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1. The Five Sections of the Body 2. The Five Internal Organs 3.

The Five Senses

(1-1) Gho-jang (p7-8) (2-1) Ngang-mo Chu-thung (p14) (3-1) Khyung-chen Shok-deb (p20)
Head Movement Duck Drinking Water Garuda Flaps Its Wings
Benefit: Head Benefit: Heart (Space - White) Benefit: Eyes

(1-2) Kang-jang (p8-9) (2-2) Drung-mo Zur-dung (p14-15) (3-2) Ma-cha Chu-truk (p20-21)
Legs Movement Wild Yak Nudging Peacock Shakes Water
Benefit: Legs Benefit: Spleen (Earth – Yellow) Benefit: Ears

(1-3) Lak-jang (p9-10) (2-3) Jang-mo Nyal-tab (p15-16) (3-3) Zhi-du Tha-sel (p21-22)
Arms Movement Wild Donkey Sleeping Embrace The Four Elements
Benefit: Arms Benefit: Lungs (Wind – Green) Benefit: Whole Body (Pores)

(1-4) Toe-jang (p10-11) (2-4) Khra-yi lung-zin (p16-17) (3-4) E-ne Zur-droe (p22-23)
Upper Body Movement Hawk Holding the Wind Goat Walking
Benefit: Upper Body Benefit: Liver (Fire – Red) Benefit: Nose (Nostrils)

(1-5) Mey-jang (p11-12) (2-5) Ling-zhi Tha-dril (p17-18) (3-5) Sha-re Zur-truk (p23-24)
Lower Body Movement Embrace the Four Continents Deer Shaking
Benefit: Lower Body Benefit: Kidneys (Water – Blue) Benefit: Tongue

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