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A. Place and Time of the Study

The research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap, which is located
at Jalan MT. Haryono 730 Cilacap. The research was conducted to the second
grade of students of SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap in the academic year 2013/2014 in
November 2013.

B. Method of the Study

Method of the study refers to the way in which one does something,
while methodology is the science or study of method. The method of this study is
quantitative method. One of quantitative method which measure on two or more
variables is correlation method. Allison (1996: 16) defines correlations are
statistical relationships based on quantitative measures on two or more
parameters. In relation to the aim of the study, the writer used correlation method
in which the correlation of each variables. Elliot (2000: 587) states that in a
correlational research, the researcher attempts to determine if a relation exists
between two or more variables. The degree of relation between two or more
variables generally is expressed as a correlation coefficient (labeled r),
represented by a number between .00 (no relation) and 1.00 (perfect relation). The
researcher used this method because she wanted to know the level of correlation.

There are three possibility results of a correlational study: a positive

correlation, a negative correlation, and no correlation. The correlation coefficient
is a measure of correlation strength and can range from -1.00 to +1.00. Perfect
positive correlation would result in a score of +1. Perfect negative correlation
would result in -1 (Nunan, 1992: 39).

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1. Positive Correlations
Both variables improve or decrease at the same time. A correlation coefficient
close to +1.00 indicates a strong positive correlation.
2. Negative Correlations
It indicates that as the amount of one variable improves the other decreases. A
correlation coefficient close to -1.00 indicates a strong negative correlation.
3. No Correlations
It indicates no relationship between the two variables. A correlation coefficient
of 0 (zero) indicates no correlation.

C. Research Variables
This research has two kinds of variables, independent variable and
dependent variable.
1. The independent variables:
a. Reading Interest (X1)
b. Grammatical Competence (X2)
2. The dependent variable:
Reading Comprehension (Y)
To examine the correlation of those variable, the researcher used the
stage as follows: First, the researcher examined the correlation between reading
interest and reading comprehension. Then, she went to examine the correlation
between grammatical competence and reading comprehension. Finally, she
examined the correlation between reading interest and grammatical competence
simultaneously reading comprehension.

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The relationships of those variables are as follows:

Reading Interest
Competence (X2)

Figure 3.1. Diagram of the relationship between Reading Interest (X1),

Grammatical Competence (X2), and Reading
Comprehension (Y).

D. Population, Sample and Sampling

1. Population
Fraenkel and Wallen (2000: 103) argue, “Population is the group to
which the results of the study are intended to apply.” Other expert say that
population is the total elements, subjects or members that possess a specified
set of one or more common chracteristics that define it (Wiersma, 2000: 459).
The population in this research was the second grade students of SMA N 1
Cilacap in the academic year 2013/2014 which consist of 12 classes. There are
XI IPA 1 consisting of 32 students, XI IPA 2 consisting of 32 students, XI IPA
3 consisting of 32 students, XI IPA 4 consisting of 32 students, XI IPA 5
consisting of 32 students, XI IPA 6 consisting of 32 students, XI IPA 7
consisting of 25 students, XI IPS 1 consisting of 22 students, XI IPS 2
consisting of 22 students, XI IPS 3 consisting of 22 students, XI IPS 4
consisting of 22 students and XI Bahasa consisting of 17 students, so the total
number of the students is 322 students.
2. Sample
Fink states “A sample is a portion or subset of a larger group called a
population” (1995: 1). Meanwhile, Allison (1996: 24) says that sample is a
sub-group of a population selected according to particular criteria and taken to
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represent the whole group. Sample is a part of population which is used by

researcher as the subject of the study to represent the overall group. In this
case, the writer took 32 students as a sample from the total number of the
second grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap. The sample was taken by
cluster random sampling. The class chosen was XI IPA 5 as the sample and XI
IPA 4 as the try out participants.
3. Sampling
According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2000: 671), sampling is the
process of selecting a number of individuals (a sample) from a population,
preferably in such a way that individuals are representative of the large group
from which they are selected. In this research, the writer used cluster random
sampling to take the sample. Cluster random sampling is a process in which the
selection of groups, or clusters, of subjects rather than individuals, are selected
for the sample in the same proportion as they exist in the population (Fraenkel
and Wallen, 2000: 109). In this case, the writer took one class among 12
The steps of selecting the classes can be seen in the following lists:
1) Listing the code of the classes
2) Writing down each code of the class on piece of small paper
3) Rolling the paper
4) Putting the rolled paper into the small box
5) Shaking the box
6) Taking one rolled paper that to be used as the sample
After choosing the class used as the sample, the researcher took all the
students of the chosen class as the participants. There were 32 students for the
chosen class. So, the researcher used 32 students as the participants.

