later on, in high school and college, Tom became quite the lady’s man. I’m
sure this had something to do with the fact that he was quite tall with a muscular build. He
also had straight brown hair and blue eyes. He was a handsome young man.
Today, Tom is the owner of an IT firm with over a dozen employees. He and I have worked
together on a few projects when he hired me to build his website for him. He’s still a very
confident person, but I also found him to be very helpful, and we’ve had endless
conversations where we talk about family, career, and difficulties in life. He always tries to
encourage people to do their best, which is one of the things I admire about him. Even
though we don’t see each other as much as we used to, I really appreciate
our wonderful friendship.
1. How are the author’s friends’ personalities?

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2. What kind of person was Tom?
3. What did Tom look like?
4. Does Tom always try to encourage people to do their best?
5. How does the author feel about their friendship?
Exercise 4. Circle the correct word
a. Lily is a very brilliant/talkative student. She can answer most of the teacher’s questions.
b. That old man may look a bit smiley/unfriendly, but actually he is a kind person.
c. Don’t skip your meals! You look too talkative/thin!
d. Anne is always ready to give her friend’s a hand whenever they need help. She is really
e. Do you know the actor playing Thor in ‘Avengers’? He’s got a kind of cool beard/wavy.

Exam focus
Exercise 13. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 2)
Finn: How is your new job, Sam?

Sam: It’s great!

Finn: Are your colleagues nice?

Sam: Some of them are. Lee is very nice and (1) ……………………. He helped me a lot on my
first day. Rebecca is really (2) ……………………. She often makes us all laugh.

Finn: That sounds nice.

Sam: It is. Most of my co-workers are very nice, honest and (3) …………………….

Finn: Not all of them?

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Sam: A couple of people are… not so good.

Finn: Why?

Sam: Catherine is very (4) ……………………. She only thinks about herself. Mike always starts
arguments with people. Phil talks too much.

Finn: I thought talkative was a good thing.

Sam: Not with Phil. He is too (5) ……………………. I can’t do any work when he is in the office
because he keeps talking to me.
Now use the information in the passage above to fill in the blank with NO MORE THAN

(1) ...............................

(2) ..................................


(3) ..................................

(4) ..................................
(5) ..................................

Exercise 2. Read the passage below and decide if the following statements are True or

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Hi Mum and Dad,

Here I am at the Superb Camp. Mr. Lee is very kind and helpful. He asks us to write emails in
English! Everything here is in English!
There are 25 kids from different schools in Ha Noi. They are all nice and friendly. My new
friends are Phong, James and Nhung. (I’m attaching a photo of us here). James has blond
hair and big blue eyes. He’s cool and creative. He likes taking pictures. He’s taking a picture
of me now! Phong is the tall boy. He’s sporty and plays basketball very well. Nhung has
chubby cheeks and wavy black hair. She’s kind. She shared her lunch with me today.
This evening we’re having a campfire. We’re singing and James is telling a ghost story! I
hope it isn’t too scary! Tomorrow we’re doing a treasure hunt in the field. Then in the
afternoon we’re visiting a milk farm to see how they make milk, cheese and butter. I’m not
sure what we’re doing on the last day! Mr. Lee hasn’t told us yet. I’m sure it will be fun!
I miss you already. Please write soon.


1. Phuc is writing to his teacher.

2. Mr. Lee isn’t kind. He is scary.

3. Nhung has straight hair.

4. Phuc thinks Nhung is kind.

5. James is creative.

6. In the evening, the kids are playing inside.

7. They’re working on a milk farm tomorrow.

8. The children can speak Vietnamese at the camp.

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking

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IELTS Speaking
Who is the person you 1. Well, to me, I have always a. She has a fair skin with
admire? wanted to show blonde hair and green eyes.
my admiration to Taylor She may look a bit
Swift. unfriendly, but in fact she is
a smiley woman. In the past
she was thin as a rail, but
recently she looks more full-
What does she look like? 2. She looks so pretty that b. She has taught me and
she caught my attention the encouraged me to be
first time I saw her at the strong, to be free, to do
Billboard Music Awards what I want to do and what I
2015. have to do, and most
importantly, to always be
What kind of person do you 3. She is actually a great c. She is one of the most
think she is? person. famous singers in the world.
What do you like most 4. A whole lot of things. But d. From what I see, she is a
about her? if I have to choose one then music nerd who is very
it must be the way she and serious with music. What a
her music have taught me passionate person! Besides,
valuable lessons about life. she is a straightforward and
strong woman who is never
afraid to speak her mind.
Is there anything you don’t 5. Well, her scandalous love e. I know I shouldn’t gossip
like about her? stories, I guess. about her private life, but I
actually think that it was
kind of... a mess. That did

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cause me uneasiness
because the way she used to
live contradicted mine. That
made me want to leave her
fandom once, but somehow
I’m still here.

Exercise 44. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 3)

Samantha: Do you remember George Hawkins?

Tony: George Hawkins? That name sounds (1) ……………………. What does he look like?

Samantha: He’s really tall. He’s about 6 feet 4 inches tall. He has short (2) …………………….
hair. He is a little bit (3) ……………………. He sometimes wears glasses. And he dresses very
well. And he usually wears a suit.

Tony: That name rings a bell. But I can’t picture him.

Samantha: You met him last year at the Christmas party.

Tony: I’m sorry. I don’t remember him.

Samantha: His wife’s name is Jessica. She’s kind of short. She has long (4) ……………………. hair.
She’s very (5) ……………………. And very (6) …… ……………….

Tony: Oh yes. Of course I remember her. I was talking to her at Bill’s birthday party.

Samantha: They invited us for dinner next week.

Tony: Sounds good. Let’s go.

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Unit 2. Leisure activities

A group of friends is talking about their leisure activities.
Elsa: The summer vacation is coming!
Ollie: That’s right! We’re going to have a lot of leisure time!
Kristal: That’s the best part! What are your free-time activities?
Anne: I like watching TV!
Ollie: Oh! Why do you like it?
Anne: Because while watching educational shows like Odd Squad or Bill Nye the Science Guy,
I can gain new knowledge about things around me, and I can explore different nations and
regions without traveling a long distance!
Kristal: Wow! That is so cool! How about you, Elsa?
Elsa: For me, reading books in my free time is the best.
Ollie: Why so?
Elsa: Well, just like televisions, books also give us a huge amount of knowledge. Reading
books also sharpen our reading skills.
Anne: What a beneficial activity!
Elsa: How about you guys? Olaf? Kristoff?
Kristal: I like sports. Every kind of sport. But I play soccer and basketball the most. You know,
playing sports helps us keep fit and stay healthy.
Ollie: So that’s why you have such a nice body shape. Well, my turn. I love cooking. The
good smell of good food always makes me at peace. Every time I cook, I feel happy.
Anne: What a lovely hobby! Can we try your dishes someday?
Ollie: Of course! Just come to my house and I will serve you my delicious dishes!

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Match each person to his/her favorite leisure activity.

1. Elsa a. playing sports
2. Anne b. cooking
3. Kristal c. reading books
4. Ollie d. watching TV

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Pastime N /ˈpæstaɪm/ Sự giải trí
Cooking N /ˈkʊkɪŋ/ Nấu ăn
Relaxation N /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ Sự thư giãn
Fit Adj /fɪt/ Khỏe mạnh, đặc biệt là nhờ tập thể dục
Healthy Adj /ˈhelθi/ Khỏe mạnh
Hobby N /ˈhɑːbi/ Sở thích
Knowledge N /ˈnɑːlɪdʒ/ Kiến thức

Leisure time N /ˈliːʒər/ /taɪm/ Thời gian rảnh rỗi

Skill N /skɪl/ Kĩ năng

Football N /ˈfʊtbɔːl/ Bóng đá
Recreational Adj /ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ Mang tính giải trí
Vacation N /vəˈkeɪʃn/ Kì nghỉ

Label the pictures below with the words given in the box.
playing chess painting watching TV surfing the Internet
listening to music playing video games playing sports rock climbing

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3. ............................
1. ............................. 2. ............................. 4. .............................

7. ............................
5. ............................. 6. ............................. 8. .............................

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Chess N /tʃes/ Cờ vua
Kịch, phim truyện
Drama N /ˈdræm.ə/
(trên TV)
Painting N /ˈpeɪn.t̬ɪŋ/ Tranh, vẽ tranh
Rock climbing N /rɑːk/ /ˈklaɪ.mɪŋ/ Leo núi
Video game N /ˈvɪd.i.oʊ/ /ɡeɪm/ Trò chơi điện tử

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Look at the table below and answer the questions.

Hours of leisure time per year in Someland

Teens 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s+
Watching TV/videos 1,200 700 400 500 600 700 1,100
Socializing with 4 or less people 150 150 300 250 250 200 200
Socializing with 4 or more people 350 350 50 50 25 25 25
Individual exercise 150 100 200 200 50 75 150
Group exercise/sport 450 350 200 150 50 0 0
Movie theater 100 75 50 25 25 50 75

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1. What is the most popular leisure activity among teens?

2. What is the least popular leisure activity among people in their 60s?
3. In terms of group exercise/sport, which age group spends the largest leisure time?
4. How much time do teens spend on watching TV/Videos?
Exercise 2. Put the letters in the correct order to form a correct word.

1. cessh

2. vodei gema

3. hboby

4. kolewnedg

5. aytivitc

6. liuesre

7. rcko cimingbl

8. slikl

Exercise 3. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.

listening to music reading video games
leisure dramas soccer

I love reading and writing when I have free time. Apart from these, I also like playing
(1) ............................. So, whenever I do get time, I usually read, write or play soccer. For
relaxation, I prefer (2) ............................. I can do it for 20 minutes or maybe an hour.
Nothing helps me relax better than some instrumental songs. During the weekdays, most of
the evenings usually get lost in doing office work. But, during weekends, I work on my blog

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for the entire day and so during evenings I usually spend some time with my friends,
watching TV (3) ............................. or playing (4) ............................. There is nothing much
that can be done after work because it becomes quite tiring. So, most of the time I am
either working on my blog or (5) ............................. books. I certainly believe that people are
busier when compared with their past counterparts. Earlier people lived a content life but
with changing times people are less satisfied with what they have and are always on the
lookout for doing more. This has made lives much more hectic than ever. Therefore,
(6) ............................. is the one thing that makes life worth living. I surely believe that apart
from the daily mundane activities a person should always try to do things that make him or
her happy. It could be either something that he or she likes doing or could even be some
people one likes spending time with. It is only through this that a person can enjoy life.

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. John often plays soccer after school since it helps him keep .......... and it is fun to play
with friends.
A. healthy B. strong C. fit
2. After several days, they finally made a decision to go to Europe ………… vacation.
A. on B. in C. at
3. .......... books is one of the most rewarding activities.
A. Writing B. Reading C. Painting
4. My dream is to .......... every corner of this world.
A. go B. explore C. find
5. .......... video games can be addictive.
A. play B. doing C. playing

Exam focus
Exercise 15. Listen and write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. (Track 1)
List THREE leisure activities that are described as providing ‘flow’.
1. ........................................
2. ........................................

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3. ........................................
List TWO leisure activities that are described as providing companionship.
4. ........................................
5. ........................................
List TWO leisure activities that are described as providing communion with nature.
6. ........................................
7. ........................................
List TWO leisure activities that are described as providing creative expression.
8. ........................................
9. ........................................
Exercise 2. Put the given sentences in the right order to make a complete conversation,
then practice speaking about your hobby or favorite leisure activity.

A: Do you have any hobbies?

B: (1) .........................................
A: What do you do in your free time?
B: (2) .........................................
A: What hobbies/leisure activities are popular in your country?
B: (3) .........................................
A: What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?
B: (4) .........................................
A: Thank you for your time.

a. In the future... I would like to try something requiring concentration and thinking,
such as chess or things like that. Or I’ll try something challenging and adventurous, maybe
rock climbing for example. I think it’s time to get out of my safe zone.
b. Well, I think I have a wide range of interests when it comes to hobbies, such as
playing sports, listening to music, reading books, watching movies, something like that.
c. When I have spare time, I often read books. There are a lot of books at my house.
Reading is beneficial to me. I can sharpen my language skills and broaden my knowledge.
Moreover, reading makes me think deeper to understand the different viewpoints of

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different authors.
d. You know, hobbies are various. I think sports are the most popular though. It is
because most kinds of sports are easy to access, such as soccer, basketball, badminton,
volleyball, etc. and they usually cost nothing or just a small price. The greatest benefits
include making you healthier and helping you stay in good shape. Another common
hobby would be music. Just like playing sports, listening to music helps you to unwind
after a busy day.
Exercise 36. Read the passage and do the task that follow.
Leisure time
A. A raft of forecasts has been made in the recent decade, predicting the decline in the
number of working hours coupled with a consequent increase in leisure time. It was
estimated that the leisure revolution would take place by the turn of the last century with
hours devoted to work railing to 25-30 per week. This reduction has failed to materialize,
but the revolution has, nonetheless, arrived.
B. Over the past 30 to 41 years, spending on leisure has witnessed a strong increase,
According to the annual family expenditure survey published in 1935 by the Office for
National Statistics, the average household in the United Kingdom spent more on leisure
than food, housing and transport for the very first time, and the trend is also set to continue
upwards well into the present century.
C. The survey, based on a sample of 6,500 households showed, that the days are long gone
when the average family struggled to buy basic foods. As recently as 1969, family spending
on food was approximately one third compared to 17% now. Twelve years later, there was a
noticeable shift towards leisure with the percentage of household spending on leisure
increasing to 9%, and that on food declining to 26%.
D. The average household income in the UK in 1999 was £460 per week before tax, and
average spending was £352.20. Of the latter sum, £59.70 was spent on leisure and £58.90
on food. On holidays alone, family expenditure was 6%, while in 1969 the proportion spent
on holidays was just 2%. And whereas the richest 10% lashed out 20% of their income in
1999 on leisure, the poorest spent 12%.

Tham khảo

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E. Among the professional and managerial classes, working hours have increased and,
overall in the economy, record numbers of people are in employment. As people work more,
the appetite for leisure activities has grown to compensate for the greater stress in life. The
past 5 years alone have seen the leisure business expand by 25% with a change in emphasis
to short domestic weekend breaks and long-haul short breaks to exotic destinations in place
of long holidays. In the future, it is expected that people will jump from one leisure activity
to another in complexes catering for everyone’s needs with gyms, cinemas, cafes,
restaurants, bars and internet facilities all under one roof. The leisure complexes of today
will expand to house all the leisure facilities required for the leisure age.
F. And the future? It is anticipated that, in the years to come, leisure spending will account
for between a third to a half of all household spending. Whilst it is difficult to give exact
figures, the leisure industry will certainly experience a long period of sustained growth.
Working hours are not expected to decrease, partly because the 24-hour society will need
to be serviced; and secondly, because more people will be needed to keep the
service/leisure industries running.
Do the statements below agree with the information in the passage? Check:
YES, if the statement agrees with the information in the passage;
NO, if the statement contradicts the information in the passage;
NG, if there is no information about the statement in the passage.

