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Sweet Oddity Art

Baby Occamy Crochet Pattern

Copyright owned by J.K Rowling. All Rights Reserved. You are not allowed to sell this pattern.
You are not allowed to distribute or publish this pattern in any form. You are not allowed to
alter this pattern in any form. Please contact copyright holder and obtain licensing to sell dolls
made from this pattern.

Sweet Oddity Art 1

Pattern Details

10 inches from foot to top of head with weight 4 yarn and a 3.25 mm hook

Skill Level Needed:

ADVANCED level crocheters, requires patience and precisions when assembling the occamy and
basic crochet skills.

Contact Info:
If you have any questions or concerns about this pattern, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Materials Needed:
Yarn: Worsted Weight #4, approximately 100g of main color, 50-75g of accent colors
Color A: Yellow, Color B: Blue, Color C: variegated yarn, Color D: purple
Hook Size: D Hook or 3.25 mm
18 mm dragon safety eyes(can be found at
Scissors, sewing needle, stitch marker, fiberfill stuffing
Craft wire(optional)

mr= magic ring- crochet single crochet stitches in to the
adjustable loop BLO= back loops only
ch= chain stitch F/O= Fasten off
sc= single crochet stitch hdc= half double crochet
sl= slip stitch hdc-dec= half double crochet decrease
dc= double crochet stitch
inc= increase- make two single crochet stitches in the same stitch
dec=decrease- crochet two stitches together using the decrease method
(4 sc, inc) x 6= repeat the pattern between parentheses 6 times

• Do not join rounds unless stated, work in a continuous spiral
• Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of each round
• All stitches are worked in both loops unless stated otherwise in the pattern

Sweet Oddity Art 2

Crocheted from front of nose to back of head
Starting with Color A:
1. Make 4 sc into a magic ring= 4
2. (sc, inc) x 2= 6
3. (sc, inc) x 3= 9
4. (2 sc, inc) x 3= 12
5. 3 sc, 6 hdc, 3 sc= 12
6. (sc, inc) x 6= 18
7. 4 sc, 9 hdc, 5 sc= 18
8. (2 sc, inc) x 6= 24
9. 5 sc, 13 hdc, 6 sc= 24
Change to Color B:
10-11. sc in each st around
12. (3 sc, inc) x 6= 30
13-15. sc in each st around
16. Work only 6 sc in this round, leave the rest of the stitches unworked(you are moving the
stitch marker to make a new starting point)
17. (2 sc, inc) x 6, 12 sc= 36
18. (3 sc, inc) x 6, 12 sc= 42
19. (4 sc, inc) x 6, 12 sc= 48
20-23. sc in each st around
Place eyes between rounds 17 and 18, leaving 16 holes between them. 1st eye is placed before
the 2nd increase. Count 16 holes after the first eye and place the 2nd eye. If you want the
sunken eye look, do not place the backs of the eyes on until row 26.
TIP! You may have to adjust the eye placement depending on yarn and hook size you use.
24. (2 sc, dec) x 2, 24 sc, (2 sc, dec) x 4= 42
25. (sc, dec) x 2, 24 sc, (sc, dec) x 4= 36
26. dec x 2, 24 sc, dec x 4= 30
Change to Color C:
Now for the eyes. Stuff the head well. Cut a long piece of yarn and remove the eyes. Place the
needle in the hole where the first eye was and thread the needle into a hole next to the eye
hole. Go back and forth between each eye hole repeating the process from the first eye. Pull
slightly on the yarn after going through each hole. Do this about 3 times on each side until you
reach the look you want. Follow the pictures for help. There is also a youtube video I have for
extra help on this process.
To place the backs of the eyes you will need to remove most of the stuffing to place the
washers on the eyes then re stuff it.
27. sc in each st around 31. Dec x 6= 6
28. (3 sc, dec) x 6= 24 F/O and sew the hole closed
29. (2 sc, dec) x 6= 18
30. (sc, dec) x 6= 12

