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05 Circuit Designs
Name: Gregory Ladd

Table 1: Series
Bulb Resistance (Ω) Current (A) Voltage Voltage Power (W)
Calculated (V) Measured (V)
1 20 Ω 0.20 A 20(0.20)= 4 V 4V 4(0.2) = 0.8 W
2 10 Ω 0.20 A 10(0.20)= 2 V 2V 2(0.2) = 0.4 W
3 15 Ω 0.20 A 15(0.20)= 3 V 3V 3(0.2) = 0.6 W

Table 2: Parallel
Bulb Resistance (Ω) Current (A) Voltage Voltage Power (W)
Calculated (V) Measured (V)
1 20 Ω 0.45 A 20(.45) = 9 V 9V 9(.45) = 4.05 W
2 15 Ω 0.60 A 15(.6) = 9 V 9V 9(.60) = 5.4 W
3 10 Ω 0.90 A 10(.9) = 9 V 9V 9(.90) = 8.1 W


The activity aimed to understand how bulbs behave in series and parallel circuits. By analyzing
the data and calculations, we learned that in series circuits, the voltage across bulbs adds up, while the
current stays the same. However, in parallel circuits, each bulb gets the same voltage, but the total
current is divided among them. This shows that in series circuits, bulbs use the same amount of current,
leading to consistent power use, whereas in parallel circuits, bulbs use different amounts of power
depending on their resistance. So, how you connect bulbs in a circuit really affects how energy flows
through it, and it's important to consider when setting up electrical systems.

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