Statements YES NO NG
1. In recent decades, an increase in working hours was predicted.
2. At the turn of the last century, weekly working hours dropped to 25.
3. Spending on leisure has gone up over the past three decades.
4. Long holidays have taken the place of long-haul short breaks.
5. In the future, people will pay less for the leisure facilities they use than
they do today.
6. 24-hour society will have a negative effect on people’s attitudes to

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Exercise 47. Listen and fill in the blanks. (Track 2)

Good morning everyone. My name’s Ethan, and I’d like to tell you about the different
(1) ............................ on offer on board this fantastic cruise ship.
First of all, there are lots of (2) ............................ facilities. There’s the swimming pool on
deck 3. I’m sure you’ve seen it already. Near there, there is a hot tub, sauna and steam
room. You can use the pool and hot tub between (3) ............................ in the morning and
(4) .......................... in the evening. The sauna is available from one in the afternoon until
nine in the evening. You don’t have to book or pay extra to use any of these facilities.
There’s a gym on deck 4, and you can go there whenever you like. No need to book. It’s
open from 6 am until 10 pm. There are also four squash courts. You can book these at the
desk in the gym.
If you’re not sporty, there are lots of other (5) ............................ things to do. If you’d like to
learn to (6) ............................, there is an art class every morning at ten o’clock, which lasts
two hours. There’s a (7) ............................ class every afternoon at three. There are
different themes every day. Today it’s Indian cooking, and tomorrow it’s Italian cooking. You
don’t have to book for these classes, just arrive. But there is a maximum number of people
in the class, so make sure you arrive early, or there may not be enough space for you.
In the evening we have lots of (8) ............................ on offer. There’s a show every night in
the theatre. Tonight there’s a jazz band, and tomorrow night there’s a comedy show. These
shows are all (9) ............................, but you need to get a ticket from the ticket office at the
theatre. In the afternoons, you can hear lectures about the different places we visit on the
cruise. Today, there’s a lecture about the wildlife of North Africa. This is at two o’clock and
four o’clock, in the theatre. It’s the same lecture both times. Tomorrow’s lecture, which is at
the same two times, is about the Roman Empire in North Africa.
So, that’s all for now. On Wednesday, I’ll tell you about the different activities happening
later in the week. Until then, I hope you have a great (10) .............................
Listen again and choose the correct answer.
1. When can the customers use the pool and hot tub?
A. 7AM – 11PM B. 7PM – 11AM C. 7AM – 7PM

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2. When is the sauna available?

A. In the afternoons B. In the evenings C. Both are correct

3. Which activity is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Painting B. Surfing C. Cooking

4. What show is there tomorrow night?

A. Drama show B. Comedy show C. A jazz concert

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Unit 3. Food and drinks

Listen to the conversation and choose True or False (Track 1)
Sentences True False
1. The customers want two tables.
2. There are two customers eating together.
3. The two customers order the same starter.
4. Both customers order the Thai chicken for their main course.
5. The customers order cold drinks.
6. Both customers order a dessert

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Order N, V /ˈɔːrdər/ Đặt
Starter N /ˈstɑːrtər/ Món khai vị
Main course N /meɪn/ /kɔːrs/ Món chính
Customer N /ˈkʌstəmər/ Khách hàng
Mineral water N /ˈmɪnərəl/ /ˈwɔːtər/ Nước khoáng
Fresh Adj /freʃ/ Tươi
Steak N /steɪk/ Thịt bò bít tết
Tasty Adj /ˈteɪsti/ Ngon
Eat out Ph.V /iːt//aʊt/ Ăn ở ngoài
Ingredient N /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ Thành phần
Takeaway N /ˈteɪkəweɪ/ Đồ ăn mang đi
Junk food N /dʒʌŋk/ /fuːd/ Đồ ăn nhanh
Diet N /ˈdaɪət/ Chế độ ăn

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Below is the recipe to make a traditional cottage pie. Fill in the blank with the given word

add peel mash chop

fry boil stir bake

Ingredients Prepare minced beef and a tablespoon of flour.

300 g minced beef (1) …………….. the potatoes and (2) …………….. until just
300 g potatoes cooked. Then (3) ……………. them with butter. (4) …………….
1 large onion the onion and carrot. (5) …………… the meat and vegetables
1 carrot quickly, then (6) …………… in the flour and cook for one
2-3 chopped tomatoes minute. (7) …………… the stock, tomatoes, salt and pepper,
300 ml beef stock and let it all cook slowly for 20 minutes. Then put it in a
1 tablespoon of flour, large dish, cover with the mashed potato and some butter,
butter, salt and pepper and (8) …………….. in a hot oven for 30 minutes.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Minced Adj /mɪnst/ Nghiền
Recipe N /ˈresəpi/ Công thức
(nấu nướng)
Beef stock N /biːf/ /stɑːk/ Bò hầm
Boil V /bɔɪl/ Luộc
Fry V /fraɪ/ Rán, chiên

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Add V /æd/ Thêm vào

Bake V /beɪk/ Nướng (bánh)
Chop V /tʃɑːp/ Chặt nhỏ
Peel V /piːl/ Lột
Mash V /mæʃ/ Nghiền
Stir V /stɜːr/ Khuấy
Flour N /ˈflaʊər/ Bột

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Crossword

Across Down
2. Use a spoon or something similar to 1. A small dish of food that is served before
move a liquid around the main course of a meal
5. Cook something in oil 3. Cook something in water, usually in a
6. A set of instructions for cooking saucepan
something 4. The food and drink that you eat and drink
8. A meal cooked and bought at a shop or regularly
restaurant but taken somewhere else 7. Delicious

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Exercise 2. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
have a balanced diet home-cooked food processed food place an order
follow a recipe a quick snack go on a diet eat in

1. Provide all the nutrients that a body needs …………………………………..

2. Food prepared and cooked at home …………………………………..
3. Food treated and prepared by a special method to preserve …………………………………..
for a long time
4. Register or request something that will be delivered to you …………………………………..
5. The way that you cook based on a set of instructions …………………………………..
6. Eat a small amount of food between regular meals …………………………………..
7. Eat smaller amounts of food to lose weight or achieve some …………………………………..
other health benefit
8. Have a meal at home rather than in a restaurant …………………………………..

Exercise 3. Read the text below carefully

Fast Food Follies
About half of the young people in America are heavier than they should be. That’s because
they eat the wrong food, or they eat too much or too often. Or all three!
American doctors keep warning about “overweight kids” and some things are changing, very
slowly. However, a lot of habits are very hard to change. Fast food restaurants, for example,
are as popular as ever, at all times of the day. Hot dogs, hamburgers and French fries are
still the most popular things to eat. The problem is that they are high in calories and fat.
Another problem is to encourage children and teenagers to eat their greens.
“I often come in for a burger after school,” says Billy, a teenager from San Francisco. “They
are so tasty and cost only a dollar! We also come here because it’s a good place to sit and
But eating too much is not the only reason why people get fat – drinking too much has the
same effect. In summer, it’s so easy to drink too much. In America, people drink lots of soda
pop, such as Colas and 7Up. The reason is simple. They are on sale everywhere: in shops,

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café… And compared to Europe, it’s very cheap. But each small soda contains spoonfuls of
sugar. No wonder people get fat!
A. Complete this summary of the text with the words from the box

The text is about the (1) …………………… of fast food in fat

(2) ……………………… People love eating it because it is tasty and popularity
not very (3) ……………………… But the text also mentions its negative
(4) ……………………. effects – it can make people expensive
(5) …………………… America

B. Match the parts of the sentences

1. Many young Americans a. are very delicious.
2. American doctors b. a fast food restaurant.
3. People like eating fast foods such as c. think that child obesity is a problem.
4. Young people don’t like eating d. favorite summer drinks.
5. Billy regularly goes to e. vegetables very much.
6. He thinks hamburgers f. are too fat.
7. Coke and 7Up are American’s g. aren’t very healthy.
8. Fizzy drinks h. hot dogs.

Exercise 4. Make sentences using the words and phrases to describe the way to make

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a. Then / you / heat / olive oil / pan / and / fry / onion, red peppers and bacon.

b. First, / you / have to / cut / onion, red peppers and bacon / small pieces.

c. Do / not / forget / main / ingredient. / Remember / cook / pasta / big / pot / boiling water.

d. Finally / serve / pasta / sauce / and / enjoy!

e. After that / add / oregano, garlic, tomatoes and water / and / cook / 20 minutes.

Rearrange them (a,b,c, d or e) in the right order of cooking process

Step 1: ………..
Step 2: ………..
Step 3: ………..
Step 4: ………..
Step 5: ………..

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 2)
Now let’s just refresh our memories by looking at the (1) ……………………………….. OK, can you
all see that? Good. Well, now, as you see we’ve got three levels to our pyramid. At the top
in the smallest area are the things which we should really be trying to (2) ……………… as much
as possible. Things like …
Example yes, sugar, (3) ………………., butter… all that sort of things.

Next, in the middle of our pyramid we find the things that we can eat in moderation. Not
too much though! And that’s where we find milk, (4) ……………………, fish, nuts, eggs. And
then at the bottom of the pyramid are the things that you can eat lots of! Because they’re
the things that are really good for you.
And here we have bread, vegetables and fruits. So don’t lose (5) ………………….. of your
healthy diet pyramid when you do your shopping.

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Use the information in the above passage to fill in the

Write NO
Try to (1) …………………………. sugar,
salt and butter MORE

(2) ……………………….… milk, lean

meat, fish, nuts, eggs

(3) ……………….……. bread,

vegetables and fruits

Exercise 2. Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS (Track 3)

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking
Can you cook? 1. Oh yes, I love to cook. a. I usually
Honestly, I don’t think I can skip breakfast and I just

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cook very well but I always have light dinner.

try my best.
What is your main meal in 2. Well, I can say, lunch is b. Outside foods are quite
the day? my main meal. expensive and not fully
hygienic. This is why all of
my family members prefer
home-made food.
What kinds of meals do you 3. Oh I adore different meat c. I consider it one of my
like? plates. hobbies.
Do you prefer home-cooked 4. As I said, I prefer eating in d. My mouth is watering
food or food from to eating out. whenever I see roast beef
restaurants? Why? and grilled chicken.
What is your favorite 5. Well I love French cuisine e. It has a variety of dishes,
cuisine? for its taste and flavorful starting from their famous
ingredients. onion soup and ending with
cheese fondue.

Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 4)

Hello everyone. Welcome to the university. I hope you’re settling in and beginning to find
your way around. I know a lot of students find it hard to adapt to the food. So I thought I’d
tell you about a couple of (1) ……………………… that you might hear about. Well, actually, you
might’ve heard of the first one already … it’s really popular … it’s fish and chips. Fish and
chips are fried in (2) …………………... So it’s actually very greasy and not at all healthy. But it’s
still very popular, especially on a (3) ……………………. That’s when a lot of people get their fish
and chips from the ‘fish and chip’ shop, and take them home to eat. The other
(4) ……………………., which is definitely healthier, is Sunday lunch. In England, Sunday lunch is
usually some kind of (5) ……………………. with vegetables. Traditionally, families have their
Sunday lunch at home but these days quite a lot of families have (6) ……………………. in a

Listen again and choose the correct answer

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1. Where do fish and chips become so popular?

A. America B. England C. China

2. How are fish and chips made?

A. in boiling water B. in saucepan C. in deep fat

3. When do people usually have fish and chips?

A. Friday night B. Sunday noon C. Saturday morning

4. What do English people usually have for Sunday lunch?

A. fried chickens B. scrambled eggs C. roast meat

5. Where do English families tend to have their lunch on Sunday?

A. home B. restaurant C. convenient store

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Unit 4. Education
Read the conversation between Truong and An and answer the question.
Truong: Hey, An! Long time no see!
An: Oh, Truong! Long time no see! How are you doing?
Truong: Good. How about you?
An: Well, recently I’m a bit tired.
Truong: What’s wrong?
An: You know, the National Examination is coming, so I have to study a lot if I want to get
into a prestigious university.
Truong: That sounds cool. How much do you have to study?
An: Like... literally every single day.
Truong: That much?!
An: That much. I’m quite good at social science, Literature for example. But I’m not that
good at Mathematics. So I have to have extra lectures to improve my Math score.
Truong: Sounds tiring. Do you intend to go to a business school?
An: No. I want to have a teaching profession. So I have to get a teaching degree.
Truong: You want to be a teacher? What subject?
An: English. At a secondary school.
Truong: Then why do you have to study Math so hard?
An: It’s a compulsory subject in the examination. There’s nothing I can do about it.
Truong: I see. University education seems so far away.
An: I know.

1. Why does An have to study a lot?

2. What subject is she attending extra lectures?

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3. What does An want to be?
4. Why does An have to study Math so hard?

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Business school N /ˈbɪznəs/ /skuːl/
kinh doanh
Degree N /dɪˈɡriː/ Bằng cấp
Bài diễn thuyết,
Lecture N /ˈlektʃər/
bài giảng
University N /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti/ Đại học
Nghề nghiệp yêu cầu
đào tạo kĩ năng riêng
Profession N /prəˈfeʃn/ biệt, đặc biệt là những
công việc yêu cầu
giáo dục bậc cao
Social science N /ˌsəʊʃl/ /ˈsaɪəns/ Khoa học xã hội
Sự dạy học, công việc
Teaching N /ˈtiːtʃɪŋ/
dạy học, nghề giáo

Read the passage below and do the tasks that follow.

Schooling is compulsory for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. The academic year in
England runs from September to July and is divided into 3 terms. Autumn Term is from the
beginning of September to mid-December. Spring Term is from the beginning of January to
mid-March and Summer Term from early April to mid-July. Each term is separated by a one-
week break called half term, usually at the end of October, mid-February and the end of

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There are two parallel school systems in England. The first is the state school system, which
is free for all students and paid for by the state. The second category is the ‘independent’ or
‘public’ school system, which is fee-paying. The state school system, which educates 93% of
the pupils in England, can be divided into two levels of education: primary education and
secondary education.

See the Table below for more information about the school education system in England.

The National Curriculum is set by the government and must be followed in all state schools.
It is made up of the following subjects: English, Design & Technology, Geography, Maths,
Information Technology, Music, Science, Arts, Physical Education, History, and a Modern
Foreign Language. English, Maths and Science are core subjects, which are compulsory in
the national examinations at certain stages of the school education system.

Find the words or phrases in the reading passage which have the following meanings.
1. School at which all students do NOT have to pay tuition fee: .....................................
2. Education for children from 5 to 10 years old: .....................................
3. Education for children from 11 to 16 years old: .....................................

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Education N /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ Giáo dục, sự giáo dục
Primary N /ˈpraɪmeri/ Tiểu học
Secondary N /ˌsekənderi/ Trung học

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Qualification N /ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ Bằng cấp

Curriculum N /kəˈrɪkjələm/ Khung chương trình
Term N /tɜːrm/ Học kì
State school N /ˈsteɪt skuːl/ Trường công lập
N /ˌɪndɪpendənt ˈskuːl/ Trường tư nhân
National /ˈnæʃnəl/
N Kì thi cấp quốc gia
examination /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/
Entrance /ˈentrəns/
N Kì thi đầu vào
examination /ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Circle the correct word.
1. His son is intended for the medical profession/teaching
2. I’m sorry I can’t go out with you. I have a finance degree/lecture this afternoon.
3. Some students decide not to take university/primary education since it is not compulsory.
4. Eric has obtained his PhD degree/lecture. Now he is applying for a job in a laboratory.

Exercise 2. Crossword.

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Down: Across:
2. a process of teaching, training and 1. a part of a college or university that
learning, especially in schools, colleges or teaches business
universities, to improve knowledge and 3. a talk that is given to a group of people
develop skills to teach them about a particular subject,
4. the qualification obtained by students often as part of a university or college
who successfully complete a university or course
college course 5. the work of a teacher
6. a type of job that needs special training or
skill, especially one that needs a high level of

Exercise 3. Choose the correct answer.

1. .......... is compulsory in Viet Nam.
A. Primary education B. Degree C. Lecture
2. Lan Anh will go to a .......... next autumn.
A. profession B. university education C. business school
3. There are two types of science: .......... science and natural science.
A. teaching B. social C. profession
4. - “Cindy! Wait!”
- “Hurry up, Alex! Or else we’re gonna miss Mr. Phillip’s ..........!”
A. lecture B. profession D. degree

Exercise 4. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word/phrase.

