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Smartan House: Nurturing Future-Ready Skills in the

Age of Technology

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In the age of technology, the future of work and education is changing rapidly. The traditional ways of learning are no
longer sufficient to prepare the next generation for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This is where the
Smartan House comes into play.

Smartan House is a social enterprise that aims to nurture future-ready skills in young people, preparing them for a
world dominated by emerging technologies. Founded by social impact visionary, Johnson Abbaly, the organization offers
an 8-week residential program known as the Smartan Crucible. This program focuses on bridging the gap between
passion and practical experience, fostering a workforce that is adaptive, innovative, and equipped for the demands of
the digital era.

The Smartan House Vision

The vision of Smartan House is to empower and inspire the next generation of changemakers. The organization was
born out of a perceived gap in the market where young people had the passion but lacked the skills and opportunities to
gain real-world experience. Johnson Abbaly believed that by creating a platform where smart teenagers could intern
and solve real problems for corporations, he could bridge this gap and provide a win-win solution for both the young
interns and the companies that support the Smartan House.

The Smartan House Methodology

Smartan House adopts a hands-on approach to learning. Interns are provided with hands-on experience, mentorship,
and training that prepares them for a future in a rapidly changing world. The ultimate goal is to help shape a
generation of innovative and socially responsible leaders who will drive positive change and make a meaningful impact
on the world.

The Impact of Smartan House

Several young people have been positively impacted by the work done at Smartan House. For instance, Fortune Ben, a
teen influencer who leads the Smarteen Community in Ikorodu, has been instrumental in impacting hundreds of youths
and training many teenagers in digital skills.

Gideon Olabanji, another passionate Smartan House member, seeks to join teams at MIT labs to design next-generation
Holographic headsets for medical research and learning. These stories of transformation are not uncommon at Smartan
House, and they represent the power of the organization's work in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Preparing for the Future with Emerging Technologies

Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, mechatronics, and others are redefining the future of work. Solomon,
a young Smartan who moved from Alimosho to Ikorodu to join the Smartan Crucible, is now an AI enthusiast who seeks
to transform lives in the continent.
In conclusion, Smartan House is playing a critical role in shaping the future of education and work in the digital age. By
focusing on future-ready skills and emerging technologies, it is preparing young people for the challenges and
opportunities that lie ahead. The impact of the work being done at Smartan House is already being felt, and it is clear
that the organization has a vital role to play in the future.

Contact Information
For more information about Smartan House, visit their official website or reach out via
Whatsapp on +2347065155580.

#SmartanHouse #FutureReadySkills #EmergingTechnologies #AI #Mechatronics

"The greatest nations on this earth were unleashed by courageous leaders who refused to settle for less than
the true potential of their people." - Smartan House

Smartan House: Nurturing Future-Ready Skills in the Age of Technology

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