Sweet Oddity Art 3

Sweet Oddity Art 4
With Color C:
*TIP! For the slip stitches on rounds 75-77 and 79-81, you will want to make them a bit looser,
it will be very hard to sl st into a sl st that is very tight!
1. Make 4 sc into a magic ring= 4 65. Ch 1, turn, hdc-dec, 8 hdc, hdc-dec= 10
2-4. sc in each st around 66. Ch 1, turn, hdc-dec, 6 hdc, hdc-dec= 8
5. (sc, inc) x 2= 6 67. Ch 1, turn, hdc-dec, 4 hdc, hdc-dec= 6
6-9. sc in each st around 68. Turn, work 6 sc across the top, 3 down the
10. (inc, 2 sc) x 2= 8 side of the rows, 24 across the front, 3 up the
11-15. sc in each st around side to starting point= 36
16. (inc, 3 sc) x 2= 10 69-70. Sc in each st around
17-19. sc in each st around 71. (dec, 16 sc) x 2= 34
20. (inc, 4 sc) x 2= 12 72-73. Sc in each st around
21-23. sc in each st around 74. (dec, 15 sc) x 2= 32
24. (inc, 5 sc) x 2= 14 75-77. 11 hdc, 16 sl, 5 hdc
25-26. sc in each st around 78. (dec, 14 sc) x 2= 30
27. (inc, 6 sc) x 2= 16 79-81. 10 hdc, 15 sl, 5 hdc
Stuff the body as you work 82. (dec, 13 sc) x 2= 28
The tip of the tail will be hard to stuff, 83-84. Sc in each st around
I left that part unstuffed. 85-86. 9 hdc, 14 sc, 5 hdc
28-29. sc in each st around 87-88. Sc in each st around
30. (inc, 7 sc) x 2= 18 89. (dec, 12 sc) x 2= 26
31-32. sc in each st around 90-93. Sc in each st around
33. (inc, 8 sc) x 2= 20 94. (dec, 11 sc) x 2= 24
34-35. sc in each st around Stop working for a minute. If you want the curly
36. (inc, 9 sc) x 2= 22 tail look you will need to add the wire now.
37-38. sc in each st around Follow the pictures and instructions on the next
39. (inc, 10 sc) x 2= 24 page.
40-41. sc in each st around 95-98. Sc in each st around
42. (inc, 11 sc) x 2= 26 99. (dec, 6 sc) x 3= 21
43-44. sc in each st around 100-101. Sc in each st around
45. (inc, 12 sc) x 2= 28 102. (dec, 5 sc) x 3= 18
46-47. sc in each st around F/O and leave a long tail for sewing
48. (inc, 13 sc) x 2= 30
49-51. sc in each st around
52. (inc, 14 sc) x 2= 32
53-55. sc in each st around
56. (inc, 15 sc) x 2= 34
57-59. sc in each st around
60. (inc, 16 sc) x 2= 36
61-63. sc in each st around
64. Work 12 hdc only!

Sweet Oddity Art 5

Look on next page for pictures of the next few rounds
This is what rounds 64-68 will look like.

For the wire. Cut a very, very long strand of wire. Approximately 5 feet of wire. You may need
less or more. I did not have exact estimates. Fold the wire in half and twist the wire. Fold the
wire in half again and twist it. Wrap some tape around the edges of the wire to keep it from
poking out. Insert the wire into the body all the way down to the tip. You will need to navigate
the wire into the body around the stuffing. I have worked with a lot of wire projects so you will
have to really figure out how to get the wire around the stuffing. It took me a couple tries to get
the wire in the body but I also have lots of practice with wire. Continue working the body. Cut
off any excess wire and re tape it if needed. Then curl the tail once you are finished. Shape it
how you want it.