Children in (1) ……………… Netherlands must be at least four years old to (2) ………………
primary school. Almost all 4-year-olds (99.3%) in the country indeed attend primary school,
(3) ……………… this is not compulsory until children reach the age (4) ……………… 5. Primary is
free of charge. In most schools, children are grouped by (5) ……………… in mixed ability
classes, with one teacher for all subjects. Primary school (6) ……………… of 8 groups, thus
schooling (7) ……………… for 8 years. During the first two years, which (8) ………………

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kindergarten, children receive an average of 22 hours of (9) ………………, during the last 6
years children receive an average of 25 hours per week. Schools are open 5 days a week, but
children are free on Wednesday afternoon. At the end of primary school, or in group 8,
schools advice on secondary school choice. Most schools use a national test to support this
advice, for instance the “Citotoets”, a test (10) ……………… by the Central Institute for Test
1. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
2. A. afford B. enter C. come D. run
3. A. although B. despite C. in spite D. due to
4. A. of B. on C. in D. for
5. A. old B. elderly C. aging D. age
6. A. includes B. contains C. consists D. composes
7. A. spends B. lasts C. lengthens D. takes
8. A. also called B. is also called C. is called also D. is also calling
9. A. educate B. educative C. educator D. education
10. A. develop B. to develop C. developed D. developing

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to a radio show about the value of university education and fill in the
blanks. (Track 1)
The American education system requires that students complete 12 years of primary and
(1) ………………………………. prior to attending university or college. This may be accomplished
at public or state schools, or at (2) ……………………………….. These 12 years of schooling or their
equivalent may also be completed outside the USA, thus giving foreign students the
opportunity to pursue the benefits of the American education system and obtain a quality
American education. Perhaps one of the most impressive facts is that a large number of
presidents, prime ministers and leaders from other countries have experienced the
American education system and (3) ……………………………….. from a university or school in the
USA. In many fields and industries, the American education system offers the most cutting-

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edge, sought-after programs at the world's best schools. That is why graduating from an
accredited American school and being exposed to the rigors of the American education
system is an investment in your future.
Whether you want to study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a
(4) ……………………………….. or high school, a thorough understanding of how the American
education system works is essential. Without a clear grasp of the American education
system, an international student will find it difficult to make the right
(5) ……………………………….. choices. It is no surprise that the American education system and
the American school system host more international students than any other country- in the

Exercise 28. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Sixteen – what now?
You’re 16 and finally you can leave school! By now, you’re probably sick of teachers, desks,
tests and exams. But don’t just run for the exit. You need to think carefully about what to do
If you want a professional career, you will need to go to university and get a degree. To do
that, you need to stay at high school for another two years. But you needn’t stay at the
same place. There are several options in the district of Northacre.
St. Leopold’s School has the best pass rate of all the high schools in the district. It offers a
wide range of subjects in the humanities and sciences. St Leopold’s is, of course, a private
school, so may be too expensive for you. But don’t worry, there are several other options if
you want to follow the academic route. Knowle Grammar School is a state school, so there
are no fees, and it has excellent tuition and facilities. It is a boys’ school from the ages of 11-
16, but from 16-18 it is co-educational. But it is selective, so you’ll have to pass an exam to
get in. If you’re interested in going into Business, check out Wyle River Academy. This
school specialises in subjects like Business Studies, Management and Economics. If you
prefer the arts, look at the courses on offer at Northacre College. Here you can study
woodwork, art, textiles and much more.

Tham khảo

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Northacre College also offers a wide range of vocational qualifications. You can do a 1-year
certificate or a 2-year diploma in subjects like electrics, plumbing, roofing and
hairdressing. If you’d prefer to work outdoors, look at Milldown College, where there are
courses in Farm Mechanics, Land Management, Animal Management and much more.
A final option is to get an apprenticeship with a local or national company. You will get on-
the-job training, gain certificates or diplomas and start earning straight away. But be warned
– places are limited! Find out more at the Jobs Fair on 26th May at Northacre College.

1. The aim of the article is to…

a. advise young people about how to get into university.
b. tell young people about the options available.
c. advise young people to stay in education.
2. The article advises readers who want a professional career to...
a. go to university immediately.
b. stay at the same school for two more years.
c. go to high school for two more years, then get a degree.
3. St Leopold’s is the best school for...
a. good exam results.
b. humanities and sciences.
c. facilities.
4. You can only attend St Leopold’s school if you...
a. pay tuition fees.
b. pass an exam.
c. study both humanities and sciences.
5. You can only attend Knowle Grammar School if you...
a. pass an exam.
b. are a boy.
c. can afford the tuition fees.
6. What is the problem with apprenticeships?
a. There are few available.
b. They are expensive.

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c. They don’t give you any qualifications.

7. Anna wants to work with horses. Where is the best place for her to study?
a. Wyle River Academy
b. Northacre College
c. Milldown College
8. Harry wants to be a builder. Where is the best place for him to study?
a. Wyle River Academy
b. Northacre College
c. Milldown College
9. Kevin wants to be a fashion designer. Where is the best place for him to study?
a. Wyle River Academy
b. Northacre College
c. Milldown College
10. Caroline wants to run her own company. Where is the best place for her to study?
a. Wyle River Academy
b. Northacre College
c. Milldown College

Exercise 3. Use the given word in the correct form/tense to make a complete answer to
each question. Then practice speaking.
1. Are you a full-time or a part-time student?
At the moment / I / be / full-time freshman / business school / my hometown city.
2. Why did you choose to study this?
First and foremost, / reason / I / want / start my own business / after graduation. I / be /
ambitious person. Besides, I / good leadership / which / confirmed by my friends, so I /
believe / I / handle / my own company and staff.
3. What was your favorite subject when you were at high school?

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I / would like / say / Mathematics. I / think / numbers / be /magic creations. I / have / a lot /
fun / work with them. Every time / I / solve / a Maths problem / myself, I / feel / happy / the
bottom of my heart.
4. Is there anything else you would like to study in the future?
I / still / have / a long way / go / until then. But / I / have / dream of / expand / my
restaurant, so / perhaps / I / study / logistics, or maybe / new language.

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Unit 5. Jobs
Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.
Baker Teacher Dentist Singer
Painter Doctor Farmer Waiter

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Baker N /ˈbeɪkər/ Thợ làm bánh
Teacher N /ˈtiːtʃər/ Giáo viên
Dentist N /ˈdentɪst/ Nha sĩ
Farmer N /ˈfɑːrmər/ Nông dân
Singer N ˈsɪŋər/ Ca sĩ
Doctor N /ˈdɑːktər/ Bác sĩ

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Waiter N /ˈweɪtər/ Nhân viên phục vụ

Painter N /ˈpeɪntər/ Họa sĩ
Listen and fill in the blank (Track 1)
The study that I looked at had investigated the relationship between differences in gender
and differences in working hours, and levels of job satisfaction amongst (1) …………………….
For this purpose, employees at a call centre had been asked to complete a questionnaire
about their work.
I’ll summarise the findings of that study briefly now. First of all, female full-time workers
reported slightly higher levels of job satisfaction than male full-time workers. Secondly,
female part-time workers reported slightly higher levels of satisfaction than female full¬time
ones did. On the other hand, male part-time workers (2) ………………………. slightly less job
satisfaction than male full-time workers. But although these (3) …………………….. seemed
interesting, and capable of being explained, perhaps the most important thing to mention
here is that in statistical terms they were inconclusive.
Personally, I was surprised that the (4) …………………….. hadn’t been more definite, because I
would have expected to find that men and women as well as full and part-time workers
would experience different levels of satisfaction. So I then looked more carefully at the
methodology employed by the researchers, to see where there may have been
(5) ……………………... This is what I found.
Word Form Phonetics Meaning
Working hour N /ˈwɜːrkɪŋ/ /ˈaʊər/ Thời gian làm việc
Job satisfaction N /dʒɑːb/ Sự hài lòng trong công việc
Employ V /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ Tuyển dụng
Employment N /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ Sự tuyển dụng
Employer N /ɪmˈplɔɪər/ Nhà tuyển dụng
Employee N /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/ Nhân viên
Experience N,V /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ Trải qua, trải nghiệm

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Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Crossword

Across Down
1. a person who is paid to work for 2. a person or company that pays people to
somebody work for them
6. knowledge and skill that you have gained 3. a person whose job is painting buildings,
through doing something for a period of walls
time 4. a person whose job is to serve customers
at their tables in a restaurant, etc.
5. a person whose job is baking and selling
bread and cakes

Exercise 2. Read the paragraph and choose True or False

My name is Pepe. I was born in Puebla, Mexico in 1990. I had my first job when I was
18 years old. I was a carpenter. The job was interesting, but my salary wasn't good. I had
that job for 5 years. I arrived in the United States in 2013. My first job here was a
dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant. After a year, I started to work as a busboy. That was a
fun job. In 2015, I got another job in an Italian restaurant. I was a server there for two years.

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But I really like to cook and I asked my boss to give me a job in the kitchen. He did and I
quickly learned to make great pizza and delicious pasta. So first I was a cook and now I am
the assistant chef. It's really great. I love my job.

Sentences True False

1. Pepe was born in Mexico.

2. He was a mechanic in his country.

3. He came to the United States in 2010.

4. His first job in the US was a cook.

5. Now he is an assistant chef.

6. He really likes his job very much.

Exercise 3. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
Thank to Catch up on Take on Lay off Work with
Step in Take over Be in touch Involve in Interested in

1. Take part in something.

2. To be intrigued by or curious about something. ………………………

3. To communicate with someone. ………………………

4. To become involved in a difficult situation or argument in order ………………………

to help find a solution.

5. To accept; to take control of something. ………………………

6. To have a job, usually one that you are paid to do. ………………………

7. Used for saying that someone or something is responsible for ………………………

something good that happened.

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8. To accept new employees; to hire. ………………………

9. To dismiss employees from their jobs. ………………………

10. To go faster, or to make something go faster. ………………………

Exercise 4. A student is writing a thank-you letter for his tutor for helping him prepare for
the presentation. Complete the letter by making sentences using the given words and
1. I’m / just/ write/ say thanks / your help / the presentation last week.

2. Thank you / so much for / step / in to help.

3. I know / you / had to put / extra hours to catch / on your own work.

4. We hope / work / you again / future projects.

5. I’ll be / touch / again soon.

6. I look / forward / work / with you more closely.

Exam focus
Exercise 1.
A. Listen and fill in the blank with the correct form of the phrasal verb. (Track 2)
pick up call him back put him off wash up
get through take him on call by carry on

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Sam is trying to call the café but he can’t (1) …………………………… (be connected on the
phone). A few minutes later, the café owner (2) …………………………… (calls him after he called
her). If Sam does well during his day’s trial, she will (3) …………………………… (employ him) for
the summer. Sam is making food and (4) …………………………… (washing dirty plates etc.) when
Jasmine asks him for help because business is (5) …………………………… (increasing, improving).
Sam is already stressed and doesn’t think he can (6) …………………………… (continue). He
thanks his friends for (7) …………………………… (visiting for a short time) but tells them they are
(8) …………………………… (distracting him).
B. Listen again and match A and B to complete the sentences
1. Fred thinks Sam’s idea of working in the a. for one day as a trial, to decide if he can
summer is have the job all summer.

2. The café owner calls Sam. They agree he b. the café is getting busy.
will work
3. Sam’s job is to c. they are distracting him from his work.

4. Jasmine asks Sam to help her because d. not a good way to spend your holidays.

5. Sam is not happy when he sees his e. make food, wash dirty dishes and help
friends because Jasmine.

Exercise 2. Listen and do the following tasks. (Track 3)

a. Decide if each sentence is TRUE or FALSE
Sentence True False
1. The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1980s.
2. Students and workers can use the technique.
3. The technique is a bit complicated to use.
4. You need to break down your tasks into smaller sections.
5. Each break is called a ‘pomodoro’.
6. Peter uses an app on his mobile to time himself.
7. After four or five short breaks you can have a longer break.

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8. Peter takes less time to do his homework these days.

b. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box
productivity five list item
timer time task breaks

The Pomodoro Technique is designed to help people work effectively and avoid wasting
(1) ………………... It helps you to get the maximum (2) ………………... in the time you have. First
you have to break down each (3) ………………... into steps. Then you use a (4) ………………... to
organise your time into intensive work and (5) ……………….... You write a list of things you
need to do, set the timer to twenty-five minutes and start working on the first
(6) ………………... on your list. When the timer goes off you stop work for (7) ………………...
minutes. Then you repeat these steps four or five times, ticking items off your
(8) ………………... as you finish them. After a few short breaks you can take a longer break.

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking
Question A B
What do you do? 1. For the past few months, a. To be more specific, this job
I’ve been working for The is unlike the nine-to-five
Guardian as a news editor. work schedule, enabling me
to find a better balance
between work and life.
Besides, this job gives me
opportunities to pursue my
dream to become a

Why did you choose 2. I guess it’s mainly because b. This is my first job ever, and
to do that type of of job flexibility & my I’m working hard to
work (or, that job)? passion for journalism. contribute to the success of
this prestigious newspaper

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Do you enjoy your 3. I do, most of the time. c. Contributing to the news
work? production for a world-class
newspaper gives me a
sense of satisfaction and

What do you 4. Well, the perk of being a d. The academic environment

like/dislike about your news editor is that you’ll was a comfort zone, and I
job? surround yourself with struggled to fit in the
exciting news daily. working environment.

Do you miss being a 5. I missed student life once I e. What I don’t like about this
student? got involved in the job is that I have to do a
workplace. I think when I thousand edits to get to the
was a student, I had final one that meets the
someone to guide me, requirement of my boss.
whereas at work you must Sometimes I feel a bit
guide yourself. overloaded with tons of

1. …………….. 2. …………….. 3. ……………..

4. …………….. 5. ……………..

Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 4)

Work experience
I wanted to spend a little bit of time today talking about the importance of work
experience as you're considering different management programmes. Now this will vary a
lot school by school. So some (1) ……….…………. actually will have a minimum number of
years of required work (2) ……….…………. so you should enquire with all the schools that you
are (3) ……….…………. in, sort of, what their recommendations are.
At Stanford specifically, we don't necessarily look at a certain number of years of
(4) ……….…………. experience, but what we’re really looking for are your leadership examples

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that you’re able to draw from in your life. And as a result, some people actually come to us a
little bit earlier on in their (5) ……….………….
So, most years we might even have, you know, one or two students who come
directly after university, but they’ve got incredibly strong leadership examples to draw from:
maybe it is from being involved in student government, or clubs, or organizations, or
starting a non-profit organization, or having been involved (6) ……….…………. a family
business growing up. So they’re able to draw and refer to those leadership experiences in
the classroom.
Listen again and fill the gaps in the sentences below:
1. Some schools have a ……………………. number of years of required work experience.
2. Stanford applicants should demonstrate examples of ……………………….
3. Some students can ……………..……. from their experiences in student politics, clubs, a non-
……………………. organization or a ………….………. business.

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Unit 6. Traffic
Choose the correct word for each picture.

…………………………. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

…………………………. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

Pedestrians Intersection Passengers Passport

Boarding pass Underground Station Flight

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Pedestrian N /pəˈdestriən/ Người đi bộ
Intersection N /ˈɪntərsekʃn/ Ngã tư
Passenger N /ˈpæsɪndʒər/ Hành khách
Passport N /ˈpæspɔːrt/ Hộ chiếu

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Boarding pass N /ˈbɔːrdɪŋ pæs/ Thẻ lên máy bay

Underground N /ˌʌndərˈɡraʊnd/ Tàu điện ngầm
Station N /ˈsteɪʃn/ Trạm, điểm dừng
Flight N /flaɪt/ Chuyến bay

Match pictures with the right descriptions

A large machine that runs

along a railway line. It can
carry many people
A large, heavy vehicle with
wheels. It is used for moving
A very large boat for moving
people or goods across the sea

A small mode of transport to
go across water
A car with a driver. You pay
them to take you where you
Plane want to go

A machine that can fly in the

sky. It can carry many people.


Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Van N /væn/ Xe van

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Train N /treɪn/ Xe lửa

Ship N /ʃɪp/ Tàu thủy
Plane N /pleɪn/ Máy bay
Boat N /bəʊt/ Thuyền

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Word search

Exercise 2. Match the words with meanings

Word Meaning
1. traffic jam a. the white stripes at intersections where pedestrians
cross the road

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2. speed limit b. the place is extremely crowded and blocked with

traffic or people.

