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Name Shannen Aira A.

Candog Score
Course and Section BSCPE 2-G Date 11/25/23

Freedom beyond Noli Me Tangere

Freedom, a concept often taken for granted, encompasses far more than mere physical
liberty. It is a multifaceted ideal encompassing the ability to think, express oneself, act
independently, and pursue personal aspirations without undue constraint. True freedom thrives in
an environment where individuals possess self-determination and agency over their lives,
unburdened by oppressive societal norms, unjust laws, or the arbitrary whims of authorities. But
what is freedom beyond its definition? Beyond Noli Me Tangere?

Rizal's masterpiece paints a poignant picture of the Philippines under Spanish colonial rule,
where freedom was a cherished yet elusive dream. The novel Noli Me Tangere meticulously
exposes the pervasiveness of oppression through various characters and situations. The rigid social
hierarchy, with Filipinos relegated to the bottom rung, severely restricted their social and economic
mobility. Their voices were silenced, their opinions disregarded, and their lives controlled by the
ruling class. Religious intolerance ran rampant, with the Church wielding immense power and
dictating moral and intellectual boundaries. Filipinos were deprived of the freedom of thought and
expression, forced to conform to dogma and fearing punishment for dissent. Injustice and abuse
were commonplace, with the corrupt legal system favoring the Spaniards and denying Filipinos
basic human rights. Arbitrary arrests, torture, and unfair trials instill ed a climate of fear and
repression, stifling any hope for freedom.

Rizal's characters, particularly Crisostomo Ibarra and Elias, serve as powerful symbols of
the yearning for freedom. Ibarra, despite his noble intentions and education, is constantly thwarted
by the colonial powers, his efforts to improve the lives of Filipinos met with suspicion and hostility.
Elias, the embodiment of rebellion, represents the desperation of the oppressed. However, both
characters ultimately fail to achieve their aspirations, highlighting the daunting power of the
colonial regime and the brutal consequences of defying it.

The socio-political landscape of the Philippines has undergone a dramatic transformation

since the time depicted in Noli Me Tangere. The country's political independence, coupled with
the establishment of a democratic government, has ushered in a new era of freedom and
opportunity. Filipinos now enjoy the right to vote, elect their leaders, and participate in the political
process, fostering a sense of ownership and empowering them to shape their society. The legal
system, once a tool of oppression, has evolved to provide greater equality and protection for all
citizens. Access to quality education has expanded, enabling Filipinos to acquire the knowledge
and skills necessary to pursue their goals and contribute to the nation's development. Perhaps most
notably, the freedom of speech and press allows Filipinos to express their opinions, criticize the
government, and engage in open dialogue, fostering a vibrant and participatory democracy.

Despite the significant strides made, the path towards complete freedom remains riddled
with challenges. The persistence of corruption, poverty, and social inequalities continues to hinder
genuine freedom and progress for many Filipinos. Furthermore, the rise of powerful corporations
and the spread of misinformation pose new threats to individual liberties, requiring constant
vigilance and active participation in safeguarding democratic values.
Noli Me Tangere serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of freedom and the ongoing
struggle to secure it. While the Philippines has witnessed remarkable progress in its journey
towards a more just and free society, the fight for true liberation requires unwavering commitment.
We must learn from the past, actively engage in shaping our democracy, and remain ever vigilant
against any form of oppression that threatens to restrict our individual freedoms. Only through
continuous effort and unwavering dedication can we build a future where freedom is not just a
cherished ideal, but a fundamental right enjoyed by all Filipinos.
Freedom is a multifaceted and ongoing quest that transcends any single literary work or
historical event. Fight for freedom encompasses various dimensions beyond the confines of a
particular storyline or novel. Freedom beyond Noli Me Tangere extends into the complexities of
contemporary society, encompassing social, economic, and political spheres as it signifies the
enduring struggle for justice, equality, and the realization of fundamental rights that persist in the
modern world.

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