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2024/4/14 17:43 Assignment 3: The Business Plan Proposal Presentation - 24W --Bsns & Entrepreneurship - SET (Combined)

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2024/4/14 17:43 Assignment 3: The Business Plan Proposal Presentation - 24W --Bsns & Entrepreneurship - SET (Combined)

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Assignment 3: The Business Plan

Proposal Presentation  Discover & Learn

Evaluation Schedule and Submission Info

Evaluation Details Weight Due Date


Assignment #3:
Business Plan Video
The Business Plan (/d2l/common/dialogs/
5% Week 13 and 14
Proposal Presentation quickLink/quickLink.d2


Each group has completed the write-up of the Business plan and is now required to present
it to their instructor and a team of evaluators comprised of representatives from the
Centennial College Centre of Entrepreneurship and successful Industry entrepreneurs

It is expected that your presentation is guided by a PowerPoint slidedeck. This slidedeck

should be structured in the following manner:

Slide 1: Vision and value proposition: This is a quick one-sentence overview of

your business and the value that you provide to your customers.

Slide 2: The problem: Use this slide to talk about the problem you are solving and
who has the problem.

Slide 3: Target market and opportunity: Use this slide to expand on who your
ideal customer is and how many of them there are.

Slide 4: The solution: Describe how customers use your product and how it
addresses the problems that you outlined on slide two.

Slide 5: Revenue model or business model: Now that you’ve described your
product or service, you need to talk about how it makes money.

Slide 6: Validation: If you already have sales or early adopters using your product,
talk about that here.

Slide 7: Marketing and sales strategy: How are you planning on getting
customers’ attention and what will your sales process look like?

Slide 8: Team: Why are you and your team the right people to build and grow this
company? What experience do you have that others don’t? 2/4
2024/4/14 17:43 Assignment 3: The Business Plan Proposal Presentation - 24W --Bsns & Entrepreneurship - SET (Combined)

Slide 9: Financials: Investors will expect to see your financials: sales forecasts,
profit and loss statement, and cash flow forecast for at least one to three years.

Slide 10: Competition: Every business has competition in one form or another. Who
are they? How are you different?

Slide 11: Code of Ethics: Every Business is expected to conform to the general
ethical principles. In the Context of Ethical Framework, where do you think is the
greatest risk in violating any of the principles of your new venture?

Slide 12: Investment and use of funds: Finally, it’s time to actually ask for the
money. That’s why you’re doing this pitch deck, right?

For a more detailed description of each slide, refer to Parsons, N. (2019). The 11 Slides You
Need to Have in Your Pitch Deck (

The assignment is worth 5% of your final grade.

The presentation will be a maximum of 15 minutes.

The presentation will be done in class in person. Each member of the team must

Each member of the group will receive the same mark, based upon the average
“score” as determined by the evaluation team (mentioned earlier). This grade will
be based on the following criteria:

Scoring Sheet

Pitch Presentation Poor Fair Good Excellent

The company’s purpose/vision is clear,

1 2 3 4 5
understandable, original and compelling.

The problem/opportunity has been

1 2 3 4 5
clearly defined and communicated

The solution (product or service) has

been clearly defined and has 1 2 3 4 5
considerable competitive advantages

The business model is operationally

1 2 3 4 5
feasible and financially attractive

The target customer clearly identified,

carefully chosen and the company has 1 2 3 4 5
the ability to reach and retain them.

Market Size - Demonstrated a solid grasp

1 2 3 4 5
on financials

Market Validation? Is the logic sound as

1 2 3 4 5
to why their market is what they claim

Go To Market strategy is clearly defined 1 2 3 4 5

Competition. Do they address the

1 2 3 4 5
competition and differentiate themselves

d f h ll h h l 3/4
2024/4/14 17:43 Assignment 3: The Business Plan Proposal Presentation - 24W --Bsns & Entrepreneurship - SET (Combined)

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