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April 15, 2024

Nova Academy ECHS

Brian Goodheart
English Teacher
(714) 569-0948

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for Gregoria Charar. Gregoria is an

intelligent, introspective young woman. I very much enjoyed having her in my English and
history class last year. She provided a great perspective into different aspects of the lessons and
was an active participant in class all year long. Gregoria is also very helpful to the students
around the class even though English is her second language and she was already doing 11th
grade work despite being in the US a short amount of time.

Gregoria really impressed me with a few of her assignments this year. She did a wonderful essay
that required a deep understanding of the Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men. She was able to
identify the more complex themes present in both books related to the fragility and personal
nature of the American Dream, and then present these ideas in a very well organized and
inciteful essay. The essay demonstrated a clear understanding of the concepts and a confidence
in using complex sentences, identifying symbolism, and understanding character motivations. I
saw Gregoria’s ability to make these connections in history as well, and she did well to connect
these to English assignments as well.

The prospects for Gregoria’s future are very bright. Her attitude, intelligence, and the way she
interacts with others will be great assets as she continues on to college. She has already
overcome so many challenges that future obstacles will be mere inconveniences on her way to
success. I am very excited to see what the future has in store for Gregoria.

If there is any additional information I can provide about Gregoria, please let me know.


Brian Goodheart

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