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Kathrina ‘Kat’ Narvaez

April 8th, 2024
OGL 482
Instructor: Trista Guzman Glover
After an in-depth thematic analysis, I have identified ten key life themes that
significantly influence my career choices and my ability to maintain a healthy work-life
balance. To conduct this analysis, I collected data from a wide range of sources,
including personality assessments, learning style evaluations, and cultural awareness
programs. My aim was to meticulously examine recurring patterns and themes within
this diverse dataset to gain a deeper understanding of how my values impact my
decision-making process and how I can foster personal growth through this insight.
Research Process and Methods
Through a thorough examination of various assessments and course completions, such as the Book Project:
Atomic Habits, Kuder Career Interests (KCI) Assessment®, Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised, Career
Anchors Assessment (CAA), and others, I have identified recurring themes, values, and preferences. These
consistent patterns across different sources indicate common aspirations and inclinations.

I have then grouped these ideas into main life themes that are associated with leadership, career, personal
development, and work/life balance. I used qualitative coding techniques to methodically organize the
data, and then I repeatedly examined and fine-tuned the themes to make sure they appropriately reflected
my goals and values. I strengthened and validated the selected themes' credibility by cross-referencing
data from several sources.
Data Sources
Book Project: Atomic Habits by James Clear - this book serves as a valuable resource providing insights into the
habits, behaviors, and potential areas for personal growth and development, aligning with the overarching themes
identified in this research.
Kuder Career Interests (KCI) Assessment®: This suggests a Holland Code I/A/S, indicating a preference for
Investigative, Artistic, and Social career domains.
Kuder Skills Confidence (KSC) Assessment®: This indicates a Holland Code ACS, suggesting a high confidence in
your abilities related to Artistic, Conventional, and Social career domains.
Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (SWV): Results show prioritized Supervision as the highest value, followed
by Income, Lifestyle, Creativity, and Workplace.
Career Anchors Assessment (CAA): This reveals a primary career anchor of Life-Style Integration, prioritizing work-
life balance, with a secondary anchor in Security, Stability, and Organizational Identity, emphasizing stability and
belonging in the workplace.
Jung Typology Test (JUNG): My score indicates an ISFJ personality type characterized by a preference for
introversion, sensing, feeling, and judging functions, with a moderate preference for introversion and minor
preferences for sensing, feeling, and judging (Introvert(47%), Sensing(6%), Feeling(16%), Judging(16%)).
DISC Personality Test (DISC): My results suggest a dominant tendency towards conscientiousness and steadiness,
with a moderate influence from influence-oriented traits and a lesser emphasis on dominance (D = 26, I = 38, S =
70, C = 81).
INDIGO Assessment (INDIGO): My INDIGO Assessment results highlight strengths in diplomacy/tact,
mentoring/coaching, planning/organizing, teamwork, and time/priority management skills.
LMX Relationship Assessment (LMX): My results indicate average scores for linking and loyalty, with high scores for
contribution and professional respect. (Scores: linking 6, loyalty 6, contribution 9, and professional respect 9).
Data Sources cont’d
Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Style Self-Assessment (HBSLS): My assessment indicates a preference for a
collaborative approach, with a strong focus on relationship-building and a lesser emphasis on task orientation.
Conflict Styles Inventory (CSI): My values assessment results indicate a slightly higher inclination towards integrating
and accommodating conflict resolution styles, Accommodating 5.3, Compromising 5.2, Integrating 5.6, Avoiding 4.3,
and Dominating 3.6.
Kolb Learning Styles Assessment (KLS): My type is evenly split between accommodative and divergent. This suggests
that I have a balance between actively engaging with new experiences and ideas (accommodative) and exploring
diverse perspectives and creative possibilities (divergent) when it comes to learning.
Big 5 Personality Test (BF): The results from the Big Five personality traits model show moderate extroversion, high
emotional stability, high agreeableness, very high conscientiousness, and moderate intellect/imagination. These