E. The Techniques of Collecting Data

The writer collected the data firstly then analysed it to carry out the
research. In this research, the writer used questionnaire to measure students’
reading interest while the writer used test to measure grammatical competence and
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reading comprehension of the students. The main aspects of the technique in

collecting the data are as follows:
1. Instrument of Collecting Data
a. Questionnaire
Questionnaire is an instrument for the collection of data, usually
in written form, consisting of open and/ or closed questions and other
probes requiring a response from subjects (Nunan, 1992: 231). In this
study, the questionnaire was used to collect the data about how far
reading interest of the students. The closed-type questionnaire was used
by the writer to get respondents’ information. The question items in the
questionnaire are followed by the answers, thus the respondents can
answer easily by putting a checkmark in appropriate place.
The scoring of questionnaire in this study is based on the Likert
Scale Type. Likert Scale Type is a scale with a number of points or
spaces, usually at least three but not more than seven (Wiersma, 2000:
305). The points of Likert scale have designations such as “strongly
agree” to “strongly disagree” (Wiersma, 2000: 307). This type is
generally scored by assigning a value from 1 to 4 to the available options.
In determining the students’ score, the writer at first determines the item
to score of each question or statement in the questionnaire. There were 70
items used in reading interest questionnaire with positive and negative
form. The way to score is as follows:
1) For positive items, students who choose:
- Sangat setuju, the score is 4
- Setuju, the score is 3
- Tidak setuju, the score is 2
- Sangat tidak setuju, the score is 1
2) For negative items, students who choose:
- Sangat setuju, the score is 1
- Setuju, the score is 2
- Tidak setuju, the score is 3
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- Sangat tidak setuju, the score is 4

b. Test
Allison (1996: 25) defines a test is an instrument designed to
measure a variable. A test can also be defined a set of procedures used in
measurement of individual rules and scales of achievement (Smith and
Hudgins, 1964: 25). Testing plays a central role in the evaluation of
student learning to provide information about individual differences
among other students. A test is useful to measure the students’
achievement, to know the students’ progress, to monitor learning
progress, to evaluate the teaching process, whether it is good or not and
to provide feedback to students and teacher. Here, the writer used test to
measure the data of the grammatical competence and reading
comprehension. The test was objective test items in the form of multiple-
choice form with five options ( A, B, C, D, E). There were five options
that consist of one correct answer and four distractors. Students were
required to answer the test by choosing the alternatives which have been
The first test was grammatical competence that was used to
collect the data about the students’ grammatical competence. There were
75 items which covers direct and indirect speech, adjective clause,
conditional “If”, causative “have and “get”, and passive voice.
The second test was reading comprehension that was used to
collect the data about the students’ reading comprehension. There were
70 items which covers finding main ideas, finding details information
explicitly, finding details information implicitly, finding the word
meaning of the text (vocabulary), and finding referents of pronouns.
The researcher marks 1 for each item if the students answer
correctly, and the researcher marks 0 if the students answer incorrectly.
This following formula was formulated to score the students’
test of grammatical competence and reading comprehension:

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Student’s score: Student’s correct answer x 100

Total items

2. Instrument of Validity and Reliability

An instrument can be said good, if they are valid and reliable.
Thus, before the instruments are used, they have to be tried out. The aim is
to determine the level of validity and reliability of the intruments. The
instruments of this study: reading interest questionnaire, grammatical
competence test, and reading comprehension test were given to the students
joining the try out.
a. The Validity of Instruments
An instrument is valid if it is able to measure what the
researchers are going to measure (Arikunto, 1998: 160). Validity as
stated by Linn and Gronlund (2000: 73) means an evaluation of the
adequacy and appropriateness of the interpretations and uses of
assessment result. Aiken (2000: 91) says “Validity is defined as the
extent to which a test measures what it was designed to measure.
Meanwhile, Nunan (1992: 232) defines validity is the extent to which
one has really observed and the extent to which one can generalize one’s
findings from the subjects and situations to other subjects and situation.
After conducting the try out, the results are computed to find out
the validity. The writer used continuum scores to measure the validity of
students’ reading interest questionaire. The formula is as follows:

rit =


Xi : the mean of the number of correct answer of all students

for certain item

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Xt : the mean of the correct answer of all students

xt : the average of each student

The result of the computation of validity test is consulted to the

r-table at the level of 5% for N=32; that is 0.349. The item is valid if the
value of the r-instrument is higher than the r-table. There were 70 items
of reading interest questionnaire used for try out and 43 items were valid.
To measure the validity of grammatical competence test and
reading comprehension test, the writer used discrete scores. The formula
is as follows:



r : the correlation coefficient

Xi : the mean of the number of correct answer of all students

for certain item

Xt : the mean of the correct answer of all students

xt : the average of each student

pi : the total number of the correct answer divided by n

qi : the total number of the wrong answer divided by n (1-p)

n : the total number of the subjects

The result of the computation of validity test is consulted to the

r-table at the level of 5% for N=32; that is 0.349. The item is valid if the
value of the r-instrument is higher than the r-table. There were 75 items
of grammatical competence test used for try out and 50 items were valid.

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Meanwhile, out of 70 items of reading comprehension test used for try

out, 40 items were valid.
b. The Reliability of Instruments
Aiken (2000: 446) says “Reliability is the extent to which an
instrument measures anything consistently”. According to Nunan (1992:
14), reliability refers to the consistency of the results obtained from a
piece of research.
The reliability of the questionnaire of student’s reading interest
was measured by the Alpha Cronbach technique. The formula of Alpha
Cronbach is as follows:

 k   si 

rkk    1 ∑ ∑
 k  1  st 2  , ℎ = =

(Arikunto, 1998: 193)


rkk : the coefficient of reliability

k : the number of valid item

si2 : the total variance of each item

st2 : the total variance

n : total number of the respondent

To know the reliability of grammatical competence and reading

comprehension, the writer used Kuder Richardson formula (KR20) as

 k    pq 
rkk    1  2 , ℎ =

 k  1  St 

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rkk : the coefficient of the reliability

k : the number of valid items

p : the proportion of test takers who pass the items

q : the proportion of test takers who fail the items

: the variance of the total test scores

(Arikunto, 1998: 182)

The result of determining the test and the questionnaire which

are reliable was consulted to the r table at the level significance of 5%.
The value of the r questionnaire and the test is higher than r table (ro > r1).
It means that the questionnaire and test are reliable.

F. The Technique of Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. This
research used Normality, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression,
and Correlation to analyze the data. Regression is tendency for groups, especially
those selected on the basis of extreme scores to regress toward a more average
score in subsequent measurements, regardless of the experimental treatment.
Simple Linear Regression is to find whether any relationship exists among several
variables. Multiple Linear Regression is used to describe the strength of
relationship between several independent variables and one dependent variable
stated by Brog and Call (in Arikunto, 1998: 253). Correlation is the degree of
relationship between two variables.

1. Normality
To find out the normality of the sample, the writer uses the formula
as follows:

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= ( )− ( )

Where :

= the higher value of the difference of ( and

) ( )

( )= the opportunity of the data

( )= the proportion of the data

(Sudjana, 1996: 466)


( ) =0,5+ table value

+ (plus) is used when the zi value has + (positive) score, while –

(minus) is used when the zi value has – (negative) score.

– ∑
= ; = ; and ( ) =

The data can be called having normal distribution if the highest

value of Lo is lower than L table, or Lo<Lt.

2. Simple Linear Regression

The equation of single regression is as follows:

Ŷ= + X


Ŷ = calculated value of Y (dependent variable)

, = constant number

X = independent variable
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(∑ ) (∑ ²) − (∑ )(∑ )
∑ − (∑ )²

∑ − (∑ )(∑ )
∑ ² − (∑ )²

n = the number of sample

(Sudjana, 1996: 315)

a. Linearity of Single Regression

To find out the linearity of single regression is as follows:

= ; or =


(∑ )
( ) = −

( ) = ( −
) ( )

Where :
= the linearity of regression
= the variance of regression
= the variance of regression

(Sudjana, 1996: 332)

The regression is linear if the F observation (Fo) is lower than F

table (Ft), or Fo<Ft.