Sweet Oddity Art 6

Horns(Make 2):
With Color A:
1. Make 4 sc into a magic ring= 4
2. Sc in each st around
3. (sc, inc) x 2= 6
4-5. sc in each st around
6. (2 sc, inc) x 2= 8
7-12. sc in each st around
I did not stuff my horns
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing

Wings(Make 2):
With Color D:
Ch 10
1. sc in 2nd ch from hook, 7 sc, sl in last ch= 9
2. turn, ch 1, 8 sc, ch 4
3. turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 2 chains, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, sl= 12
4. turn, ch 1, 4 sc, inc, 7 sc, ch 5
5. turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 3 chains, 6 sc, inc, 5 sc, sl= 18
6. turn, ch 1, 5 sc, inc, 12 sc, ch 6
7. turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 4 chains, 12 sc, inc, 5 sc, sl= 25
8. turn, ch 1, 6 sc, inc, 18 sc, ch 7
9. turn, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 5 chains, 18 sc, inc, 6 sc, sl
10. turn, ch 1, 7 sc, inc
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing

You will be waiting until you sew on the horns to do the hair!
With Color C:
Attach hair to the round in front of the horns with a sl
1. Ch 18, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across= 17
Sl in the next stitch. Do not fasten off! Start another chain!
You are going to be working 5 strands of these across the head in a row.
Follow the pictures below to see how it looks. You will be turning to create a new row behind
the first row. Do this for ever row number
2. Ch 18, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 6 more times
3. Ch 18, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across

Sweet Oddity Art 7

Hair Continued:
Repeat for 6 more times
4. Ch 18, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 4 more times
5. Ch 18, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 4 more times
6. Ch 15, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 4 more times
7. Ch 15, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 3 more times
8. Ch 15, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 3 more times
9. Ch 12, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 2 more times
10. Ch 12, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 2 more times
11. Ch 12, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 1 more time
12. Ch 12, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
Repeat 1 more time
13. Ch 12, sl in 2nd ch from hook and across
F/O and weave in the tail ends.

Sweet Oddity Art 8


Head and Body:

1. Thread your needle with a long strand of blue yarn. Insert the needle into a hole in
between the eyes. Bring the needle to a lower corner of the eye. Bring the needle to an
upper corner of the eye. Repeat this 2 more times. Repeat for the opposite eye.
2. Pin horns between rounds 20- 22. Sew the horns onto the head.
3. Now go back and do the hair or spikes on the head.
4. Thread your needle with a long strand of black yarn. Insert the needle into a hole on
the head. Bring the needle up to round 8 and embroider a little black nostril. Repeat for
the 2nd nostril.
5. Attach the yellow yarn to the side of the black nostril. You are working around the
black part. Sc in the same st, work a hdc in the next, dc in the next, hdc in the next st, sc
in the next st. F/O and weave in the ends.
6. Thread your needle with a long strand of white yarn. Insert the needle into a hole on
the head and bring the needle up to a corner underneath the eyebrow. Bring the needle
around the eye to the top corner. Repeat for the 2nd eye.
7. Pin the body to the head and sew the head onto the body.

Sweet Oddity Art 9

Sweet Oddity Art 10
1. Pin the wings onto the back of the body.
2. Sew the wings onto the body.

You now have your finished Baby Occamy! Thank you for your purchase! If you have any
questions or concerns please email me at or etsy convo me. I will
get back to you asap. Please share your finished occamy with me as often as you want! I love
seeing them!

Sweet Oddity Art 11

Helpful Tips:
Exact Colors and Brand of Yarn Used:
1. Yellow: Red Heart Cornflower
2. Blue: Red Heart Aqua
3. Variegated yarn: Loops and Threads Soft and Shiny Vibrant Sea
4. Purple: I love this yarn Amethyst

You can use different eye and nose sizes. You might have to adjust the placements if you
change the sizes.

You can use different hook sizes and weights of yarn. It will just change the size of your occamy
and you might need to adjust eye and nose placement.

How you stuff matters! The type of stuffing you use, how you stuff, all this matters on how your
occamy turns out. I prefer Polyfil stuffing but you can use other types.

Sweet Oddity Art 12

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