insights into my social orientation, emotional resilience, interpersonal tendencies, work ethic, and creativity are valuable
Keirsey Personality Test (KPT): According to my results, I'm an ISFJ, known for dedication, self-sacrifice, thoroughness,
respectfulness, and diligence.
OGL 350
To Be Welcoming Courses (TBW): The ASU-Starbucks Global Academy offers mini-courses to promote cultural
awareness and understanding. The courses cover cultural diversity, models, prejudice, discrimination, organizational
conflict, and management styles influenced by culture.
To Be Welcoming course 100 To be Welcoming - Foundational Course
To Be Welcoming course 200 Welcoming Dialogue on Racial Bias
To Be Welcoming course 500 Welcoming Dialogue on Class Bias
To Be Welcoming course 600 Welcoming Dialogue on Gender Bias
Personal Growth and Development
Statement: A journey of ongoing learning, self-improvement, self-discovery, personal growth, and development enables me to
reach my full abilities and lead life to its fullest potential.
Data Sources:
A strong sense of self-assurance to excel in the Artistic, Conventional, and Social professional domains suggests a willingness to
learn and grow in various fields (KSC).
Preference for a cooperative strategy that emphasizes fostering relationships shows a willingness to participate in group
projects and absorb knowledge from others (HBSLS).
Atomic Habits- Book Project: Participating in a project centered around habits and personal development indicates that I am
interested in developing and improving myself.
Scoring a high conscientiousness and moderate intellect/imagination indicate interest in setting targets, seeking knowledge,
and engaging in creative pursuits to encourage personal growth (BF).
The primary career anchor of Life-Style Integration highlights a commitment to comprehensive growth and emphasizes a desire
for personal fulfillment and harmony (CAA).
Reflection: As someone who constantly aspires to grow and be better in my personal and professional life, I find great resonance
with personal growth and development. Setting a high priority on work-life balance also enables me to take care of every part of
my well-being, promoting sustainability and resilience in all I do. I believe in the power of teamwork and collective growth, where
varied perspectives and contributions lead to creative solutions and personal enrichment. This is why I embrace collaborative
leadership techniques. This subject highlights my dedication to lifelong growth and self-awareness, encouraging me to take on new
challenges and growth opportunities.
Work/Life Balance
Statement: Adopting work-life balance as a guiding concept improves professional fulfillment, builds
relationships, and promotes personal well-being, enabling me to lead a balanced, purposeful life.
Data Sources:
Setting lifestyle as a top priority at work indicates my understanding of how crucial it is to preserve a
harmonious balance between one's personal and professional lives (SWV).
The ISFJ personality type favors family life over traditional conduct, showing a desire for a balance
between personal and professional responsibilities (JUNG).
Results show that dominant tendencies towards stability and commitment suggest a mindful mindset
to managing job commitments while retaining stability in personal life (DISC).
Strong scores on emotional stability and agreeableness indicate a person who can effectively
manage stress and sustain healthy relationships, which supports a balanced approach to work and
personal life (BF).
Strong time- and priority-management and planning/organizing abilities help me handle the
workload effectively and free up more time for my personal life (INDIGO).
Reflection: The idea of striking a healthy work-life balance speaks to me firmly because it underscores
how important it is to give equal attention to one's personal and professional areas of life. I acknowledge
the importance of taking care of my personal health, preserving deep connections with family and
friends, and finding fulfillment in my work, and I strive toward achieving this balance. By incorporating this
topic into my everyday life, I am able to confront obstacles with a stronger sense of resilience and
perspective, which in turn leads to a more sustainable and fulfilling way of living. Having a healthy work-
life balance improves my general well-being and makes it possible for me to succeed in both my
personal and professional goals.
Statement: Fostering creativity and innovation enables me to pursue new ideas, lead positive change, and excel in various
personal and professional settings.