3. parking space c. a place where you can park a single car

4. bumper to bumper d. a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward

because there is too much traffic, or because the
road is blocked by something

5. get behind the e. the vehicles are so close to one another that they are
wheel almost touching and are moving very slowly.

6. the end of the f. to sit in the driver's seat


7. zebra crossing g. the fastest speed that you are allowed to drive on a

8. congestion h. a process or person is unable to progress any further.

Exercise 3. Fill the gap while you listen to the text below. (Track 1)
Richard Ryan is stuck in traffic. There must be (1) …….……………….. somewhere up
ahead because he’s been sitting in the same spot for the last few minutes. The cars aren’t
moving at all. It looks like it’s going to be another slow commute.

Even though he left his house early to beat (2) …….…………………., if the cars don’t start to
move soon, Richard will be late for a very important meeting. He has to meet some lawyers
who are advising his company on a construction project. Richard is the president of a big
company. If he’s late, he won’t get in trouble, but he hates to be late for anything.

Sergey is stuck in the same (3) …………………….. and he’s headed to the same meeting
that Richard is going to. He’s worried about being late, so he gets out his cell phone and calls
one of his coworkers to tell her that traffic is bad. Sergey doesn’t know that his boss, Richard,
is in the same traffic jam. If he knew that, he wouldn’t be so tense. Sergey has a reputation
for being late to work. He always blames it on the traffic. Everyone tells him he has to leave

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his house earlier to beat the rush. Sergey likes to (4) …………………………. at night, so it’s not
easy for him to wake up early.
Both Richard and Sergey live in California where traffic congestion and delays are
common problems. Richard is thinking about moving his business to a (5) …………………that’s
closer to the downtown business district where most of his employees live. If he did that,
Sergey could ride his bike to work and forget about getting stuck in a traffic jam.

Exercise 4. Read the text below and answer the following questions:
Air Pollution
India's growing obsession with vehicles and failure to develop roads has increased air
pollution in most cities, the country's pollution watchdog has revealed. In the past two
decades, the carrying capacity of roads increased by less than 2.5 percent whereas the
number of vehicles grew at an annual rate of over 10 percent. In 2008, in India, 12 million
vehicles were plying on the 3.5 million km road network.
For people, its visible impact is the increased congestion on roads but what one
didn't see was the higher air pollution. "Vehicles in major cities estimated to account for 70
percent of carbon monoxide, 50 percent of hydrocarbons and 30 percent of suspended
particulate matter of the total pollution load of these cities," the Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) said in its report on Wednesday. Four metros and cities such as Bangalore,
Hyderabad and Kanpur are among the worst affected.
The report said that the high concentration of pollutants like carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbons cause lung cancer and asthma, besides routine breathing problems. The
sudden jump in air pollution is a recent phenomenon, with the CPCB finding that half of the
two-wheelers and cars running on Indian roads have been registered in the last five to seven
years. The growth phenomenon in case of heavy vehicles has been less impressive.
The new vehicles, however, are not the sole cause of air pollution. The CPCB said
that vehicles older than 10 years caused 60 percent of vehicular air pollution. And the
reason is poor maintenance and no norms in India for the expiry of a vehicle, especially
private ones. Adulteration of fuel has been stated as another reason for high vehicular

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So far, ironically, because of a lower level of income thresholds, the Indian market
has favored small cars and two-wheelers. As small engines use less fuel, the average fleet-
wide fuel consumption is expected to be low. But already, with rising income levels, there is
a steady shift towards bigger cars that use more fuel. Taking their place are biker cars in
compact, mid-size and high-end segments. Therefore, standards can make a significant
difference in India.

1. What is the major cause of air pollution in India?

2. What has increased more than the carrying capacity of the roads?
3. What causes lung cancer and asthma?
4. Why do Indians favor small cars and two-wheelers?

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation and choose True or False (Track 2)
Sentences True False
1. The Bristol train is at 20.12.
2. First class is at the back of the train.
3. Passengers for Oxford are delayed by 8 minutes.
4. The Paris flight is EV318.
5. People in the front of the train carriage can get out easily at
Liverpool Street.
6. The back doors won't open.
7. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines.
8. Redbridge is the last stop.

Exercise 2. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 3)

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Someone really should do something about the traffic. It’s terrible. It’s getting
(1) ……………….….. every day. There are so many cars on the roads these days. It’s a
nightmare driving in the city. Bumper to bumper even at midnight. I don’t know where all
this traffic came from. You turn on the radio and the traffic report is all about
(2) ……………………. here, snarl-ups and gridlocks there. The answer must be to get better
(3) ……..……………... Let people take the train or bus. People need to leave their cars at home.
The roads are too dangerous. And then there’s the (4) ……………………. It’s disgusting outside
sometimes. You feel like you’re breathing pure fumes. We need to get rid of these
(5) ……...…………….. so we can move and breathe more easily.

Exercise 3. Divide the passages below into two groups: ‘good things about cycling’ and
‘bad things about cycling.
1. Look how cars have taken over our 2. Cycling in the rain is not many people’s
cities. The poisonous fumes, the idea of a good time. You get wet, dirty,
aggressive speed of these machines and cold. Not a good way to go
endangering our lives, the traffic jams. anywhere!

3. A bicycle is easily stolen. Even with the 4. It is hard to know what makes cycling so
best lock, the risk of losing a bike is still enjoyable. Maybe the combination of
possible. fresh air, the smooth motion and the
exercise. Anyway, you soon realise why
people get obsessed!

5. Sadly, many people don’t cycle because 6. If you ride a bicycle you don’t use petrol
it’s dangerous. Outside Amsterdam or or other fossil fuels, so you are not
Copenhagen, road systems often aren’t emitting carbon dioxide into the
designed with cyclists in mind. Car atmosphere and contributing to climate
drivers go too fast, or aren’t properly change. Ride on!
trained how to share the roads with

7. We all know cycling is great exercise. As 8. Cyclists are exposed to the pollution

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one doctor told me, in his experience, from all the cars, buses and lorries on
the longest living people are ballroom the road, and this can take the pleasure
dancers and cyclists. out of cycling.

9. Not all cities have cycling facilities like 10. On a bicycle you don’t get stuck in
cycle paths and secure bicycle parking. traffic jams. Much of the time a bicycle
This can make life very difficult for is a much quicker way to cross a city
cyclists. than almost all other forms of

Good things about cycling Bad things about cycling

……………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………….

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Unit 7. Society
Listen to the interview and complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase. (Track

He has been living in the new city for about (1) ……………. years. He works on the (2) …………….
of the city. It is very different from his hometown where there is not even a (3) ……………. He
thinks the city is modern and he is particularly impressed by the (4) ……………. systems
because it means he can live and work without a car. The city has been cleaned up and
modernized. Today people are able to fish in the river, whereas before it had been
(5) ……………. He believes that the modernization projects have attracted (6) ……………. which,
in turn, has led to an increase in jobs. Anybody looking for a good job still needs to have
(7) ……………. Although he is impressed by the transformation, he thinks it is a (8) …………….,
process. Sometimes parts of the city’s (9) ……………. are lost in the modernization. However,
on the whole, he thinks that the city is a good place to live and work. The (10) ……………. are
good and things are improving all the time.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Transformation N /ˌtrænsfərˈmeɪʃn/ Sự chuyển đổi
Modernization N /ˌmɑːdərnəˈzeɪʃn/ Sự hiện đại hóa
Polluted Adj /pəˈluːt/ Ô nhiễm
Improve V /ɪmˈpruːv/ Cải thiện
Clean up V /kliːn ʌp/ Làm sạch
Metro system N /ˈmetrəʊ/ /ˈsɪstəm/ Hệ thống tàu điện

Fill the gap by the given words

center technological outskirts quality pedestrian

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a. M
y ……………………. of life has improved tremendously since I moved to the countryside.
b. A
……………………………. zone has been made into an area that is intended for pedestrians,
not vehicles.
c. T
hey proposed the creation of a ………………………. park to attract hi-tech industries to the
d. M
y grandparent has lived in a house on the ………………. that had a yard and a flower
e. I'm going to the shopping ………………… to buy some decor items for Christmas.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Quality of life N /ˌkwɑːləti əv ˈlaɪf/ Chất lượng cuộc sống
Pedestrian zone N /pəˈdestriən zəʊn/ Khu vực dành cho người đi
Hi-tech industry N /ˌteknəˈlɑːdʒɪkl pɑːrk/ Công nghiệp công nghệ cao
Outskirts N /ˈaʊtskɜːrts/ Ngoại ô
Shopping center N /ˈʃɑːpɪŋ sentər/ Trung tâm mua sắm

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Read and select the things Alex writes about.
The weather in Newquay Places to visit in Newquay
Things to do in Newquay Food in Newquay
History of Newquay Where Newquay is located

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Exercise 2. Complete the letter with the given word.

with it in for than have

Dear Will,

I hope you are well. I have finally returned to Thailand after three years away
(1) ………………… the UK.

It is amazing to be back in Bangkok after so long. I have really missed the place. The traffic is
still pretty bad, but they (2) ………………… improved the subway system. So, it's easier to get

Last night, I went out to a nightclub (3) ………………… my friends. The music was better than it
used to be. It was a great night out.

My parents sold their house, so we moved to the outskirts. It is quieter at night

(4) ………………… before, and it is only a two-minute walk to the subway.

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I am staying here (5) ………………… a month and then go to Japan for a year to work as an
English Teacher. I hope you can make (6) ………………… to Bangkok one day.

All the best,


Exercise 3. You will hear an interview with an architect called Scott Tenbury. For each
question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. (Track 3)

1. What does Scott say about his 'capsule' A. it was too small for him to feel
apartment in Japan? comfortable in
B. there was a lot of noise from nearby
C. he had to think carefully about
where to put things

2. Scott says that the 'upside- A. wasn't as exciting as he thought it

down’ house he lived in would be
B. attracted a lot of interest from
C. needed repairing regularly

3. How did Scott feel when he had to leave A. disappointed that it became so
his home in London? expensive to live in
B. pleased to escape the effects of the
C. amazed that so many people
wanted to buy it

4. What does Scott enjoy about living in A. having access to facilities

cities? B. getting interesting jobs
C. seeing lots of people

5. What problem has Scott had with his A. it's hard to find the right color for it
B. it's difficult to build on water

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“water building”? C. it's not easy to get the right shape

6. Why would Scott like to design a railway A. to create something people love
station? B. to test his design skills
C. to improve transport services

Exercise 4. Read the text and choose the correct answer

Active Villagers
Residents of a small Welsh-speaking community have clubbed together to buy the
post office and shop, ten years after buying the pub.
The people of Llithfaen, Caernarfonshire were determined to prevent their village
losing its focal point. Ten years ago, they paid £40,000 for the pub, called the Victoria, and
now they have helped to keep the shop open. Most of the cost, £19,500, was met by the
local council and a European Union grant, but the villagers needed to raise a further £6,000
to buy the shop from the owner who is retiring.
John Jones, chairman of the community committee, said: “We went around every
house and came back with £500 more than we needed. The post office and the pub are
essential to the life of the village. There are no other amenities.
“We were not prepared to stand by and let the heart and soul be ripped out of our
community. No one else was going to help us so we decided to buy them ourselves.”
Llithfaen had a population of 600 but that was halved when nearby granite quarries were
closed. The primary school was shut because of the population decline but the locals turned
it into a leisure center and youth club.
The shop has been leased to Ffion Medi Llywelyn, 24, who lives in the village with
her husband, Dillon. She said: “There is a wonderful community spirit here.”
1. The Llithfaen Post Office ...
A. closed ten years ago.
B. has been saved by the local people.
C. has now closed.
2. The shop has been bought …
A. by the local council
B. for £40,000.

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C. with the help of the people who live in the area.

3. The shop was going to close ...
A. because of a decision by the European Union.
B. because the owner needed the money.
C. because the owner thought he was too old to run the shop
4. £500 ...
A. was paid by every person in the village.
B. was paid by the owner of the pub.
C. was the amount of money the villagers still had after the village had been bought.
5. Llithfaen no longer has ...
A. a school.
B. a leisure center.
C. a pub.

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to the following recording and complete the summary below. (Track 2)
There are more people living in cities than in (1) …………………… areas. Urbanization is the
defining phenomenon of this century; half of the world’s population is urban. Many people
are enticed from rural areas by the lure of a better life. We need to improve living
conditions for the urban poor by providing adequate (2) ……………………, clean water and
(3) ……………………

One key to making cities (4) …………………… better is good planning. Planners need to
transform cities to make them beneficial for all citizens. Cities need green transport and
green (5) ………………; they need to be energy (6) …………………… and pedestrian-
(7) ……………………, with housing and jobs to (8)…………………… people to come to live there.

Exercise 2. Read the text and answer the questions below.

European cities

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There are lots of different ways of classifying cities and lots of studies have been done.
Some studies concentrate on how big cities are, on economic factors like how expensive a
city is, others on how many artists or musicians work in the city.

There are hundreds of factors that can be studied. Recently, the European Union
commissioned a study to find out about the present state of Europe’s cities. The study
concentrated on the size of the cities’ populations as well as economic and financial factors.
The researchers decided to categorise Europe’s cities into three main types: International
hubs, specialized poles and regional poles.

● International hubs are big cities with an international reputation, like London or
● Specialised poles are big cities with an important role in the national economy, and
sometimes in the global economy, like Cardiff in the UK or Zaragoza in Spain.
● Regional poles are small to medium-sized cities that have an important place in their
region or province
1. W
hich three ways of classifying a city are mentioned in paragraph one?

2. W
hat factors did the European Union’s study of the state of Europe’s cities concentrate on?

3. H
ow many types of city did the study identify?

4. W
hat is an international hub?

5. W
hat is a regional pole?

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Exercise 3. These are questions in IELTS Speaking Part 1 (Topic: Accommodation).

Rearrange the words to form completed answers for the questions.
1. Do you live in a house or a flat?
bedrooms,/ I live in/ a house/ bathroom,/ an open living space./ and/ a/ with two
2. How is the place you live in?
small flat/I/a/live/in, large/ but/ attractive place./ not very/ it’s an/ it’s
3. Do you like houses or flats?
houses/ comfortable./ they/ because/ I like/ are/ to live in
4. What things do you like in your home?
flower / favorite / The / my / place. / garden / is
5. Is there anything you dislike about your house?
summer/ Sometimes/ during/ becomes/ our house/ season./ wet/ the

Exercise 4. Read the passage and answer the comprehension question below.

Advantages of Living in a Big City

Living in big cities is expensive because of the high living cost. There are also pollution and
traffic problems that make living in big cities unpleasant. However, many people enjoy living
in big cities because they offer convenience and countless options for entertainment.

Many big cities already have good public transportation systems, which make it easy for the
citizens to go anywhere around the city. This also reduces and helps overcome the problem
of traffic jams that often occur at peak hours. With the convenience of public transportation,
the citizens do not have to drive everywhere and can save money as they do not have to pay
for parking fees.

There is a saying that big cities never sleep. This is true for some cities in which the nightlife
begins just when people in other cities are ready to go to bed. Big cities like New York,

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Madrid, London and Paris have vibrant nightlife. People can still find entertainment, dine
out or go shopping into the early hours.

City dwellers are usually more diverse and there are many communities that hold social
events or parties, which provide interesting opportunities for social interactions and social
networking. The social interactions allow you to learn about other cultures and share
interests with people from different backgrounds, which makes you more open minded and
able to understand individuals. On the other hand, the social networking helps you broaden
not only personal but also professional relationships.

All in all, living in big cities is more convenient because of the facilities provided. The
advanced transportation system enables the citizens to access public facilities easier,
cheaper and faster. Big cities also provide better education and health service. In addition,
city life is more fun and exciting because there is a wide range of entertainment to enjoy
and a lot of social events to attend.

1. Why do many people like living in big cities?

A. It is more expensive.
B. It is more modern.
C. It is more crowded.
D. It offers more entertainment.

2. What is the advantage of a good public transportation system?

A. People do not need to buy bus tickets.

B. People do not need to drive their car everywhere.
C. People can use public transport for free.
D. People have to pay for parking charges.

