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Masterminds: Creating Thought Leadership

Ground Rules for Masterminds

● The Mastermind is a Safe Space
● What’s shared in the room doesn’t leave the room without permission
● The intention is to love and support each other on the coaching journey
● Don’t try to fix people’s problems, help them ask better questions

Creating Thought Leadership

Intro & Intention
● 5 mins
○ Chat/socialize/network/let people arrive - at the end do a short centering moment
(e.g. take a deep breath together and set your intention for the call)
● 5 mins
○ Greetings, explain the ground rules and format, assign time keeper
○ The goal of the group is to create value.
○ This creation may be in the form of written content, video content, spaces or
anything else.
○ Everyone decides on what they want to create today. Examples are: Blogposts,
Videos, Tools for your clients, an Article for the community or other

Core Mastermind
● 15 min
○ Create:
■ 1. Writing: Create the piece of writing that you intend to create. Use
either a note taking app, google docs or mindvalley insights to write all
you want to write.
■ 2. Filming: Decide on 1 thing you want to say during your video and a
maximum of 3 subtopics or arguments or strategies for this one item. Use
the camera on your laptop or computer (for OS: Quicktime ; for Windows:
MovieMaker, Camera ; or use your phone).
■ 3. Other: Create spaces for clients on your calendar, a piece of
technology, an event or an opportunity for yourself or others.

○ During the creation process nobody speaks. Everyone must stop after 20
minutes and come back to the group.
○ Sharing:
■ 25 min
■ Everyone shares what they have created one by one. While sharing they
also mention the question they asked when creating their piece.
■ The group shares feedback on a) who may benefit from this creation and
b) what other question came to their mind as a result of it.
■ Once everyone has shared, the host posts an anonymous poll in the
group for everyone to vote on their favorite creation / whose creation they
found most inspiring.

■ 5 min
■ Share in turn your 1-2 insights or wins from this mastermind session
■ Ask everyone to confirm whether they can come next week
■ Event is over, share a moment of gratitude, remind of next week’s
mastermind, moment of silence and dismiss.

- Creator by Steve Chandler
- Creating the Impossible by Michael Neill

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