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‫اﻟﺟﻣﻬورﻳﺔ اﻟﺟزاﺋرﻳﺔ اﻟدﻳﻣﻘراطﻳﺔ اﻟﺷﻌﺑﻳﺔ‬

‫اﻟدﻳوان اﻟوطﻧﻲ ﻟﻠﺗﻌﻠﻳم و اﻟﺗﻛوﻳن ﻋن ﺑﻌد‬ ‫وزارة اﻟﺗرﺑﻳﺔ اﻟوطﻧﻳﺔ‬

20 -20 : ‫اﻟﺳﻧﺔ اﻟدراﺳﻳﺔ‬ 02 : ‫ﻓرض اﻟﻣراﻗﺑﺔ اﻟذاﺗﻳﺔ رﻗم‬
02 : ‫ﻋدد اﻟﺻﻔﺣﺎت‬ ‫ إﻧﺟﻠﻳزﻳﺔ‬: ‫اﻟﻣﺎدة‬ ‫ ﻟﻐﺎت أﺟﻧﺑﻳﺔ‬+ ‫ آداب و ﻓﻠﺳﻔﺔ‬: ‫اﻟﺷﻌﺑﺔ‬ ‫ ﺛﺎﻧوي‬3 :‫اﻟﻣﺳﺗوى‬

I - PART ONE: READING. (14 pts)

A/Comprehension. (07pts)
Read the text ,then do the following activities.
I've met and interviewed hundreds of people who have used ancient Greek and Roman philosophies to help them
live their lives better, including soldiers, astronauts, politicians and business leaders. They all used philosophy to
help them achieve " eudaimonia", by which the Greeks meant "flourishing" or "the good life". Here are some
examples. §1
Socrates, one of the first philosophers, insisted on our right to think for ourselves. Too often, he warned, humans
sleepwalk through life, simply going along with the crowd. This is dangerous in questions of morality, and
particularly in corporate governance. When corruption is uncovered, too often people say "everyone else was doing
it". But our characters are our responsibility. Socrates was prepared to die rather than go against his conscience.
Does your organisation encourage independent thinkers, and people who follow their conscience? Does it allow
people to give critical feedback to managers? §2
Aristotle was a great biologist as well as a great philosopher. He based his ethics on a psychological theory of
human nature, insisting that we are naturally virtuous, rational, social and happiness-seeking. Governments and
organisations need to build the best systems to let humans fulfill their natural drives.§3
Plutarch, the ancient Greek historian and educator, understood that humans are incredibly social creatures, who
constantly observe the people around them and imitate them. That's what Plutarch tried to do with his famous work,
Parallel Lives, which offered biographical sketches of some of the great Greek and Roman heroes – Cicero, Caesar,
Alexander the Great, Pericles – to give young people something to emulate.§4
Musonius Rufus was known as the Socrates of Rome. He was another Stoic, who taught that philosophy cannot just
be theoretical. If you want to be an ethical individual or an ethical company, you can't just study ethics, you have to
practiceit, every day, to get into good habits. The ancient Greek word for ethics is actually the same word for habit. §5
Adapted from the article written by Jules Van

1.Say whether the following statements are True or False. Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to
the statement.(2pts)
a-The author wanted to understand how people lived in ancient times .
b-He mentioned six philosophers.
c-Today, many people turn to philosophers from Ancient Greece and Rome to get the secret of a happier life.
d-All these philosophies are outdated.
2.Identify the paragraphs in which the following ideas are mentioned: 00.75pt)
a-To adopt positive attitudes ,we must behave ethically every day .
b-Critical thinking protects organisations from unethical behaviour.
c-People are impacted by social models and always try to look like them.
3.Answer the following questions according to the text.(3pts)
a- What does the word “eudaimonia “mean?
b- What was the purpose of the “Guardian” journalist ?
c- What qualities are typical of man according to Aristotle ‘s philosophy?
4.Who or what do the underlined words in the text refer to? (00.75pts)
§1: them§2:his§5:it

5.Choose the title that best sums up the text:
a) Philosophy in Ancient Civilizations.
b) Ancient Philosophies Adopted for a Better Life in Modern Times.
c) Modern People who Believe in Greek Mythology.

B/Text Exploration (07pts)

1.Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following : (1pt)
a) §1:worse#.... b)§2: safe #.....c)§3:sadness #.... d)§3:artificially#......
2.Find in the text words or phrases whose definitions follow: (1pt)
a-§2:to get into a bad situation because you are not paying attention to what is happening:…….
b-§3: people ‘s strong needs:…………………………..
2.Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as sentence “b” . (3pts)
1.a-Before writing the Guardian article, the journalist had interviewed hundreds of people.
b- After the journalist …………………………….
2.a Aristotle was a great biologist as well as a great philosopher.
b-Aristotle was not only……………………………………..
3.a-People should practice ethics every day.
b-It ‘s about time…………………………………………………………………..
3.Classify the words according to their stressed syllable (1pt)
First syllable Second syllables Third syllable Fourth syllable

4.Fill in each gap with a word from the list(1pt)

end up-killed-chaotic-could
Epictetus grew up a slave in Rome, and then became a Stoic philosopher. Both of these positions were
incredibly precarious – slaves could be abused or ……(1) by their owners. Epictetus coped with this
insecurity by constantly reminding himself what he ……..(2) control and what he couldn't. We can
control our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, but everything else is to some extent out of our control. If
you focus on what is beyond your control, and obsess over it, you will …..(3)feeling helpless. Focus
on what you can control, and you will feel a measure of autonomy even in ……..(4)situations.
Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics
Either topic one:“The evolution of civilizations is linked with their social ethics .They may survive or
disappear .All in all their survival depends on their moral and ethical principles
Use the following notes about how ethics can contribute to the rise and fall of a civilization:
- Ethical systems vary from one society to another.
- honesty and the value of work are common values to all societies.
-creating bonds between people for better living conditions, sharing things, helping the poor ,a common use in
Eastern societies.
- individualism in a society such as the Western one, leading an isolated life, the disintegration of the family unit
- Corrupt governments contaminate societies , lead to social and economic conflicts
Or Topic two: Many people believe that ethics have always been the solid foundation of a successful civilization .
Do you agree with them? Write an argumentative article either to support this opinion or refute it.


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