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Addressed means to have dealt with or responded to a particular issue,

concern, or topic. It could involve acknowledging, discussing, or

resolving something.
Aggresor A person, group, or nation that initiates hostilities or engages in
aggressive behavior, often with the intent to attack or harm others.
Alarming the suggests a sense of unease or worry due to the perceived
seriousness or threat of a situation.
Ally A person, group, or nation that associates with and supports
another in a common cause or purpose, typically characterized by
mutual assistance, cooperation, and shared interests.
Amaze a common English word that means to surprise or impress
someone great.
Armada A large fleet of warships, typically organized for a specific
military purpose, such as naval warfare, transportation of troops,
or securing trade routes.
Body refers to the substance or content of a material, document, or work.
Body language that refers to the non-verbal communication expressed through
facial expressions, gestures, posture, and other physical
Celebrate To observe or commemorate a significant event, achievement,
occasion, or person with festivities, joy, and special activities.
Closing to the final part of a piece of writing, document, or presentation
which usually contains a summary.
Content to the substance or content of a material, document, or work.

Conclusion an important part of a work, providing a final impression and

confirming or concluding what has been communicated.
Conveying the act of transmitting or communicating information, thoughts,
feelings, or ideas from one person to another.
Convincing an adjective that describes something or someone capable of
persuading or compelling others to believe or agree with a
particular point of view, argument, or proposition.
Court A place where legal proceedings take place, and justice is
administered; a tribunal or venue where legal cases are heard and
Education The process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes
through various methods such as teaching, training, or research
Development a term with broad applications, and its meaning can vary depending
on the context.
Deliver convey messages wisely

Disease a pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism

resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or
environmental stress.
Define Pertaining to or characteristic of a deity or god; heavenly, sacred, or
god like in nature.
Engage means to actively involve, participate, or interact with someone or
Fame The state of being widely recognized, celebrated, and known,
especially for notable achievements, talent, or actions.
Famous Widely known, recognized, and celebrated, often due to notable
achievements, talent, or widespread public exposure.
Intentional Done with purpose, deliberate, and planned.
Interventation The act or process of interfering, taking action, or becoming
involved in a situation, especially to modify, influence, or prevent
a particular outcome.
Logical Pertaining to or in accordance with the principles of reasoning;
based on valid reasoning, clear thinking, and sound judgment.
Nervousness a state of unease, apprehension, or anxiety often accompanied by
physiological symptoms such as trembling, sweating, increased
heart rate, and restlessness.
Overcome to successfully deal with or surmount difficulties, challenges,
obstacles, or adversities.
Unique describes something that is one of a kind, unparalleled, or distinct
from anything else in its category.
visibility The state of being able to be seen or noticed.

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