Data Sources:
A preference for creative and artistic career fields suggests originality and inventiveness in problem-solving and expression
A strong sense of self-assurance in my artistic and social career abilities suggests a willingness to experiment with novel
solutions and engage in creative teamwork (KSC).
Choosing creativity as a top priority at work demonstrates a dedication to supporting creative problem-solving and innovative
work practices (SWV).
Despite focusing strongly on stability and convention, ISFJ personality types can yet foster creativity and innovation through a
systematic approach to problem-solving and unexpected analytical skills (JUNG).
Possessing a strong work ethic for generating ideas coincides with high meticulousness and average intellect/imagination,
which indicate the possibility of creative thinking and invention (BF).
Reflection: In both my personal and professional life, encouraging creativity and innovation
has had a significant impact. Embracing my creativity gives me the freedom to try new things,
think creatively, and approach problems from an original angle. This, in turn, allows me to
promote positive change, provide creative solutions, and adapt to changing conditions in my
various activities. Additionally, nurturing my creativity has enriched my life experiences by
enabling me to view the world with a sense of possibility, wonder, and openness. Overall,
placing an emphasis on creativity has shaped my path to success, fulfillment, and personal
Statement: Encouraging teamwork and collaboration fosters a culture of shared goals, mutual
support, and group achievement, which propels creativity and success in both personal and
professional pursuits.
Data Sources:
The results show a preference for a collaborative approach, suggesting a tendency to
function well in a team, emphasizing rapport-building and encouraging teamwork among
members (HBSLS).
High scores for professionalism and participation promote a cooperative and team-oriented
atmosphere (LMX).

Collaboration &
Results from the secondary anchor in Security, Stability, and Organizational Identity
emphasize the significance of stability and belonging in the workplace, which promotes

cooperation and teamwork within the organizational framework (CAA).
My preferred style of incorporating and accommodating conflict resolution techniques
suggests a desire to work together to find win-win solutions when disputes emerge in a group
environment (CSI).
An equal score of accommodating and divergent learning styles indicates flexibility in
learning and working with different viewpoints, which promotes efficient teamwork (KLS).
Reflection: Collaboration and teamwork have altered every aspect of my life. I've seen firsthand how teamwork can boost
creativity and spur innovation by establishing a culture of common goals and support for one another. I have been able to use
a variety of viewpoints and abilities in my work, which has helped me solve problems more successfully and achieve higher
success rates when collaborating with colleagues. Additionally, working with others on personal projects has broadened my
perspectives and enhanced my experiences, leading to significant relationships and group accomplishments. In general,
putting an emphasis on cooperation and teamwork has greatly influenced my path to personal development and
Statement: Developing my resilience and adaptability enhances my ability to overcome obstacles, accept change, and flourish
in the face of hardship, which promotes my career and personal development.
Data Sources:
Atomic Habits (Book Project): This book delves into the idea of constant adaptation and improvement, stressing the
significance of little adjustments for long-term success and progress.
A strong inclination toward stability and conscientiousness suggests a capability for adaptation since people who exhibit
these traits are frequently well-organized, dependable, and capable of making appropriate adjustments to changing
situations (DISC).
My preference for a cooperative approach with an emphasis on relationship-building demonstrates flexibility in my
leadership style. I am capable of modifying my techniques based on the needs of the circumstance and the people involved
Having an equal number of accommodating and divergent learning styles indicates a balanced approach to learning and
the capacity to adjust to various learning settings and techniques as appropriate (KLS).
The ranking of Supervision as the top value, ahead of Income, Lifestyle, Creativity, and Workplace, indicates that adaptability
is valued highly in striking a balance between work and personal obligations (SWV).
Reflection: In my personal and professional journeys, embracing resilience and adaptability has been truly
transformative. Through the process of developing these traits, I've discovered that I am fully capable of handling
difficulties, accepting change, and thriving in the face of hardship. This mentality shift has not only helped me
overcome hurdles in my profession by being adaptable and creative but has also significantly improved my personal
development by giving me a stronger sense of inner strength and resilience. All things considered, making investments
in adaptability has definitively shaped a more resilient and contented life.
Statement: Building empathy and understanding improves relationships with
others, creating inclusive environments, stronger bonds, and efficient

Data Sources:
An ISFJ's thorough and correct work style, which values empathy and understanding

Empathy &
in interpersonal interactions, is combined with a patient and truly compassionate
approach to interacting with others (JUNG).
Scoring a high degree of agreeableness indicates an inclination to be cooperative,

kind, and sympathetic toward others, which promotes understanding and healthy
relationships (BF).
Maintaining an even balance between accommodating and divergent learning
styles indicates that I am receptive and responsive to other points of view and have
a balanced approach to comprehending new ideas and knowledge (KLS).
Enrolling in a course that tackles racial bias demonstrates my desire to comprehend
systemic problems and viewpoints that differ from one's own, which promotes
compassion and a dedication to social justice (TBW Course 200).
Highlighting the results on strengths in diplomacy/tact and mentoring/coaching
implies understanding other people's perspectives and communicating effectively
and empathetically (INDIGO) .