3. What can people in big cities do in the early hours but people in rural areas cannot?

A. Dine out
B. Sleep
C. Go jogging
D. Travel

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4. What is the benefit of attending social events?

A. You can treat your friends.

B. You can be a social person.
C. You can learn about cultural diversity.
D. You can be more open about yourself.

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Unit 8. Environment

Fill in the blank with the given words
battery solar panel pollution
electricity windmill petrol

1. ………………………………… 2. ………………………………… 3. ………………………………….

4. ………………………………… 5. ………………………………… 6. ……………………………………

Word Form Phonetics Meaning
pollution N /pəˈluːʃn/ sự ô nhiễm
battery N /ˈbætəri/ pin, ắc quy
electricity N /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti/ điện
petrol N /ˈpetrəl/ xăng

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windmill N /ˈwɪndmɪl/ cối xay gió

solar panel N /ˌsəʊlər ˈpænl/ tấm năng lượng mặt trời
sustainable N /səˈsteɪnəbl Sự phát triển bền vững
development dɪˈveləpmənt/
natural resources N /ˈnætʃrəl ˈriːsɔːrsiz/ Tài nguyên thiên nhiên
renewable N /rɪˈnuːəbl ˈriːsɔːrsiz/ Năng lượng tái tạo
non-renewable N /ˌnɑːn rɪˈnuːəbl Năng lượng không tái tạo
resources ˈriːsɔːrsiz/

Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph

Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Some
people say they should be banned. Do you agree or disagree?

wind up tossed litter or throw

reuse or recycle land and water pollute

The main environmental side effect related to plastic bags is that they (1)……………….
both the (2)……………..An insignificant percentage of people may (3)……………..……. plastic
bags, but most ultimately (4)………………..them in the trash. If they are thrown in the trash,
plastic bags will (5)………….…………. in the ever-increasing number of landfills and contribute
to soil pollution. The ones that are simply (6)………..………… in the street clog drains in cities
and eventually find their way to the sea and entangle marine life. This is reason why plastic
bags should be banned.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

environmental Adj /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/ Thuộc về môi trường
ban V /bæn/ Cấm
side effect Adj /saɪd/ /ɪˈfekt/ Hiệu ứng cánh, hiệu ứng dây
plastic bag N /ˈplæstɪk/ /bæɡ/ Túi nhựa, túi nilon

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ultimately Adv /ˈʌltɪmətli/ Cuối cùng, kết thúc

trash Adj /træʃ/ Rác
ever-increasing Adj /ˈevər - ɪnˈkriːsiŋ/ Tăng nhanh chóng mặt, ngày
càng tăng
landfill N /ˈlændfɪl/ Bãi rác
wind up Ph. v /wɪndʌp/ Kết thúc hoặc cuối cùng trở

reuse V /ˌriːˈjuːz/ Tái sử dụng

recycle V /ˌriːˈsaɪkl/ Tái chế
litter V /ˈlɪtər/ Vứt rác
drain N /dreɪn/ Cống, mương thoát nước

Listen and repeat (Track 01)

ecologist resources renewable

fossil fuels unlimited fertilized

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

ecology N /iˈkɑːlədʒi/ Sinh thái học
ecologist N /iˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ Nhà sinh thái học
resource N /ˈriːsɔːrs/ Nguồn tài nguyên
renewable Adj /rɪˈnuːəbl/ Có thể tái tạo
nonrenewable Adj /ˌnɑːn rɪˈnuːəbl/ Không thể tái tạo
fossil N /ˈfɑːsl/ Hóa thạch
fuel N /ˈfjuːəl/ Nhiên liệu
unlimited Adj /ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/ Vô hạn

V /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪz/ Bón phân, làm cho phì nhiêu,

tươi tốt

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Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Find the 9 hidden words in the table 9

Exercise 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word/phrase.

Air pollution is a cause of ill health in (1) ………………… In many countries, there are laws
limiting the amount of smoke that factories can produce. Although there isn’t
(2) ………………… on the (3) ………………… of smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved
that air pollution causes lung diseases.
The gas from the car exhausts have also (4) ………………… air pollution in (5) ………………… cities.
The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas that often collects in busy street (6) …………………
by high buildings. Children (7) ………………… live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the
atmosphere can’t think as (8) ………………… as other children and are clumsy when they use
their hands.

Tham khảo

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There are other long-term effects of pollution. If the gases in the atmosphere continue
(9) ………………… increase, the Earth’s climate may become warmer. A lot of ice near the
Poles may (10) ………………… and may cause serious floods.
1. A. man B. men C. human beings D. person
2. A. enough information B. enough informative
C. information enough D. informatively
3. A. effect B. effects C. affect D. affects
4. A. increasing B. increased C. decreasing D. decreased
5. A. the most B. most of C. most D. the most of
6. A. surround B. surrounded C. surrounds D. surrounding
7. A. who B. which C. those D. whom
8. A. quick B. quickly C. fastly D. intelligent
9. A. along B. down C. toward D. to
10. A. melt B. freeze C. deforest D. flow

Exercise 3. Complete the summary by using the words in boxes.

The best way to resolve the international environmental problems is to increase the cost
of fuel. Do you agree or disagree?

alternative energy sources fight climate change exhaust emissions

national authorities fossil fuels natural resources

Increasing cost of fuel would lead to a reduction in car use, and thus a reduction in
exhaust emissions and the process of global warming.
1. Raising fuel prices would be a useful measure to (1) ……………………….……….
2. (2) ……………………….……… should raise taxes on the cost of fuel
3. In terms of the exhaustion of (3) ……………………….………, world supplies of oil will not
last forever, and by increasing petrol prices there would be less dependence on
(4) ……………………….………
4. Fewer car journeys would mean a reduction in (5) ……………………….………. This would
have global consequences, slowing the process of global warming as the quantity of
greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere was reduced.

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However, other measures are more effective: restrict the use of private vehicles, invest in
alternative energy...
5. Governments must allocate resources to the development of
(6) ……………………….……… to power motor vehicles and machinery used in factory

Exam focus
Exercise 1: Read the text below carefully
The Truth about the Environment10
For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have
developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the
population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in
vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.

But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural
resources have become more abundant, not less so, since the book 'The limits to Growth'
was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. Second, more food is now produced per head
of the world's population than at any time in history. Fewer people are starving. Third,
although species are indeed becoming extinct, only about 0.7% of them are expelled to
disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%, as has so often been predicted. And finally, most
forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient -
associated with the early phases of industrialisation and therefore best cured not by
restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. One form of pollution - the release of
greenhouse gases that causes global warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that is
going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating
problem. A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?

On your answer sheet, write

Cambridge IELTS 5 - Test 1 - Reading passage 2, “The Truth about the Environment”

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YES if the statement agrees with the writer's claims

NO if the statement contradicts the writer's claims
NOT GIVEN if there is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

1. Environmentalists take a negative view of the world for a number of reasons.

2. Data on the Earth's natural resources has only been collected since 1972.

3. The number of starving people in the world has increased in recent years.

4. Extinct species are being replaced by new species.

5. Some pollution problems have been correctly linked to industrialisation.

Exercise 2. This is an example of IELTS Writing task 2 topic. Make sentences using the
words and phrases in the boxes

Many countries use fossil fuels such as coal or oil as the main sources of energy. However,
in some countries the use of alternative sources of energy is encouraged. Do you think this
a positive or negative development?

reliance On the one hand In conclusion

wind farms climate change negative
alternative energy sources potential to pollute fossil fuels

As a result of the environmental problems which have resulted from traditional

dependence on fossil fuels, some countries have invested in alternative energy sources.
Although there are some dangers in this new approach, I believe that the benefits outweigh
the drawbacks.
(1)……………………, there are certainly some (2)…………………consequences of increasing
(3)…………. on alternative energy sources. Perhaps the main concern is the issue of safety.
Nuclear power is criticized for its (4)…………………the environment, and incidents such as the
disaster at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan remind the public of the dangers of nuclear plants.
The poisonous and radioactive emissions produced by the explosion not only killed many
people, but also left a legacy of cancer deaths for the future. Another energy source, wind
power , is criticized for a different reason. For example, many local communities oppose the

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installation of (5)………………… because they may affect the landscape and create too much
noise from their generators.
On the other hand, the key factor is that alternative energy sources do not cause as
much pollution as the burning of (6)…………………, such as oil or coal. Firstly, green power
sources are eco-friendly and do not contribute to air pollution. As there are no carbon
emissions, problems of (7)……………..and poor air quality can be tackled by increasing use of
alternative energy. Secondly, wind and solar power are both renewable sources of energy.
Instead of depending on fossil fuels, which are becoming exhausted, the use of
(8)……………………… will guarantee a boundless supply of energy for the future generation.

(9)……………., I consider that it is important for governments and the public to

support the use of alternative energy sources, despite the safety concerns and other

Exercise 3. Fill in the blank with the given words

The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic

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Task 1 plan:
o paraphrase task heading, using some different words.
o summarize paragraph – key features [1] 5 stages [2] step 1 – get energy from the sun
[3] final two steps – connection to power supply outside the house.
o paragraph 3: describe the first three stages.
o paragraph 4: describe the last two stages.

beginning with five distinct stages illustrates

solar panels electrical panel external power supply

The picture (1) ……………………….……… the process of producing electricity in a home

using solar panels. It is clear that there are (2) ……………………….……… in this process,
(3) ……………………….……… the generation of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show
how domestic electricity is connected to the (4) ……………………….………
At the first stage in the process, (5) ……………………….……… on the roof of a normal house
take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an
inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage
three, electricity is supplied to the home from an (6) ……………………….……… At the fourth step
shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra
electrical power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide
enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home
through the meter. 11

Written by Simon (

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Unit 9. Our Vietnam

Listen and choose words in boxes to fill the passage (Track 01)

family reunions is celebrated

crafts lucky money
the troubles one-hour time
preparing pork
traditional customs
foreign tourists

Vietnamese all over the world are (1) ……………… for their most important and
popular day of the year – Tet, or the Lunar New Year. Tet (2) ……………. on the same day as
the Chinese New Year, but does not start at the same time. There is a (3) ……………….
difference between Hanoi and Beijing. The holiday celebrates the arrival of spring. There are
a lot of (4) ……………….. that people practice during Tet. These include remembering
ancestors, sending people New Year's greetings, and giving (5) ………………….to children. It is a
time to forget (6) ………………. of the past year and hope for better things in the coming year.
It is also a good excuse for people to have big (7) ………………...
People in villages across Vietnam are working overtime to prepare food and
(8) …………….. in time for the holiday. In Ho Chi Minh City, up 68 flower markets opened on
February 3 to start selling different kinds of blooms and decorative trees. Thousands of
boats bring flowers from all over the country down the Mekong River to Ho Chi Minh's
floating markets. Food is also big business during Tet. Villagers in Dong Thap province are
working day and night to make sure they have enough (9) …………….… rolls to sell – these are
in big demand during the festival. Tourism is also booming because of the holiday.
Vietnamese travel agents say domestic bookings are 15 percent higher than last year, and
the number of (10) ……………… will rise by 46 percent.

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Word Form Phonetics Meaning

New Year’s Eve Ph.N /njuː jɪəz iːv/ Ngày cuối cùng của năm cũ
New Year’s Day Ph.N /njuː jɪəz deɪ / Ngày đầu tiên của năm mới
Lunar New Year Ph.N /ˈluːnə njuː jɪə/ Tết Âm Lịch/ Tết Nguyên Đán
Craft N /kræft/ Đồ thủ công
Champagne N /ʃæmˈpeɪn/ Rượu sâm banh
Calendar N /ˈkælɪndə/ Lịch
Midnight N /ˈmɪdnaɪt/ Nửa đêm
Countdown V,N /ˈkaʊntdaʊn/ Đếm ngược
Cheer V /ˈʧɪər/ Reo hò
Celebration N /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ Sự ăn mừng
Decorate V /ˌdɛkəˈreɪt/ Trang trí
Sparkler N /ˈspɑːklə/ Que pháo sáng
Confetti N /kənˈfɛti(ː)/ Hoa giấy/ kim tuyến (để ném/ thả)
Streamer N /ˈstriːmə/ Cờ đuôi nheo, cờ dải, băng giấy màu

Base on Track 01, write:

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1. The Chinese and Vietnamese new year starts at the same time.
2. Tet celebrates the end of winter and longer and lighter days.
3. A Tet custom is to remember family members from past generations.
4. Children have to give money to adults during Tet.
5. Over 680 flower markets opened in Ho Chi Minh City.
6. Flowers are brought to Ho Chi Minh by thousands of boats.
7. People in one province are making pork rolls 24 hours a day.
8. There will be over 40% more foreign tourists coming to Vietnam this year.

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Base on Track 01, choose the corrected answers

1. What other holiday is celebrated on the same day as Tet?

a. Independence day
b. Chinese new year
c. Teacher’s day
d. Mother's day
2. What's the time difference between Hanoi and Beijing?
A. three hours
B. two hours
C. one and a half hours
D. one hour
3. What does Tet celebrate?
A. the arrival of spring
B. family ancestors
C. children
D. traditional customs
4. What kind of money do children get?
A. big
B. pocket
C. lucky
D. pretend
5. What is Tet a good chance for?
A. go to cinema
B. family reunions
C. flowers
D. pork rolls
6. What do people prepare in addition to food?
A. graphs
B. drinks

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C. crafts
D. jams
7. When did the flower markets open in Ho Chi Minh City?
A. February 6
B. February 5
C. February 4
D. February 3
8. What does the article say is big business?
A. food
B. money
C. the Mekong River
D. boats
9. What is in big demand during Tet?
A. pork rolls
B. pho
C. sticky rice
D. banh mi
10. How much has domestic tourism increased by?
A. 50%
B. 15%
C. 10%
D. 5%

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Choose the right answer

There are nine sub-groups that are (1)……………….by the ethnic minority M’Nong,
including Bru Dang, Preh, Ger, Nong, Prang, PJam, Kuyenh, Chil Bu Nor, and M’Nong Bu
Dang, with a combined estimate of more than 100000 people. They are concentrated
(2)………………. the southern parts of the provinces of Binh Phuoc and Dak Lak and in parts of
Lam Dong. They live in houses built on stilts or level with the ground, in every village where
they usually have dozens of (3)………………… Matriarchy is observed and the children take the

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family name of their mother. The wife holds the (4) …………….. position in the household.
This group likes to have many children, (5)……………….daughters and speak the language
traced to the Mon-Khmer Group. The M’Nong use the slash-and-bum method of
(6)………………..The M’Nong in Ban Don are well known for their elephant hunting and
domestication. Women handle the weaving of cotton cloth, (7)……………….the men work on

1. A. ordered B. represented C. expressed D. symbolized

2. A. on B. at C. for D. in

3. A. households B. household C. towns D. people

4. A. unnecessary B. key C. centered D. effective

5. A. special B. specially C. especially D. especial

6. A. transport B. working C. researching D. farming

7. A. while B. when C. which D. where

Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with the given name of food

Rice flour rolls and/or pancakes Kebab rice noodles Stuffed sticky rice cake

Quang Noodles Pho The Crispy Vietnamese Pancake

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1. (1) …………….…is one the most traditional foods for the Lunar New Year in Vietnam. It is
made of sticky rice, pork and green bean, all ingredients are wrapped inside a special leaf
which is called “La Dong”.
2. (2) ……………….is one of the most delicious dishes. Its ingredients are grilled pork with rice
noodles heaping piles of fresh greens, and a dipping sauce. We can eat it with crab spring
rolls, which have crispy on the outside of this spring roll, then strong crab taste with black
pepper flavor on the inside.
3. (3)……………. is a mixed dish that is popular in Red River Delta. It’s sometimes stuffed with
ground pork and onion. They are eaten in a variety of ways with many side dishes, including
one out of a million kinds of Cha (Chả)
4. (4)…………….. is made of shrimp and pork, also served with dipping sauce. It origins from
Korea and Japan and is most popular in the South of Vietnam.
5. A very popular yet extremely complicated noodle dish. Also originating from Quang Nam,
(5) …………. varies in its preparation and features very sharply contrasting flavors and
textures in (if prepared properly) a shallowly filled bowl of broth, noodles, herbs, vegetables,
and roasted rice chip.
6. This simple staple consisting of a salty broth, fresh rice noodles, a sprinkling of herbs and
chicken or beef, features predominantly in the local diet. (6) …………. is cheap, tasty, and
widely available at all hours. The Hanoi and Saigon styles differ by noodle width, sweetness
of broth, and choice of herbs.