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b. Significance of Single Regression

To find out the significance of single regression is as follows:
= ; =

/ =

df= degree of freedom

(∑ )(∑ ) − (∑ )(∑ )
∑ − (∑ )
∑ −(∑ )(∑ )
∑ − (∑ )

( ) =

(∑ )
( ) =

(∑ )(∑ )
( /) = −

( ) = ( ) − ( ) − ( /)

= the significance of regression
= the variance of regression

= the variance of residual

(Sudjana, 1996: 332)

The regression is significant if F observation (Fo) is higher than F

table (Ft), or Fo>Ft.

3. Multiple Linear Regression

The equation of multiple regression is as follows:
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Ŷ= + +


Ŷ= calculate value of Y (dependent variable)

, , = constant Number

, = Independent variable


= − −

(∑ )(∑ ) − (∑ )(∑ )
(∑ )(∑ ) − (∑ )²

(∑ )(∑ ) − (∑ )(∑ )
(∑ )(∑ ) − (∑ )²

(Sudjana, 1996: 348)

To check the linearity of single regression, the writer uses formula

as follows:

( − − )1

= +

= −

(Sudjana, 1996: 354-55)

Multiple linear regression is significant if the F observation (Fo) is

higher than F table (Ft), or Fo>Ft.

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4. Correlation
a. Simple Correlation
The most commonly used correlation coefficient is the Pearson
Product Moment that measures the both variables on interval scales
(Wiersma, 2000: 334). This formula was used to test the first and the
second hypothesis. The writer computed the correlation between the first
independent variable (reading interest) and the dependent variable
(reading comprehension), and the second independent variable
(grammatical competence) and the dependent variable (reading
competence). The formula as follows:

∑ −(∑ )( )
∑ − (∑ ) { ∑ − (∑ ) }

r = the coefficient of correlation between X and Y
Xi = the independent variable
Y = the dependent variable
n = the number of sample
(Sudjana, 1996: 369)
To find out whether or not the r is significant, T-test formula is
r√n − 2
√1 − r
t = the value of distribution of t
r = the coefficient of correlation between X and Y
n = the number of the sample
If tobtained>ttable (α = 0.05) , the r (coefficient of correlation) is significant.
b. Multiple Correlation
To test the third hypothesis of the study, the writer computed
and analyzed the correlation between three variables, namely reading
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interest, grammatical competence, and reading comprehension. The

writer used Multiple Correlation Technique. The formula was as follows:


Where :
R2 : correlation coefficient between X1, X2, and Y
JKreg : ∑ + ∑
a1 : coefficient of predictor X1
a2 : coefficient of predictor X2
∑X1Y : sum of the product moment between X1 and Y
∑X2Y : sum of the product moment between X2 and Y
(Sudjana, 1996: 383)
To know whether the coeficient of significant or not, the
writer used the formula of regression line as follows:

(1 − )/( − − 1)


=the value regression line

=the coefficient of correlation between , , and

=the number of independent variable

=the number of sample

(Sudjana, 1996: 385)

After measuring multiple correlations, the writer used F test,

then the result was consulted to F-table to know it was significant or not.
If Fo is higher than Ft for α = 0.05, the coefficient of multiple correlation
is significant.

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G. Statistical Hypothesis

The statistical hypotheses are as follows:

1. First Hypothesis
Ho = ρx1y= 0
It means that there is no correlation between reading interest (X1) and
reading comprehension (Y)
Ha = rx1y > 0
It means that there is a positive correlation between reading interest (X1)
and reading comprehension (Y)
2. Second Hypothesis
Ho = ρx2y= 0
It means that there is no correlation between grammatical competence (X1)
and reading comprehension (Y)
Ha = rx2y > 0
It means that there is a positive correlation between grammatical
competence (X1) and reading comprehension (Y)
3. Third Hypothesis
Ho = R o = 0
It means that there is no correlation between reading interest (X1),
grammatical competence (X2) simultaneously and reading comprehension
Ha = R o > 0
It means that there is a positive correlation between reading interest (X1),
grammatical competence (X2) simultaneously and reading comprehension
Ho = Null hypothesis
Ha = Alternative hypothesis
rxy = the value of r test
Ro = the value of R test

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