Reflection: By embracing empathy and understanding, I have significantly changed the way I
engage with others, both personally and professionally. Setting these attributes as a top priority has
improved the quality of my interactions significantly, resulting in stronger bonds and trust with other
people. In addition to making workplaces more welcoming, this change has improved teamwork and
communication, which has eventually increased success on both a personal and professional level.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Statement: Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion fosters an environment where I value and respect others' experiences,
viewpoints, and contributions. This cultivates collaborative work, innovative thinking, and understanding.
Data Sources:
Cooperation and diplomacy show that I have the ability to negotiate different points of view and collaborate with others, which is
crucial for creating an inclusive workplace (INDIGO).
Results show that a preference for the social, artistic, and investigative professional fields may reflect an inclusive attitude by
demonstrating an openness to different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences (KCI).
High scores for contribution and professional respect show an inclusive attitude to interactions that values the viewpoints and
contributions of others (LMX).
This course focuses on racial bias and expresses a proactive pursuit of comprehending and resolving systematic disparities and
advancing diversity and equity (TBW Course 200).
Results show a tendency toward steadiness and conscientiousness, which implies an inclusive and encouraging approach to
relationships characterized by respect and empathy (DISC).
Reflection: Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion has significantly impacted my personal and professional life. By respecting and
valuing others' experiences, viewpoints, and contributions, I have developed a deeper understanding of various perspectives, which
has led to more collaborative work environments. This inclusive method promotes innovative thinking and boosts creativity, ultimately
enriching my personal growth and development.
Statement: Integrity is a fundamental principle of character; it produces trust, respect,
and accountability in all ventures by directing morally righteous actions and ethical
decision-making in every aspect of life.

Data Sources:
Book Project: Atomic Habits -Demonstrates a dedication to one's own personal development and integrity by
pursuing self-improvement.
The DISC Personality Test (DISC) primarily indicates conscientiousness and steadiness, which are qualities
linked to honesty and dependability in both personal and professional interactions.
Displays an ability for ethical and cooperative interpersonal interaction by highlighting abilities in teamwork,
mentoring/coaching, and diplomacy/tact (INDIGO).
High ratings for contribution and professional respect suggest a track record of dependability and
trustworthiness, essential elements of integrity in interpersonal relationships (LMX).
As it highlights the value of trust and respect for one another in leadership, a preference for a cooperative
strategy and a relationship-building approach corresponds with integrity (HBSLS).

Reflection: I have always placed a high value on maintaining integrity, as it has played a significant
role in shaping my personal and professional development. Upholding principles of honesty and
ethical conduct in my personal and business dealings has not only fostered a strong sense of
responsibility and reliability within me, but has also been instrumental in establishing deep,
meaningful connections built on mutual respect and trust. Integrity has served as a moral compass,
guiding my actions to consistently align with my core values and ensuring that my contributions