Exercise 3. Fill in the gap to complete these words

Words Meaning

1. cr_ft An activity involving a special skill at making things with your


2. d_cor_ti_n A thing that makes something look more attractive on special


3. c_untd_wn The action of counting numbers backwards to zero

4. L_n_r New Y_ _r The most important celebration in Vietnamese culture

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5. l_cky m_n_y Money placed in a red envelope and given as a gift

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Read the text below about Tet holiday in Vietnam.
Tet holiday is celebrated on the same day as Chinese New Year, though exceptions arise
due to the one-hour time difference between Hanoi and Beijing. It takes place from the first
day of the first month of the Lunar calendar (around late January or early February) until at
least the third day. Vietnamese people consider Tet to be the first day of spring and the
festival is often called spring festival.
Many Vietnamese prepare for Tet by cooking special holiday foods and cleaning the house.
These foods include Chung cake, spring rolls, dried bamboo soup, sticky rice and boiled
chicken. There are a lot of customs practiced during Tet, such as visiting a person' s house
on the first day of the new year, ancestral worship, wishing New Year's greetings and giving
lucky money to children and elderly people.
There are certain things to observe during Tet and certain things to avoid. Houses are
thoroughly cleaned in preparation for Tet. People buy kumquat trees and peach blossoms to
decorate their houses. There are dragon or lion dances on the streets. New clothes should
be bought for every member of the family. And on New Year's Eve, the kitchen god, Ong Tao,
is welcomed back to the kitchen.
On the other hand, something must be avoided. Sweeping during Tet is taboo and
considered to be unlucky, since it symbolizes sweeping away the luck; that is why they clean
before the new year. It is also taboo for anyone who experienced a recent loss of a family
member to visit anyone else during Tet.
Complete the sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text above
1. Another name for Tet holiday is ………………………….
2. One typical dish at this time is a soup which is made from ………………………….
3. Lucky money is given to …………………………. and ………………………….
4. During Tet, houses are adorned with …………………………. and ………………………….
5. …………………………. the house is forbidden during Tet.

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Exercise 2. Fill in the blank

available ingredient herbs familiar

rice appearance dessert features

The main features of Vietnamese Cuisine

Cuisine in the country with more than 90,000,000 people differs strikingly between
the north, south and central regions, but two key (1)…………………………stand out.

Firstly, (2)…………………………plays an essential role in the nation’s diet as it does

throughout Southeast Asia. You have seen regularly the (3)…………………………of noodle in
their breakfast, lunch and dinner, in homes, restaurants and at roadside stands. Noodles are
eaten wet and dry, in soup or beside soup, and are made in different shapes and thicknesses
of wheat, rice and mung beans such as bun cha, Cao Lau, Hue beef noodle, bun rieu… Rice is
also a main (4)…………………………for making banh chung, banh bao, banh xeo, banh beo, xoi…

Secondly, no meal is complete without fresh vegetables and (5)…………………… Thanks

to the tropical climate, fresh vegetables are (6)…………………………all the year round. As a
result, dishes with fresh vegetables become (7)…………………………with every family, especially
among poor people in the old days. Vietnam can also be considered as a tropical paradise of
(8)……………… and beverage with che, sugarcane, fruit smoothies, bubble tea…

Exercise 3: Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false
Green tea

Green tea must always be the first to be mentioned whenever one talks
about Vietnamese tea. From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted
extensively throughout the North and the Middle of Vietnam, gradually becoming a symbol
of Vietnamese’ everyday life, of the peaceful countryside regions.

Vietnam has always been an agricultural country since people in the rural area earn a
living mainly from farming. Green tea is very amiable to Vietnam’ soil and climate, as it can

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be found widely in not only plain but also highland areas, sometimes right in the family
backyard’s gardens. With the higher trunk and larger size of leaves in comparison with other
tea plants, green tea can be enjoyed fresh and there is no need to wilt or oxidize; people can
enjoy it right after picking the leaves from the tree. Steeping and boiling the tea leaves in
hot water, after fifteen minutes, your green tea is ready to be served. Besides blowing out
the heat from the inside, green tea also helps improve body’s resistance to infection. Thanks
to its benefits, green tea is considered an indispensable part of Vietnamese farmers’
ordinary life.

Nowadays, taking advantage of the popularity of green tea and its positive effects on
health, some shrewd businessmen have converted this folk beverage into canned drink,
bringing green tea closer to urban citizens as well as foreigners.

1. From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively
throughout the South of Vietnam.

2. Vietnam’s climate is favorable for the growth of green tea.

3. Green tea is good for people’s health.

4. Nowadays, some businessmen have converted this folk beverage into canned drinks.

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Unit 10. Around the world

Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.

Visit the Edinburgh Festival

Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to
take part in the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is
filled with actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest
arts festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance
from early in the morning until late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on
the streets.

Tens of thousands of tourists come to the festival to see new films and plays and to
hear music played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred
performances with actors from more than forty countries.

The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see
your favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer!

1. How many people come to attend the Edinburgh Festival every year?

A. Thousand people
B. Thousands of people
C. Some people
D. Few people

2. How long does the Edinburgh Festival last?

A. Two months
B. Three months
C. Three weeks

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D. For 3 weeks every August and September

3. What can you even see artists doing on the streets?

A. Playing the guitar on the streets

B. Singing songs on the streets
C. Painting pictures on the streets
D.Dancing on the streets

4. How many performances can people see this year?

A. Tens of thousands
B. Thousands
C. Some people
D.Over five hundreds

5. How much are the tickets for these performances?

A. Very cheap
B. Very expensive
C. Not cheap
D.Not quite expensive

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words.

Yesterday, Carlos went to La Tomatina. The festival (1) …………….. (hold) on the last
Wednesday of August every year in Būnol, Spain. There (2) ……………… (be) thousands of
people there. In the morning, many people tried (3) ……………… (climb) up the pole to get the
ham. At 11 a.m, they (4) ……………… (see) a jet from the water cannons and the chaos began.
Bags of tomatoes from trucks were (5) ……………… (throw) to the crowds, and they began
throwing tomatoes at one another. They all had to (6) ………………. (wear) goggles to protect
their eyes.

After one hour, they saw another jet and stopped (7) ……………… (throw) The whole
town square (8) ……………… (be) red with rivers of tomato juice. Finally, they tried tomato

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Paella, a (9) ……………… (tradition) Spanish rice dish. Together with local people and tourists,
they (10) ……………….. (enjoy) the delicious food and drinks.

Word Form Phonetics Meaning

Anniversary N /ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/ lễ kỉ niệm
Ceremony N /ˈserəməni/ nghi thức, nghi lễ
Culture N /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ văn hóa
Festival N /ˈfestɪvl/ lễ hội
Firework N /ˈfaɪəwɜːk/ pháo hoa
Parade N /pəˈreɪd/ diễu hành
Perform V /pəˈfɔːm/ biểu diễn
Religious Adj /rɪˈlɪdʒəs/ thuộc về tôn giáo
Vacation N /vəˈkeɪʃn/ kỳ nghỉ

Bottom of Form

Practice exercises
Exercise 1.
Look at this guide for tourists visiting California, then do Task A and B to improve your
reading skills.

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Task A: Match the vocabulary with the correct definition

1. a building where people have to live as a punishment for a crime a. a prison

2. a structure that goes into water for people to walk on, often to b. rides
take a boat c. a pier
3. a bridge that is suspended from cables that are attached to d. a gym
towers e. a suspension
4. a type of ride at an amusement park, like a fast train on tracks bridge
that curve, and go from very high to very low f. a roller
5. a health club or a large room with exercise machines coaster
6. mechanical attractions at an amusement park, for example a
rollercoaster or big wheel

Task B: Check your understanding

Choose True or False for these sentences.

1. Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghirardelli Square and Pier 39 are all in San Francisco.
2. The Golden Gate Bridge is the shortest suspension bridge in the world.
3. Alcatraz is still a prison today.
4. You can see a surfboard damaged in a shark attack in the museum in Santa Cruz.
5. Ice skating is a popular activity on Venice Beach.
6. You can meet real film stars at Madame Tussauds in Hollywood.
7. The Grammy Museum in Los Angeles is dedicated to music and dance.
8. Space Mountain is the name of one of the hotels in Disneyland.

Exercise 2: Listen and answer questions (Track 01)

Tour of London
1. The tour takes ………………hours.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
2. At Madame Tussauds Museum you can see ………………

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A. maps of London
B. models of famous people
C. famous shops
3. Oxford Street is a famous street for ………………
A. drinking tea
B. eating
C. shopping
4. The Queen lives at ………………
A. Buckingham Palace
B. Tower of London
C. Tower Bridge
5. Big Ben is a………………
B. tour guide
C. clock
D. bridge
Exercise 3: Read the below paragraph and answer the questions

European transport systems 1990-201012

In 1998, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of CO2
emissions. According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth
trend, CO2 emissions from transport can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1,113
billion tonnes by 2020 compared with the 739 billion tonnes recorded in 1990. Once again,
road transport is the main culprit since it alone accounts for 84% of the CO2 emissions
attributable to transport. Using alternative fuels and improving energy efficiency are thus
both an ecological necessity and a technological challenge.
1. The main topic of the FIRST paragraph is:
A. Transport trends in the EU countries.
B. A fresh and important long-term transport goal

Cambridge IELTS 10 - Test 1 - Reading passage 2, “European transport systems 1990-

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C. The bad environmental results of road transport.

In the below statements, write:
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
2. In 2020, CO2 emissions from transport are predicted to reach 739 billion tonnes.
3. Cars are prohibitively expensive in some EU candidate countries.
4. Using substitute energy sources is an ecological necessity.

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Below is a graph in IELTS Writing Task 1. Fill in the blank with the given words
in the box.
The graph shows the amount of money spent on books in Germany, France, Italy and
Austria between 1995 and 2005.

over the 10-year period compares higher than

steady increase final figure is clear
the figure for Austria in Germany rose sharply

Introduction: The line graph (1)……………….. the expenditure on books from 1995 to 2005 in
four different countries. Overall, it (2)……………..that people in Germany spent more on

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books than those in the other three countries. However, (3)………………, spending on books
(4)……………in all four countries.
Body 1: In 1995, $80 million was spent on books (5)………………. The spending figures for
France and Italy were similar in 1995, at $55 million and $50 million, respectively, whereas
(6)………………was much lower at just $30 million.

Body 2: Despite some fluctuations, the amount of money spent on books in Germany
continued to be (7)………………in the other countries throughout the period, and spending
reached a peak of almost $100 million in 2005.

Body 3: There was a (8)………………… the expenditure on books in France, and this finally
reached a figure of $75 million in 2005. This was similar to the figure for Austria, where the
money spent on books (9)………………….from $40 million in 2001 to $72 million in 2005. In
Italy, spending on books saw a gradual increase during the 10 years, reaching a
(10)………………..of just over $60 million in 2005.

Exercise 2. Read the passage and do the following task

The happiest country in the world
Children growing up in Costa Rica are surrounded by some of the most beautiful and diverse
landscapes in the world. Preserving tropical rainforests isn’t Costa Rica’s only success,
because the government also makes sure everyone has access to health-care and education.
So when the New Economics Foundation released its second Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica
came out number one. The index is a ranking of countries based on their impact on the
environment and the health and happiness of their citizens.

According to Mariano Rojas, a Costa Rican economics professor, Costa Rica is a mid-
income country where citizens have plenty of time for themselves and for their relationships
with others. ‘A mid-income level allows most citizens to satisfy their basic needs. The
government makes sure that all Costa Ricans have access to education, health and nutrition
services.’ Costa Ricans, he believes, are not interested in status or spending money to show
how successful they are.

Created in 2008, the Happy Planet Index examines happiness on a national level and ranks
143 countries according to three measurements: their citizens’ happiness, how long they

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live (which reflects their health), and how much of the planet’s resources each country
consumes. According to researcher Saamah Abdallah, the Index also measures the
outcomes that are most important, and those are happy, healthy lives for everyone.

Choose A WORD OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

The Happy Planet Index

Year started: (1) ……………………….
Number of countries it lists: (2) ……………………….
Measures each country’s happiness according to:
● its effect on the (3) ………………………. (i.e. the quantity of the Earth’s (4) ……………………….
that it uses)
● the (5) ………………………. of the population (i.e. how long people live)
● how happy its (6) ………………………. are.

Exercise 3. Below is a sample of IELTS Speaking Part 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct
form of words then practice speaking.
Describe a foreign country you would like to visit
You should say:
● where the country is
● when you will go there
● why you would like to go there and explain why this is a good country to visit.
The country I (1) ………………… (never visit) is New Zealand. It (2) …………………… (locate)
in the Southern Hemisphere, on the continent of Oceania, and its nearest neighbor is
Australia. It is quite far away from where I live, so I (3) ………………… (have yet) a chance to
visit. I would like (4) ……………… (go) there in future, though. This year I (5) …………………. (be)
too busy, but I hope to get the chance to visit next year, or the year after that.

There are many reasons why I would like to visit New Zealand. For one thing, it
(6) ……………… (look) like a stunningly beautiful country. Its natural scenery (7) ………………
(seem) captivating to me, and I’d love to travel around seeing the mountains and rugged
coastline. In these places, there (8) ………………… (be) many amazing animals to see, and I

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(9) …………………… (be) a big fan of wildlife. In addition, New Zealand (10) ……………….. (have) a
long and fascinating history, which I’d like to explore. New Zealand seems like a good
country to visit for those reasons, as well as because it is a modern nation with a good
tourist infrastructure. The natives (11) ………………… (speak) English, which (12) ……………………
(be) also a bonus.

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Listen to two students talking about the teachers at their college and fill in the blank.
(Track 1)

1. beard 5. wavy
2. mustache 6. fair
3. straight 7. serious
4. smiley

Jenny: How was your first day back at college, Philip?

Philip: Not bad. The teachers seem OK.
Jenny: Which teachers do you have?
Philip: Well, for Maths I have Mr… er… Oh, I can’t remember his name. Older guy. Grey
hair, beard.
Jenny: Mr Willis?
Philip: No, not him. Mr. Willis doesn’t have a beard.
Jenny: He has a mustache.
Philip: Yeah, but my Maths teacher has a beard and a mustache. What’s his name – oh
yes I know. Mr. Parker. That’s it.
Jenny: Oh right. I have Mr. Johnson for Maths.
Philip: Who’s he?
Jenny: He’s the youngest guy, with brown hair down to his shoulders. He has a bit of a
beard and a mustache too.
Philip: Oh, I think I remember seeing him around. I thought he was a student.
Jenny: Don’t be silly. He’s far too old to be a student. Who else do you have?
Philip: I have Mrs. Amos for Physics.
Jenny: Is that the tall black lady? Short-haired?
Philip: No, you’re thinking of Mrs. King. No, Mrs. Amos is… well, she’s got sort of auburn
hair, straight and quite long, and a round face.

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Jenny: Oh yes. I know who you mean. Quite a smiley woman. She seems nice. And who
do you have for Economics?
Philip: Er… oh I can’t remember her name either. A young woman, blonde hair. Wavy.
Jenny: Miss Tully? She doesn’t do Economics. She teaches French.
Philip: Not Ms. Tully. Ms. Tully’s hair isn’t that long. It only goes as far as her shoulders.
My Economics teacher’s hair goes right down her back. And she doesn’t wear glasses
either. What’s her name again?
Jenny: Oh – I know who you mean. Miss Wood!
Philip: That’s right. Miss Wood. And I have Mr. Joseph for English.
Jenny: Is that the bald black guy?
Philip: Yes, that’s right. He’s good. He’s funny. Who else do you have?
Jenny: Er… I have Mr. Chandler for Geography – do you know him? He has short brown
hair, he’s quite young. He’s really enthusiastic!
Philip: No, I don’t think I’ve seen him.
Jenny: And I have Mrs. Brighouse for Psychology. Do you know her? Older lady, with
short fair hair and glasses. She’s quite serious, but her lessons are really interesting.
Philip: Oh yes, I’ve seen her around.

Fill in the blank with the given word.

1. thin 5. positive
2. unfriendly 6. reliable
3. talkative 7. brilliant/creative
4. helpful 8. creative/brilliant

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Crossword
1. calm 5. jealous
2. generous 6. clever
3. selfish 7. arrogant
4. competitive 8. bossy

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Exercise 2. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
1. get to know 5. tie the knot
2. get along 6. sparks fly
3. have a lot in common 7. on the rocks
4. go back years 8. hit it off

Exercise 3. Read the text below and answer the questions.

1. (The author’s friends/They are) Helpful, positive and very reliable.
2. (Tom/He was) Brilliant, outgoing and very smiley.
3. He was quite tall with a muscular build./He had straight brown hair and blue eyes./He was
a handsome young man.
4. Yes, he does.
5. He really appreciates it/their relationship.

Exercise 4. Circle the correct word.

a. brilliant
b. unfriendly
c. thin
d. helpful
e. beard

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 2)

1. helpful
2. funny
3. friendly
4. selfish
5. talkative

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From the conversation, fill in the blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
1. nice and helpful
2. funny
3. selfish/thinks about herself
4. always starts argument
5. talks too much/talkative

Finn: How is your new job, Sam?

Sam: It’s great!
Finn: Are your colleagues nice?
Sam: Some of them are. Lee is very nice and helpful. He helped me a lot on my first day.
Rebecca is really funny. She often makes us all laugh.
Finn: That sounds nice.
Sam: It is. Most of my co-workers are very nice, honest and friendly.
Finn: Not all of them?
Sam: A couple of people are… not so good.
Finn: Why?
Sam: Catherine is very selfish. She only thinks about herself. Mike always starts
arguments with people. Phil talks too much.
Finn: I thought talkative was a good thing?
Sam: Not with Phil. He is too talkative. I can’t do any work when he is in the office
because he keeps talking to me.

Exercise 2. Read the passage below and decide if the following statements are True or


1. Phuc is writing to his teacher. ✔

2. Mr. Lee isn’t kind. He is scary. ✔

3. Nhung has straight hair. ✔

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4. Phuc thinks Nhung is kind. ✔

5. James is creative. ✔

6. In the evening, the kids are playing inside. ✔

7. They’re working on a milk farm tomorrow. ✔

8. The children can speak Vietnamese at the camp. ✔

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. e

Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 3)

1. familiar 4. blonde
2. black 5. thin
3. overweight 6. stylish

Samantha: Do you remember George Hawkins?

Tony: George Hawkins? That name sounds familiar. What does he look like?
Samantha: He’s really tall. He’s about 6 feet 4 inches tall. He has short black hair. He is a
little bit overweight. He sometimes wears glasses. And he dresses very well. And he
usually wears the suit.
Tony: That name rings a bell. But I can’t picture him.
Samantha: You met him last year at the Christmas party.
Tony: I’m sorry. I don’t remember him.
Samantha: His wife’s name is Jessica. She’s kind of short. She has long blonde hair. She’s
very thin. And very stylish.

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Tony: Oh yes. Of course I remember her. I was talking with her at Bill’s birthday party.
Samantha: They invited us for dinner next week.
Tony: Sounds good. Let’s go.


A group of friends is talking about their leisure activities. Match each person to his/her
favorite leisure activity.
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. b

Label the pictures below with the words given in the box.
1. surfing the Internet 5. play video games
2. playing sports 6. listening to music
3. painting 7. playing chess
4. watching TV dramas 8. rock climbing

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Look at the table below and answer the questions.
1. Watching TV/videos (is the most popular activity among teens).
2. Group exercise/sport (is the least popular activity among people in their 60s).
3. Teens.
4. 1,200

Exercise 2. Put the letters in the correct order to form a correct word.

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1. chess 5. activity
2. video game 6. leisure
3. hobby 7. rock climbing
4. knowledge 8. skill

Exercise 3. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.

1. soccer 4. video games
2. listening to music 5. reading
3. dramas 6. leisure

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen and write NO MORE THAN TWO WORD for each answer. (Track 1)

1. rock climbing
2. paragliding
3. chess
4. music
5. football
6. surfing
7. bird watching
8. painting
9. drama

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Exercise 2. Put the given sentences in the right order to make a complete conversation,
then practice speaking about your hobby or favorite leisure activity.

1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a

Exercise 3. Read the passage and do the task that follow.

Statements YES NO NG
1. In recent decades, an increase in working hours was predicted. ✔
2. At the turn of the last century, weekly work hours dropped to 25. ✔
3. Spending on leisure has gone up over the past three decades. ✔
4. Long holidays have taken the place of long-haul short breaks. ✔
5. In the future, people will pay less for the leisure facilities they use than

they do today.
6. 24-hour society will have a negative effect on people’s attitudes to


Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blanks. (Track 2)

1. activities 6. paint
2. sports 7. cooking
3. seven/7 8. entertainment
4. eleven/11 9. free
5. interesting 10. time

Listen again and choose the correct answer.

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1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B

Good morning everyone. My name’s Ethan, and I’d like to tell you about the different
activities on offer on board this fantastic cruise ship.
First of all, there are lots of sports facilities. There’s the swimming pool on deck 3. I’m
sure you’ve seen it already. Near there, there is a hot tub, sauna and steam room. You can
use the pool and hot tub between seven in the morning and eleven in the evening. The
sauna is available from one in the afternoon until nine in the evening. You don’t have to
book or pay extra to use any of these facilities.
There’s a gym on deck 4, and you can go there whenever you like. No need to book. It’s
open from 6 am until 10 pm. There are also four squash courts. You can book these at the
desk in the gym.
If you’re not sporty, there are lots of other interesting things to do. If you’d like to learn
to paint, there is an art class every morning at ten o’clock, which lasts two hours. There’s
a cooking class every afternoon at three. There’s different themes every day. Today it’s
Indian cooking, and tomorrow it’s Italian cooking. You don’t have to book for these
classes, just arrive. But there is a maximum number of people in the class, so make sure
you arrive early, or there may not be enough space for you.
In the evening we have lots of entertainment on offer. There’s a show every night in the
theatre. Tonight there’s a jazz band, and tomorrow night there’s a comedy show. These
shows are all free, but you need to get a ticket from the ticket office at the theatre. In the
afternoons, you can hear lectures about the different places we visit on the cruise. Today,
there’s a lecture about the wildlife of North Africa. This is at two o’clock and four o’clock,
in the theatre. It’s the same lecture both times. Tomorrow’s lecture, which is at the same
two times, is about the Roman Empire in North Africa.
So, that’s all for now. On Wednesday, I’ll tell you about the different activities happening
later in the week. Until then, I hope you have a great time.

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Getting started (Track A)
Listen to the conversation and choose True or False
Sentences True False
1. The customers want two tables. X
2. There are two customers eating together. X
3. The two customers order the same starter. X
4. Both customers order the Thai chicken for their main course. X
5. The customers order cold drinks. X
6. Both customers order a dessert X

Waiter: Hello.
Jamie: Hi. A table for two, please.
Waiter: Of course. Over here, please. Here’s the menu.
Sally: Thank you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Sally: Yes, we are.
Waiter: What would you like for your starter?
Jamie: I’d like French onion soup, please.
Sally: And I’ll have a tomato salad, please.
Waiter: And for your main course?
Jamie: Mmm, I’m not sure. I don’t know whether to have the steak or Thai chicken.
Sally: Oh, I’d like the Thai chicken and rice please.
Jamie: OK, me too.
Waiter: So that’s two Thai chicken and rice. What would you like to drink?
Jamie: I’ll have a fresh orange juice and ...
Sally: I’d like some mineral water, please.

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Waiter: OK, thank you.

2. Fill in the blank with the given word
1. peel 5. fry
2. boil 6. stir
3. mash 7. add
4. chop 8. bake

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Crossword
1. starter 5. fry
2. stir 6. recipe
3. boil 7. tasty
4. diet 8. takeaway

Exercise 2. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
1. have a balanced diet 5. follow a recipe
2. home-cooked food 6. a quick snack
3. processed food 7. go on a diet
4. place an order 8. eat in

Exercise 3. Read the text below carefully

A. Complete this summary of the text with the words from the box
1. popularity
2. America
3. expensive
4. negative
5. fat

B. Match the parts of the sentences

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1. f 5. b
2. c 6. a
3. h 7. d
4. e 8. g

Exercise 4. Make sentences using the words and phrases below then
a. Then you heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the onion, red peppers and bacon.
b. First, you have to cut the onion, red peppers and bacon into small pieces.
c. Do not forget the main ingredient. Remember to cook the pasta in a big pot of boiling
d. Finally, serve the pasta with the sauce and enjoy!
e. After that, add oregano, garlic, tomatoes and water and cook for 20 minutes.

Rearrange them into the right order of cooking process

Step 1: b
Step 2: a
Step 3: e
Step 4: c
Step 5: d

Exam focus
Exercise 1.
Listen and fill in the blank (Track 2)
1. Healthy Diet Pyramid
2. avoid
3. salt
4. lean meat
5. sight

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Use the information in the above passage to fill in the blank. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
1. avoid
2. eat in moderation/not too much
3. eat lots of

Now let’s just refresh our memories by looking at the Healthy Diet Pyramid. OK, can you
all see that? Good. Well, now, as you see we’ve got three levels to our pyramid. At the top
in the smallest area are the things which we should really be trying to avoid(1) as much as
possible. Things like …
Example: Yes, sugar, salt, butter… all that sort of thing.
Next, in the middle of our pyramid we find the things that we can eat in moderation. Not
too much(2) though! And that’s where we find milk, lean meat, fish, nuts, eggs. And then
at the bottom of the pyramid are the things that you can eat lots of(3)! Because they’re
the things that are really good for you.
And here we have bread, vegetables and fruit. So don’t lose sight of your healthy diet
pyramid when you do your shopping.

Exercise 2. Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS (Track 3)

1. cut the apples 5. flour and butter

2. apples with sugar 6. sugar
3. blackberries and apple 7. on top
4. (a) baking dish 8. 30 minutes

Good morning, everyone. Today we’re going to make Apple and Blackberry Crumble. So, I
hope you’ve all bought your ingredients. Ready? Now, let’s get straight on with cooking. First,
you peel the apples, and cut them into slices.(1) OK? Don’t forget to take the middle out of the
apple. Now, put the sliced apples in a pan and cook them with some of the sugar.(2) In about
10 minutes they should be nice and soft. Right? Now, mix the blackberries and apple
together, make sure that you have about half and half, and put them into the bottom of a

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baking dish.(3) (4) That’s fine ... Now, the next thing to do is rub the flour and butter together(5)
with your fingers until it’s in tiny pieces, like breadcrumbs. Then add the sugar,(6) when it’s
ready, put the crumble mix on the top of the fruits(7) and bake it all in the oven for 30

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. b
5. e

Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 4)

1. popular English meals 4. traditional meal

2. deep fat 5. roast meat
3. Friday night 6. Sunday lunch

Hello everyone. Welcome to the university. I hope you’re settling in and beginning to find
your way around. I know a lot of students find it hard to adapt to the food. So I thought
I’d tell you about a couple of popular English meals that you might hear about. Well,
actually, you might’ve heard of the first one already … it’s really popular … it’s fish and
chips. Fish and chips are fried in deep fat. So it’s actually very greasy and not at all
healthy. But it’s still very popular, especially on a Friday night. That’s when a lot of people
get their fish and chips from the ‘fish and chip’ shop, and take them home to eat. The
other traditional meal, which is definitely healthier, is Sunday lunch. In England, Sunday
lunch is usually some kind of roast meat with vegetables. Traditionally, families have their
Sunday lunch at home but these days quite a lot of families have Sunday lunch in a

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1. Read the conversation between Truong and An and answer the question.
1. Because/Since the National Examination is coming.
2. Maths/Mathematics.
3. She wants to be a teacher.
4. Because/Since it is a compulsory subject in the examination.

2. Read the passage below and do the tasks that follow.

1. state schools
2. primary education
3. secondary education

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Circle the correct word.
1. profession
2. lecture
3. university
4. degree

Exercise 2. Crossword
1. business school 4. degree
2. education 5. teaching
3. lecture 6. profession

Exercise 3. Choose the suitable words to fill in the blanks.

1. A
2. C
3. B

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4. A

Exercise 4. Underline the correct word.

1. C. the 6. C. consists
2. B. enter 7. B. lasts
3. A. although 8. B. is also called
4. A. of 9. D. education
5. D. age 10. C. developed

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to a radio show about the value of university education and fill in the
blanks. (Track 1)

1. secondary education
2. private schools
3. graduated
4. vocational
5. academic

Exercise 2. Read the passage and choose the best answer.

1. b 6. a
2. c 7. c
3. a 8. b
4. a 9. b
5. a 10. a

Exercise 3. Use the given word in the correct form/tense to make a complete answer to
each question.

1. At the moment I am a full-time freshman at a business school at my hometown city.

2. The first and foremost reason is that I want to start my own business after graduation. I am

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an ambitious person. Besides, I have quite a good leadership, which was confirmed by my
friends, so I believe that I could handle my own company and staff.
3. I would like to say Mathematics. I think numbers are like magic creations. I have a lot of
fun working with them. Every time I solved a Maths problem myself, I felt happy from the
bottom of my heart.
4. I still have a long way to go until then. But I have a dream of expanding my restaurant, so
perhaps I would study logistics, or maybe a new language.

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Write the correct word in the boxes below the picture.

Dentist Baker Teacher Waiter

Painter Doctor Farmer Singer

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best answer for these questions. (Track 1)
1. workers
2. experienced
3. results
4. findings
5. problems

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Crossword
1. employee
2. employer
3. painter
4. waiter
5. baker

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6. experience
Exercise 2. Read the paragraph and choose True or False
Sentences True False
1. Pepe was born in Mexico. X

2. He was a mechanic in his country. X

3. He came to the United States in 2010. X

4. His first job in the US was a cook. X

5. Now he is an assistant chef. X

6. He really like his job very much. X

Exercise 3. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
1. Involve in 6. Work with
2. Interested in 7. Thank to
3. Be in touch 8. Take on
4. Step in 9. Lay off
5. Take over 10. Catch up on

Exercise 4
1. I’m just writing to say thanks for your help with the presentation last week.
2. Thank you so much for stepping in to help.
3. I know you had to put in extra hours to catch up on your own work.
4. We hope to work with you again on future projects.
5. I’ll be in touch again soon.
6. I look forward to working with you more closely.

Exam focus
Exercise 1.

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A. Listen and fill in the blank with the correct phrasal verb from the box. (Track 2)

1. get through 5. picking up

2. calls him back 6. carry on
3. take him on 7. calling by
4. washing up 8. putting him off

B. Listen again and match A and B to complete the sentences (Track 2)

1. d
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. c

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. (Track 3)

a. True or False

1. True 5. False
2. True 6. False
3. False 7. True
4. True 8. True

b. Fill in the blank

1. time 5. breaks
2. productivity 6. item
3. task 7. five
4. timer 8. list

Host: On ‘Star Students’ today we’re speaking to Peter, who is going to tell us about the

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Pomodoro Technique, a system to help manage your time. It was invented by an Italian
man called Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. Now, he called it the Pomodoro Technique after
a tomato-shaped timer that his mother used to use when she was cooking. Pomodoro is
Italian for tomato. And this tomato has helped Peter become an A-grade student. So,
Peter, welcome to the studio.

Peter: Thanks.