positively impact the society in which I am a part of.
Statement: Developing effective conflict resolution techniques improves personal and professional relationships, promotes
cooperation, and enables successful solutions in various situations.
Data Sources:
Highlighted abilities in teamwork, planning, organization, mentoring and coaching, diplomacy, tact, and time and priority
management suggest resolving problems through effective communication and collaboration (INDIGO).
High scores for contribution and professional respect (LMX) demonstrate a willingness to manage problems amicably while
preserving good working relationships.
The values assessment results indicate a preference for collaborative methods in conflict resolution, with a slightly higher
inclination towards integrating and accommodating conflict resolution techniques (CSI).
Effective conflict resolution techniques that value collaboration and understanding align with the preference for a collaborative
approach, including a strong relationship-building aspect (HBSLS).
Shows a commitment to learning how to resolve disputes in a variety of situations when management techniques impacted by
culture and organizational conflict have been completed (TBW).
Reflection: Both my personal and professional life have greatly benefited from adopting effective conflict resolution techniques.
By discovering how to resolve problems in a positive way, I have strengthened my bonds with peers and coworkers, fostered trust,
and promoted cooperation. Furthermore, I've been able to find win-win solutions in challenging circumstances, which has
improved outcomes and eventually aided in my personal development.
Statement: A life that is rich in learning and exploration enhances one's own personal and professional life
by promoting flexibility, creativity, and endless growth opportunities.
Data Sources:
Book Project: Atomic Habits strongly emphasizes the value of ongoing education and simple changes as success and
personal development catalysts.
According to the KCI Assessment, there appears to be a preference for the career domains of study, art, and social work.
This shows a natural interest and love of learning new things (KCI).
Data suggests a balanced approach to actively engaging with new experiences and investigating varied views. It shows
an even split between accommodating and divergent learning styles(KLS).
Completing the To Be Welcoming courses demonstrates a dedication to cultural awareness and understanding. These
courses encourage learning and investigating many cultural perspectives and experiences (TBW).
Contradictory Data: According to the CAA, lifestyle integration is the main professional foundation that prioritizes stability
and work-life balance over learning and exploration (CAA).
Reflection: Embracing a lifestyle focused on learning and exploration has profoundly impacted my personal and professional
endeavors. It has cultivated a mindset of continuous growth and adaptation, empowering me to approach challenges with
creativity and resilience. Furthermore, it has opened doors to new possibilities, expanded my horizons, and deepened my
understanding of the world. Overall, prioritizing learning and exploration has been essential in shaping me into a more adaptable,
innovative, and fulfilled individual.

Learning & Exploration

Vision Statement
Statement: I am driven by a vision of constant personal and professional growth,
nurturing meaningful relationships, and building a thriving organizational culture. By
prioritizing my well-being and fulfillment, I strike a harmonious balance between my
personal and professional life. I value collaboration, innovation, and empathy in every
aspect of my work, and I believe that diversity and inclusion are the cornerstones of
success. Upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, I am
committed to making a positive impact on both my organization and the broader

Reflection: This journey has allowed me to gain a profound understanding of my core

values and aspirations, helping me to distill my overarching goals into a clear and
focused statement. Reflecting on specific tools such as assessments and personality
tests has provided valuable insights into my strengths and areas for growth. Overall, this
process has empowered me to create a personal and professional development
roadmap aligned with my values and aspirations.
Mission Statement
Statement: My mission is to pursue continuous growth while maintaining a harmonious balance between my professional
endeavors and personal fulfillment. I strive to foster a culture of collaboration and innovation, where diverse perspectives
are valued and inclusion is paramount. By prioritizing both my individual and collective growth, I aim to cultivate an
environment that embraces creativity, empowers every team member, and contributes positively to our community and
beyond. Through my dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion, I aspire to create lasting impact and drive meaningful
change in our organization and society.

Reflection: Inspired by empathy, I work to build a thriving company culture, foster healthy
connections, and overcome obstacles with resilience through constant learning and skillful
dispute resolution. I gained valuable insights into the significance of clarity, brevity, and
staying true to my personal values. Utilizing thematic analysis, I was able to pinpoint recurring
themes and values across different assessments and data sources. This enabled me to distill
my mission into a clear and focused statement that truly embodies my priorities and
aspirations. Moreover, reflecting on my personal experiences and goals ensured that the
statement authentically reflects my values and intentions.
By deeply immersing myself in self-
thematic analysis, I delve into my values,
beliefs, and objectives. This enables me to
grasp the underlying factors that shape
my decisions and behaviors, leading to a
deeper understanding of my core
priorities. Aligning my goals with my
authentic self empowers me to make
sound choices, confront challenges with
resilience, and forge genuine connections.
Ultimately, this process of self-
examination fosters heightened self-
awareness, personal development, and a
more enriching life path.
Arizona State University. Module 5: Conflict Styles and Leadership Styles Self-Assessments - Conflict Style Inventory, LMX
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Career Assessment, Pathways Planning System Login: Kuder journey. Kuder Journey®. (n.d.).
Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones: Tiny Changes, remarkable results.
Cornerstone Press.
Discover your personality type. Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology. (n.d.).
Enge, J. (n.d.). Free open-source bigfive personality traits test. bigfive.
Keirsey temperament assessment. Keirsey Temperament Assessment. (n.d.).
Kolb Learning Style Inventory 4.0. (n.d.).
team, 123test. (n.d.-b). Disc personality test. fast and free disc assessment for businesses and individuals. Fast and Free DISC
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