Host: Tell us about the Pomodoro Technique. What’s it about?

Peter: It’s about getting maximum productivity from your available time. I use it for
studying, but professionals use it at work.

Host: Is it difficult to follow?

Peter: No. It’s actually very simple. It’s about breaking down your work into separate jobs
and then using a timer to separate your time into periods of intensive work and short

Host: OK, well, that sounds sensible. So, how do you start?

Peter: First of all, you should think about the task you need to complete. For example,
writing an essay for homework. You need to think about all the stages of the task and
write a clear to-do list on a piece of paper. When you are ready to start you set the timer
to 25 minutes and you start working on the first item on the list.

Host: OK … but what happens when the timer goes off?

Peter: When the timer goes off you must take a short break of between 3 to 5 minutes.
One 25-minute session is one ‘pomodoro’ so when you have completed this, you deserve
a short break. You should try to move about a bit during the break.

Then, set the timer for another 25 minutes and keep working. At the end of the next
‘pomodoro’ you have another short break. As you complete the items on the ‘to-do’ list
you should tick them off, to give you a feeling of satisfaction that you’re getting the job

Host: OK … I get it. Can you use any timer? Most people have timers on their phones
these days. Could you use that?

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Peter: You could, but the danger is that then you can check messages on your phone or
you start looking at apps. I use my dad’s kitchen timer and I make sure I switch off my
phone when I’m studying. I get so much more done. In the breaks I sometimes check my
phone but only if I’ve completed some of the items on my to-do list.

Host: Three to five minutes isn’t long for a break. Is that enough time?

Peter: Well, when you’ve had four or five short breaks you can take a longer break, and
then you start again.

Host: And it works?

Peter: Yes, it works for me! It stops me wasting time. My work is much more effective
when I use the timer. It’s like short, intense periods of work. I actually get my homework
done a lot quicker now, which leaves me more free time, so for me it works really well.

Host: Oh, I think I’ll give it a try. Thanks so much for coming in, Peter.

Peter: You’re welcome. Thanks for inviting me.

Exercise 3. Match column A to column B to make full sentences then practice speaking

1. b
2. c
3. a
4. e
5. d

Exercise 4. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 4)

1. schools
2. experience
3. interested
4. work
5. careers

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6. in

Listen again and fill the gaps in the sentences below:

1. minimum
2. leadership
3. draw, profit, family

Write the correct word in the box below the picture.
Intersection pedestrian passport boarding pass
Underground station passenger flight

Draw a line from meanings to their pictures.

A large machine that runs

along a railway line. It can
carry many people
A large, heavy vehicle with
wheels. It is used for moving
A very large boat for moving
people or goods across the sea


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A small mode of transport to

go across water

A car with a driver. You pay
them to take you where you
want to go
A machine that can fly in the
sky. It can carry many people.


Practice exercise
Exercise 2. Match the words with meanings
1-d 5-f
2-g 6-h
3-c 7-a
4-e 8-b

Exercise 3. Fill the gap while you listen to the text below. (Track 1)
1. an accident
2. the traffic
3. traffic jam
4. stay out late
5. new location

Exercise 4. Read the text below and answer the following questions:
1. The major cause of air pollution in India is growing an obsession with vehicles and
failure to develop roads.

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2. The number of vehicles, growing at the rate of over than the carrying capacity of the
3. Pollutants like carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
4. Indians favor small cars and two-wheelers because also because their small engines
use less fuel.

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation and choose True or False (Track 2)

Sentences True False

1. The Bristol train is at 20.12. X
2. First class is at the back of the train. X
3. Passengers for Oxford are delayed by 8 minutes. X
4. The Paris flight is EV318. X
5. People in the front of the train carriage can get out easily at X
Liverpool Street.
6. The back doors won't open. X
7. Liverpool Street has lots of other underground lines. X
8. Redbridge is the last stop. X
The next train to arrive at Platform 2 is the 12.20 to Bristol Temple Meads, calling at
Oxford and Bristol Parkway. Platform 2 for the 12.20 to Bristol. First class is in the rear
This is a platform announcement for passengers for the 12.20 service to Bristol Temple
Meads. This train is delayed by approximately 8 minutes. The train will now depart from
Platform 9. Passengers for the 12.20 train to Bristol, please make your way to Platform 9.
Passengers for Flight EB380 to Paris please make your way to Gate 13 for boarding. Gate

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13 for flight EB380 to Paris. Please have your passports and boarding passes ready. Your
flight is ready to board.
This is a London Underground service to Liverpool Street. The next station is Liverpool
Upon arrival, the first set of doors will not open. Customers in the first carriage, please
towards the rear doors to leave the train. The next station is Liverpool Street. Change
here for Central Line, Circle Line, Hammersmith & City Line and Metropolitan Line and
Main Line Suburban rail services. Please mind the gap between the train and the
platform. This train terminates at Redbridge.

Exercise 2. Listen and fill in the blank (Track 3)

1. worse
2. congestion
3. public transport
4. pollution
5. traffic jams

Exercise 3. Divide the passages below into two groups: ‘good things about cycling’ and
‘bad things about cycling.
good things about cycling bad things about cycling

1 2
4 3
6 5
7 8
10 9

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Listen to the interview and complete the sentences with a suitable word or phrase. (Track
1. 3.5 years 6. investment
2. technological park of the city 7. qualifications
3. cinema 8. slow process
4. metro 9. character
5. polluted 10. wages

Fill the gap by the given word.

a. quality
b. pedestrian
c. technological
d. outskirts
e. center

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Read and select the things Alex writes about.
Where Newquay is located
Places to visit in Newquay
Things to do in Newquay

Exercise 2. Choose and fill the words and phrases in their meaning
1. in
2. have
3. with
4. than

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5. for
6. it

Exercise 3. You will hear an interview with an architect called Scott Tenbury. For each
question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. (Track 3)
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. B

Exercise 4. Read the text and for questions 1-5 choose the correct option a, b or c.
1. b
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. a

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Listen to the following recording and complete the summary below. (Track 2)

1. rural 5. spaces
2. shelter 6. efficient
3. sanitation 7. friendly
4. work 8. attract

Exercise 2. Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. Size, cost, cultural factors

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2. population and economical factors.

3. 3 types of city
4. A city with an international reputation
5. A city with an important national economical role
Exercise 3. Rearrange the words to form complete answers for the questions. IELTS
1. I live in a house with two bedrooms, a bathroom and an open living space.
2. I live in a small flat, it’s not very large but it’s an attractive place.
3. I like houses because they are comfortable to live in.
4. The flower garden is my favorite place.
5. Sometimes our house becomes wet during the summer season.

Exercise 4. Read the passage and answer the comprehension question below.

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C

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Getting started. Match the words to the corresponding image

1. electricity 2. solar panel 3. battery

4. petrol 5. windmill 6. pollution

Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph:

1. pollute
2. land and water
3. reuse or recycle
4. litter or throw
5. wind up
6. tossed

Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Find the 09 hidden words

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Exercise 2. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word/phrase.

1. C. human beings 6. B. surrounded
2. A. enough information 7. A. who
3. B. effects 8. B. quickly
4. B. increased 9. D. to
5. C. most 10. A. melt

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Exercise 3. Write the complete the summary by using the words in boxes

1. fight climate change

2. National authorities
3. natural resources
4. fossil fuels
5. exhaust emissions
6. alternative energy source

Exam focus
Exercise 1. Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading

Sentences YES NO NOT

1. Environmentalists take a negative view of the world for a X
number of reasons.
2. Data on the Earth's natural resources has only been collected
since 1972.
3. The number of starving people in the world has increased in X
recent years.
4. Extinct species are being replaced by new species. X
5. Some pollution problems have been correctly linked to X

Exercise 2. This is an example of IELTS Writing task 2 topic. Make sentences using the
words and phrases in the boxes
1. O
n the one hand
2. n

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3. r
4. p
otential to pollute
5. w
ind farms
6. f
ossil fuels
7. c
limate change
8. a
lternative energy sources
9. I
n conclusion

Exercise 3. This is a topic of IELTS Writing Task 1. Read carefully and fill the corrected
words in the essay
1. illustrates
2. five distinct stages
3. beginning with
4. external power supply
5. solar panels
6. electrical panel

distinct: [adjective] riêng biệt, khác biệt, rõ ràng

generation: [noun] sự sinh ra, sự phát điện
external: [adjective] bên ngoài
current: [noun] luồng, chiều, hướng của dòng điện
regulates: [verb] kiểm soát
the grid: [noun] lưới
flow: [verb] luồng, chảy

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Getting started. Listen and choose words in boxes to fill the passage (Track 01)

1. preparing
2. is celebrated
3. one-hour time
4. traditional customs
5. lucky money
6. the troubles
7. family reunions
8. crafts
9. pork
10. foreign tourists

Vietnamese all over the world are preparing for their most important and popular day
of the year – Tet, or the Lunar New Year. Tet is celebrated on the same day as the Chinese
New Year, but does not start at the same time. There is a one-hour time difference between
Hanoi and Beijing. The holiday celebrates the arrival of spring. There are a lot of traditional
customs that people practice during Tet. These include remembering ancestors, sending
people New Year's greetings, and giving lucky money to children. It is a time to forget the
troubles of the past year and hope for better things in the coming year. It is also a good
excuse for people to have big family reunions.
People in villages across Vietnam are working overtime to prepare food and crafts in
time for the holiday. In Ho Chi Minh City, up to 68 flower markets opened on February 3 to
start selling different kinds of blooms and decorative trees. Thousands of boats bring
flowers from all over the country down the Mekong River to Ho Chi Minh's floating markets.
Food is also big business during Tet. Villagers in Dong Thap province are working day and
night to make sure they have enough pork rolls to sell – these are in big demand during the

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festival. Tourism is also booming because of the holiday. Vietnamese travel agents say
domestic bookings are 15 percent higher than last year, and the number of foreign tourists
will rise by 46 percent.

Base on the Track 01, Write TRUE or FALSE:

Sentences True False

1. The Chinese and Vietnamese new years start at the same time. X
2. Tet celebrates the end of winter and longer and lighter days. X
3. A Tet custom is to remember family members from past X
4. Children have to give money to adults during the New Year. X
5. Over 680 flower markets opened in Ho Chi Minh City. X
6. Flowers are brought to Ho Chi Minh by thousands of boats. X
7. People in one province are making pork rolls 24 hours a day. X
8. There will be over 40% more foreign tourists coming to Vietnam X
this year.

Base on the Vocabulary 1, choose the corrected answers

1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B

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Practice exercises
Exercise 1. Choose the word which best fits each gap
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. A

Exercise 2. Base on words in boxes and pictures, fill the corrected names of the below
dishes into the paragraphs

1. Stuffed sticky rice cake

2. Kebab rice noodles
3. Rice flour rolls and/or pancakes
4. The Crispy Vietnamese Pancake
5. Quang Noodles
6. Pho

Exercise 3. Fill in the blank

1. craft
2. decoration
3. countdown
4. Lunar new year
5. lucky money

Exam focus

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Exercise 1: This an IELTS topic of Writing Task 2. Choose the corrected forms of words in
the summary below

1. Spring Festival
2. Dried bamboo
3. Children/elderly people
4. Peach blossom/kumquat trees
5. Sweeping

Exercise 2: Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box.

1. features 5. herbs
2. rice 6. available
3. appearance 7. familiar
4. ingredient 8. dessert

Exercise 3: Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false

Sentences True False

1. From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been X
planted extensively throughout the South of Vietnam.

2. Vietnam’s climate is favorable for growth of green tea. X

3. Green tea is good for people’s health. X

4. Nowadays, some producers have converted this folk X

beverage into canned drink.

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Getting started. Find and circle the vocabulary words in the grid. Look for them in all
directions including backwards and diagonally.

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A

Choose the correct word A, B or C for each gap to complete the following passage.

1. is held 6. wear
2. were 7. throwing
3. to climb 8. was
4. saw 9. traditional
5. were thrown 10. enjoyed

Practice exercise
Exercise 1. Look at this guide for tourists visiting California, then do Task A and B to
improve your reading skills.
Task A: Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–f next to the
numbers 1–6.

1. a
2. c
3. e
4. f
5. d
6. b

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Task B: Check your understanding

Choose True or False for these sentences.

Sentences True False

9. Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghirardelli Square and Pier 39 are all in San X


10. The Golden Gate Bridge is the shortest suspension bridge in X

the world.

11. Alcatraz is still a prison today. X

12. You can see a surfboard damaged in a shark attack in the X

museum in Santa Cruz.

13. Ice skating is a popular activity on Venice Beach. X

14. You can meet real film stars at Madame Tussauds in X


15. The Grammy Museum in Los Angeles is dedicated to music X

and dance.

16. Space Mountain is the name of one of the hotels in X


Exercise 2: Listen and answer questions (Track 01):

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. C

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Tour guide: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this fantastic tour of
London by bus. My name’s Greg and I’m your guide this afternoon on our tour of London. As
you can see, we’re on an open-top bus, so you can see all the attractions from your seat and
you don’t need to walk anywhere. And please don’t worry about the rain, I’m sure it’ll stop
soon. A-a-and please ask any questions at any time.
Tourist 1: I have a question.
Tour guide: Yes?
Tourist 1: Do you have extra umbrellas? I mean, if it rains a lot.
Tour guide: Err, no, we don’t have any extra umbrellas, but don’t worry, I’m sure the rain
will stop soon. Right, OK, so where are we going on our wonderful tour? Well, the tour takes
two hours and we are going to visit all the famous sites. First we’ll see Madame Tussauds,
the museum with wax models of famous people and celebrities, then we’ll drive along the
most famous shopping street in the world, Oxford Street. After that we’ll see the famous
clock Big Ben and The Houses of Parliament. As we drive along the river you’ll see the
popular attraction, the London Eye, from which you can see the whole city on a sunny day.
Then we’ll see Tower Bridge and the famous Tower of London before arriving at
Buckingham Palace, just in time for a cup of tea with the Queen.
Tourist 2: Is that included in the tour? A cup of tea with the Queen?
Tour guide: Err, well, no, not exactly, but there’s a lovely café near the palace where you
can get a cup of tea. (Sound of a storm right overhead, loud thunder and very heavy
Tourist 1: I have another question.
Tour guide: Yes?
Tourist 1: Can we have our money back? We’re getting off the bus.
Tour guide: Err, well, you see ... Quick! Run! Everyone off the bus! ...

Exercise 3: Read the below paragraph and Answer the questions:

Sentences True False NOT


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1. In 2020, CO2 emissions from transport are predicted X

to reach 739 billion tonnes

2. Cars are prohibitively expensive in some EU X

candidate countries.

3. Using substitute energy sources is an ecological X


1. The effect of energy consumption in the transport sector on the environment is
mentioned. Specifically, CO2 emissions are estimated to increase by 50% by 2020 due to the
traffic growth trend, and road transport is also the main cause of CO2 emissions attributable
to transport.
2. In the paragraph, the author argues that “..., CO2 emissions from transport can be
expected to increase by 50% to 1,113 billion tonnes, compared with the 739 billion tonnes
recorded in 1990.” So, 739 billion tonnes is the figure for CO2 emissions in 1990, not in 2020.
3. The author does not provide any information about the price of these countries’ cars or
indicate whether they are expensive or not. So, the statement is NOT GIVEN.
4. Using alternative fuels and improving energy efficiency is thus both an ecological
necessity and a technological challenge.

Exam focus
Exercise 1: Complete each sentence 1-6 with an appropriate word.

1. compares
2. is clear
3. over the 10-year period
4. increased
5. in Germany
6. the figure for Austria
7. higher than
8. steady increase

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9. rose sharply
10. final figure

Exercise 2. Choose A WORD OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

1. 2008
2. 143
3. Environment
4. Resources
5. Health
6. Citizens

Exercise 3. Complete the IELTS Speaking Part 2 answer below. Fill in the blanks with the
correct word forms

1. have never visited

2. is located
3. have not yet had
4. to go
5. will be
6. looks
7. seems
8. are
9. am
10. has
11. speak
12. is

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